I was sent 100 RANDOM Art Supplies - I have regrets...

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oh my god oh my god i am so excited in this video i'm going to be collaborating with acdc it's not not ac dc it's uh adc really i thought i was doing a club with ac dc adc yeah did they drop this the first well you're telling me that instead of collaborating with ac dc the epic and classic australian rock band this is a collaboration with youtube artist adc art attack youtube channel a dc that's way better guys i am collaborating with adc art attack i am so sorry anthony i have so often kept just reading your channel name as ac dc art attack maybe it's the old-fashioned australian in me for those of you watching this who don't know adc art attack you're missing out and he makes really cool videos on drawing and markers and challenges if you love my content he's right up your alley really really friendly and entertaining guys so go check him out and the idea we settled on for our collaboration is that we send each other a box of 100 things to make art with oh my god 100 things wow what is this toothbrush i have a feeling this will be more useful and practical than you might think i've got a letter we'll say that to last so these are these are ten pens stay below oh they're like ballpoint marker pens i need something to draw did you send me something to draw on anthony that's pretty good faber-castell metallics cool oh that's there that's really good look how quick that goes down 50 felt tip okay all right i'm just gonna have to stop here for a sec what you're getting from me is not disappointment it's guilt i am feeling very guilty about what i sent anthony let's just say he sent me a lot of art supplies that seem well thought out and very useful let's say i didn't oh my god it's a flashback and today i'm filling a box for anthony with 100 things some airpods get a galaxy tab uh nintendo switch gopro isn't it meant to be art related related all right sorry silly me sorry anthony my mistake all right ah where do we go okay uh pencil that's just as good some poo color paint a glue stick tape click some white out click i'm gonna have no art supplies after this ultra black paper oh oh oh here's some blocks of wood wait fit a hundred things and we're up to eight we're never gonna fit a hundred things in that box do we count these as individual things nope why not it's cheating fine gloves could be useful they don't have to be part of the artwork but that's technically two things i've got some doubles in here if i put this in that's one item but if i do this up to 25. i'm a ingenious here's a charcoal eraser and some charcoal pencils you're not having my wide oil paint but you can have my white champagne i'll give you one of these funny bendy brushes i never use those just like an air compressor hose can you just blow in that you can one of my favorite materials this lure i'm up to 39. 100 is a lot of things this is 80 things i can give them a selection 60. have some silver and gold my friend six bottles of glitter oh i just grabbed random off my art shelves then when i got to 90 i ran out of the randomest stuff so i started thinking outside the box or the art supplies velcro two kinds of the catchy bit and the sticky bit one two three four i don't know if we'll use this in the artwork i'm sure appreciate it scissors so you can cut stuff up last but not least yesterday's coffee that brings it to 100. if i got this box i'd be pretty pissed off so i guess that summarizes how we've both approached this collab he's done it in a collaborative spirit no i've been a dick i'm sorry anthony these are amazing look at this i don't know what i'm going to do with this but a lot of it what is this there's multiples what are these this is makeup this is i think it's makeup i know it's rembrandt soft pastels no he's he's far too kind to send me something as impractical as makeup he's actually setting me up oh no what have i done if i got this box i'd be pretty pissed off well i am genuinely interested to see what anthony makes in the meantime let's see what he wrote before he knew he hated me this is my art prompt this is this is what i'm going to create the air was still the water calm our hero sits in the middle of the lake thinking waiting knowing the warmth of the sun became cold the day became night could this be the end quack his time had come that's a cool prompt i am going to hybridize anthony's wonderful prompt and glorious art supplies with an artwork that comes from the heart and says i am so sorry just so sorry for what i've done to you and let's see if i can earn his forgiveness through creativity now that's the real art challenge so first things first with all these weird and random art supplies i better get swatching now obviously there are a lot of different things here and they they all feel so incredibly different to you starting off with the oil sticks which i guess are like an alternative or complementary material to oil paint some of those glow pens and then these random colored chinese looking stick things and i had no idea what these were it seems that their color was missing and i tried to see if they drew or if with water added there was some sort of watercolor but i had no idea it was a mystery and with a bit of research later we discovered that they're actually chinese ink sticks but to use them you actually need a an ink stick grinding base which i wasn't sent however they are really an intriguing medium and i am definitely using these and mucking around with them in a future video so aside from sending me great art supplies for this video anthony set me up with a few for future videos thanks anthony they're continuing with the swatching i played around with the watercolors a lot of really glowy cool colors there some of the pastels which drew down quite nicely and also blended together really well the blue pens which i've used before i made a whole video on blue pens and using them reminded me how much i hate using them because i got lightheaded instantly and they take a lot of pressure to get the blue pen working but they do create a really cool effect and i will definitely use these of course otherwise we've got some water-based markers we've got some charcoal we've got a big paint pen of black which is really cool because i could fill large areas with this black paint really well and then use the things like the pastels or the oil sticks on top of it for a really cool and contrasting effect and of course we have some of the random things lots of bits and pieces that i'll surely find ways to use throughout the rest of the piece but it's time to decide what i'm going to create [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the air was still the water calm our hero sits in the middle of the lake thinking waiting knowing the warmth of the sun became cold the day became night could this be the end quack his time had come really sets a tone here and so what i did is use the biro that he included in the box to sketch out a bit of an image of what i thought it could be and i thought it could be anthony our hero sitting on an island in the middle of a lake preparing himself for the storm to come and i thought the storm to come could be all the random crap i threw at him i think it works well too because it says the air was still the water calm apparently the eye of the storm is the most uh still part of the storm right so i thought it'd be really cool that the storm has descended on him and the moment prior to greatest turbulence the air goes still and the water calm and i am leaping out and throwing all this random crap at him the main thing i was doing with this sketch was as you can see using some of the mediums in different combinations and assigning them to sort of areas of the illustration that i thought they could work really well in figuring out how i could use combinations of the big black paint marker the pastels and the oil sticks for the sky the watercolor for the water which i mean made a lot of sense to me where i could use the blow pens for some effects so on and so forth [Music] all right i think i have a plan let's be honest anthony couldn't have made this more easy and enjoyable for me and now i have motivation to make something meaningful to uh create a redemption arc for myself so in our piece here of course anthony has his duck companion as he goes to fight off the creative storm of madness let's get started now one thing anthony did not include in the box was paper and i could have done the whole really sticking to the challenge thing and only used the box or anything in the box but honestly i did i wanted to do anthony proud and make as cool an artwork as i could with all the cool stuff he sent so i used a piece of paper sue me starting off with the watercolors i wanted to make sure i used this big brush so i thought one of the cool ways i could do that was by sort of crumbling apart breaking down the uh the watercolor block into a tray of water i used the toothbrush to sort of wear down the watercolor and get it pigmented in the water and then the giant brush to get a really nice big reflective line of water for the lake and blend it with a mix of purple and blue then i filled what would be the sky all the way down to the horizon with my black paint marker and left it all to dry when it was all fully dry i came back and started to layer in some effects starting off with the sky and the eye of the storm i always find shading clouds a little bit tricky like they're basically three-dimensional objects so they need to be shaded in the direction of light but because they're transparent the light comes from behind them because the sun is behind the clouds this is a little confusing so i did try and use some reference images and i feel like in the end i i produce something that feels pretty cool i think some of the shading might have been reversed i don't quite know but in the end with a mix of blending and some intense sort of sun beams coming out of the clouds i think it really did get the effect i was after which i was really happy about using the oil stick to create the mountains and then the reflection of the mountains in the water and then i tinted a lot of the surface of the water red to show the calm still water reflecting the intense red clouds of the sky and that's actually my foundation done i used a lot of mediums in just the base there but to draw on that was going to be quite hard obviously the oil sticks and the watercolors and the pastels are going to smear very easily so what i decided to do was in moving on to some of my more solid mediums like the water-based markers and blow pens and stuff like that i would draw it on a separate piece of paper and cut it out and place the items and the characters throughout the actual piece on top which will both create a really clean distinction between the two areas and hopefully a really cool sort of three-dimensional effect i drew a powerful wizard jazzer which i thought would be coolest if it's me versus him in our little challenge here that i look as silly but menacing as possible because obviously i'm i'm the douchebag here and anthony our hero is going to be standing in the middle of the lake on an island with his little duck friend which obviously fills in that quack part of the prompt [Music] i drew the island on a separate piece of paper and used the blow pen after i'd cut it out and done the outline to fill in a really cool gradient with a mix of yellows blues and greens which i think worked really nicely creates a really cool texture actually and then last but not least i drew and colored in outlined and then eventually cut out all of the art supplies that the evil wizard jazzer was throwing aggressively at anthony now i say art supplies loosely obviously there's a bit of an urge to the random chaos in there too the coffee cup the scissors the toilet roll the googly eyes all that weird good stuff and then the slightly tedious part but the most important part cutting it all out with a razor so i can place it on my final artwork [Music] well here we are here we are you sent me a wide variety of wonderful art supplies and i sent you a box of trash yeah we had the complete opposite sort of mindset i think you packed yourself in a box i packed myself in a box yes that is the perfect way of putting it yeah or pure chaos shall we start off with my reveal do you mind if i share it with you yes this is my depiction of our collaboration it's uh oh my gosh that's that's you being attacked on all fronts by with trash and filth and chaos your poem referred to the hero and it talked about the calm i thought you were in the eye of the storm and then it ended with quack so it was only fitting that you have your duck companion dude that's my apology accepted that is amazing yes of course it is yes that is insane it's mainly amazing because you actually sent me really cool stuff i used the black paint for the backdrop of the sky i got chalk pastels up in there the oil sticks they were really cool i've never used those before they were the mountains and a little bit in the sky i think you had some inks as well right i think yes but no because they were ink sticks and it turns out that you need a chinese ink stick tray to like rub them until they make ink yeah so you've actually given me a future video because i'm gonna i'm gonna get the tray and make the ink because that's like a great video thank you so this is my apology i'm i'm uh i hope that's accepted wow my heart my heart is at ease so this is in two parts i can't just show you it immediately because one of the pieces is movable so i gotta be cautious here i'll show it up on camera first so what oh my god we've got a sculpture how did you do that where is the chaos everything whoa this is a little dedication to you i i mean i couldn't find a way to put you in there so i figured i would build it for you you do miniatures so i figured let's do a kind of build and this would sort of do it you just blew my expectations out of the water i feel i felt so bad but you know what the plan was always to push you to your limit to create something truly profound which you did so you passed the test congratulations guys go check out anthony's video you will not believe that he did it he did it he determined my box of please don't hate me for sending you this into something truly astounding it's incredible the result is incredible i can't imagine what watching it being made would be like so go check out anthony's channel adc art attack and subscribe because he's a freaking legend of art and creativity the man is a rock star thank you so much for joining me here today this was so cool anthony thank you so much right it was amazing this is awesome this was a once in a lifetime experience absolutely loved it once what once in a lifetime you want to do it again yes [Laughter] this was so much fun thank you so much thank you go subscribe like thank you and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 624,776
Rating: 4.970048 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: YF5srZ6JX-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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