Sculpting, but half the clay each time - How SMALL can I go?!...

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in this video i'm going to see how far i can take the humble sculpey 3 basic 10 pack not only in how i can mix it and sculpt something but how many times i can mix and sculpt something and how small this video is brought to you by cornelius i think he looks like a cornelius i sculpted this guy in the last video where i used polymer clay i was so happy with how he turned out but also it was so satisfying using the polymer clay i'm like ah i missed that i'm gonna do a whole video on polymer clay again and that's what this is so this is a classic colors 10 pack of the sculpey 3 and it's deceptive how much you can do with these so i needed to use my clay as effectively as possible and to do that i needed to figure out what colors i want to use i have a great mix of primaries and secondaries but realistically i don't need all of those colors for a simple sculpture that i'm going to repeat at half of the size every time so i planned out a little bit of a sketch and the concept that i'm really drawn to is the idea of creating a an appealing looking character that's holding a version of himself half the size holding a version himself at half the size holding a version of himself half the size and so on you get the idea so really i only needed like maybe four bigger chunks of colors and then a few smaller supplementary colors the main ones being the skin tone the pants the shirt and i also added a backpack when i realized that would also be a bit bland if i just had those three main colors that as well as the hair color would be the main groupings of the colors now it was actually quite a challenge to figure out how to divide the clay into colors that would maintain a bit of a primary and saturated feel without getting too muddy by mixing too many colors but also utilize the clay i have really effectively [Music] now i'm going to chop each of them in half there we go so we've got my skin tone my hair tone by the way not all the colors end up looking appealing i got my pants toned my shirt tone backpack and then i have kept some of each of the uh or most of the original colors which i'm also just going to loosely chop in half because i don't know i might want to accent some things and also it's just worth having something to fall back on for example red for the tongue he's got the open mouth and also of course making sure i have some black and white so i'm halving all of those and this batch of the original bigger halves this is going to be what i'm going to sculpt my first sculpture with i'm going to see how far i can take all of these by halving them again and again and again and again [Music] so i set about creating my first armature and honestly guys i can't overstate how important and helpful an armature is in most clay sculptures especially in something like this where there are thinner limbs and i'm hoping that he'll be able to be somewhat weight-bearing not only was i able to sort of test the pose and get the proportions right first but by bulking it out with tin foil and wrapping the wire around some of the core limbs and areas of the sculpture for the clay to stick to it creates a really strong foundation for the sculpture to rest on furthermore because i could test these sculptures proportions and pose it meant that in trying to make it weight bearing i could actually reposition the legs and arms in such a way that hopefully and in theory the center of gravity would remain at least close to the center or or where his hands are which is where i want to rest the next sculpture [Music] as you can see the steps from here are really straightforward and so satisfying gently adding bits of clay here and there to fill in where i need to always reserving some aside and making sure i have enough to add some of those finer trims and details folds to the clothes to make it look a bit more organic and not just like clay wrapped around an armature and also trying to approach the different steps in a somewhat pre-calculated way make sure i get the core uh blocking in to a point where i'm really happy with it and then can later add detail without disturbing too much of the proportions that i've already laid [Music] a down of warning for those of you who want to get into sculpture or i mean art in general to be honest one of the best things my art teacher ever told me is that every painting goes through an ugly phase and as you can see with sculpting the face it's the same with sculpture every face goes through an ugly face and i obviously want to go for a really appealing cartoony aesthetic but to get there i have to get the proportions right and just put core lumps of clay in the right areas and slowly fill out the areas that need a bit more mass and when i'm just doing this rough blocking it looks weird and then adding the hair looks like he's a balding dude but once i put the top of the hair on it's actually starting to come together and then one detail at a time it really really comes together in a way that i'm super happy last but not least i move on to the hands which i need to be fairly open and flat so i can sit the other versions of this character on him but also uh frankly whatever else like i think as a sculpture it's gonna be really cool to use him to to hold stuff i think it's a really fun sculpture idea and then from there with my sculpture done one of my favorite steps is to add little blushes and little areas of detail to the sculpture with the chalk pastels there are so many different colors and if i wanted to go crazy i could actually add shadows and darker areas and even highlights to the clothes and other areas of the character i want to keep it simple this is a sculpture challenge and this has already taken me hours and hours of time just to do this first sculpture so i'm just going really simple by adding a little bit of a light orangey pink blush to his nose cheeks and then other areas where the blood vessels are fairly close to the skin like the fingertips the elbows the ears just by adding that subtle pink hue it brings the character to life so much and then after i bake it which is my next step it all solidifies and becomes a permanent colored sculpture here he is fresh out of the oven oh my god how cozy i love him so much oh this makes me happy i haven't even done the challenge that you clicked on this video for yet but for my first one you know what i love this so much i love this he's holding his hands out i could use that to hold anything else he could hold this head he's a holder now if i need somewhere to pop my watch while i'm recording can he hold it for me oh precarious at best but he can do it he's reliable oh that's so good i love this and you want to also love that this is half of the clay from that 10 pack it shows how far you can stretch it if a you mix colors and make your own and pre-plan things out a bit and b if you use an armature not only is he more stable and rigid like where he's bending and bouncing after baking if i didn't have the amateur in there he'd be quite brittle and probably break so armatures are amazing and also so is the super sculpture box but i'm just going to take a minute to update you guys on that by the way as you've seen i've used only tools from the super sculpture box and i can do some really cool stuff stuff i'm really proud of and the super sculpture box does come with everything you need to jump into sculpture however by the time this video comes out we're probably going to be sold out of the individual super sculpture box we are saving enough of the boxes to keep selling the ultimate creativity collection of all three boxes and a reminder that all of the contents of all of those three amazing boxes are worth double what you're paying for the ultimate creativity collection so if you're interested in getting into ink and calligraphy or minis mini painting mini sculpting and diorama building those two individual boxes are available and if you want to get those and the sculpture box the sculpture box is only available in the trio in the ultimate creativity collection it also comes with cosplay which is a bakeable polymer clay that's flexible super cool stuff and monster clay my favorite reusable meltable beautiful to work with sculpting clay you get a whole pound of that along with all the tools you need to do what i've done in this video and more including custom tool cases and anyone who gets the ultimate creativity collection gets a hand signed print i'm sticking to that so if you get one well if you get one now you'll be one of the lucky ones because they may not last until the end of the month and like i said with jazza's jazzy art box once this ends it's ended forever so with all that out of the way it is time to protect in the how small can i sculpt challenge all right people it's challenge time and you know how this works with half the clad each step i'm seeing how detailed i can go and you know what the steps are because i showed you with half of the clay now i'm going to show you with half of the half of the clay [Music] as you can see this one was pretty breezy it was a little trickier to keep the details in there but overall it was all there and i was able to be pretty accurate and still get a result i'm quite happy with there's less room to smooth clay out and make really solid joins but everything's there and the most important thing is the appeal is there i feel like i nailed the character's expression and style so i can definitely say i'm a level two [Music] sculptor all right level three now i have to admit uh at this point i was using less and less clay of each group simply because it wasn't really scaling meaning that uh i was creating the sculpture to fit well on the previous model which meant i actually had to sculpt a slightly smaller figure uh for each character to be able to hold up the next one and all the future ones so in future steps i'm going to skip some of the levels but the first three are one two and three and i would say level three was pretty straightforward as well getting pretty tricky especially with my fingers being quite large and clunky they got in the way a lot and especially when i was getting to the details of the face trying to put in some eye sockets and the nose and start refining the facial features it was yeah really difficult especially because defining the geometry of the face is something that is best done with the feel of your hands against the clay you can sort of tell if it's symmetrical and you can smooth things out pretty naturally but not at this scale and beyond all that said all the details were there at level three [Music] all right next i moved on to level five skipping level four so by that i mean i moved on to the the fifth container this is the halfway mark of our ten level sculpture challenge and i have to say i did expect to be not using armatures from this step or even earlier but i realized how important the stability would be especially because each model is holding up models holding models holding models but i was actually quite pleased to see that with each stage i was able to cut down the mass of the armature but this level 5 was the last armature i made my hope being that the future levels would be light enough that they would be able to hold up the teeny weeny ones left but honestly i'm just pleasantly surprised i was even able to have an armature at level five and i think it really worked to the benefit of the overall project next we skip ahead to level seven no armature and sculpting in place now just quickly pointing out that i did bake each of the models between each of the levels that's why the previous ones are always sort of staying in position because they were cured from oven baking but this was really finicky especially sculpting without an armature and at such a small scale i mean i have no way of even knowing if this clay is going to hold together i could barely get in there to to create shapes let alone make sure everything is really well attached and honestly when you sculpt polymer clay and you're connecting different colors or removed segments you do want to firmly attach and blend in the area so that when they bake they sort of bind together so it's touching goes to whether this is going to work let alone future stages but all in all level seven i did it i wouldn't say i did it amazingly well but i did it level 9 is where things start to fall apart a little bit i couldn't sculpt it on the previous sculpture for obvious reasons so i just sculpted on a little edge of some monster clay that i set up there and i took my time with this one trying to keep some sort of semblance of detail and the silhouette there but man it was getting really hard like to the point where the clay was much more eager to stick to itself or something i didn't want it to stick to like my finger rather than the place i was trying to put it so it started to get really frustrating and i had to use a sharp razor to do any details or often any attachment points and last but not least level 10 which honestly i didn't expect to even be able to try and attempt they just looked like crumbs in the little shot cup but you know what i built up my confidence and i was so eager to see this whole statue fully displayed with 10 levels of sculpting not all of the 10 steps for the reasons i mentioned previously but i'm actually pretty chuffed i managed to even sculpt a level 10 sculpted little character in this challenge to sit on top of the sculpture let's just cross our fingers he sticks together once i bake him oh and by the way it's worth mentioning with just the couple of steps that i skipped i think i only skipped three steps and with the leftover clay from a couple of the earlier stages i was actually able to put all that stuff together and have a fairly substantial amount of spare clay so you know keep that in mind like the amount of sculpting i actually got to do with this project was pretty substantial and to have about a third or a quarter of the clay left over to make another fairly substantial sculpture with is really cool so don't underestimate how much you can do with fairly simple looking sets of clay like this you can mix and match and expand and support and make them big and epic the time has come to put it all together oh my god let's let's do this thing a little bit of blue tack on his tushy and on to level two oh look at that like a glove all right on to level three please don't break please don't break oh we're snug we're snug look at this this is so good so we skipped a level on to level five even just sitting him down there that just like that just sat perfectly in place but i don't want this thing to collapse there we go there we go it's so dumb and amazing this one is level seven and the first one without any armature inside the model but his health is held together there's no armature and look at his arms oh no oh no super glue i'm just going to put the teensiest bit of super glue inside here please come on we could do this guys come on we've come so far i'm not even i'm not even gonna blue tack this last one i'm just gonna super glue it put your little tushy there there you go this is it people that was level nine there's only one level left this guy [Music] thank you [Music] this is just way too cool i love how this turned out and i love more than how i feel about my sculpting through the challenge how i nailed the concept oh my god i'm just so happy that like i had this idea for what i wanted to do to to show the stages of the sculpting challenge and the fact that it all goes together so beautifully makes me happy i hope this video made you happy because i have found the process thoroughly enjoyable and i hope you found this thoroughly entertaining if you did please hit like and if you're interested in the sculpting stuff you can still get it as part of the ultimate creativity collection you can also get the other boxes individually but maybe not for long and all of the boxes or the collection will end by the end of january so if you're interested don't miss out links in the description thank you for watching this video there are more over there you're bound to enjoy especially i've enjoyed sculpting and cute little characters like this i've had a blast i hope you've had a blast too and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 937,148
Rating: 4.9595242 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, sculpt, clay, polymer clay, Sculley, fimo
Id: s37NQcmXyxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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