Customizing Giant THRIFT SHOP Paintings!

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I like the way he thinks, but I don't think I'd hang them on my wall.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/LordJim11 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
let's get thrifty people i am going to the thrift shop and getting as many cool paintings as i can oh it's a face i didn't see the face i saw it's like an ink plot like no there it is okay yeah yeah and it's like amy one house looking because in this video i'm going to take these poor abandoned paintings and turn them into something anyone would be proud to display you've got a sale i love it this video is brought to you by vinnie's some vintage it's not actually but that's where we got our thrift store paintings and i think they're pretty cool this will be interesting because they all have really different styles like this one has a really sort of quite a rough looking style and i want to try and paint and add to modernify is that a word modernify modernize i'm going to modernize these paintings i'm going to bring in a little bit of pop culture a little bit of fun this one i think might be a print and i think yeah it's a print so uh i don't know if this one will work so well it's glossy that was never going to work anyway this is definitely a real painting all right this is a good warm-up because i want to fit in the style and i see a kraken that's a cracking idea can we can we cut you out saying that and i'll say it i think if i did like tentacles coming out of the water i think that'd be pretty cracking hey a large part of the challenge of this video is actually gonna be not only style matching but color matching so i feel like i have to find the closest equivalents to the colors used in the painting that i own we can almost like compare let's go yep that is definitely raw sienna cadmium reds oh no that's quite bright it looks closer it'll be somewhere between the two so i'll use those two i think let's just start putting stuff down and see what happens when i come out of the water oh i need to wrap around the boat sort of going behind some of the mechanics of the boat there this is gonna be so fun [Music] i don't know how many tentacles a kraken has but i feel like there's room for interpretation i can't make too many mistakes because this is still gonna be like on there the very top of the head can be like right there i'm so excited for this why am i so excited [Music] this is a complete guess so let's see if my guess works out you ready go on for like a soft icky pink a little more purple than pink but i feel like that's actually getting to what i want yeah so i'm gonna go light first [Music] i feel like one of the best things about this sort of project is it makes me feel like i also did all the rest of the work so i'm like adding in this stuff and i'm like i'm doing pretty good [Music] the outside of the tentacles gonna be this purpley color and i'm just going straight on just getting i'm not going fearless [Music] my art teacher always said you always gotta step back every minute which i never do so it shows how good a student i was i'm probably the other person in the art class whoever went on to actually be an artist though [Music] artists so i feel like the detail could simply be just like lighter sections is it gonna look good no what i mean actually maybe is it i don't know neither do i but at this stage i'm fully committed what if i put yellow would have put this khaki what if what about that what did you do i don't know can you rewind can we undo this let's scrape it back [Music] that actually worked yes saved it i need shadows so maybe we'll do that next yeah yeah yeah we've got some of these reflection areas where we've just got the water indicated [Music] all right outline time so i'm going to follow along the style here following the styles worked for me so far and you can see that it's just sort of in bits and you also got these really sort of rough textures like the brush is just dragged and you don't go back [Music] and with that i actually think that's it i think that's the last bit it's done [Music] i feel like i adequately matched the original style colors are a little you know but at the same time there was never meant to be a cracking in the piece but i do feel like it looks like there was now let's put this back where it was next okay now it's a print that's fine because it's fairly convincing and i feel like i want to be subtle anyway when we were in the shop gareth suggested a kaiju like godzilla coming out of like i like that which i think is a an amazing idea godzilla does not skip leg day i gotta say he's a very leggy kaiju these are like the tiniest bits of blue and brown i'm mixing in there because when i mix it in it makes a big difference so i'm just going to go straight in to paint the silhouette it just sort of looks like a big dude [Music] hey i feel like he just needs more neck i push that away i pull the neck down that's a little more monstery we're getting there that's we're getting there i feel like bigger legs [Music] so the spikes get big in the middle so like they're a little up here by here they're like huge spikes [Music] yeah oh i'm into this one now so we need a little bit of blue i feel like i need to almost dry brush the reflection in so just get all this paint off now that i've got the color a godzilla reflection in this is working for me it doesn't need a lot this one's all about subtlety and in fact i almost feel like you know how bob ross goes sort of floofs over so i feel like i need to flip over there we go see i'm just like taking the focus away by fuzzing the edges and that'll also make it look like it's sort of folding into the clouds a bit [Music] and then the last thing and this i think this will this will be the thing that makes it you ready there you go i just need to be able to mist the white okay so clouds okay and then the last thing i want to do which i think has to has to be there like smoke coming out from the background [Music] yeah don't you hate it when you go out to pick flowers and your view is ruined by a kaiju classic godzilla classic i call this piece a lovely day to pick flowers again it's when you stand back soak it all in that you know it's done what's next good question it's gonna be hard to top what we've done this would lend itself to a tornado i don't think it's particularly exciting but the what's the creature from stranger things again the mind mind flayer what is it with just adding monsters to the bay but i feel like that's a quicker one because much like the kaiju it's just more about the silhouette in the distance i feel like if i did a mineflare that would be the easiest thing that would work so i'm just going to do a mine player because i saw this and i saw a mind flayer why do i see the stranger things creature like how good would that be this might not work at all but i'm gonna try doing a wash like a glaze to see if i can recolor this to be like a red a little bit of red quite a bit of paint thinner [Laughter] oh i'm being daring got me at the edge of my seat oh my god i really want this to work now every now and then this thing comes in useful that's working yes it's going to start drawing my outline i feel like the the streaks are at least helping like i don't have to be too accurate or detailed because it just feels like tumultuous which means you know it gives me a bit of room to breathe with the details i don't think i'm i can do too much more and i feel like i've caught the feel of it pretty well there's just one thing i know is missing any guesses lightning yeah so the key with the lightning is the glow the color glow and then white [Music] i think we're on the last step which is literally just grabbing a really thin small brush getting paint thinner and white i feel like this isn't like you know a movie poster quality depiction for mindflower but it is a thrift shop painting quality painting of a mineflow which really yeah that's what we're after you know i thought i might get halfway through all the thrift shop things i've gotten and maybe i should have stopped a while back i don't know if we knew but this is too fun and i've one more so i'm gonna do it if there was ever a grand finale i think this is the the painting to do it on it's a big one here's what i immediately see we've got a diverging past it's quite dark in the middle here so our eye is drawn to these two areas i feel like i need to put something here and i need to put something here i feel like this is bigger this is smaller i feel like i see an adventurer walking through the marsh and a dragon in front of the sun with like the reflection in the water yeah do it yeah let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what i'm glad i'm glad we took it through to the very end glad we did all of them because this is my favorite by far it just feels right so when i started painting it i knew i didn't want it to feel like it was about to be a fight i thought it would be like about discovery while i was painting gareth said he liked the idea that he's walking away and they have a mutual respect for each other and i love that because it's so serene it's like they're parting ways and taking one last look and i am just so happy with this and i uh i'm just and i'm happy with the the colors because the dragon while very golden orange feels enough like a red dragon because that there's that hint of red in the color mixing but then this hero doesn't have as much of that so it feels a bit more steely if i walked in a house and i saw that i'd be like you have good taste do you know what i would do uh if i was watching this video like right now yeah like now would be the time i'd be like you know what he's earned it i'm gonna hit like and subscribe just do it i'm just just do it what do you do they just did it thank you thank you that was so what did i like you you're good if you saw any of these paintings in the thrift shop a what would you think it'd be would you get it which one would you get which is your favorite i know what my favorite is but maybe you have one i'm done thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed it too because i had a lot i had a lot of fun did you have fun i had fun this was a good one thanks for watching guys until next time see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,450,415
Rating: 4.9132481 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: Jwcb-8_xE64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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