I was looking for bases to raid and i found a house... on a faction server

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alright guys welcome today's video so I was out looking for raids for today's video if possible if we could find one and I definitely found something I've just never really found something like this before or at least not in a very very very very long time I literally have found a house on a Minecraft faction server and there is virtually a person inside it now I'm gonna assume this guy is afk cuz he's literally going around in circles but like I think this guy might think this is like a friendly kind of SMP server I'm not really sure but Oh guys I'm sort of factions if you join us go down below smash that like button and hopefully you guys are taking advantage of the sails this weekend or the sales that have been happening and if you don't know there will be a number sale for cyber monday which is tomorrow so make sure to take advantage of that I believe there's gonna be a new end of all for one day only but anyway it's like like obviously ok so he's already got far out in fairness there's basis to my left there's cannons that looks like it's being ready maybe he lived in that base like that look that definitely looks rated maybe he's lived in that base in the movie over here I like it's not even claimed my guy are you okay oh my god no freaking way no freaking way that's actually okay there's sport isn't it where the sheets was how many one there's three sheets porousness are you okay this guy's not even in a faction honestly I'm really read he's in what yeah he's not even in faction I'm actually genuinely concerned like have you got the right server what's he got in the chest absolutely nothing oh my god oh my god okay we need to sort this guy out like seriously big time I don't think yes I think he's long server I like this is a faction server fight you're lucky that I'm the one who found otherwise it'd be destroyed right now now obviously yes I could rein him right now I could take his three sheets Warner's which is how much let me just double check how much cheaper or such shot let me just go check alright because porn actually so that right there is about $100,000 now I'm at least Mike hello yeah okay I need to speak hang on hang on let's get you in this code okay so the guy doesn't want to speak on this corn like okay are you okay oh okay I'm gonna ask him plainly okay I've just blamele asked me question no more chitchat like why are you living in a house on a fat he said I don't know all right well you're lucky this time I'm not gonna write him honestly he seems new and maybe I'll give him this chance I guess this will show him out how easily someone can basically walk into the base maybe he's not new I don't know what's his bailout curiously fortune $18,000 oh my god I'm just gonna say can I at least sell your head for finding this you know I mean I I've been looking for raids for a while now and I want at least raid something I found a base technically so I'm just gonna ask like I'm just gonna ask politely if I can kill him and you know sell his head you know get 10% of whatever that money is I mean least that I've MRAP I came away with something he's probably just gonna quit the server now she's gonna like I'm like nope but then he's gonna be like oh wait my spoilers alright okay I think you would get somebody oh thank you kind sir has he has he got really buddy's money no he hasn't thank you kind sir thank you thank you how much is it a 3k that's basically needed us Porter prices thank you thanks man all right move out of this base and at least go underground move out of his face go underground I'm gonna see this guy later honestly if this guy was Richard I'm not gonna lie I would have definitely read them and actually if this guy was an afk inside here I would have stolen lost mourners 100% if he was if he was not in line they were there I wish told him but basically I got the value I stole a 3k from he says loads of money left Thanks not staying myself no problem I guess I kind of basically did take your stuff but I guess he doesn't really understand I don't know do you have a lockpick I'm just gonna say no I actually do but like they're so freaking rare I'm not giving it away all right and I I don't know I feel like hang on so um twin invited me into an unclaimed vault and I just offered like hey do you want to move in here like a B it'd be a great experiment to see like will he inside this vault there isn't much air by the way like I don't really store here well I guess Bochy technically there is some stuff here and I'm gonna move that out at XI soon I was meant to ages ago and but like I don't know he can make his own room and stuff and it'd be a great experiment to see woody inside comment down below if we do let them in right now just literally simple Willy inside just yes or no comment yes or no but the thing is this is twins base so I need to ask twin and get his permission so one second okay so I spoke just twin about it and he said he's cool he just said make sure that there isn't anything like insanely Opie or anything stupid in the base that if it did get raided we'd miss but I don't think he has much in here like he well he does a books and but like they're possible to get back he's got mass but or any level one masks from what I see here so they're not like amazing does he have any supporters in it no he doesn't okay right I think we're good all right coming down below do you think he's gonna inside or think he's not I feel like he I don't know I guess I could go either way and Stephen I suppose I don't know what dude I was soft spot for people sometimes is he got all these stuff he does okay all right there's TPM in the base probably gonna get instantly inside it but it there is no value to this face the only value it is is that the work that twin put into it but I asked him he wants to do it too so it's all Gucci keep it here it's me goofy this base has been surviving for basically over a week which isn't insane right you can make your base in this section goofy there we go now you might be like invite into the faction well we can't because the factions full so you know I mean this is we're giving him a safe place to hide out for a while to get money to eat so you can make enough money stay here stay here rent-free for as long as you need alright anyway so that is today's episode that's how it started out I got a through well whatever happens if he insides and I mean I got 83 K from now what I'm gonna do quickly is I'm just gonna take some of this stuff cuz I'm gonna move it into the like the main base cuz it's actually fairly decent and you know what I leave a little bit of prop for there for him in case he actually needs a bit of prop for but that's all I have really in my vault I don't really use it but I'll be I'll be interested to see what he makes how he gets on em or Willie inside and yeah it'll be interesting okay so it's been around 10 minutes the guys seems to be selling in the bases and blowing up anyway yeah he's he's still working away that's what I like to see he's making a nice little base now I must say oh yeah he seems to be a seems to be settling in hopefully he doesn't kill me now I'm just backs at me so and so one of our faction members I thought I would have to go fishing for it but one of our faction members has an extreme treasure chest and as you guys know I have a 50% key and I'm obviously gonna use this on the extreme because the extreme is the best like you might as well if you have an extreme chest use it over the advanced because extreme is better now if you don't know this is a big thing because these keys are really hard to come by and this can give you a legendary money apart I have opened two of these so far this season and I have got 1.6 million and then like literally 2 million he goes like 1.9 million but we round off at 2 million so so far I have got really really lucky but the thing is we might not you open this day so this could be a fail I mean leave this in the video anyway but here we go we're just gonna open it we have a key 50% chance to work I've used a 20% one before it's worked so please say to 50% one works three two one boom and it failed ok so moving on after that very sad thing happening ever so far every key that I've had has worked and then the 50% one didn't I use a 20% it worked but few percent no anyway so I'm on to slide level I've been doing them little by little bottom yeah I can confirm this is horrible like actually horrible the reason why the slimes are so hard to grind is because like they keep going into the mini one big one small ones and then to make it worse they then glitch into the wall but I'm not sure if I found a little bit of a hack I'm not sure so basically I was grinding these earlier and the signs that I have down right here weren't here and when I was killing him I know is that they kept going into the walls and then I put down the signs and I noticed it kind of stopped so I don't know if I saw the little phasing problem that they have but it still makes him a pain to kill and I nearly broke my godson earlier okay so we're 25% through two thousand five hundred and fifty nine to go oh my god it's gonna take years but I need to get it done I have to get to level 15 yeah gentle of 15 has to be done alright so one of our ally members seems to be apparently said he seems to be getting raided I asked Lee needed help he said TP so I told all my members to get geared and helped now because I'm sure if we were getting raided they would do the same so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put my might as well just put my god set on if I lose it I lose at least I used it all right so I have TP to the guy I'll actually hang on let me get my bow out yo yo TP to me if you want yeah they do dip the walls are being split and with someone does any have any spare arrows I have my bomb yeah I have a okay like I'm sure they help us if if we were getting raided so let's do the same yah-tchi whatever they using they went through it oh my god that went through a decent amount of walls yeah tip except me right yes sorry you know pennies are when you take this we don't it seems like we're doing on the air on the ledge so terms a patch term the path you'll worry about it alright let's go destroy a cannon let them patch okay so we're trying to find where the cannon is right now we see drip claims which their enemies they could easily be raiding them right now I see I yeah yeah so they went through like another cannon box which is insane there it is there you found it yeah it's right this right there keep going straight straight cuz I see war going down it so it's definitely active oh yeah okay so we found their cannon this definitely has to be it because war literally just went down it go go go go go why you have the war really quickly oh I don't anyone lose my gear but like who cares like look at in there defend us so I'm in goddess yeah I'm going I mean God as well I was going for it Oh Donna Donna dinner he's he like someone go for the cabin right thank you worthy he was literally over this way he's a dick so addicted is right in the money I'll go for it again yeah go for the candy go for the cannon I don't think they'll probably stop trading now so you're trying to put a box around it yeah they yeah they are they're trying to put a box right and us I can see them stocking sign from here so they're still firing okay uh can we claim and then yeah can we claim from back here yeah and then we can pull over tell me when you're up there I have been eggs ready I'll get some charge Cooper Louie ready okay so we're trying to get up there right now I even knocked back too so now I'm ready to freakin go go on Jason go on fly my boy fly that's it that's it alright send Jason all right TBA go go go go go Jason make sure this wrong this is a suicide mission don't tip you don't on he's up there on time okay unknown except that alright guys I am probably going to die they but I will die defending my allies oh lordy okay right not these people off not these people off if we knock these people are poom like that's a kill Shirley put it in if I knock off as well that's sleep that's death oh my god something has disorder oh no whoa that was quick alright yeah let me put a spacer on okay rip God said TPA Benny I'm just gonna go fights I don't really care TV a penny I've got not back to sword I thought sugar go straight Potts oh no I got TP straining no I have no strength I'll be absolutely useless Oh God where the Frick away whoa whoa oh my god oh my god okay okay okay okay I didn't know the death pit we're dead yep we're dead is this our claims well anyway at least the raid stopped that was our main objective you know I mean try to see if I can find a bubble we don't we need somebody to deliver some fire resistance or something somebody's liver fire eyes didn't get out this is an absolute mess of an episode as long as the cannon is blown up right yeah all right that's the main thing least we don't die in vain Oh [Music] bubble I find a bubble I can get out I can't get out just gonna swim for it okay okay okay okay okay okay okay stop burning Ryan stop burning come on come on guys there's an air bubble various hope you have to go now no you have to go there's no one here Benny have you got your God set Benny I do I'm coming in buddy I'm good with it I've no help okay Benny Minnie Minnie Minnie I'm gonna try to get you out there by being instruction just hold on two freakin minutes okay two minutes ammo shop I'm gonna buy more pots like the vive la i repair my gear I am going to sacrifice myself I'm going to try sacrifice myself for you okay yeah I just need to get back to shop prepare my gears like it's five longer for you wait wait I will come chappie I'll do a vest I'll have any before yeah I just look I just kind of prove to Kenan okay that might help okay I'm gonna try get you out of it just hold up two seconds two seconds don't you die don't you die on me man okay okay okay you got out you got out you actually out out okay okay follow me go to the lab a bit quick quick quick quick quick okay hang on I'm gonna try break route it I need to go shop two seconds two seconds I'll do my best hey Pete huh yes it's me I'm gonna get you out to get ready for a hold and pull off it and you gotta run and I guess and just do your best hopefully you'll find a way out here be ready to claim yeah come on yes all right all right we're getting there were getting there you should see a lava hole is there a lava hole oh yeah yeah try it try go for it up here where my name is I don't really care if I die I'm more care about you oh my god GPS GPS there we go there we go it as a whole this whole Go Go Go hurry I'm safe the whole like oh you need to get out of there oh I'm trying see my power two years wait wait yeah there's a whole there's a whole one of the addicted members on us because there is any of this came by us clean one yeah we need to get claims so you can just get out of there [Music] where you guys at keep him back how we doing okay can you get out I think this is can you go okay I'm trying to say Benny the best I can I let you just go say by those guys because I definitely would have died I have no more positive okay boom boom boom alright let's drink a fire resistant potion everything of that first before we go okay I can confirm Benny is al oh my god Josh was tense fair enough me losing my god sir I'm bad but Benny that would have been that would have been such a shame ah I guess there's one kind of positive that comes from this I didn't lose my sword because I swapped out for a knock back to sword I guess that's kind of a positive and I guess one last positive I guess that I can say to make me feel better at least see what happened whoever had the disorder v GG cuz you don't want you telling me kill me because what happened was I got boots put into our leggings put into my inventory so when to go swap it out in that space of time I got psyched I gots believed I wonder if my own teammates believe me actually but the only benefit I can take away early only to make me feel better is that the fact that I didn't grind for that God set I got I killed well we killed the person twin gave me it so that makes me feel a little bit better but anyway I will start I will need to start working on a god set anyway because I need to put this thing into action this thing needs to be get put on next set and also I think I have a job not to book lying around here somewhere but I wait nonetheless GG they've stopped we've stop the raid for now so I guess that's a positive all right guys so a bit of a weird day we didn't find a raid because after basically finding that guy in the wilderness I actually tried to look for some more rage just see if I get a proper raid this episode but I didn't find anything but instead I guess we stopped a raid but no to self so the the grind continues the main goal get love 15 we have another objective now which is a chief and never God set or demigods or something if that even means killing or grinding like that's something we're gonna have to do for next week's like basically missions but I am going to get through this freakin level okay so next episode when you see me this bar better be at least close to full because this is the worst level ever if you're level a right now or you've got past level 8 I feel you're hang and that really hurts this is the worst level because look they just kill you then you hit you they get stuck in blocks it just oh it's just horrible it's actually horrible well anyway that is today's episode that God said didn't really last very long did it no not really I know guys thank you watching I will see you guys in the next episode [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 445,908
Rating: 4.749022 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft video, minecraft raid, minecraft factions, minecraft funny, saico, server, i accidentally found some broken blocks, no swearing, kid friendly, so today, noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft
Id: Em8tIeMeI2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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