Meeting Tom Nook For The Very First Time

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oh hello and welcome to animal crossing new horizons it's finally here this is my very first animal crossing game I have never played animal crossing before and I'm super super excited so I actually already got started last night I did the introduction is stuff by myself just because I wanted to and that's that so we're going to get into Animal Crossing today I'm so excited I've been playing this and dual maternal which is a weird switch off I haven't really played much of this but I played doom eternal last night and then immediately after played this and started animal crossing two very different worlds there but we are going to be playing animal crossing on the channel I'm super super pumped I don't even I don't know that much about animal crossing I just know that there's a huge fan base for Animal Crossing Justin who's editing yeah big annual question aren't you Harry is Tom Nook big guy big guy testing testing test test test hello every oh dear so sorry about that the volume was a little loud there hello everyone starting today I'll be doing an island-wide broadcast full of Ireland updates going ons and such room go over some things that are very important to island life so let me I want to give him an axe and I feel like he's southern so lend me your ears for a short time now it's only fitting that we kick off this daily ritual with a doozy of an island announcement the cornhole Airport my island is called cornhole don't worry about it it's open for business starting today you can use online or a local communication fly to other islands per visit that's not all no no the airport now offers as postal services and just like the resident services center at the airport is open 24 hours a day so please try pi/4 look oh I do have one other item to share and it's and it too is a whopper huh as of this very day a brilliant fella by the name of blathers will be joining us on cornhole blathers has a keen interest in the biology past and present and he's here to study home cornhole I sincerely hope everyone lends their cooperation inquisitive residents should stop by his tent for details that's all from me I do hope you enjoy another day another Friday of luxurious cornhole living Tom I will and you will continue to take my money for years and years until I die in my sleep Here I am look at me look at me this is Ebers look at this little guy look at it look at look at him how cute he is look at him Wow okay yeah oh he cute he a little cutie I would like a stick guys I kind of also want all the weeds off of my entire island will I take an hour or two to do it probably I probably will but not in this gameplay I've also got cherries on my island which is great apparently our cherries rare I don't know I've seen a lot of people with peaches and stuff not a ton of people cherries so I don't know if it's super rare I don't know if I have a one-of-a-kind Island you know oh my god but here we are Animal Crossing guys I'm excited about it so you can leave me some tips in the comments if you want I am going to be playing this game the way that I want to play it as I do with most games so you know leave your comments and whatnot but I'm gonna play I'm playing this game for me and I'm really excited to be playing this game and I'm excited to share it with you but also please don't get mad if I don't play it the way that you you know want it to be played or whatever because this is my playthrough you go off and play it on your own is that a butterfly it is a butterfly fishy-fishy come back fishy fishy come back I would like I would like to have you fishy Kabir here wait stop turning around fish come on fish yeah we got a big one here guys a new fish yes I caught a loach it's looking at me with reproach every time you catch a fish it it gives you my fishing rod you did we well sir you did me well these are all the things that I've uh that I've captured look at that look at that freshwater goby look at him jeepers jeepers jeepers jeepers can I I would love custom designs with this app you can create custom designs to wear on clothing or display around the island when you save a custom design to the app you can share it with the other Island residents there's a chance your custom designs will be seen by other players story in the network play sessions when you visit other people on an island for example please don't create anything that infringes others rights don't use private information buh buh well this is great I love the vine pattern a lot yes I would like to wear it top oh that's cute oh that's cute what about what about the airplanes Wow look at that look at that what about a flower outfit these are all adorable and I love them a lot I could wear my face paint footprint powdered I love it my passport let's take a look at my passport your passport information is shown here the information may be seen by other players blah blah blah you can change your photo so okay cool look at me look how cute cornhole Terry's deserted island Island dweller keepers let's edit edit the comment I just short comment to your profile I don't know what to do guys I'm sorry oh my god deserted okay okay okay okay let's see let's see let's do very first grandpa I like festive Papa festive Papa is pretty good pretty good indeed okay DIY recipes we have some more stuff so we need to make a new fishing pole first but I also need to take this off also this is I fear oh there's a lot other stuff too can keep us calm if you were to look at it this is so calming check this app for info on the DIY bro okay oh we can make an axe we can make an at this is good stuff oh we make campfire okay good good good uh let's see we need five tree branches we're gonna need ten tree branches what is this shiny thing what is this what's this shiny hello maybe I should dig there if I got a shovel ooh and I have mail in my mailbox from mom how's your new life treating you are you eating well brushing your teeth watching behind your ears oh dear I'm all worked up here's a little something to help out you didn't plant it but think of me mom what did you give me mom would you give me mom huh a striped shirt wait is that the shirt that I was already wearing eat it or plant it so probably probably not the shirt weight present open I didn't read a switch I think those are the ones that I got from then the red tulip bags okay okay okay that's what mom get wait no no this is what mom gave me apples I love it I love it I love it I'm gonna put a workbench here wait simple DIY workbench learn ha okay sweet I learned a DIY the recipe for a simple DIY workbench oh so I need to go and make said workbench okay so we need a bunch of wood probably let's connect the wood that's gonna be Blanchard Blanchard's is that its name please don't be oh love that give me some fells so the currency in this game is Belle's I'm sure everybody knows about Animal Crossing sure I don't really need to explain but I'll explain anyway because maybe just like me this is somebody's first time playing amble both legs Oh what is that wait what is that what was that what's that a little Kappa tiller look at all these branches what's up axel yo e purse that spot you found for me is just incredible things hopefully can keep looking out for each other like this it's it's good to have buddies walk oh right I've got something here for you walk thanks again for finding a place for my place well you're welcome that outdoor hat is perfect for cornhole you try it on by pressing X open up your front thank you so much you got my hat oh my god I want to put my striped shirt back on I like the striped shirt and then the Hat wait nope he's so cute this is the best day of my life guys this is the best day of my life dog I'm getting so many trees right now give me trees nut bees all right so now let's go in here let's see what time I'm knocks got first time look in Swedish time hey should I grab something using Tom walnuts workbench let's craft Tom Nook Ballou simple DIY workbench hardwood oh yeah hardwood and Wow logs stakes birdhouse okay I don't know how to get hardwood oh it's probably this oh yeah craft it let's do it let's craft a flimsy ax oh look at me going to work yep I made a flimsy ax keep crafting I want to keep doing more stuff let's make another one of these welcome back and make a butterfly net soon but we don't really need it for now made a flimsy rod keep crafting flimsy watering-can all good stuff all good stuff all good stuff attire toy okay what is this Tom I'm gonna change Tom's voice oh how could I forget huh I should have given you a brief exclamation about that terminal that is our look stop it's a terminal for services that will further enhance your island life at the moment you can use two services IBAs first is nook shopping it's a catalog shopping service of items that can be hard to find on the island second is the terminal services as an automatic Bell dispenser or abd for the bank of milk we're also working on a service by which you'll be able to redeem nook miles for various things please take advantage of these wonderful services quite beneficial indeed yes yes I'll deposit once per day accessing Nook starboard you bonus miles Wow I got 50 bonus miles please select from the following services let's do the abd let's deposit let's deposit the full amount guys were you know I want to save my coin I want to save that coin thank you for using look shopping now let's see what they've got here lawn mower Wow Wow a bear tea that's really cute denim pants oh my gosh okay cool cool cool cool go go go go go go go up this is incredible signing off thank you for your patronage of course time thank you so much thanks for taking my money every month please don't kill me all right Timmy Tommy oh he purrs it's great to see you but keep it medicine and services open at night so feel free to stop by if you want to talk about anything the time being I'll be out checking in with everybody seeing how folks are doing if you ever unsure about what you should do don't hesitate to stop me for a chat okay I'm gonna go back to my house and I am going to make a little workbench I want to make a little workbench a little back bench vanish my back but oh wait no I need to use my axe because I think I need I think that's how I get hardwood so I don't want to chop any of the trees by my house cuz I like the trees over there oh yes yes yes yes can you actually chop down the trees oh I like that I like that you can't actually chop them down that makes me happy oh and it drops the berries oh so that's the hardwood the other is softwood my pockets are full already should I swap it with something swap it let's swap it with the I don't need these really okay if we go back in here now now that we have some hardwood do we need more stones we might have needed more stones we're about to find out I suppose I love Tom I would like to use the workbench yes let's craft can I make this simple DIY work [ __ ] no oh I need iron yeah it's gonna be a little harder to get that's gonna be a little bit harder I don't even know how I get iron that's okay that's okay I guess that's okay wait no no go back go back in there I could just ask Tom I'll get some get some things from him I'll get him some I'll take his little class you know it was little his little class yeah hello Tom I would like to learn re pers hello hello what would you like to talk to me about I'm always I guess what should I do yes yes that is the question by the way thank you so much for finding a place with gladness to set up but you're looking for practical suggestion huh well I don't mean to rush you but there's a small matter of your moving fees putting in some work to chip away at those is always time well-spent if you ask me remember you'll get a notification right in Nuuk phone we've done anything to earn miles do be sure to check it out I think you'll find it quite useful huh all right all right all right I guess I'll go and do saeng's trying I'll go to the museum really quick let's see what it's like there let's put that away let's put away that blathers right blathers what do you've got for me whoa dude your big owl hey what's up pleasure to meet you my name is blathers I'm exceedingly interested in the ecosystem of this land thus I have come to conduct research if you will aha could it be that you were Ebers the personage who chose the location from this tent I am a splendid job indeed to you I was able to light on this island with an with nary a ruffled feather now regarding the a per mention research truth be told I am determined to open a museum and henceforth dwell on the island amongst you so you should discover a new type of insect or fish do be so kind to bring here I plan to exhibit these creatures as well as those who gave Tom Nook in the museum upon its completion though I confess there's one smallish problem regarding said Museum that is I lack the number of exhibits needed to secure permission to open a museum proper empty display cases will not do I'm told display cases that with something to display that is another matter which is where you come in wat wat allow me to explain you see it is not only insects and fish I plan to display in my esteemed institution but fossils too who happens stretch of land beyond the river be my I would bet my pin feathers this primitive plot is flush with the fossils I require but the river you say I can't just hop over it you say Oh silly you I have a solution dangerous is trying to populate an entire and entirely deserted island Cardon me purrs while I transmit the vital data to your nook phone you didn't teach me how to build a bridge huh bridge boys we're gonna be bridge boys Oh what did I get I might tell you later vice there you see with goods gathered from cornhole you can make War Langley a vaulting Pole Paul can be used to propel oneself across the river up and over you go who do you who I said DIY schematics for a shovel to dig fossils from the ground as well which brings me to my point please he first cross the river and seek out ancient relics my feathers I have blathered on for far too long that's why you called blathers but let me leave you with this fine to open the museum I must acquire more items to exhibit 15 more to be precise I fervently hope you will donate your presses fines to the cause and I will blathers and I will all right boys I'm gonna make a vaulting Pole let's get over that red I need more softwood okay I'll be back okay now it's time to make the vaulting pole let's do it dude let us make the whole thing cold thank you I'm in the vaulting poops wait am I am L done I don't need to craft anything else [ __ ] what about if a shovel I want a shovel bucket okay I made a shovel I made the shovel wait where'd the sparkly thing go there was a sparkle remember the sparkler on the ground I wanted to dig up said Sparkle oh what a shame no more sparkles anymore well that's okay we need to go oh there is a sparkle there is a sparkle hold on flimsy shovel hold what if we dig down right here oh my god guys a thousand bells gee whiz dude a thousand bells whom did I just steal from whom hold now let's use this to get over thank you so much oh my god there's big trees here big big trees all right well we're we're over on the other side of the land and there's much exploring to do look at this waterfall oh my god oh my god can I just dig anywhere oh I can probably plant things I want to use did I make a net I didn't make a net that's okay can I use a vaulting Pole to get up as well is this a fossil this is not a fossil is this one that is coral that is Carl if we don't like him alright I might be able to use my vaulting Pole to get up mother mae-eye I am NOT allowed a shame for sure a shame I can't use it to get over here though like that I like that whoa what's going on here what's going on with this little thing no no no no no this a fossil Oh I dug up a fossil yes I found one guys I found one it's so pretty over here I should've made my house over here those are little insects so cute so cute another fossil I'm killing it guys I am killing it right now so I need to go back and make a net so that I can catch some butterflies and different insects and stuff cuz if I don't have that then what do I have you know catch a fish catch a fish fish fish fish my wish come on fishy what do you got nothing new a loach bummer Bhama by my body oh thank you should I swap it with something yes swap it with something oh man oh yeah get rid of the loach who needs him who needs the loach all right any other fossils down here I don't think so so I'm gonna go to the dude now I'm gonna go back one to make a net two to deliver okay I wish you could bulk give him stuff an Australopithecus what a fabulous fossil besides of a scepter Wow you perhaps consider donating this Asian relic to the cause I'm donating it I'm donating it all right I'm gonna give him the rest of these fossils just gonna speed through this and then I'm gonna go get me some more bugs and stuff oh you can do multiple fossils at once that's wonderful that is wonderful there we go more than one let's take a closer look these are rare fossils each and every one I say you have a quite knack for finding valuable fossils terribly jealous I only hope I can convince you to donate these oh no man oh man make a donation I will make a donation I will donate live fossils this man I wish I can do more than one could it be it is Magus arrow skull Wow Wow all right one more fossil to donate I've got something I've got something for you boy oh I've got something for you I've got a skull for you it is a stay go spec Oh skull eight donations left for the museum so I need to go and get the thingy the what do I need net I need a net let's make a niche I'm going to craft something using Tom one looks workbench okay okay okay okay I've got the net now it's time to go back let's get the net out and let's get us some bow but the fries but the place where are you [ __ ] flies you were all here before there were so many of you now where'd you go where'd you run off to now where are you bugs no no no no you cannot hide from me logos mugs no I missed them dammit I need this cockroaches Papa Roach come back I've got one I've got one yes I caught a war fetch this water loving Roach ass no beer onto the next peg onto the next bug well give me butterflies something right give me a butterfly give me something do it for there we go we got a paper kite butterfly wonderful wonderful wonderful we only need six more things can I get it ha ha wonderful yes I caught a common butterfly they often flutter by uh-huh I got it guys hey come here come here come here oh I'll get you you think you can hide you think you can but you cannot you will not be able to escape silly butterfly oh yes that's it I got a tiger butterfly I've earned my stripes okay let's swap it I can always get more stones guys sticks and stones you know maybe I will get the fish fish my wish come on fish my wish come on you know you want it up upsy daisy's come on come on come on come on come on come on come on you know you want it take the bait take the bait take the bait - come on take the bait take the bait take the bait take the bait take the bait something new I caught a crucian carp my skills are sharp all right I'm gonna swap it clumps of weeds I don't need weeds dude there's no room to put anything here Clemson oh god damn it come on let me let me put my gosh can I put a tire back in this there's no room I don't I had to let him go what do you got for me ooh critter Padilla got new things got any things let's dump some stuff real quick drop it let's drop the weeds I don't need to draw to keep any of that those I can get rid of those alright let's see if we can get a fish give me a fish give me a fish give me a fish give me a fish Oh big honker right here guys we've got a honker I dare say come on little guy Oh too slow I was too slow but there's a honker out here as well come on come on peachy come on fish come on fish come on fish fish my wish come on yes yes yes yes yes Oh a new fish yes I caught a dab I hate myself not bad oh it's right next to you bud come on come on you know you want it come on come on baby squid I got a squid off the hook that's not a new one though I don't think I already gave him a squid the night in the previous night wait I'm gonna catch the fish first fish first fish first everything else second ooh come on a tire I hate it I got an old tire he's sure I'm tired of that yeah message bottle can i crack it open can i crack her open why not go after uses shovel what's this Wow Oh clam that's fun use this fishing bait hmm I've got an idea damn dude how do I get this little bottle though message bottle pick it up oh there you go huh my pockets are full okay I swap it with something yeah yeah I swap it well swap it with the squid because the squid don't I don't need it we're gonna deposit everything I've got guys I've got 1,600 bills he kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding I need to pay him back his fifty thousand bells I can't believe that motherf er charged me 50 thousand oh my god they sent me now if you have any I'm certain they only the system's I'm here they'll make a donation please marvelous what would you like to donate I'll donate a butterfly huh here you go sir a paper kite butterfly the horror the repugnance good heavens I must maintain my composure I beg your pardon bugs I do to test them still there's not mmm there's much I can tell you about the insect I don't want to know you can put that in your Museum right my sincerest thanks for your donation and though bugs are the bane of my existence rest assured the wretched thing will get the best of care here okay well I've got more bugs I've got something marvelous what would you like to donate I'm gonna give you something else that I will terrify you so sorry alright last thing comment butterfly here you go here you got to horrify you alright how much more do I owe ya with this we need three donations to open the museum okay we just gotta get three more things guys that's it okay I think I have everything I got another carp but I don't think I've given that to him yet I'm not sure but we will find out hello mister hoot man make a donation and please let me give you something oh damn I've already given him that okay I need one more thing well I'm here I'll just come baby I'll see bass have I already gotten a sea bass though that's the thing that's the thing have I already conquered the bass I may have already given him a sea bass I think I gave him a black bass something I can't remember I gave him some sort of bass last night when I was playing on my lonesome please let me know if you have any items yes I got a bag worm yes yes yes yes yes yes I got it guys okay back to the museum I will give him my worm alright blathers get ready to get your socks blown off Bowie hello sir I am something for you like to donate the bag worm here you go here you go alright now you can open your new Museum dude hmm I do believe this means yes huzzah hooray we have acquired the number my feathers aren't whoopsies never would I imagine we could reach our donation goal on this my very first day in the island the generosity that has made this possible the passion now we can submit our application and build a problem Museum oh my I must make haste and prepare for the Museum opening there's much to do who do you thank you very much IBAs I don't get anything for that I don't get anything Jesus all right guys well with that last thing to do I want to show you my little pet my little panda it's not much it's a humble abode for sure here's my tent small yellow tent I love it you know ma not much to do that much got my little switch here I can play on it and I can sleep which is I think what I'll do now just take a little nap just take a little nappy-poo thank you so much for watching the first episode whatever they'll glad thing I hope you had a good time this game is so sweet it's so fun I love it it's great so far so thank you guys so much for watching let me know if you have any tips let me know what your islands are called if you're playing I'll see you guys later alright keep crossing those animals okay bye [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 292,241
Rating: 4.9857054 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing music, animal crossing new horizons multiplayer, animal crossing tips, nintendo, new horizons, animal crossing switch, acnh, tom nook, gameplay, animal crossing crankgameplays, animal crossing new horizons crankgameplays
Id: j893wudU6HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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