I was kidnapped and My billionaire dad was happy about it

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do you know what it's like to be a pampered princess well i do because my dad's a billionaire so the high life's mine not only did we live in a five-story mansion but i grew up never having to lift one of my pretty perfect delicate fingers i'm sophia and throughout my childhood i had everything done for me there was a made to brush my hair make my bed and even do my homework for me i didn't even have to search my walk-in wardrobe for a daily outfit as i had my own personal stylist for that so what i'm spoiled but i can't help being so perfect i'm far too gorgeous to be stuck in a stuffy classroom studying not when i could be partying or schmoozing with the stars at swanky cocktail balls but then one morning after a particularly crazy night out i arrived home with a makeup smudged face and only one shoe dad frowned at me and then he said sofia you can't carry on like this you're going to college starting next week but dad i don't need to go to college school sucks plus we have enough money to last us several lifetimes let's just travel and have fun but daddy insisted i couldn't just sleep all day and party all night ugh so i decided to major in interior design for now some of the course was okay i mean i liked the pretty fabrics but i just didn't see the point in being there so after a month i dropped out and planned a long trip away with my besties but there was one tiny problem as paying for this trip would cost way more than my allowance could cover so i had no choice but to don my best puppy eyes look and ask my dad for money daddy please college just isn't for me but i really feel that going away for a while will help clear my mind he snorted i highly doubt that sofia you're lazy self-centered and you rely entirely on everyone to support you you're 20 for god's sakes so act like it i pleaded back but daddy i just want to have some fun with my friends then get a job and spend your own money on whatever you like but if you carry on behaving this way then don't expect any more handouts from me you're lucky that i still haven't kicked you out sophia but soon what that's so unreasonable he was my father it's his duty to support me jeez did he not love me at all i was so mad that i shouted you're just some sad selfish old man then i stormed out of there i was instructing my maid to pack my suitcases when my mom came in and handed me a bank card saying it's a secret between us two yay thanks mom now let the dream voyage begin wow it really was heaven to me with cocktails in the pool and lazy beach days well at least that was until my friend said they wanted a day exploring it was hot and sticky out there but i didn't want to be left alone so i reluctantly tagged along we ended up in this small forest area and i chose to sit under a parasol while my friends went to take a dip in the nearby waterfall because duh i wasn't ruining my hair for anyone i didn't understand how this could be anyone's definition of fun i just hoped that my friends would hurry back then i heard footsteps i turned around thinking it was the girls but instead there were two men with balaclavas on oh no this couldn't be good i jumped up to my feet and began to run but my designer sandals weren't made for swift exits and soon they caught me i screamed out as a smelly cloth went over my mouth after that the world began to darken around me i flickered my eyes open jeez it was so sunny where were my sunglasses that's when i heard two voices and i remembered being kidnapped i heard the one man say got her phone the other replied of course i don't want to upset the boss i was so scared that i pretended to still be unconscious then suddenly i heard the sound of the engine starting i opened my eyes and saw the men driving away now i was all alone in some field what why would anyone kidnap someone then just leave them in the middle of nowhere my friends must be so worried about me i needed to contact them but how i had no idea where i was and no phone ugh i should find a way out of this deserted place first then borrow someone's phone the kidnappers had left a bag next to me which had a bottle of water some snacks and some gross looking sneakers in it yuck but i had no choice but to put them on as my sandals were now torn ew i would need so many pedicures to recover from this i took the bag with me and started walking after what felt like hours of torture a farmhouse finally came into view i whooped with joy and knocked on the door but no one answered i know trespassing is wrong but this was an emergency so i pushed the door open and ventured inside i was just going to make a quick phone call then i'd leave but then i accidentally stumbled and knocked over a voz a smashing sound broke the silence i panicked and was about to run away but from upstairs a man came down and shouted stop thief before i could explain he grabbed my hand and pulled me back i tried explaining that i wasn't a thief but he gave me a skeptical look and said well in that case you can leave once you've paid for my votes that's a collectible what this ugly thing ugh i told him i would as soon as i made a phone call so he doubtfully passed me his cell i stared at it um turns out i have never cared to remember any of my friend's numbers i then thought about calling my parents but no way i was mad at dad and asking for his help right now only meant accepting defeat no never i told the man i would pay when i got home but he refused to let me go after a while of arguing he forced me to stay and work for him until i paid it off he even made up an agreement and made me sign it and what other choice did i have yep i was completely stuck here this was the worst day of my life he said his name was manson then he showed me where i'd be staying um this had to be a joke it was a barn literally there was an uncomfortable looking bed in there and i could hear horses naying in the bar next door was he kidding me i was sitting there in despair when my stomach rumbled with hunger so i barged into the kitchen and ordered manson to make me some food but he just pointed at the eggs by the stove and told me to make myself something to eat um sure i'd definitely do that if i knew how to cook manson just sat there smirking while i threw the whole egg into the pan and then spent the next half hour trying to work out how to turn the stove on in the end i gave up and returned to my so-called room with an empty stomach if you think that was bad well things soon got a lot worse at 5am a noisy rooster woke me up and then started my disastrous days at the farm i accidentally dropped the bag of seeds onto the floor and got them in my hair so the chickens chased me around the pen to get to them i slipped over in the pigsty ew i chipped a nail cleaning of the rabbit hutch i even fell into horse manure it was awful then on top of it all manson was so rude he just laughed at me struggling with everything but then one day it all got too much for me i was exhausted and felt so dizzy that i stumbled and broke two baskets of eggs it really hurt so bad and i was even in tears thinking manson would be mad but instead he ran over to check on me then he even cooked me a nice meal and told me that i'd been doing a great job despite the accidents whoa what's with this personality change so maybe he wasn't as bad as i thought over the next few days i actually found myself enjoying manson's company we sat by the fire pit and watched the sunset we went horse riding and i managed not to fall off and he even taught me how to cook that's when i realized two things firstly i'd been a brat i was lazy selfish and i took everything for granted but now i realized that with hard work came reward and secondly i realized that i liked manson a lot so i decided to do something nice for him i gave the barn a makeover it was just simple things really i put a rug down added some plants hung up a few pictures and fairy lights then i dragged manson over to have a look he peered around the barn then smiled sophia this is so lovely then he awkwardly looked down at his feet look i need to tell you something um it's your dad he hired those men to kidnap you then paid me to let you stay here i laughed over that ridiculous joke but then he continued your dad wanted you to change your outlook on life and understand the value of money he only has your best interest at heart wait was this all just a setup with teary eyes i looked straight at manson and said i was going to tell you that i have feelings for you but i suppose you don't feel the same i need to go please tell my father to send someone to pick me up asap unless he's okay with me walking all the way back home without any phone or cash then i hurried out of there he shouted after me but i ignored him i was so angry and upset i continued walking until a car eventually pulled up alongside me it was our family's driver he took me home then i locked myself in my room refusing to come out it took a few days for me to calm down enough to go confront my father and when i did well i found myself running into his arms and telling him how sorry i was he looked so shocked i finally realized that my dad only did that because he loves me and he wanted me to see the true values of life i told him i would resume my studies at college but there was something else i needed to do first i showed up at manson's doorstep with some carrots for the horses and a new voz on seeing him he grinned then gave me the biggest hug guys life isn't all about designer clothes and expensive holidays sometimes a stinky farm full of even stinkier animals and a cute guy well that can be the best place in the world as for the future well manson and i are both taking it slow and seeing where it goes i do have big plans for his farm though i'm helping him renovate the barns into holiday cottages so other people can sample the country life too a part of me will always be a pampered princess but as for the other part of me well it turns out she can make a mean egg bagel and outrun a pen full of chickens don't take life for granted it doesn't matter how pretty and rich you are instead there's far more to life than just that you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 278,360
Rating: 4.9036956 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: TkDxYtRTGnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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