My Worst Enemy Became My Step Sister?!

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hi everyone i'm emma and this is my story about what can happen when someone gets so jealous of you they try to ruin your life it all started with my mom she's a beautiful woman and i took after her so when she divorced my dad and we moved to a new town obviously i started a new school that's when the trouble began i became popular very quickly but not the girls it was the boys who went wild from me and it drove me crazy i just wanted a normal life with some nice friends and it wasn't my fault my mom had passed her beauty down to me anyway there was one girl in particular called anna who was having none of it she was also pretty but she was seriously jealous of me from day one i remember that first week hearing some girls whispering in the bathroom that i was prettier than anna and then anna walked in and she looked like she wanted to scream after that she went out of her way to destroy my life at my old school i'd been a cheerleader so i signed up to join at this new school little did i know anna was head cheerleader she pretended to be all nice to me at practice then at the first football game we were performing and going through our routine which anna had choreographed she made me go at the top of the pyramid balancing on top of everyone i was so nervous but i knew i could do it anyway as i was climbing up there i suddenly saw anna whisper to the girl next to her and then she moved and the whole pyramid started to fall she obviously wanted to hurt me but it backfired and we all fell on top of her all we heard was a scream as her arm snapped afterwards she told everyone i was clumsy and it was all my fault but i knew she'd planned it so i'd be the one to get hurt and that's not all prom was coming up and my mom had made me the most beautiful long silk dress i felt like a princess and couldn't wait to see what everyone would think of course anna was also wearing a beautiful dress but everyone was staring at me i saw her roll her eyes and then when i was dancing with two of my friends i felt something rip i looked behind me and anna was standing on my dress i couldn't believe it i tried to move but she wouldn't budge and it wouldn't stop ripping suddenly i was standing there with a mini dress and i wanted to cry but then my friend quickly got some scissors and kneaded it up and believe it or not it actually looked even cooler than before once again anna tried to make me look like a fool but it all fell on her everyone was so impressed with my dress and i even started a new trend wearing mini dresses to prom however despite all these silly pranks there was one thing that anna had that i didn't a boyfriend she was dating isaac one of the top athletes in school and anytime she was with him and saw me she would always smirk and look me up and down as if to say she had a boyfriend and i didn't i didn't care for her silly competitiveness though i wasn't even bothered about being single all i wanted was for her to leave me alone pretty soon we became like enemies i just couldn't stand her and her annoying behaviors but then things got worse one weekend my mom drove me to a game and insisted on staying to watch my cheerleading performance later i spotted her chatting with some men and she looked like she was having a good time i was happy to see her smile that brightly after a long time and as expected not long after that she introduced him to me but you won't believe who it was it turned out he was anna's dad out of all people on earth and were still they were now hopelessly in love and even wanted to get married oh no if i knew who he was i would have broken them up from the start i couldn't be anna's stepsister this was my worst nightmare and when anna found out about this she started to treat me even worse one time i was walking in the canteen when suddenly someone pushed me i went flying and ended up bumping into a boy who fell over too it was so sore but the pain quickly disappeared when i realized who the boy was it was liam the new hot guy who just joined the athletes club i kept apologizing to him but he just laughed and said it was okay then helped me get up and took me to the nurse's office to make sure i wasn't hurt afterwards he even asked for my number i couldn't believe it i was actually blushing over a boy then i went back to the canteen and there was anna staring at me all angry i didn't even have to think twice about who'd pushed me obviously anna well thanks to her silly prank now i had a cute guy interested in me and for once i was actually interested in him too it didn't take long before we became a couple and then we were pretty much attached at the hip i also joined his athletes practice and because isaac was there too anna was always there as well she just glared at me with dagger eyes whenever she saw me i didn't get what her problem was anyway one time the athlete's club suggested we all go see a movie with girlfriends included in the theater anna sat behind me and kept kicking my chair i turned over and asked her to stop but she wouldn't i could feel the anger welling up inside me and i thought i was going to explode but i didn't want to embarrass myself in front of liam so i decided i needed to stay as far away from anna as possible that wasn't easy though our school had organized a big athletes competition with another school and so liam was always practicing i always sat in the stands and watched him and on the day of the competition anna came and sat next to me i almost froze what was she up to instead of pulling some prank she handed me a bottle of water and said hey emma i don't want to be your enemy anymore we're basically going to be sisters so let's just make up okay then she turned to me and smiled shyly whoa well that was a surprise i felt relieved though and said i thought this day would never come i hated things being all awkward between us anna just smiled at me again and then we came down to the field where isaac and liam were warming up for the race to wish them luck finally the competition began anna and i sat together cheering our boyfriends on as expected liam won first prize and isaac came in second i was so happy for liam and ran out to the field to hug him but suddenly some of the organizers approached him and escorted him off the field i had no idea what was going on but i saw anna smirking at me and then walking away what was that for after a while the organizers came back and said liam had been caught doping so now the first prize would go to isaac what there was no way liam would do something illegal like that he'd never used any kind of substance to perform well he was just naturally talented everyone started saying mean things about liam and i couldn't bear it so i went to find him i saw him sitting in the corner of the locker room looking shocked when he saw me he shook his head and said i didn't use doping you have to believe me emma i'm not that kind of guy all i did was drink the water you gave me oh my god the water bottle anna had given it to me and i must have passed it on to liam to hydra before the competition i thought she was being nice but of course she wasn't this was anna we were talking about she'd planned this she was seriously too much i ran to find her and i was raging she was happily talking to the other athlete so i grabbed her wrist and pulled her away how could you are you trying to ruin liam's life i yelled at her and i wasn't even bothered she just smirked and said yup i am and so what i was shaking by that point and i said you're crazy why did you do it what has liam ever done to you i did it cause i hate you you stole everything from me including liam huh i was so confused since when did anna like liam well isaac appeared at the exact moment and he obviously heard what she said he started shouting you told me you did that to help me win but no you're a complete liar so you're just jealous of emma huh okay then now you can run after liam as you wish we're over anna was shocked and tried to explain that she'd done it for him that he was misunderstanding her but he wouldn't even look at her he said you won't get away with this anna i'm gonna tell the organizers right now anna tried to get him to stop but he pushed her away and she ended up falling onto the ground where she burst in tears ha she deserved it i went back to find liam and the organizers announced that there were some problems with the results and that the competition would be repeated the following weekend liam looked so happy and hugged me everything worked out in the end well at least for liam and me liam still won first place and now he's going to compete in the international competition as for anna and isaac well they broke up and anna moved to another city with her mom and isaac got kicked out of the athletes club on another note my mom and anna's dad are getting married soon and even though i can't stand anna i'm still going to go because it'll mean a lot to my mom at least i don't need to live in the same house as anna she's gotta be the most jealous person i've ever met and it's not done or any good envy really is poison it's much better to just be happy with what you have right now right
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 214,739
Rating: 4.9390712 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: d94B1P9VpTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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