The Most Expensive Kinder Egg On Earth Belongs To Me

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hi my name is happiness you're impressed with my name right my dad gave me that name and yeah as you can guess he put a lot of hopes and dreams in me i'm now 18 years old and tomorrow i will fly to massachusetts to start my college my parents are preparing a farewell party for me downstairs i have never left my hometown and been away from my family so this is such an occasion as i'm packing my belongings for college a flood of memories come to mind you see when i was a kid my family was dirt poor we lived in an old dilapidated house on the outskirts of selma in alabama i remember we would buy a chicken at the beginning of the month and my parents would make it last the whole month i didn't realize we were poor though in fact at that point i was just a happy carefree little girl but that wouldn't last my mom worked as a cleaner for a rich family but they treated her terribly and she barely earned enough money to even take the bus there my dad was a lorry driver and so he was away a lot delivering goods to other states every weekend when he came home i'd stand out on the porch as soon as i saw his big truck driving up the dusty road i'd run out there and jump up and down the best part was that he always brought me a little present like a piece of candy that he'd save for me or a small toy they weren't valuable gifts but they meant the world to me one time he came home and i ran up to him and said daddy yesterday genie's dad brought her a chocolate egg back from his trip it even had a toy inside i want one too my dad looked confused then he said he'd heard of them and they were called kinder eggs and then with loving eyes and a smile he promised he'd find me one no matter how hard it would be even if it was the last thing he did the next weekend i raced out to the street and could barely contain my excitement as i waited for him to come home i waited and waited but still he didn't arrive i started to get worried so i asked my mom where he was she said oh sweetie he's on his way why don't you go to sleep and as soon as you wake up he'll be here there was no way i could sleep all i could think about was getting a chocolate egg with a toy inside i'd almost dozed off when i heard his voice i ran downstairs and jumped into his arms hugging him i missed you daddy i told him and he laughed and said i missed you too sweetie pie then i said um where is it did you get me a chocolate egg i eagerly asked then his face dropped he said sorry baby i was working late so i didn't have time to buy one but i promise i'll bring you two next time to make up for it okay but this wasn't okay i was so disappointed i pushed him away from me and burst into tears saying you promised you promised me i'd never cried like that before over something so small but at the time it felt like such a big deal and my dad looked confused to see me so upset at that moment my mom came through and saw me she immediately understood everything then started to comfort my dad come on honey take a rest you've worked yourself too hard recently come eat you're so skinny these days this just made me more annoyed i was the one who needed comforting not my dad so i shouted at my mom mommy daddy didn't keep his promise but my mom just ignored me and so i stormed back up the stairs crying all the way after i'd calmed down my mom came to my room and said happiness your dad works so hard and you should just be happy that he's home safely i know he didn't bring you what you wanted but he will next time okay in the meantime i'll make your favorite cupcakes every day every day wow okay i said to her and she really did she made me cupcakes every day and i was so happy after a few days i said to her mommy i like you more than daddy i don't even love him anymore because he broke his promise my mom just looked at me and said oh happiness you don't know what you're saying one day when you grow up you'll understand that everything your dad does is for you he loves you so much the next weekend rolled around and as usual i ran outside to wait for my dad just like the week before the sun set and still he was nowhere to be seen i was about to start crying when i noticed a man running towards our front door my mom appeared and he said something and suddenly my mom started panicking she called out to me and said we had to go to grandpa's place immediately i had no idea what was happening but for the next month my grandpa took care of me because my parents didn't come home i missed them so much and whenever i asked when they were coming to get me my grandpa just said happiness they're busy working don't you worry just stay here and enjoy your time with me eventually i got used to it then one morning grandpa woke me up early and said it was time to go home i was so excited that i kept on singing happily as we pulled up outside our house my heart started beating faster i was home then a shadow appeared in the doorway and i couldn't believe what i was seeing it was my mom and dad but my dad was in a wheelchair my mom looked so thin and tired and my dad had no legs what had happened i looked to grandpa to reassure me but he looked as nervous as i did then in my little voice i said daddy where are your legs he smiled at me and with his usual loving eye said they got hurt but hey what do you think of my wheelchair he let me sit on his lap and mom pushed us around and it was so cool i was way too young to understand what was really going on all i remember was how many people kept visiting to check on dad and that i finally got to try a chocolate egg that same day a doctor came to visit and after he checked on my dad he came over and patted my head then he pulled a chocolate egg out of his bag and then another one and another one three chocolate eggs i couldn't believe it i was shaking with excitement the doctor said the gift was from my dad and that i should thank him i ran to my dad and said thank you daddy he looked like he was going to cry and i asked if he was okay and he just smiled and said i'm happy because you're happy that's all that matters to me for the first time in my life i got to try a chocolate egg and it was the most delicious thing i'd ever tasted and the best part was that inside there was a toy after i opened and ate all three i just wanted more i kept asking my dad when i could get more and he just laughed and then i thought maybe if i studied really hard and was a good girl i'd get some more so that's what i did i focused on my study and one day i won a medal at school for winning a math contest i was so excited to show my parents and assumed they'd give me a chocolate egg as a reward but that's not what happened they congratulated me but said it wasn't possible for them to get me another chocolate egg i don't know why but this made me so angry i cried and i even threw my bag at them and this made my mom super mad she scolded me so much that i was scared and ran out the house and went to my grandpa's house i cried and cried and told him everything and my grandpa said happiness the reason your mom got so mad is because she is under too much pressure and has to work so hard to look after you now your dad can't work so she's in charge and it's a lot for her to deal with then he told me what happened to my dad and it changed my life forever that day when my dad was out doing his deliveries he got an opportunity to do some overtime which he jumped at the chance to do so he could buy me my chocolate eggs on his way home he stopped to buy them for me and then because he was so tired as he was leaving the store he got hit by a drunk driver he was hit so hard he lost both his legs i couldn't believe it how could i have been so selfish if it weren't for me demanding a chocolate egg my dad would still have his legs i felt so terrible and so the next day when i won some candy for the other math contests i came home and went to my parents mommy daddy i'm so sorry i want you to have these you always do your best to give me the sweetest life and so i wanted to make your sweeter too that probably sounds a bit deep for a six-year-old to say right well my grandpa taught me that one my parents were so moved that they almost cried when they hugged me and even though i didn't understand it at the time i do now and it's so true it's taken me a while but now that i'm about to move out i finally understand the life my parents have given me and how sweet it has been through this channel i'd like to send some words to my parents mom dad if you're watching this i want you to know how much i appreciate everything you've done for me now it's my turn to work hard and make you proud no matter how hard life gets i'll persevere just like you both have because i'm your happiness you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 203,281
Rating: 4.9230475 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: 8lXDCmzimzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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