I Fell In Love With My Sugar Daddy, But Then His True Identity Was Revealed

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i was born into a pretty poor family so money was always on my mind as i grew up all i wanted was to have money and i couldn't wait until i was old enough to start making some of my own i especially couldn't stand the way people took advantage of others just to get some quick cash and yet it wasn't long before i almost became like one of those gold diggers that i hated so much i'm julie and i'm 20 years old you might be wondering why i hate gold diggers well who doesn't but for starters my mom was one yep that's right she ditched me and my dad to marry some rich guy when i was just five years old i can't even recall her face but i still remember that day like it was just yesterday i was screaming and crying and begging her not to leave but she didn't even look back ever since it's just been me and my dad obviously my dad worked really hard to make enough money to raise me alone but we were still poor he worked on construction sites and the hours were long so it wasn't long before his health started to go downhill a lot of his money went towards medical bills and so we made do with whatever was left this made me hate my mom so much she was the most selfish person in the world to me dad still encouraged me to focus on my education though so i ended up going to college to further study chinese which i've always been fond for but after one year we couldn't afford it anymore so i decided to quit and find a job to help my dad out at first i worked as a waitress but i was pretty smart and my chinese was good so eventually i got another job as an interpreter in a big company where i met john he was the ceo and also the person who would change my entire life so there i was working two jobs and even though i was exhausted i was happy i was making enough money to look after my dad and also had enough left to buy gifts for my boyfriend yep that's right i had a boyfriend called scott and we'd been dating for two years i felt like the luckiest girl in the world because he was drop dead gorgeous i loved buying him stuff because it made him so happy finally my life was turning around for the better but then everything changed in the blink of an eye i caught scott cheating on me with some woman the same age as his mum i couldn't believe it he used his good looks to date older women just so he could get their money he was as bad as my mom nothing but a gold digger though little did i know i was about to follow in their footsteps it all started the day i caught him cheating i was so upset and miserable i'd bumped into them in the mall where i'd seen them holding hands and kissing and all i wanted was to get as far away as possible from there i ran out onto the street and then i just collapsed onto the sidewalk and started crying my eyes out suddenly i heard someone say jolie what are you doing here i looked up and john the ceo was standing there i tried to stop the tears but i couldn't i couldn't even speak he helped me up and told me to get in the car and go somewhere so i could calm myself down then we ended up in a bar and i drank a lot i couldn't stop myself from telling him about what scott had done john comforted me and then the next moment i woke up and john was lying next to me i was about to freak out but jon looked at me and smiled and said that if i hung out with him from time to time like this then he'd subsidize everything for me so that i could go back to college and pay my tuition i was shocked he said it had to be our secret so that his wife didn't find out i was about to say no way but the thought of being able to finish my studies and graduate made me consider it again and after all jon was being so sweet and me and my dad could really use that extra money so the next moment i found myself nodding my head and the rest was history i had officially become jon's secret lover aka a gold digger and let me tell you my life got so much easier i went back to college and had more time to enjoy life but at the same time i couldn't shake off the guilt especially when i thought about jon's wife i'd never met her before but i knew from working at john's company that her name was doris and that she was the perfect wife i even found out that they didn't have kids because doris was infertile after some accident this made me feel so bad how had i let myself become a mistress like this it wasn't right but still i couldn't just end things with jon you see i'd actually started to fall in love with him yes you can say i was a gold digger but i also had real feelings for him and so did he he took care of me and i was happy with him it was only natural that i'd start loving him and so even though i knew what we were doing was wrong i couldn't stop it then one day i was walking to the bus stop when a random man approached me and said that doris wanted to meet me oh my god doris knew about me i felt so sick suddenly he said she wanted to meet me right away and so i followed him to a nearby cafe where she was waiting as soon as i saw her my jaw dropped i knew her it was the woman scott had cheated on me with no way i couldn't believe my eyes when she saw me she looked shocked but then she said well well well looks like we're destined to meet okay i'll get straight to the point you need to back away from my husband what clearly doris wasn't the perfect wife everyone made her out to be i said to her you do know you're no better than me right i wonder what john would say if he knew you were having an affair too she was furious she started shouting at me saying john would never leave her and that she would not let me steal him away especially his money and that it all belonged to her then she stormed off surprise surprise she was just with john for his money she was even worse than me at least i loved him after that meeting the war between doris and i officially began she started to rub in my face that she was his wife and i wasn't every day she turned up at the office with his lunch and kiss him in front of me honestly it made me sick no really like literally sick but no luck for her the universe works in funny ways and guess what i was pregnant and this was one thing i could give john the doris couldn't i was so happy i called john right away he was over the moon and promised to take care of me and the kid he started spending more time with me after that but one day when we were together doris called and said she was sick i couldn't stand her interrupting our special time like this so i pretended to have stomach pains and he immediately drove me to the hospital and asked their maid to go take care of doris i'd won this time but then something shocking happened doris appeared in front of my house when would she give up i walked towards her and asked what else do you want now she was about to say something but suddenly my dad came out from the house and said julie what are you doing so both me and doris turned back and well that's when things got crazier doris my dad shouted in surprise he looked like he'd seen a ghost then doris said thomas how did they know each other well the next thing my dad was screaming get away from her she's not your daughter anymore i froze doris was my mom before i could even say anything she ran to her car and drove off i didn't even want to see my dad i just wanted to be alone that night i lay awake all night thinking about it all i'd been competing with my mum this was so wrong what was i going to do i loved john and i wanted to have his baby so badly but he was my mom's husband and then all those old feelings of abandonment came flooding back my mom had left us and now she was hurting john she just took advantage of our love and only cared about money she didn't care about any of us why could she be so selfish i couldn't stop crying everything was such a mess eventually i fell asleep and when i woke up i knew what i had to do even though she was my mum she needed to learn a lesson once and for all i called john and asked if we could meet at our favorite cafe i was so nervous but i told him everything how she cheated on him and then how she was my mom i even showed him some photos of her with scott that i'd taken outside scott's house john was so shocked he just stared at me not saying anything he looked completely heartbroken and i wanted to hug and comfort him but i knew i couldn't do that anymore in the end john divorced doris and kicked her out of the house leaving her with nothing and then you won't believe it he proposed to me what did i say well i'm still deciding becoming the wife of my mom's ex-husband just feels a bit strange my mom has suffered a lot already i'm not sure i want to make her even more miserable but let's see all i know is that i'm going to give birth soon and raise this baby in the best way i can i'm definitely going to be a better mom than my mum was that's for sure you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 316,693
Rating: 4.903461 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: lxyY9-S7E5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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