I Swap Lives With My Mom!!!

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have you ever wondered what being a parent would be like how about if you suddenly became a parent and your parent became a teenager well it happened to me and i'm here to tell you all about it hello everybody my name's heaven and i'm 17 but don't let my name deceive you because this heaven came straight out of hell i suppose i've never been the easiest child back when i was younger i had a lot of temper tantrums and outbursts once when i was eight this boy took the green crayon i wanted so i snatched it off him then snapped it in half he burst into tears and the teacher got involved and tried to put me in the timeout corner so i screamed at her and even gave her some bruises the teacher rang my parents and told them this was the last strike and i'd been expelled when they picked me up my dad just sighed and stayed quiet but my mom yelled at me well i hope you're happy now heaven you've brought shame to our family and now we've got to find another school willing to take you now nine years later and the relationship between mom and me is worse than ever we just don't see eye to eye on anything to be honest we're like strangers she has absolutely no idea what it feels like to be a teenager and her super strict rules are ridiculous such as no boyfriends until i'm 18. no parties no drinking no staying out past 8 30 p.m no unhealthy foods no no no no no she was such a fun killer jeez who was she to try and control me like this ugh me being me i tried to find my way around these stupid rules i made out i was having a girly sleepover at my friend clara's house then ended up going to a party i said i was at an after school club when really i went on a date with a boy and i chucked the healthy packed lunches she made me in the trash and ordered a greasy burger and loaded cheese fries instead i hated the fact that mom was ruining my life with all of her dumb rules and she hated the fact that i didn't respect her enough to follow her dumb rules because of this we argued a lot and my little bro john and my dad often found themselves stuck in the middle i guess that they couldn't stand the icy atmosphere between us so eventually they themselves prepared for a family day out and it was certainly going to fix nothing her rules still followed us to the park and she'd even stopped me talking to this really cute guy and shouted at me to go mind john i wasn't here to be a maid then when we got home she insisted i help her cook dinner so i poured out a beer and when i thought mom wasn't looking i slurped back the rest of the can suddenly my mom screamed out what do you think you're doing you're too young to be drinking i just rolled my eyes and said what it was a tiny sip stop being so uptight else you'll turn into a wrinkly old prune then i threw the can on the floor and walked off she gave me a fierce glare but i didn't care how could she be just so serious so when we were all sitting around the table for dinner i could feel the tension between me and mom she passed john a plate full of chicken nuggets but she passed me a plate heaped full of broccoli yuck um where are my nuggets i asked mom replied john is a growing boy you however need to eat some vegetables as you're getting a little chubby how dare she i wasn't even fat in fact i'm so skinny i could be a model if anyone needed to watch their weight it was her not me she was the one squeezing herself into her old pair of skinny jeans so i grabbed my plate of broccoli and threw it in the trash mom got up and said fine go hungry see if i care and you can clean up after yourself from now on i yelled back ridiculous there's nothing in my stomach and you're giving me chores is this child abuse but then my dad startled us by slamming his fist on the table that's enough both of you start acting like grown-ups we both muttered out sorry then dad came up with his bonkers idea okay so if you two cannot live in harmony why don't you trade places mom and i were kind of what do you mean i said to him well it's simple heaven you'll switch places with mom and do the housework shopping making dinner and taking care of john and so on well ariana he looked at mom you'll relive your teenage years and go to school let's say for two days mom looked thrilled at the prospect of being me as for me i wasn't convinced i mean who likes doing chores besides tomorrow at school was class picnic day which meant no classes lots of tasty food and plenty of time to stare at cute boys but mom seemed so excited at the idea of being me so i decided i could take advantage of this does this mean i don't have to follow any stupid rules i asked and mom and dad nodded in agreement okay then all the strict rules are gone does this mean i can eat chocolate in bed john asked i grinned you betcha mom just shrugged and said it's okay mum now i have to prepare stuff for my picnic and she excitedly ran upstairs this would be a breeze right i mean how hard could being mom actually be the next morning john woke me up extra early and insisted i make him breakfast yawn while i was pouring cereal into a bowl for him mom appeared she was wearing her hat backwards jeez someone seriously needed to tell her it wasn't the 90s anymore have fun ariana i winked at her you too mom she winked back i watched her through the window as she got on the school bus she turned to me and did the peace out sign geez could she be any more uncool whatever she could be as cringy as she wanted i didn't care as i had the whole day at home alone or at least until i had to pick up my bro from school i didn't bother loading up the dishwasher and i sidestepped past the massive pile of laundry and decided to spend the morning on the couch watching a chick flick and painting my nails this was the life a few hours passed and i was so bored and hungry so i went into the kitchen to look for food but the cupboards were empty then i noticed a shopping list and some money on the counter reluctantly i walked to the local store but i ignored the list and bought lots of snacks hey i was mom so i made the rules in the end i found myself so bored that i actually ended up doing the laundry i didn't really know what i was doing so i threw everything into the machine fiddled with the dial and hoped for the best then my phone rang it was clara so i answered and she said hey why is your mom here instead of you i told her about the switch up then asked her what my mom was up to she was quiet for a second then said um well she's definitely enjoying the picnic in fact she's showing mrs puller her dabbing skills what my mom was dabbing which no one did anymore and in front of our ancient science teacher was she trying to humiliate me whatever my mom could get on with it i had house chores to do geez what's with chores they seriously never seem to end by the end of the day i was so exhausted that i ordered takeout for everyone then slumped in front of the tv i finally had the option to stay out late but i didn't have the energy to do it then the next day when i was doing yet more house chores my friend patrick sent me a photo it was mom she was wearing a cheerleader's outfit that exposed her mid-drift what she was just at a casual football match no one dressed up for that then patrick sent me another picture in it mom was fiddling with her hair and touching some jock's shoulder omg was she trying to flirt with him whatever i didn't have time for this i had to go pick jon up from school then go to the grocery store to get supplies for dinner we arrived home to find mum slumped on the couch surrounded by empty wrappers and cans on seeing me she said oh you're back i told john to go to his room then i stormed over to mom and said what's with all this mess clean it up she just smirked at me and said nah you never clean it up so why should i after all we have switched places remember she finished her beer then burped loudly before she threw the can at my feet then walked off this was so annoying i'd already tidied the living room once today and now i had to do it again my mom was so unfair then when i finally managed to grab five minutes to relax with a hot chocolate loud thudding sounds were coming from upstairs it was her music it was so loud it made the ceiling shake jeez she was so annoying then suddenly it dawned on me this was how i acted mom was just being me so okay i guess i was a little harsh at times i suppose being mom wasn't as easy as it looks so i decided to make amends by making a delicious dinner but there was one problem i can't cook in fact the last time i tried to cook i set the crepes and the pan on fire so for safety purposes i asked clara and patrick to help me they had cooking class so they knew what to do we created a feast of barbecue ribs burgers cornbread salad grape punch and for dessert a chocolate lava cake and blueberry pie i swear they looked so good i wanted to drool all over them mom came downstairs chewing her gum and scrolling through her phone but then she looked at the food and stuttered huh how did you make all of this not even i could make this many meals i just shrugged and said i had a little help from my friends no biggie then i stopped in front of mom and said i'm sorry that i've been a bad daughter i know you do a lot for me and i promise i'll be better from now on mom started crying and said i'm sorry too i know it isn't easy being your age i can't keep up with the trends i thought dabbing was popular anyway from now on i'll be fair to you and we'll have fun together after that we hugged it out then my dad stood up and said well now anyone want to trade places with me john immediately raised his hand and all could see his eyes light up soon we all burst out laughing thinking about one day jon will go to work and talk about dinosaurs at the meetings meanwhile my dad is building a lego castle for john's kindergarten girlfriend my family is now happier than ever it's all thanks to my dad's crazy idea you should never disrespect your parents otherwise you might just find yourself living in their shoes literally and trust me i'll take strict rules and being nagging parents any day if the alternative is grocery shopping and house chores ugh
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 312,241
Rating: 4.8921022 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: 98_qKXIWF7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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