Art Things to do When You're Bored #7

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[Music] hey it's me i didn't wave at the same time whatever today i'm gonna be doing another video on art things to do when you're bored i've done this quite a few times at this point so if you're new here and you need lots and lots of ideas i got you i've got a whole playlist full of these videos you can just watch them so we're going to be doing a uh uh a bunch of different art activities slash crafts it's a mixture disclaimer this is not art things to do when you're bored using supplies that i guarantee you will already have on hand i don't know why but some people think that that's what the title of the series is please don't get mad at me but i will say that all of these supplies are affordable you can find them easily at your local craft stores or online don't fret let's get into this i think that this is going to be a great one to start with because it's kind of a warm up i think i don't know make diy puffy paint and then of course use that puffy paint to paint something because you don't just make paint for the sake of making paint you make paint to paint with the paint so we're going to paint this is a double activity double activity i'm acting like i have a graphic that i use for that but i don't so i kind of have a thing for puffy paint not in a weird way just i i really like puffy paint i have known about diy puffy paint for a long time i've never actually tried it before what you will need glue shaving foam food coloring bowl spoon measuring cup squeeze bottles and a funnel helps so you don't need all that right now why did i do that there are lots of different diy puffy paint recipes out there some of them are much more complicated they may give you a better end result but they require a lot of special ingredients you gotta heat things up and you gotta travel to mars and well i just went for like the most simple recipe first we will make the base equal parts shaving foam this is shaving gel also it's pink i don't think this is gonna work this will do it luckily i have dug up some old shaving foam from some project that i did a long time ago hoarding saves the day equal parts shaving foam scrape off the excess there i'm hungry now we're gonna pour the same amount of white glue into the bowl lovely lovely lovely stir them up and guess what bam puffy paint kind of it does look much thinner than a normal puffy paint add your food coloring however you like then we just mix that up and look at how beautiful it is oh beautiful oh wonderful gorgeous there we go that's what i wanted a little lovely purple i am going to add mine into a squeeze bottle and i'm going to use a funnel or our paint oh come on and ages later paint is in a squeeze bottle let's test this out ah okay okay it definitely is thinner than store-bought puffy paint but i kind of like how it comes out it's very smooth i think that this will work but first i need to make a few more colors [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wonderful now that we have our paint in the colors of our choice i don't think that this is going to be super long-lasting paint so you're going to want to use it right away now my plan is to use it on this this set of vases losses oh of course if you already have something laying around that's great that's ideal but i just wanted to get something special i'm just gonna decorate these with these so let's do that [Music] do [Music] okay my vases are finally done and dry i think that there are probably very limited uses for this paint it doesn't really stay puffy and smooth it kind of collapses and creates this like weird wrinkly texture i hadn't done whoops i would probably be really mad about it if i hadn't done something like abstract but honestly i think it kind of looks cool i did get some fake flowers to put in each one so this is like a little decor moment room decor home decor shelf decor decor so make some modern art room decor or something else i'm not trying to control your life moving on to the next idea we have customize a puzzle so what you will need for this is obviously a puzzle this is clearly a baby puzzle nice little farm scene going on there i got this specifically to customize it it's nice thick wood and i think that that's going to be our best bet when customizing therefore baby puzzle oh why i didn't expect that to happen i don't know let me just do this puzzle real quick okay i is smart never painted a puzzle before i just thought that this would be a unique item to customize maybe you hadn't thought about before i'm gonna start [Music] by gessoing this [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] alrighty and my puzzle is done it looks so bright and i just want to eat it so bright and summery it's an ice cream cone with fruit on top i don't know i just made it up i used poscas on top of this felt like pastas were less likely to seal the pieces together i did have to take out all the pieces and put some matte varnish on all of them individually just to make sure that i don't completely seal the pieces together and now it's nice and protected so that the paint isn't chipping and you can actually use it and you know if you're super bored once you finish painting it then you can just uh take it apart and put it back together 15 times because this is a baby puzzle and it should be really easy and hello i'd like to interrupt for one second to show off some fresh emmy merchandise for the summer oh yeah we got all the things to chill at the beach or at the pool this summer including a pickle pool float microfiber beach towel tote bags shelly and eustis paddle set georgie hat and umbrella the link of course is in the description if you want to check all of this out and as usual make sure you check your order page so you know when your item will ship okay let's get back to art things to do when you're bored make a sock make a plushie out of a suck you will need some socks preferably fuzzy socks who doesn't love a good pair of fuzzy socks i have purchased an array of fuzzy socks and with the excess you know i can just use them this is the first time i've shown my bare feet on camera [Music] i feel like we know each other on a new level this was like pretty popular a few years ago but i've actually never done this before i'm going to choose blue for my sock plush take the sock pull it open and flatten it out you got the opening on the bottom yoo-hoo i believe you're supposed to use the heel as the top of the head you're gonna mark that then we sew oh this is a mess i'll put this stuff back in here like that clearly it was me i'm the only one who uses this here's some nice blue thread that'll work now if you don't know how to sew before you freak out chill breathe relax i don't know how to sew either but the great thing is we are not embroidering a dress for the queen we're making a plush out of a sock all you need to know is tie a knot at one end in out in out in out high knot at the other hand it'll do the trick start at one end of the curve tie knot now remember in out in out in out and out just sewing along that line okay we've reached the end now tie another knot just you know do that or something we cut off the excess flip that inside out this looks weird stuffing time polyfill we take a generous handful i like a nice firm stuffing i want it to be nice and plump and you see how the elastic makes a nice closure that's why we do it this way i'm gonna do the eyes at this point safety eyes you could use buttons you could use paint whoa looks like a bug i think that size works you just push these in where you want them and then they come with these little backings so you have to like get in there and close them off aye eyes about this gaping hole here we're gonna sew again i'm just gonna like weave my way around watch this watch this magic trick pull it looks a little like a bum hole so let me try to seal it up a little bit more bye we got a little bean i'm just gonna make some ears for it some little hands let's just throw that all together real quick got my bunny i was going to add little flap feet to this but i kind of ran out of sock that's just the style it's feetless it kind of looks like a creepy peep with arms also this arm goes up and this arm goes down so it's like we're not done yet though now is actually the fun part we get to decorate and accessorize you can add beads ribbon rhinestones you know what this kind of reminds me of this pin that i made it's like a blue bunny with a flower crown maybe this is you let's make her a flower crown felt draw out some little flowers and cut them out let's get rolling cutting these flowers out got my flowers and my leaves aren't they cute come here you got my hot glue gun glue these flowers out [Music] cute i like it now to finish off this face i'm gonna take these very old chalk pastels oh i hate chalk give her some little rosy cheeks oh oh cute i'm also going to add it to her ears maybe that'll help it look more like ears and less like just weird tubular growths gonna cut her a little bunny nose out of pink felt last i'm gonna take some fabric paint and just paint on the remaining details of her face now that has to dry but isn't she just adorable oh oh oh oh the only thing is she's really lonely she needs a friend i don't have time to do another one today oh stop look at that face i made another one i couldn't help it they're best friends these are super cute i love them i love them so much i love plushies in general and so making them was really fun and now i can add these to my plushie hoard i'm done with these now let's move on to the next thing make a pom-pom wreath oh oh i've seen these around and i've been wanting to make one of these for a long time this is gonna be a fun very time consuming a very crafty kind of activity get ready get your craft pants on what you will need for the pom pom wreath yarn not quite this much yarn i wanted all the colors and then you'll also need this baby steering wheel this is the wreath form you can get these at like any craft store or online this is gonna make your life much easier wreath form yarn and glue hot hot glue and you can make do with just that but i got a pom pom maker it is a little device that helps you make pom-poms if you don't have one of these fear not you can use your fingers or you can use the cardboard technique which i actually have demonstrated in a past video i'll put that link in the description any technique that you're using whether it's this a piece of cardboard or your fingers all you have to do to make a pom-pom is wrap the yarn around the device or the cardboard template or your fingers if you're doing it that way over and over and over again you want to build up a couple layers make sure that the yarn is nice and dense because that's going to give you the fluffiest pom-pom then once you've created a full circle then you just go through and cut through all those little loops that you've created then you just have to tie off all of the little threads make sure that it's secured and then you can release your pom-pom and bam there's your pom-pom also with the pom-pom maker it makes it really easy to do multiple colors in one pom pom so you can kind of get the half and half look which i'm a big fan of just gonna do that one or two or ten thousand more times until i have enough pom-poms oh my gosh this is a lot of pom-poms how many pom-poms does it take to cover a wreath form i don't know by the way most of these did have to be made in advance this could easily take all day perfect if you've got nothing to do and it's actually a pretty fun and relaxing activity it's very nice it's enjoyable all right assembly time hot glue gun ow and i'm gonna attach some sort of hanger glue the end down glue it there i don't really know i'm kind of just making this up oh sure that'll do it finally i get to start gluing these freaking pom-poms okay let's just start wow oh it's so soft and colorful and fluffy when i started gluing them on i thought that maybe the amount of pom-poms i had made was way overkill but it needs a lot of pom-poms this is all i have left does it need a bow i think it needs a bow what if we just finish it off a little bit yes i like it i don't know some people don't like bows whatever i love it it's beautiful this is so cute i'm so excited to hang this up in my space it's so colorful and festive and takes forever so perfect little craft opportunity if you are bored and you need something to fill your time and that is it for today we had some time-consuming projects in this video but i have to say this might be my favorite batch of projects that i've done for this series we got some home decor kind of pieces going on we got some art stuff we got some crafting it was a good mix of things i had a lot of fun with all of them i hope you guys enjoyed what i've put together because this was a lot thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week touch my necklace bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 4,338,493
Rating: 4.9598165 out of 5
Id: A5YnkOHRJ-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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