My Girlfriend’s Jealousy Is Going Too Far And I’m Paying For That

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hi ken here i'm a breast specialist doctor i'm trying not to be shy when i'm telling you this it may be a bit awkward talking about my career but because of it or due to it my life turns to be a drama well i appreciate how hard it is for my patients to visit me let's face it taking your clothes off in front of a stranger isn't easy for anyone yes trust me i've seen it all before and it's no big deal i'm just doing my job i first met gemma in my surgery she'd found a lump and wanted me to examine it when i checked it with my hand this startled her and her natural reflexes caused her to punch me in the face and i passed out i woke up a few minutes later to find both her and a nurse gopping down at me my nose was still bleeding i must have looked the right sorry state she kept on saying sorry but i reassured her that it was quite all right and then with her permission i continued with the examination i found something so i carried out a biopsy and in the end i had to tell her that she had breast cancer and needed to have a mastectomy i could see her getting quite upset i got used to patients tears as they heard bad news but this girl was so strong and brave she just asked me some questions about the surgery and calmly left then to my surprise she impressed me more day by day for the next few weeks she brought me lunch every day i thought she was worried i might bear a grudge for her punch or something and this was her way of making it up to me the food she brought was delicious and i have to admit seeing her was the highlight of my day she was so kind-hearted and strong what she was going through was horrible but she never let it get her down instead she walked over to my room with a skip in her step and a smile on her face soon i fell in love with her and i knew she felt the same way as our chemistry was obvious but she was my patient and i had my career to think about so i knew i needed to be careful still i couldn't seem to resist her or her cooking i was busy at the hospital all day so i never had time to date while she was a martial arts instructor for kids and only worked in the evenings so she had a lot of free time so she cooked lunch for me every day and brought it to the hospital to eat with me even after her successful mastectomy she still showed up with food that was when i couldn't stop myself from confessing my feelings for her and she said yes sometimes she had to wait many hours until i finished seeing my patients at the surgery when she was asleep waiting for me she looked like a little kitten but gradually that kitten turned into a tiger and i soon discovered that this tigress bites ouch things were complicated talking about my duties at work my patients are mostly female and when i see them i need to um yeah you know what i have to do of course gemma also knows this because she's been examined many times already she always fantasized that i would fall for another girl one who in her eyes was complete i tried reassuring her that i loved her and only her surgery or not in my eyes she was perfect but regardless of how many times i told her this she failed to believe me she had a point that no girl could accept her boyfriend touching other women in their things and even discussing that with them daily i told her normally the human body is a beautiful product of nature but in the eyes of a doctor like me it's just the same mass of meat would you find a chunk of meat beautiful isn't that shivering to think like that then she argued so in your eyes i'm just some chunk of meat huh i tried telling her it wasn't like that but gee she's stubborn it took me ages to calm her down every day she showed up at the hospital and glared at me as the beautiful young woman came in and out of my room her actions hadn't gone unnoticed by the nurses who told me that she was making the patients feel uncomfortable with her scanning eyes and judgmental expressions i told them it was nothing she was just going through a hard time that's all and please be understanding that it was natural for her to compare herself to other women as i told them that i was not sure if i could stay sympathetic for her coming behaviors that afternoon during a late lunch gemma asked me if the eighth girl entering my room was beautiful oh my jesus the only person i can remember was the one who walked out of the room five minutes ago i only remembered that was the one with the cyst but i didn't remember her face why do you have to think so long are you recalling her figure you just need to say she's not beautiful right i muttered out yes right not beautiful at all she frowned at me that means you still remember her what about her impressed you so much i stiffened what was wrong with women a week later when she brought me lunch she asked me do you and the red dress girl know each other as she'd been here at least three times in a row already every time she dresses very well whoever wears a red dress to the hospital isn't it normal for patients to come see the doctor regularly no it's not normal i want to see her files the third person from the bottom up come on you know i'm not allowed to do that then you were not allowed to eat either jeez this was ridiculous she wouldn't quit though so in the end i gave in and showed her the records this girl had just had breast augmentation surgery so that was why she came to be checked so often gemma just grinned and said i knew it those are fake i thought this would be the end of the matter but it turns out it was just the beginning gemma bombarded me with questions about the red dress girl such as did i find her attractive i told her what i believed she wanted to hear such as she was the only girl for me and so on but curiously during the following days she stopped going to the hospital she just texted me a few messages every day and just disappeared maybe i should have chosen to be a specialist in psychology as i may have been a good doctor but i had no idea what women were thinking a month passed and she didn't show up at the hospital at all i was so relieved at first but couldn't stop wondering what my sassy girl was planning to do meanwhile it was strange that the red dress girl popped up more and more even though her health was completely fine then one day she turned up saying she had pain and itching i scanned and tested her but couldn't find the cause hey lady you are healthier than me if you are not sure please do a checkup once a month or i can also refer you to another hospital where's your girlfriend she interrupted me sorry she told me to wait and see but i can't wait anymore where is she huh what was going on just then the door opened and in barge gemma oh my god she looked like a different person she was dressed so sexy not cute like before as a doctor and as her boyfriend i immediately realized that she'd got breast implants before i could speak a man stepped in and put his hand on her hip then he gave a confused look as he looked at the patient and immediately removed his hand from gemma's hip what the hell is going on here i demanded to know gemma stared at the girl and said i told you that if you continued to deliberately flirt with my boyfriend i wouldn't leave it alone the man who was the same age as my dad looked at gemma what flirting then he looked over at the other girl are you cheating on me then the red dress girl grinned at him and said who is the cheater now what they too were a couple or something but what was my girlfriend doing here gemma turned to the man she started it first i have proof i have taken pictures of the time she approached my boyfriend if you two get divorced you will need it you will not want to divide your property with a wanderer right i shouted out what the hell are you doing the man looked at gemma you played me you seduced me just because she flirted with your boyfriend and you wanted revenge god the door was still open and doctors nurses and patients came to see this chaos they just pointed and thought this was a jealous scene so it transpired that gemma tried warning the red dress girl off me and when that didn't work she tracked down her husband and seduced him and she even got breast implants for that silly plan omg she was crazy after that incident i was severely disciplined for affecting the image of the hospital and was forced to work in a volunteer clinic in mexico for six months without any payment yep now i'm in mexico to pay the price of the mistake of no what was my fault i didn't do anything so the moral of the story is don't get involved with a patient however good their cooking is trust me it's so not worth it you
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 342,918
Rating: 4.917726 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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