Part 1 - I Let A Homeless Guy Move In With Me Then Found Out A Shocking Secret About Him

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sometimes in life we have a chance encounter with someone who ends up changing our life this is exactly what happened to me and it was totally unexpected you see i was pretty lonely at the time i'm emilia by the way and i'm 20 years old i was living all on my own in a tiny house in portland it was my mom's house but she sadly passed away from cancer two years ago i'm not going to say that life was easy for me because it wasn't all i wanted was to become a comic book artist i love art so much but the only way i could make this dream a reality was to make money ever since graduating from high school i'd been working as a waitress to make ends meet and also to save up enough cash to enroll in art college honestly this job got me through the hardest time in my life the days weeks and months after my mom passed away were so painful and the restaurant kept me busy so i barely had time to sit with all my feelings moreover little did i know how much this waitressing job would change my life forever it all started with an incident in the restaurant i'll never forget that day i was carrying a tray of food when i accidentally spilled some water onto the shoes of some fancy girl oh my god she went crazy she started screaming at me and even though i frantically apologized right away she still asked to speak to my manager i leap down and tried to clean the water off her shoes with a cloth and that's when i heard a voice hey stop what do you think you're doing i looked up and saw the boy she was with staring at me he looked disgusted at me and then said to the girl babe let's bounce before that waitress ruins your shoes even more with her filthy hands come on let's hit the mall i'll buy you a new pair of shoes clearly he was her boyfriend and as soon as he mentioned new shoes her eyes sparkled with joy as she said yay babe i want a new bag too though could you and her boyfriend just laughed and said anything you want my princess they got up to leave and smirked at me as they walked away i couldn't believe how rude they were especially the boy i felt so angry i wished i could slap him right across that cocky face but of course i didn't there was no way i could risk losing my job but i knew that if i ever saw his face again i'd definitely give him a piece of my mind and well believe it or not i did indeed see him again the world works in mysterious ways and i guess we were destined to meet again a few weeks after that one evening i was heading home and passed by the park to feed the stray cats as usual while i was playing with them i noticed some guy heading towards me suddenly he grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him i started shouting at him and trying to push him away but he was too strong then out of nowhere someone said what's going on i'm trying to sleep over here keep it down a drunk dirty looking homeless guy walked towards us and for a second i was terrified but then i realized he was helping me he started shouting at the guy holding on to me saying hey you are you deaf or something let her go and keep silent the jerk was getting heated and the next moment he punched that homeless guy in the face and then they started fighting then i freaked out and didn't know what to do i pulled my phone out of my pocket and played a recording of a police siren i live alone so i know all the tricks well that did it the jerk who grabbed me suddenly jumped up and sprinted out of the park the homeless guy who'd helped me was still lying on the ground so i helped him up he was black and blue and there were even some scratches on his face and as i got closer to him i realized he looked familiar o m g wasn't he the rude guy from the restaurant what was he doing looking all dirty like a homeless guy he had his eyes closed so i patted his face and said hey wake up what are you doing out here he opened his eyes and asked do i know you he stared at me for a while then eyeing my uniform and smiled oh the little waitress guess what i'm poorer than you now then he passed out i was so annoyed that i'd bumped into him again i was about to leave him lying there but then i realized he'd saved me and i could hardly leave him there with all his injuries so yeah in the end i decided to take him back to my place to get my first aid kit i cleaned up his scratches and then let him crash on my sofa the next morning he was super surprised when he woke up i told him what had happened and that he'd saved my life so i saved his then i said he should probably head home now but he just stared at me and that's when he told me his story he really was homeless his parents had kicked him out because they'd found out he wasn't their biological son what on earth how could any parent do that it's not like he has tricked them but it was due to some mix-up at birth so wasn't he also a victim i felt sorry for him but still it was none of my business i had to get to work so i asked him to leave but he begged me to let him stay he just looked at him in shock and said um how about you go to your rich girlfriend's place instead i really need to get going now but he didn't budge he said oh don't even mention that gold digger she only cared about me when i was the only son of a millionaire now that i've got nothing not a cent she broke up with me wow shocker but well it's not like i couldn't tell that she has a lousy personality right from the get-go so i said well what about your friends can't you crash with them but he said no it started to frustrate me so i said you can't stay here i don't even know a thing about you then he splurted out hi i'm jude i'm 22 years old i've got all my fingers and toes and my criminal record is clean there you go now you know me and he topped it off with a grin as if that could win me over he then went on to say that he'd pay rent and that when he found a job and stuff he'd leave i hesitated i mean i couldn't live with a strange guy but then i thought about that extra money i'd get if he helped with rent i could really use that money for my college fees he could see i wasn't sure so he said come on please i mean i did save your life last night but there's only one bedroom i said don't worry i'll sleep here he pointed at the sofa i thought for a while then nodded my head and agreed and only for one month okay then i made him shower and change his clothes since he was so gross and dirty but he told me he didn't have anything to change to i was kicked out remember and he even had the cheek to ask me for some money to buy new clothes no chance i told him he could wear my clothes since some of them were quite big at first he refused he said there was no way he was wearing women's clothes so i said he either wore them or kept his dirty clothes and left my house of course he had no choice and seeing him in my floral pants was hilarious a few days later though he still hadn't found a job every night i'd come home to find him lying on the sofa in my oversized pajamas he was so messy and lazy and after a week i couldn't bear it i nagged him you have to find a job or how do you expect to pay me rent and the least you can do is clean up around here i'm not your maid he said he'd been looking for an office job but it was hard as he had no knowledge and experience this annoyed me so i suggested he apply for a delivery man position he looked at me in horror and said what do you think i am oh hello you're a homeless boy with nothing what else do you want i thought then i said he could come work with me in the restaurant but he refused saying that his friends went there all the time and they'd laugh at him i was speechless i said suit yourself but after one month you're out of here a few hours later he knocked on my bedroom door and said he'd take the restaurant job but he needed clothes finally i'm glad that this boy has come to his senses that's great you can start from tomorrow i'll call the manager and i know the exact place where you could get all the stylish clothes for free let's go at first he was so excited but when he realized that i was taking him to a clothing donation center his face changed he looked disgusted and said no way i smirked and said it's up to you you either pick something to wear from this place or you can wear my clothes i've got a floral dress that would really bring out the color of your eyes he looked so sulky as he reluctantly went through the rack of used clothes it was so funny but everything was only about to start you won't believe what happened next stay tuned for part two to see how things went between jude and i
Channel: Short Stories
Views: 243,216
Rating: 4.9520068 out of 5
Keywords: short stories, story, animated, animation, story animated, story animation, animation short film, short animation, animated story, my story, share my story, share my story animated
Id: S1zk1c8mvuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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