I Made My Computer Very Sus...

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god i hate myself i totally didn't hit record like three times on this video and forget that i did that didn't happen got it god there's some days where i just draw blank sometimes now ladies and gentlemen as you all know i may not be the biggest among us content creator out there i don't have a whole team to sit down and play with but it's one thing i like is looking at the weird side of the among us community now among us is a very popular game if you haven't played it well that's up to you dog but it has an entire operating system now built onto it actively maintained by the way now given since i've looked at rebecca black os and that dumpster fire i might as well also look at among us os okay that's just pretty much what it comes down to all right this channel is a shitpost channel at this point i just look at whatever interests me dog and among us os is that casualty for today now all nightmares like all nightmares of course this story starts off on good old-fashioned reddit uh now reddit has a board called unix porn okay if you've never seen unix porn it's basically a group of linux unix users who basically modify or rice their systems to make them to give them sort of their own customizable feel and for a lot of cases they're pretty cool for instance this person made the uh blur theme so they've got a monitor stacked on top of a monitor stacked on top of a monitor stacked on top of a monitor at least that's how it's presented and of course you can see in their tiling manager they got a pretty good they got a pretty cool forest theme going on i'm actually relatively impressed god damn now if you go down a little bit one of my favorite ones is this one called dark allies all right i assume this is from from sword art online or something all right i'm not a big anime fan so i probably committed a sin right there but it's got this cool red black grayish tinge going on to it and i like the theme it's a stack stack stack monitor setup of course the more and more you go down this person really loves god of war so they made their computer look like god of war and of course this person i don't know if that's rule 34 of splatoons i don't know if i committed a federal crime right there but hey ladies and gentlemen today's rice that we're looking at is a mongoose oh my gosh is complete now of course this is an idea somebody got by by another user but as you can see it's a it's the mogus operating system and from what it looks like it's a daily driver among this operating system they got a cute wallpaper they've even got an amazing profile for their linux system right here so among us we're literally called omagush based on hp 250 they got their notebook pc running it with ati radeon hd graphics and intel i5 like a growing boy needs wait intel oh it's a laptop gpu intel hd graphics of course they're running games like or sorry when the imposter is says gary's mod [Music] i hate every time i say suss i'm not gonna lie like it burn it kills me inside dude then you've got team fortress 2 like a healthy linux user does and that's pretty much what it comes down to okay it's it's a it's it's a standard linux system right now this also inspired other users to create more among us based systems this guy has a much more cleaner amoga setup but then what really blew my mind what really tickled my pickle was an actual real operating system based on raspberry pi operating system okay so this person got um running on an actual raspberry pi 4. now this wouldn't be that big of a deal but you all know that the community definitely released this onto github and that's where this nightmare shifts github where anybody can post whatever they want whatever code this code in question is which is inspired by raspberry pi right and it's got two contributors god bless and it's an actual operating system inspired by that reddit post yes among us is so popular now there is an actively maintained operating system for it god bless now what does it feature it features says good custom wallpaper and start menu icon wine box 86 pre-installed for x86 windows emulation meaning you can play um but apparently among us will run at 5 fps on multiplayer play we'll look at that in a second too audience god damn now i was actually going to install this on a real raspberry pi but uh my raspberry pie broke um it's a real embarrassing story i tried to do something stupid with it i don't want to get into it because i know you all are going to laugh but i wanted to show you what this entire community is coming up with now 21 days ago they released amugus os version 1.0.0 all right the version that we're looking at okay because the other versions refuse to boot underneath a virtual machine that i've set up now of course they've got their initial build all that nonsense then they have among us 1.1 but please use release 1.2 this build has broken f-stamp files and will not boot why release it then god damn don't worry version 1.2 came by to hopefully that's that's real promising by the way i love when a patch note has the word hopefully and do it jesus fixed boot failure and 1.1 okay hopefully it got fixed but they hit a secret easter egg unfortunately won't be able to see because i can't boot into 1.2 then we've got 1.3 then we've got a little bit more of a yes usb character introduced i don't know who this is uh it's amphibia all right that's the new sus i guess and then uh we've got 1.32 hotfix god bless indeed among us is there now the interesting thing in this entire scenario was running this underneath an actual virtual machine now for those of you have no idea what we're actually about to do right now this is something that runs exclusively on an arm processor okay if you don't know what a raspberry pi is let me just educate you this is a raspberry pi okay basically it's a little arm based pro like board that you buy that you can just run stuff off of right um think about like when you buy a big like arcade like a retropie arcade like you can buy these big arcade cabinets they very usually have a monitor attached to this actual board that is emulating games like game boy advance snes nes whatever you want to call it it's a great little board to have you can do a lot with it now to understand i have to go to a place called qemu to help emulate this if you don't know what qemu is i want you to remember when we made all those virtual machine gaming setup videos i was using something called qemu-kvm meaning that i used qemu to emulate that virtual machine but i used a kvm system all right the linux built-in kvm to pass through a graphic card this is just a qemu machine emulator side of things right so basically i installed it and boom we had um not like that of course there's an entire folder with a bunch of files where i've been testing around gigabytes upon gigabytes of sus now to understand we had to create this little uh batch file at this point so i'm going to show you real quick now we had to create this batch file real quick that would communicate to qemu system dash arm again armbase processor i named it omurus i gave it this kernel qemu which is what it needed uh cpu is arm 1176 256 megs of ram for some reason going above this crashes the whole bastard then i had to feed the dry file in this way and that's pretty much what it came down to and last but not least we had um all right so here we got among us the operating system which in all its glory looks pretty goddamn beta to me okay this looks like windows xp with the olive skin attached to it now if we open up among us you can see that oh it's not exactly responsive and if i open up system tools real quick and just go to something like the task manager you can see that this system is always taxed because it is it just does not have a lot to work with it is 256 megabytes of memory to understand you can't even web browse using chromium with this okay unless i find like a really low tier browser or i start browsing through a terminal it ain't doing much of course you can see it it just it just loads infinitely so give it a minute all right give give grandpa among us a minute to catch up all right so of course you can see grandpa mungus is currently sitting at 100 cpu usage which is expected i mean granted opening an application alone causes the system to nearly die and itself yeah half of the ram is being used about 131 megabytes okay by linux standards it's not a lot by this virtual machine standards it's half of its memory just sitting idling around now of course if you do neo fetch to you know get an idea of what the system is not only does it take an astronomically long time to query but here we got a little bit of which is the ascii art that you can you can actually implement this onto your own linux system anyways okay now of course it's running on arm versatile pb the vm that we're giving it it's using lxde which is a pretty lightweight distro sorry desktop environment and then it's using open box uh it's uh yeah it is pretty much what it is it's among us right it's that's the operating system now you can use something like apt install like steam link if you will right and oh what's going on are you root sorry sudo apt install steam link and through this let's say that you were actually on a real raspberry pi you could actually stream uh something like among us to your raspberry pi so in a way you could stream among us gameplay to a mogus right i mean that's that's the theoretical side of things you know but we're not going to be able to do it in this virtual machine because it has no graphic memory whatsoever this thing is nearly about to die now to understand audience can you game off of this well installing it into a real actual raspberry pi would probably net you the ability if using wine to start running video games i want you to understand a raspberry pi is not exactly the best gaming computer on the market so games like among us regardless of how low they are in terms of graphical requirements will actually run at around 5 frames per second not just because of its visuals but because it's actually converting x86 code to arm and that's just not easily done all right even on even on hardware like the new macbooks they actually have portions of real actual uh translators physical hardware on the actual processor to assist those translations so in a real raspberry pi setting among us would look like this like exactly the footage that you're seeing unplayable and given the fact that it is on linux of all systems among us has anti-cheat meaning that even if you got among us to run on linux uh the anti-cheat would basically trip and you wouldn't be able to play with anyone so unless you're comfortable playing with yourself which i guess most people on this channel are me included then yeah i guess it's a great option but if you actually wanted to play a real hardcore match of competitive among us it's not happening underneath a mogus which is a damn shame if you ask me but if you're just using the system to browse and do some light work then you know what among us is pretty is the actual usable operating system had this existed on an actual x86 build meaning that you could just burn this onto an actual flash drive install it on your system and if this was actively maintained you could actually use a mogus as an actual operating system to play games on edit some videos browse the web do whatever you want you could actually use among us for real okay this is the beauty of linux and this is what we're going to go on to in the final act of this video i just want the audience to know it's been like seven minutes and this thing still hasn't installed this application kill it all right like it's time it's time to end it all right it's time to end the suffering now you may be wondering whoa what is this nonsense i'm looking at on the screen can you decipher trust me i'll walk you through it now of course if you look at the top it goes from 1992 to 2022 okay this is a complete map breakdown of linux distributions now linux is in kernel that is open source and it comes in multiple flavors right you can take the linux kernel modify it and release it provided you also provide the source code you modified to your heart's content okay now i'm an arch linux user okay i feel like i have to state that every time i mention linux it's the arch code but arch is just one of many different types of linux in fact if you look at it linux comes in the sls from 1992 which then became slackware linux and that has been running to this day okay slackware has evolved into soos which died at some point or no sorry later jumped into wait go all the way down go all the way down go all the way down to its own seuss compliant based off of jurics and then runs to this day okay now actually sus would have been that would have been a great back end for that they could have called it open sus at this point uh they also have slackware turning into something called salix kongoni wi-fi way draco do you think i know any of these no i was the first time i've ever heard of them but that became a million different things now debian is one that i showed you a while ago this is my first time that i made a um on virus investigations where i made a gaming virtual machine off of debian debian is still popular to this day in fact debian has created things like deepen endless os robo linux steam os steam's actual operating system and then debian also evolved into something called corel and then all the way down you get to arch linux which is a relatively small branch but you can still see that there's a ton of arch-based linux distributions out there then these are the distributions that sort of struck out on their own and died somewhere in like the early 2000s in fact very lately you have android which was made in 2007 going strong to this day in fact it's created other things like android wear lineage os android x86 if you wanted to run it on your actual computer so as you can see linux comes in a million flavors and some of them die some of them stay the path of evolution but that's pretty much what you're looking at i mean i've never heard of operating systems like netrunner for instance but they look pretty cool heck i didn't even know ubuntu had a muslim edition too so it's keeping itself pretty halal as well but you know all in all ladies and gentlemen one thing to understand is among us could actually be its own surprisingly usable operating system and i guess maybe this video had a weird educational horror site to it edgy horror if you will ladies and gentlemen i installed omogus to my system is it a usable system depends on who you are but for most people i think i think your grandma could use a mogus and not give a crap honestly but ladies and gentlemen that was it uh i know this video might not have been sus enough for a lot of you maybe i got dry in the middle of it but when you have me talking about computers virtual machines and operating systems boy oh boy a side of me sparks up like no tomorrow if you found this video make sure you like comment and subscribe or dislike it if you dislike especially after that last outburst this is me mudahar and i am
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 701,519
Rating: 4.9403305 out of 5
Id: ixLuhDxNktk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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