I Used A MAGNET Claw Machine To DESTROY Everything in Dungeon Clawler

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so I was dinking around in Dungeon claw and I recognized that there's a button right here I didn't even realize there were other characters we could play the second Claw is always a big magnet you gain one strength if you collect at least five metal items at once I thought that'd be kind of fun to try because who doesn't love a little rabbit with a metal claw for an arm oh that reminds me of Sonic the Hedgehog anyway let's grab some of these shields right away cuz that should be good actually these guys are going to block it doesn't really matter but I can come up over here and I should be able to pick up like all four of these yeah there they go ooh did we get four or five looks like four okay drop magnets in good now stab stab stab stab nice they get a turn that's okay they're just going to Shield themselves and now they get seven attack each so if I get at least 15 Shields I should be fine and that is going to take care of it right yeah that's 20 okay so we got to get a good good spot here to get as many daggers as possible three was there a fourth one that snuck in no just three that's fine I'm cool with that cuz we're going to kill the first fella no we're not we're going to leave him with two Health but I will go again and I can probably just rinse and repeat and if I get more than five uh metal items at once I get an additional damage on everyone so let's try yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we got five this time so is that going to work it does nice nice nice nice and I mean I don't really need Shields but it's probably a good habit to get into right so we'll drop that down and this makes me wonder about the water builds H just got three good ones that should easily kill the fella oh oh those daggers almost fell out okay but he's dead oh boy pick my reward a metal shield increases block thermometer H I don't really want a thermometer cuz I don't want to be dealing less damage but that could be good I don't know what that means maybe that means metal let's go with the metal shield now I should be able to pick it all up oh that's going to be a lot of damage so let's quickly grab I'm guessing two o we almost flung a dagger inside neat okay and the magnet should pick up yeah if I hit right here maybe it will hit yeah we got the shield too good oh oh oh no what was that mess no that was illegal moves okay so the magnet might not be as good as I was hoping ow we also took two damage okay let's grab right here again just because I who yeah it's almost impossible to get three Shields but getting five daggers sounds like a good time you know what let's go right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and then over drop them nicely beautiful so we get a little Shield plus one 2 three 4 nice hits now I am concerned that we're not going to have enough daggers to finish this battle off so let's just grab these two daggers and maybe a shield excellent and now we're going to attempt to move right like so to get all of this okay maybe that other dagger nope all right that could be enough damage yeah it's going to totally be enough probably don't need my cursor on there either antidote removes all the poison paper clip H attack the first enemy for two damage and the damage of multiplied by your strength or a vitamin pill let's do the paperclip attack these with a paperclip seems like a stupid idea what is that golden armor increases Max Health by two for each 10 coins you have or five Health every fight let's do this one cuz I think oh that almost didn't make it I think that's an item I might no it's a perk isn't it n it could have been good oh well let's keep rolling here oh there's the paper clip okay 9 20 what 12 21 damage so if I grab these too that's a very aggressive Claw at the claw machine as well H let's try grabbing these we'll get that paper clip rolling in Oh Oh I thought that thing was going to come with all right that did no damage huh paper clip kind of sucks without the extra Buffs so we'll yoink these two of them one of them I guess I guess and we'll come over here let's try to go straight weapons yep that oh there's paper clip again all right that actually could do damage cuz I got more than five things yeah all right I'll take that even though we're going to take a little damage I'm cool with that we're going to heal up after this fight regardless and I'll grab these four I don't even need to worry about the magnet we can just go straight up stabby mode here that should kill good okay do we want daggers or poison daggers um poison dagger it's going to do five damage plus three which is as good as a regular dagger but poisoning okay the first boss fight is here big sapling it's going to buff others or itself so I can just do as much damage as possible here cuz it's not going to do any damage to me three daggers should be a good start get a little poison happening excellent let's just grab right here too cuz that could I thought that was going to come with oh well but that's still some decent damage 105 okay cool okay now it's going to buff gives the spikes which really sucks so let's make sure we get good Shields to begin with here yep that's pretty good hopefully the shield goes first The Shield did not go first I'm going to take five damage get seven buff okay and then we're going to I guess I have to get more daggers that's going to do ooh nice we got a free dagger but it stayed on top what is that that's annoying I'm going to damage this guy with myself I don't like that okay let's get some more Shields right here maybe I can get three I'll grab the two that'll work for me now we should get a very large pickup right in here okay and it might grab the other one yes no but it dropped the poison one that was the one I was hoping for oh gross it only has 17 damage now so let's grab right here we're going to hope that we get the two Shields and the shields drop before the dagger the dagger went first of course it did I did 10 damage to myself again that's stupid all right we'll grab this yep that four and then that should be the fifth ooh we almost got another why did I didn't deposit it up the backside that's so dumb all right 57 medicine oo that's cool magic mirror first items used twice or gain strength every time I use damage M I like this thing cuz I mean doubling if I get a really good item in the future it would be awesome we can randomize ooh let's do the blacksmith all right should be good if we don't kill this guy he's going to get healed for 25 damage so um you know what we'll just grab these four and I might be able to yoink one of these others Oh I thought it would come but it didn't okay is it going to die is it going to die please die yes all right Dingus you're going to heal yourself too bad you're already full health I even know that and I can't even count okay this is good it's going to do 15 damage those are going to do what is it five each yep so I need one more Shield I guess we're going to try to grab all five of these items four five do we almost get a Fluff with it neat shields in no we needed you that's fine it's going to hurt barely it's going to heal again so we're going all in on killing attacks which I should be fine right here oh my what a grab a dang that's a good one oh I almost dropped the other one in too okay double shield stabby stabby stab oh it's got five hit points uh we'll just hopefully grab one two three and then potentially oh a fourth yep all right we got enough we killed the oneeyed cat creature and now I get to pick my reward H deals 25 damage to the nearest enemy lose two health for each item that gets picked up in the same turn I like that we're going for a sidoku build we're going to commit sidoku on this maybe this could be bad what is this fishy is he going to add something in I don't like that let's grab some we don't even need Shields I'm just going to try to grab the dark Shield the dark saber right away all right so if the dark saber Falls first eh that's stupid but Bonk why did I get six damage it's supposed to do two damage right oh the fluff came with it too I bet yikes that's going to be very dangerous to us get stabbed get stabbed get stabbed get stabbed ah four Health you're going to put more fluff in there what are these things hold up what are those spikes I hate you okay give me the stabby boy again ha I didn't need that first it's going to go twice too dead okay then hopefully these spikes are not metallic oh they are but that should give me extra strength right friends it should get destroyed get destroyed get destroyed get dead all right I'll heal up it'll be fine ooh that's shiny I don't even know what it is but I like it I like shiny things and we head into the blacksmith so we can upgrade some of our weapons upgrade to metal shield plus that's $24 I don't have $24 I don't have $24 for everything a b balls what a wasted room I don't even get any piggy banks with this character ooh there's that strength potion wonder if it's metallic okay nothing's going to attack me let's just try to grab the dark saber right away oh that's going to really hurt that oh oh no that's really going to hurt okay well we killed anyway now let's grab these does the strength potion not come with it doesn't but ooh okay I get in it's going to update itself and it's going to give Thorns okay I'm going to Shield we'll Shield hopefully the metal shield ah why does the dagger have to drop first okay and then it's going to do 13 damage to me um we'll go for the kill that's a really bad maybe I shouldn't have got the sword that attacks me okay but it didn't attack me this time because I killed it a hand mirror reflects back the next attack or de buff back at the attacker a syringe attacks and nears to enemy for five damage increases damage for each time it's used poison I mean this one's shiny I need shiny things is this like the I'm rubber your glue blah blah blah sticks to me and kills you um this Shield Shields like none of these are great let's just try here okay they're not going to attack me at all we're going to double our strength twice now if I go right here what comes with oh the mirror is not I was halfway expecting the mirror to be doubled whatever and that does straight raw damage it doesn't even do Shield damage like I thought it would I might want to remove that thing I really don't like it I'm also going to take a huge amount of damage this time H let's go straight for stabing mode there's going to be a lot oh oh he almost had a shield that would have been cool okay we got a bunch of daggers coming in hot Bonk BK bky BK BK BK you like my bonking sound I made it up CU game doesn't have sound effects I have to make my own okay magic mirror we try it oh of course all right we'll come over here and get some kill in we go four more daggers boop boop boop boop all right it's 16 damage away from dying let's grab this I really don't know why I want that other than it's large and I have a hard time controlling myself sometimes yeah this should kill ooh a free dagger for the win Bonk and then you're dead good all right that worked pretty well another strength potion oh the war Hammer that's what I really wanted the Ring of strength is nice too only use once per fight but I wonder if that makes four times strength let's get the Warhammer cuz that's a really strong item hello giant sir he's going to buff himself and others does the mirror buff reflects the ne attack or debuff back okay so it's going to buff itself which doesn't do much let's try to grab I don't even know what kind of want to get rid of some of these items like these the poison going is always good double poisoned beautiful Why didn't it take any damage though that's what I'm wondering okay let's see what we can get here oh a bad a bad grab oh we did do damage but it doesn't even show on the health bar cuz Bros Got 303 okay 13 now he's going to attack me let's try to get that mirror see what we can grab on this oh oh okay we getting get the mirror which is going to attack him okay yeah a major reflection let's grab these good no no no that's oh well that's a lot of damage but I'm taking some too okay and hit yourself don't hit yourself loser hit himself okay where is that reflect mirror it's gone again he's going to do 13 more damage to me so I need Shields and if I grab with the mirror right in here I could potentially oh yeah that's a good hit I could potentially grab the shield and the Warhammer which is going to give me more Shields too good get a bonked on neat all right we got plenty of shields I like that seems like a pretty good fight to me pretty fair in my advantage he's going to do 25 damage this time so let's grab the Shields again that's going to be what 20 these are 10 yep but it's going to be doubled so we'll have 20 we'll block the 25 if I go right here I might be able to pick up the shield oh balls I really didn't want that big sword ow did 10 damage that time okay can I go for a straight up kill right now no I probably can't e gross but at least I'll get another 20 Shields here and I'll get more Shields here plus it's magnet time so this is a big attack on my side good get in there big hammer good good bonked it neat neat neat Shield it up still going to take a little damage if he doesn't die but he will because of the armor good very nice each attack poison oh boy increases uh yeah I poisonous weapon ooh now do I want to go up or down we already had trouble with the blacksmith with not having enough cash so let's go down and I can shred my sword that injures me I don't like injur sword man oh I do like big smacky hammer boy though except I can't grab it just that big oh no no no no no no no no I didn't want that why did I drop everything else out except the the one that I wanted a balls and you made my paperclip big it's annoying nobody asked you to do that okay let's kill him let's get some Shields we'll get some Shields first I wish I could get a bigger claw and I'm going to attempt to go right here good good good good nice so we get five or six items kill the first attack the other look at that poison stack that's a huge benefit for us let's go right here maybe I can get that double strength potion whoa I was hoping to get you too friend but we'll double poison yet again oh that's so dirty and we'll drop down that's going to be a boss killing machine I think I still should get a kill here I did Perfect all right another Warhammer a big Shield let's get the Warhammer we could roll no the Warhammer is good all right let's try to delete this one shredd it I'm sorry sorry not sorry we're going to play Pachinko ooh the big Shield I guess we have attempts to play it twice right about now oh I missed play it right now yep yep yep yep no you bounced the wrong way ah no more money my turn okay now I'm not so not liking what's going to happen is this mirror going to reflect continuously that's my real question let's try to get this strength potion we don't need Shields I wanted the strength potion if you were wondering all right let's try this out right here good as I said I don't need Shields but those double hammers are huge nice shots nice shots we took pretty much everything metal out of there which is cool all right should I grab let's grab oh this guy's going to EXP be bomb mode I could reflect the bomb to him that'd be huge okay 20 damage give me give me the yep that's what I wanted hey we're going to double up Shields I'm going to take it we just going to take oh no hey we got a free dger out of the mix okay two more oh no okay he's going to die from the poison yeah he's going to blow up in a bomb and two turns so I want to get the shield if I'm not going to kill him first or the mirror let's try to get the mirror there it is there it is now the Mir should stay with us if we can't get him killed in two turns good look at all that look at all that uh poison we're already doing okay I don't know why I won't be able to kill him though especially with 14 poison yeah he'll be dead next turn for sure I'm going to try to grab right here maybe I'll get lucky a little bit and we'll poison on the left good good one more yeah there you blew up awesome battle axe attacks for 15 and removes its Shield ooh ooh and then a magnet we could magnetize the magnets or increasing the block I kind of I'm not going to lie I kind of like that item but removing the block could be nah nah let's do the magnet it'd be funner okay you see a Dusty old roulette table 11 coins spin it yes land on red I got 22 21 okay there's the mega Nate this guy let's do this this will be huge get a reflect oh stay in their potion stay in there double potion double potion double strength excellent I wish it showed us the strength level we currently had but it don't they we to magnetize the magnet neat and then I think that also doubles its attack if it's magnetized maybe that's the wrong magnet I'm thinking of I think that fell just bonked himself too okay let's grab a couple of this stuff good nice shielding nice hitting let's grab these three bring them over drop them down we're going to kill the first guy for sure because because of the poison okay then back dude ow he poisoned me um what do I want want that big beefy hammer and a shield or we'll take a shield it'll double it to 10 um and then I guess we'll try here we'll just get a bunch of weapons and then we might just get a kill we might get a kill it might work if not the poison spread should be enough oh that's totally going to kill it excellent I'm sorry little lizard man I'm sorry not sorry ticking bomb we got to roll that a credit card attacks the first enemy spends five coins and permanently decreases his damage whoa that's cool um metal shield no you know what let's do the magic wand let's get some healing going we get another thing plus 20 health or H oh we need this one we need that one cuz we're poisoning everything right okay oh we got it what a good grab that's like the perfect grab plus some healing going on that could have been doubled I didn't know we could double in here we're going to poison my goodness this turned into a really big poisoning build all right what is this now you're going to buff the clever moth I don't remember what this nerd does um but I need as much damage as possible so let's grab these out of the way get the strength going immediately paper clip twice stupid but it's still going to apply poison let's grab right about here good I mean that's not a huge amount of damage but those are my biggest three damaging items we only get two of them okay poison oh it's got the reflect that's right so we need damage we need uh we need healing plus it's going to do 27 damage to me this could be really interesting let's just grab right here we can get a lot my goodness that's going to be a lot of damage oh The Shield didn't come in annoying but that poison stacking okay 12 poison it's going to hurt really bad ow okay now it's going to upgrade itself again uh we could grab the mirror the mirror should reflect next time let's try that and it might knock that shield in I didn't need the shield but we'll grab right here I want to see if that other ooh the healing mace is not magnetic interesting I'm still doing a buttload of damage to it plus 22 poison okay what do I want next the healing I try to grab the healing healing wand and maybe a shield or two that's fine two Shield 27 I have the reflect so that's going to work fine we'll grab right here too we're going to keep poisoning for days for weeks for months get stabbed in junk 30 poison that's giant I thought that would reflect back I thought that was supposed to reflect just going to upgrade again I'm going to try to get the heal I don't need the heal because if I kill it then o a double heal I'll take that oh so close oh two extra daggers wanted to come that's good oh my goodness look at that heal or that poison stack 39 come on ah okay it's going to yeah 40 it's going to get a reflect now I need a very light damage reflect nothing better than the paperclip for that and got it oh I missed it oh well should I just miss in general if I go here I'll get three daggers ah and an s word all right whatever I'll take a little damage but you're going to die anyway cuz my 43 poison oh you didn't even get poisoned easy fight okay start five ooh man that's strength cuz it's kind of strength build but start each five with fight with five block even though it says 10 uh let's do strength rroll pin cushion one remaining item swamp water rroll more fluff we're going to we're going to do two Poison every time a hey little fluffy hamster I want you to die double Poison every attack so I need some Shields two of them that'll be 15 H don't like that but I will be able to grab right in here which is going to do a ton of damage plus another Shield oh you're kidding me come on game all right we got 20 oh man wow those things hit hard let's do a little bit of heal though now we might Bonk that shield in oh we did beautiful all right get some poison in the background too look at all of these magnetic things looks good to me good stabs first guy is going to die all of that poison transferred oh that's huge and he's going to die oh that's that's a really stinking good upgrade okay poison plastic grenade no plastic knife that's not magnetic but three poison all roll again heat gun all right we're going to do the poison grenade what this one could be place a hand in mirror and see what happens metal shield oh boy it was duplicated cool so now we have two metal Shields they might not be in there all the time but we still have two what is this thing a fishy he has items to my thing why do you have to do dumb things like that fish all right that's going to help out a little bit I'm going to do a big risk right here and try to yep that was a good risk that magnet is way too strong enemy turn a you Dro some turd nuggets in there all right I don't blame you though I would do everything I could to try to kill me too let's grab these I'm going to drop the magnet on the far right just to see what we can get right about here I want to know oh my goodness that poison grenade was it might not have been magnetic ow ow get dead Get Wrecked and then transfer all the [Music] poison good 31 poison in the first time he's been attacked okay I mean let's just grab for the heal or not whatever I wish the healing thing would have been magnetic but he's going to die Okay small block ticking bomb small sword small sword's good let's reroll once H twice battle axxe Shen hand of Midas can first yes I want more gold oh boy blocky shieldy man I'm going to try it let's try to get the Hand of Midas already I missed it but I still got gold so that's going to heal me a little cool let's grab right here H that time the the poison didn't come with oh the Hand of Midas is magnetic wasn't expecting that also I totally didn't even think to Shield up huh all right let's grab some Shields then right here H not a great grab oh I got the poison thing and then if all of this gold over here is magnetic that'd be awesome oh my goodness why is gold magnetic in the game what is this look at this big attack we got so much money there too Bros got 25 oh he didn't die but he will now oh my goodness and that instantly cascaded the poison went right away I wasn't expecting the poison to go right away so both of these guys if I get 25ish damage on here he's going to die so let's just grab this this is a huge AOE build now I was not expecting it to do so well big attack big attack 25 you're dead you are dead son and then 56 will go right over and 97 poison wow plastic Shield H another Hand of Midas I'll take two hands of Midas uh I don't need that yet I'm going to go up in here here there you go hand of mides let's start off with a beautiful drink of poison drought for you oh that I was hoping the big hammer would come in okay I need some shielding I didn't get any that's going to hurt well here we go oh that thingy stayed that's annoying I got some money though okay he's going to get poison to death ah not quite enough to kill ow ow ow ow ow ow I wasn't paying attention that was way too damaging okay we need we definitely need Shields right now no we don't we don't need Shields right now what am I doing why am I not looking at what they're doing I need to kill all of them Adidas is coming in neat two of them we got left and right hand idas now does that convert everything or does it do like a slap cuz that'd be hilarious oh it didn't do anything all right Fella's going to explode I need to heal we're going to do a lot of damage to me too oh the heal beautiful ow okay and I'm going for this we're going for the offense to make the best defense cuz this should get a good kill and a little bit of Defense okay he's dead good and then it transfers 72 to that one okay gold dagger brass knuckle oo the Dodge is good let's see what we have now okay I don't want to leave that for a little bit let's grab these two that'll give me some defense neat we'll grab right in here and I might be able to oh that's cool that's what I wanted I didn't want all those hands of Midas but whatever so one of these should reflect right there it goes and he poisoned himself I don't think I took any damage there's the brass knuckles I want to see if that's magnetic too I'll go for the healing I miss the healing I also have no need for any Shields right now ooh that was a bad grab oh but it redeemed itself quite a quite a bit too okay uh yep he'll die and then that'll transfer all of it and'll IM immediately proc I think that's a Dodge he just grabbed doesn't matter to me I'm going to grab this stuff I want my own Dodge and and we'll grab right here cool oh he has no chance to survive another Hand of Midas o body armor yes okay we have some o magnet do we want a magnet or a thermometer yeah one attack I'm going to play that okay ready get set spaghetti nope nope nope oh oh yes okay do I want to do another one yes ready set spaghetti uh-huh uh-huh get in there nailed it okay do I want to do a third one no we're not I might come back to it okay um how do we play this the best we're down on health I need Shields let's grab some Shields I guess I could have taken the gold shield but I want to see if the magnet picks that one up I don't think it will cuz it's made out of wood but let's just try this it did not come with wow a 32 yeah we should survive this okay what's what are you going to do oh what did it do oh it bombed me okay all righty um I kind of like grabbing the items that don't get magnetized like the antidote and the mirror but I didn't get either is the magnet magnetic not sure but uh the brass knuckles are even though brass doesn't have magnetic properties okay please die he's going to die good 15 transfer to the second it's not going to hurt me too much where is the health Shield okay we'll grab that come on give me the healing good and if it goes first I get double shoot okay but I still get 15 sure we'll grab here that big mace should give me five more Health oh it has two okay we killed it good so I'm up to 65 o a helmet doubles your block I'll take that okay we'll go down healing healing magnetism oh my uh okay double the magnets double the range and I can get healing here too if I get lucky no oh balls Ah that's harsh all right we got to we got to go up and over let's try to combine some of these together upgrade all right we do one more let's do one more I don't have enough money to do the other Pachinko so we'll take on this spot is this the same boss we just had I think it is um we'll start with poison how's that sound yeah I was hoping to get the dagger but that'll work too it's still going to work we sure going to get five poison on it seven I thought it was something different okay let's try over here all right that's kind of what I was hoping for I didn't really want to get the Hand of Midas but it'll work okay 12 what are you going to upgrade with with the reflect it's just going to reflect one attack no that's bad grab oh maybe a good grab no it is the bad grab shoot all right it's going to do like eight damage to me all right whatever let's stack on that poison even though I should be stacking cuz that's going to do 30 damage to me yikes well I'll do seven it'll only do 13 plus I heal up to full after each boss fight not too worried right now um let's grab right in the middle here right right about here let's try to not get the hammer and get the mirror we got the mirror nice double mirrored okay and then I'm going to try to grab a just a mega grab right in this one that's pretty good oh not quite great as long as I can keep giving as many poisons to this fell as I can it'll be good he's going to do 30 but it's going to hit himself let's go all in on a attacks now cuz if it's going to reflect then it's going to do a buttload plus I'm going to give them so much we do a Dodge I don't want a Dodge let's try right in here come on little buddy good bnk and then a neat 59 60 poison wow all right and it did 30 damage to itself it'll do the same thing again unless I kill it this time which I'm hoping to do I missed the magnet I'm fine with that cuz I'm just going to give it even more poison let's grab right here Neato burrito that was terrible wow come on oh you could have killed it oh it's going to die yes yes wow that was easy that was so easy save me's account get 2% of the coins of your coins at the end of a fight or increases Max health I don't know what to do with the fluff I don't really like the fluff I'll be honest all right let's do the coins H let's roll once Porter oh start each fight oh no we're in a triple poison triple Poison every fight this is so dirty okay I don't need healing let's get the helmet helmet does what again yeah doubles my block oh great I didn't even need that I thought it was the shield okay he's going to add junk to the trunk let's grab right here H it's weird that that thing moved go get a Dodge happen neat there's the garbage they just threw in it'll be fine it'll be underneath um they're going to hit me hard so let's try to get as much block as I probably can a three oh I knew it all right it's going to double though I probably should have gone for this pile over here all right might as hand ah I was hoping for that big armor set that's not what I want at all this might actually really hurt badly except they're going to take 29 damage that's so broken not going to lie that is not working as intended it should be after their turn rather than just immediately that's what I was hoping for double up that big hammer we'll bring it over here grab a little bit more ow ow ow really roll in roll in hey that's not so bad he's got 77 80 he's got 80 oh my goodness poison B why not why not get the shuriken too 13 I am not even scared of 13 damage I just hit you with poisons for days 10 poison on the back guy he's going to get so messed up and we'll take the metal shield perfect that's exactly what I wanted enemy turn oh no this is so bad it's so bad for them I guess I could heal quickly and then I'll drop the this thing right in the middle of all of this treasure see what I can grab yeah I was hoping for that I don't even care if I get all of the money and gold I just want to stab him a whole bunch okay 50 Bonk all right in two turns he's going to do damage whatever you're not going to make it two turns see I'm going to Bonk you in the head with a hammer and then then I'm going to sneeze did you like that sneeze that was a good one oh another poison dagger delicious all right how do I get over here um I just have to make it to that one but I could clear out a bunch of these other fights let's go up okay this is a little more dangerous now I might need some Shields let's grab right here maybe there's a good Shield that does 10 and I could double it for 26 if it goes in right please don't drop the hand ofas first really we have a metal shield oh gross this was a bad hand that's a really not a good one well at least I do 15 reduction here and I still did 11 poison to that first guy so more poison helmet hand let's try this whoa whoa hold on now that wasn't what I wanted but I'll still poison this F guy for three okay and I guess we're just going to try to grab as much metal out of here as we can good yeah we're going to double our Shield to zero first guy's going to die everyone else is going to get 38 poison that's horrible for them but I took 50 damage too okay whatever I'm grabbing this I'm hoping the front guy dies oh he's also going to reflect ow probably should just have done nothing and he would have died faster get in there 89 90 9016 poison wow I really need healing though oh there's another one of these ah I'll take it all right let's see what we can get out of these things what is that vampire o preser jker do the vampire and maybe some healing or just a vampire that's fine okay next one is more vampire and pin cushion should I just go for healing I feel like I should just grab right here that way I'll be full health going into the boss fight probably is the immature uh immature one but I kind of want to do that should we go into we have 64 money let's try opening this up just to see what's in the blacksmith okay 25 let's grab the mirror and a shield the mirror will reflect twice if I bring it in first oh two Shields drop the Mir first no that was the worst one that could have been whatever 25 25 25 if I grab right here that's a really good choice oh the armor didn't come with shoot whatever will still be pretty well defended I think 32 plus one reflect yeah 18 damage that's actually a lot it's way more than I thought it was going to be um um let's go for the Dodge Knuckles no I missed him everyone's going to debuff me this time too all right Dodge Knuckles are in plus a lot of weapons nope Dodge Knuckles are not in they could be a little bit smaller item this is so stupid though cuz that 26 just goes to everything now and they take 32 damage to begin the fight wow okay 25 and 25 if I can just spread a whole bunch of poison they're going to die much like reading YouTube comments I'm kidding I'm kidding I don't die from that I'm immune to YouTube comments now I've been doing this for 10 years uh but that there there's no chance that they can survive this right not a single chance if that front guy dies he's going to spread the poison and then the other bro is going to have like 90 poison on them yeah 87 insta kill another healing ooh this is almost another the Warhammer I was going to get another dagger cuz now H can I can I double the handam Midas huh double the hammer ooh double the metal shield block by 12 I kind of want to do that but I kind of want to do this too all right we're going to do that we're going to leave it okay should I farm some more money let's go on this side and see what happens oh that's a lot um I'm going to grab Shields maybe I'll get two and a Shen neat B guy is going to get hit okay and let's just gear up right here I like that I like that a lot I like that no I don't like that a lot okay 25 I'm totally not going to I'm taking damage this time ow ow ow ow ow who Okay that was really not good give me give me no am I going to is this how we [Music] die oh I've got plenty of shields to go around this time I don't know how I got 50 Shields but I'm happy about it plus I get a Dodge so I'm going to dodge one of the attacks okay let's just go I'm going to go for that healing thing and maybe the magic mirror yeah I didn't figure how to get the mirror it's really hard to get let's drop in over here get some more poison looks good it will double our Shields as well not like it'll matter cuz they won't have a chance to go all right cool another another mirror another poison dagger that's better all right Pachinko sure I'm going to wait until it bounces and now could be good could be good nailed it a small sword plus okay we'll do it again a good Shield okay ready set back oh okay I got one more coin this was bad I I hit it way oh I made it in nice nice big Shield plus okay nothing else can heal me so we're going for boss fight a spaghetti monster Lord sadilla so he's not going to attack me this time let's focus on getting poison up and maybe some defense okay that worked we'll double Hammer sure that's six let's try to get um another hammer in neat I really didn't need to grab the the helmet that time but that was where the most amount of daggers were okay what is this okay he's got a persistent armor all right whatever thanks I guess this makes it easier on me it separates everything that was a bad grab um he's not even going to attack me this time oh okay maybe that isn't good the magnet doesn't fall through oh boy okay ah but 30 39 now 39 hit not with a magic mirror not with a magic mirr I missed it I'm a little scared I not going to lie I'm a tad tad bit scared but that's a really good grab good Hammer get some more of that poison rolling good I'm getting heals back he took 51 damage he hit me for 39 which was exactly what I had oh okay he's going to hit me for 5 * 8 is 40 unless I man he's got 50 poison already there's a lot of daggers right in that area so let's grab let's try to grab this I think I can get two Shields here good and of course the daggers went first all right 20 it'll be 20 that's half what I need let's try to grab this that's a huge grab my goodness that's like half the map but half of it didn't even come through and none of the shields did but even still he's going to have like over a 100 is it going to be 100 poison yeah yeah yeah 94 bump that's good I don't even care if I take 20 damage he's dead next turn and there's nothing he can do about it he's not even going to attack me so he's going to die there's no chance that he can survive this let's try to get as many more of these as I can look at this grab right here look at all these daggers I just got okay good dagger's coming in hot 10 wow wow is he even going to make it oh so close and dead 137 poison damage that was awesome I love this game friends this game is so much fun and I hope you enjoyed this video too thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including autod da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippius General Harris Trent M Cino Keegan H Louis C zarof maxer Ral BC Engineers carsm whiskey YH gun Jam Doug rules red dton c scander d Payton plays fussy badge RIT the warrior link hu Kyler J Nitro nitrox w k Grim Reaper kitu Rob rugy terano and Abram Jeep
Channel: Blitz
Views: 143,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, dungeon crawler, dungeon clawer, dungeon clawler
Id: 8n0K2MdqdjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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