Using ION CANNONS To Vaporize My Enemies in Modded Forts

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oh hey intern well hi blitz how are you oh i'm doing quite all right i don't really care what we're doing today is we found another mod called something like endos mod there's all sorts of things look at this one though it's an ion cannon shoots four ionized beams that oh my goodness there's a i can see this uh drill ammunition robotic underground munition i don't know drills through the ground shreds through wood and explodes kind of like what happens if you eat taco bell except hey you know what else shreds please don't please just he didn't do anything to you ah just buzzed right over him yeah yeah yeah yeah i get wrecked okay it's so dumb every time we're very good at that every time we play it it's like hey i'm just going to delete you and we'll do a little bit of this and then you're going to die in a little bit what is this a helium balloon we can point helium balloons yeah why unless your pressure sports structure up i guess to relieve pressure interesting neat so i could just float my reactor away and you'd never be able to hit it i don't know if it does that but it might be fun i wanted to you can try that's like the ultimate strategy you never see it coming nobody expects the floating battleship i'm gonna do what i do best and like just make my entire basement but the basement's already made you just have to stock it i know right that's why i like this map what is this thing storage silo yeah you store things ah and a repair bay but we already have that thing yeah we do but that one does like three and a half times the distance of repairing oh my i just want to try one i'm putting a balloon in my basement okay we're just gonna have a party down here oh boy is this someone's birthday it is happy birthday to me okay i just have a balloon in my basement i don't know why oh can i see it what does it even do it should detach all the things around it okay just have that cube fly away i don't think it does what you think it do but it should a laboratory okay here we go that one's stupid i love it oh great it didn't have to build up that part again it did what we thought it would do okay it did what is this metal mesh scatters reflect the light particles back at the enemy interesting there's all sorts of fun things in this mod all right those we need to make sure i get one of these what is that uh that oh one of those yeah i like those i don't even know what you're talking about though i don't think you'll like him as much as you think you do okay and then i need that that's expensive knowing intern i have to have these here we go oh this goes in the ground okay you already have that technology built yeah why do you have to be so good at the game now it was so quick interesting that these go on the grounds though they're drilling all right dude it's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about the silos oh oh the repair big goes in this underground too [Music] i just made scooby-doo noises did you hear that yeah uh i'm not sure that was scooby-doo but i'll let you go with that uh is that a good idea or is something like that a good idea that's the best the best ideas or ideas made best okay then this will be the idea okay i have all of those things going probably not the best of ideas but i'm not an expert oh this is done okay so how does this work i really don't know see usually we practice things but today we're like yeah we're gonna not practice yeah we're just you know throwing it out there i do kinda like that didn't work at all what did you do what is that where is it at i tried to i tried the drone then i blow up my guy flies drops go anywhere how can you have a drone already i built the laboratory super quick mine's still like yeah trying to get built so okay trying this again because it reloads i guess whoa oh there it goes what is that oh oh dang it that was a great shot oh wow i like the drone i don't dude what in the world apparently this uh robotic underground munition if you hold it above the ground it looks like it can be just fired anywhere this is bizarre put it underground that's the idea i'm gonna try this drone again because i like it so much it oh okay it's fragile oh good fragile things are explodable i like exploding things too let's see what else is fragile like that what are you whoa doing ringing is that the ion cannon yeah they curve up apparently i just like the drone so much because it hit you why is it doing this this is so bad that was amazing oh it burns inside of my liver okay so this needs to be down there that no no who that hits okay that's not so bad huh wasn't doing much okay it's not terrible also why was my repair thing going off i didn't hit myself unless i did you hate yourself stop hitting yourself and then we go wee oh okay i should also be very careful over here i'm just going with it i don't even care i don't like that you built things so fast i'm surprised how quickly i was able to build things whoa oh you got the drone now oh yeah hey this works now okay i think so up right oh man that was cool i like that that's fine i can work with that i want to figure out this drill though line of sight is blocked by what yeah do we need a sniper oh yeah that's what it needed to build it trying to figure out mine too oh that works oh i thought that was kind of reflective oh it does work yes it didn't yeah okay then fine we just won't worry about that ever again yeah we're not gonna play with those things anymore well it does say work in progress yeah so maybe it's just uh nah i gotta all right then it's just gonna be there to take up space unless i delete it because i don't want it anymore even that wasn't reflecting it blowing things up is my favorite hobby that's not what i wanted to do you dumb thing stop it all right then oh this might be bad this might be my plan okay not so bad yeah right over there uh marginally [Laughter] whoa i love that thing okay that one's fun big braining time no no no that works out so well it does and i don't like it we're gonna aim a little bit higher yeah yeah yeah oh what in the world what happened there did the same site work i think it did work neat i wasn't really paying attention so i couldn't tell get him buddy get him buddy oh the bomb missed okay it kind of sucked not gonna lie that was a little disappointing wasn't there supposed to be like bouncy things bouncy balls yeah where are those no idea dude maybe it's a mortar thing oh a little bit lower no no no no no no no yes oh you're not so bad wasn't terrible ready get set fire ready get set fire now blew it up before it even oh oh man i just want to shoot mine okay see why they are defensive miss lots of missing okay not so much this isn't so much missing oh my goodness oh my word that's that's terrible those sams are way overpowered dude they are they also make loud noises which is funny that also makes good noises what are those bits that are bouncing off i think that was the uh metal mesh oh is that how that works it's weird oh good hit no that's not the mesh that is weird no no leave him alone no i don't want to i get yelled at when i play this game because i suck at it i mean you're not the only one don't say anything because i forgot the basement ceiling can hold things i don't like that sound don't like that it's a very good sound yes oh the second one didn't make it do you have a balloon on top of your base no what are you doing with that why did it get on fire oh gosh why is all this getting on fire because i'm capable of everything reaches well you shouldn't be oh that's a lot of fire oh that's a lot of fire now oh that's very low oh but you're getting some fire too i almost forgot about that guy oh it didn't work buy items get a shot oh i didn't get it oh but the drone does some things too oh gosh what did you hit me with everything it was everything nice that was awesome and round two oh he's gone though more of that oh stop put out the fire already oh oh oh big problems this just got really intense really quickly intern did it i don't even know what's going on over there oh you blew my sniper he deserved it okay he didn't even do anything that's why he deserved it jones go go go this is stupid that's on my drone oh another good hit there's so much fire happening why is there so much fire happening everything's on fire my dude and go okay good job oh just barely missing i need to fix things you burned at everything i did it worked so well fire and we go again and we change this up and we go again i don't like this i don't like this i like this a lot i like this a lot oh oh that one was short oh so much fire oh you got one of those toys i don't have any toys anymore i'm so flustered right now and i don't even know why yeah this new stuff is very weird go go go go go go no lunch one made it oh that's so scary and then this one and then that one i don't know if he'll be able to make it actually yep and go go go oh i didn't make it through the missiles but i hit you though my goodness this is so much fire flaming time oh goodness and another one oh that's your reaction oh no oh beautiful stop stop stop yes good job put it out put it out put it out already we're not putting out the fire already we're firing more missiles firing more missiles we shall the enemy is weak yes blow it up no no no no no no bad bad bad bad bad bad bad i need sam oh my word that's huge oh no no no no no no no okay don't worry about it okay good i don't have to worry about that one anymore i'll put out the fire already oh my goodness are you having a hard time over trying to give you a hard time come on make it make it make it yes yes it made it it's torching everything okay good thing i have a balloon up there yeah what's that balloon good for uh it made it so that entire stack didn't collapse so that's good oh great more more that was not a request oh i thought you were ordering more i was lamenting [Music] i want to increase more damage increase the damage increase damage increase damage increase increasing damage is not in your best interest it is in my best interest increasing oh it takes so long to repair nice i found the other reactor no bad drone oh get it there yes oh come on i feel like i'm on fire i'm on fire you probably are on fire these drones are all about fire okay that was exciting i like the exciting ones oh hey the door's open that means i can aim this better perfect you jerk oh that might have been a bad name you just have a really fun very bad i name just built him by the way yeah i figured yeah that'll be fun okay ready get set a little bit lower for that that that oh cut that out you blew up one of my drone bays good drones we don't need those where we're going why is there always friendship would you like some friendship headed your way have some of that friendship and some of that friendship oh that was very low and early friendship coming in coming in hot dropping defenses oh that was right on my defenses i like how we have just missiles just doing figure eights in the middle yeah who's missiles oh my goodness i like blowing things up in your basement i like doing that to you as well i'm hitting the missiles yeah i know either anti-intern missiles that's not what that is it is though or for real this time they're just so confused did my fleck just get confused by the missiles in the middle ow no no gotta put this out right away right away ah stupid there we go oh that was too low just a little minor adjustment no no no no no no no you almost hit my balloon that would have been illegal that is frustrating stop it there we go there we go now i'm hitting stuff how did that fire back i have no idea it's something that that ion cannon does yes and oh that was a good hit it was i'll give you that one it was a decent hit stop that no oh man there's so many holes in the front of my boat add some more uh let's not oh hey the bomb made it through it did yep and this one's making it through cool story oh oh wow there's a lot of fire you just neutered my base dude i did i'm so good at it do i see a portal that you're working on i have tried to but it didn't work so i'm getting rid of it all right then i just hear constant repair machines going yeah come on no and yes you blew up my balloon yay i didn't want you having a balloon because i didn't have one it's not a party if i can't have a balloon you're not invited my birthday anymore wait you invited me to begin with no not and you've got regular swarm missiles no i don't you haven't seen those in a long time you've got regular flat guns see you keep trying to accuse me of you know breaking unspoken rules but you're the one that breaks them first i'm not breaking any rules neither am i we didn't make any rules that's why that's why we didn't break them there yes oh that was right on top of it nice shot top it off with that oh my god oh yes hey that's a good shot i feel like you and i both have repair machines just everywhere just makes it easier especially with this new modded one oh yeah also that's what that big tower is for now you figured it out huh i have solved it good hits there oh my i made like panic mode here like crazy yeah i'm really trying to figure out what to do next i keep wanting to hit that a little bit higher here to go on your big tower but it's so hard and the fire thing it does it's so weird oh come on that's a lot of painting targets oh come on defenses come on i literally just built that thing i just sniped one of those things on my oh is that just a generic border yeah i haven't figured out the bouncing ones oh i forgot to regain that oh there's bouncy mortars i forgot about those i haven't found them oh there we go oh that works so well okay that oh man that's so weak those things are so weak we're bouncing where'd you find bouncy mortars at so you upgrade the heavy mortars but they go nowhere interesting i need to rethink that strategy no no no no no no no no no no goodbye drone i think i got my timing down finally okay whatever i think this oh dear oh my goodness how many drone bays do you have so you said the bouncy boy is kind of dumb wow you are joking where are those even going to go i want to watch them oh this one's making it oh no it is making it oh the wink yeah he's making it why is it making it do it yes that yes so dumb okay well now they know they're not that dumb i don't know it's so much fun injured uh why is this front black not dude oh it's blocked by that are you serious oh great you got a big missile too yeah oh those were good those are really good hits in turn my defenses are not doing the defensing thing no they're not they don't have any chance to do any defense when i'm sworn in with five missile swarms okay you know what here's an idea uh sort of oh goodness i can't do my ideas if you keep sending swarms at me no it blew up okay well at least the flat can do his job now because there's no drone bay there oh you blew up my big missile that was the expensive one good please don't hit that please don't ah you stupid dumb thing uh wow oh goodness oh gosh oh beautiful hits oh core that base out that was the worst part it could hit go little buddies you can make it you can make it yes what are you doing [Laughter] keep forgetting i want to do those but you keep blowing up my mortars oh stupid there's nothing stupid involved in this situation this is only everything i am looking at is stupid skill my dude if i get shot down it might get shot down i mean if you're doing this much to me it's not exactly skill see we fire these boys first and then they all go hopper and then we go poop and this is just gonna be an absolute mess of stuff but it'll be worth it worth it yeah i'm kind of tuning out what's going on right now because nothing's changing let's be honest oh dear i just like how it's by the time they get there they've reloaded are you serious why do you have so many missile swarms because they work really well oh jeez yeah that was gone okay that was that was most excellent my dude liking it oh the sand missiles bold choice those those weren't working i'll then do the thing i wanted them to oh they don't they're kind of dumb kind of like you right now i am not dumb at all why are you targeting those because you have done nothing you have too much resources and there's also a lot of lasers pointed at me why oh i hear a reactor taking damage how are those take hitting the reactor that doesn't make sense oh you blow up that thing too oh my goodness come on on the reactor on the reactor that's no no no no no no no no no you're not allowed to live anymore what did you find he's a nice little laser boy oh yeah he's been there he's hanging on for dear life i can't imagine what would happen if you had a lot of these drones these drones are insane yeah like the worst part is that they reload so fast they do i'm painting targets in turn i'm firing one last shot and it just hit rockets well i think that was all i could do come on i hope i have that dialed in right yeah you do yeah that was a crazy mod that was a lot of fun thanks for playing dude uh whatever and i'd like to thank all of my patreons and youtube members including autoday opinionator ben dickie j teddy hit splatter sex joke rules 2.0 furious skunk check the corian link whisk rob the king red kdl player and whiskey
Channel: Blitz
Views: 647,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forts, blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz forts, forts blitz, forts gameplay, forts game, forts new update, forts update, forts ships, forts ship, forts planes, forts plane, forts warship, forts new, forts high seas, forts high seas multiplayer, forts multiplayer, forts multiplayer blitz, forts interndotgif, interndotgif forts, forts ships dlc, forts intern, forts mods, forts modded, forts nuke, forts nuclear mod, forts ion cannon, forts ion
Id: u3dz33HXn5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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