I Tried Working Retail For A Day And SLOWLY WENT INSANE

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Jesus panic attack in the breakroom [Music] warning this game contains a retail work environment player discretion is advised night of the consumers oh my god I didn't even mean to do this but I'm matching the game yes yes I am an employee of Vance Vance thought sorry please I wear so much of your stuff so before my youtube career I had worked in retail and it's the absolute freakin worst job I've ever had in my life because customers are the worst and full of Carens especially this game turns retail work into the horror game that it's meant to be memories are gonna come back yes the lockers um hello it's my first day to day which lockers mine I'm so excited I can't wait to start helping people please oh Jesus you're late oh my god I'm so sorry it was my first day I had no idea where I was going am i fired already but hey since you're new around here I'll cut you some slack thank you got very lost my name is the manager we're not too busy on days like these so you could have a nice easy shift to help you get settled in oh good but remember I've got a reputation to uphold here of course sir won't have me looking like a fool in front of the other managers would you no I would not like that this store is the best in town and I would like to keep it that way if any of my loyal customers aren't satisfied with your service I will be hearing about it now go find Jimmy he's been working here for a while now very loyal employee of mine okay he will show you the ropes put your stuff in the locker and get to okay okay which Locker is my locker oh god I'm a little woozy I knew I shouldn't have done two-for-one shots before I came to my first day of work oh wait which one this one space Oh God but aah oh my god is that a ball it's fuzzy is this made by the same guy fuzzy okay where we got staff only I am staff can i no no this way oh my god are you Jimmy oh no Jimmy did you have two-for-one shots too I know it's just such a good deal Jamie mean you're gonna get along great you're gonna be my best friend you gonna help me why are our hands so creepy Jimmy looks like you cut off the hands of somebody and then put them onto your hands I can't take this anymore I don't get paid enough for this the room customers the endless amounts of sick it states I've reached my breaking point listen it's up to you now oh no but it's my first day there's still a lot about these shelves out there they need to be stacked before we close you don't want to upset the manager here take this it's all the notes I've made while working here those tips save me time and time again good luck to hell with this place I'm out of here Jimmy no Jimmy no we're gonna be best friends Jimmy why I have to do it all by myself Oh Jimmy's notes Lester is the managers pet hide in the staff only rooms okay beware the baby why be wearing the baby we can do this Jimmy's an over exaggerated ER need a hand ask one of our friendly colleagues for help no don't talk to me oh I got a video games we got this we're gonna be employee of the month in no time where's the video games video games here I is their clock why is there a clock why is there a clock oh is that it no walk me bother me I'm doing my work why is there a clock you're cackling something's moving over there I'm almost done almost done I'm almost done just let me finish please just let me finish oh my god that scared the crap out of me I heard cackling I hear cackling and oh god I saw oh god I see her I see somebody running around I hate it don't ask me for help I am not good at talking to people it is my first day okay okay Oh God okay no don't notice me don't notice me drinks drinks tricks I figured out it needs your way to do this never too late to stock up on pharmaceuticals the Potter no no don't touch me oh no why are they all locked why they locked why are they lodged what am I supposed to do am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do oh god no what oh my god what am I supposed to do when I upset somebody am I supposed to go find what they want real quick pharmacy don't know where that is okay throw boxes that people do know where the drinks are don't get any of those Petey clone games yeah I'm crap crap I think I am supposed to help but like very quickly okay okay okay okay come over here where's video game so Jesus okay Oh No I gotta get out of here ah can I actually get away from that situation okay we have a Halloween section apparently skulls great I'm looking to turn up a little bit more huh whoa oh alcohol alcohol or so where is the alcohol I don't know hello come here are you happy now get turnt up son or whatever excuse me sis do I need a new toaster where's the toasters ah where's the toasters it is hard I basically need to just memorize the layout of this store I go to help me so much if I could just remember what the layout is always always wait for me look at him I don't want to help any of you monsters Jesus they're everywhere get this box get this box go oh god it's a carrot that's definitely a carrot oh my god sweets I don't know food sweets take my shower shampoo what is wrong with you why are you taking that many showers in the day I'm new here bad at this game oh my god what am I supposed to do in this scenario just run she's got okay well the like random things are to the left at all the regular stuff you would find in a grocery store it's over here they've begun let me finish this my third shower I don't know where that shampoo is I keep getting the frickin shampoo guy and I have no idea oh god go to the exit can I get help can I get out can I get out escapes know where shampoo I should find where that is health and beauty okay that's where it would be Jesus Oh God Oh being a mother is tough any 10 bottles of red wine snack alcohol I will get you a robe although err yes no I'm learning the store I will be employee of the month pen go go go okay why is this guy doing jumping jacks I don't understand you're all the worst cleaning oh Jesus he's in front of me cleaning cleaning Oh thing no cleaning yes they don't need to be restocked oh wait is this it no that's food for a new beanie and on this side sir I'm learning this star clothing clothing clothing Oh God my way panic attack in the break room just like at a normal retail environment okay I need another box give me a box of something what's this toys okay lissa drinks section over here so nice okay okay I'm just gonna run jam it need something to read for my long flight oh I dropped up wait wait wait Menzies may be aged oh Jesus these are the scariest toys the Teletubbies oh my god this is the father's everybody I better get employee of the frickin month oh it's the old lady don't you dare come for me lady don't you dare come for me stupid old lady I mean what I love all of our customers with us drinks oh I have to do a time I'm time to happy music excuse me ah I need a box damn it lost my baby well whose fault is that what is your baby this isn't part of my job oh you want to speak to the manager because you're a terrible mother oh hell with this place how are you losing your baby my problem Karen Jesus it's so much I hate this place so much I'm gonna burn it to the ground everyone hear me I'm at Burger to the Grouch Oh perfect Ives now I know where the knives are great and very unstable right now my gosh bro okay we're in the kitchen I'll Hey damn it I almost got to it boys Oh perfect I'm into the pattern right now sir right now I love my life like sir make it easy to find things here what do you mean everything is very clearly labeled sir very clearly labeled but the customer's always right yeah sure you're so right we should really mark clearly labeled things I'm gonna go back to stocking the Shelf like I was trying to do before and I love my job love working and in retail it's the best the customer is always right I hope people distract me from my work to ask me where things are even though everything is very clearly labeled Jason and lost my knives oh well thank God I just stopped Sena where no no don't you dare take this away from me catch it chase what my headphones broke every I just need to make some way damn it I almost got it looking for a new set of dining chairs why are you here then you know I started Oh Furniture Furniture Ryan I tart Jesus old lady don't you miss me are you kidding me I don't know what just happened oh no Karen I swear to God I don't give a crap where your baby is oh my god this damn lady with her damn baby I'm just so dead side now I've gone through so many different emotions working here and now it's come to the point where I'm just dead inside so this is dog soup I'm hoping it's soup for dogs and not soup that's made out of dogs just where's the canned bread delicious and now I got another person go all the way to the other side and start Karen get the hell away from me hey wait I had to stock one more can of drink damn it I always get to the last one oh my god oh my god oh my god is this the last one so about anxiety did I do it can I do it what am I supposed to do I thought I'm supposed to do five maybe not maybe I'm supposed to do more I don't know employee of the month Lester where the hell is Lester oh it says missing over here missing Oh God oh I see a baby running around no it's your damn baby oh it's your damn baby I'm I have no idea no idea I keep trying to listen for the sounds because I'm sure that's what I'm supposed to do I'm done I have tried to beat this so many times I don't know I thought I was supposed to only do five but then now I'm thinking it's way more than but I'm so happy I don't work in retail and God bless any of you who still do you are the unsung heroes oh my god my heart leave a like please to help me not have a heart attack from this and subscribe if you're new that also kind of helps and hit the notification bell if you really want to help me through this store I'll bust it out [Music] [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,236,732
Rating: 4.9585567 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, night of the consumer, night of the consumer game, night of the consumer gameplay, scary games, 3 scary games, scary, scariest, retail, retail worker, retail game, supermarket, shopping, nightmare, I got another Job, new job, funny, funny moments, all endings, 2020
Id: v2sIgcj9pj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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