I Tried SURGERY on Vegetables in Fruit Clinic Because it's 2020 & Nothing Makes Sense

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I'm gonna cause you so much pain! SO MUCH PAIN! YES. [intro music] [sighs] OK, do you remember Avocado Couple? Roll the clip! [Lauren] Oh she pissed, [both gasp] [Lauren] Oh my god! [Kassie] STOP! [both laughing] Yeah. Remember that? Well just imagine that, As an app game. I know, you can't can you? Well too bad! It exists! And I found it! And it's on the top free app game charts right now, And has been for a while! I didn't think 2020 could get any worse, I don't know why I'm still doing this. So, I mean I guess I have to try this app. Fruit Clinic! Oh yeah, this looks lovely. Oh yes! I don't know what this is! By the way, I thought I had some sort of fruit shirt, Like a shirt with some fruit on it, Because everybody has at least one shirt with fruit on it, right? Uh...But I didn't have any. I had this one with bears on it. And everybody knows the closest thing to fruit, Is bears. So ya, Leave a like for the fruit bears! Do it now so I don't feel self-conscious about this decision. Also make sure to subscribe and hit the notification bell, Do it for the fruit bears! Alright, I still don't think I'm getting a full picture of this game, So I think I should watch the trailer first, which has six point six million views. Why does fruit with faces on it do so well on YouTube? I don't understand. Game audio: C'mon! What's taking so long? Can't you see she's in pain? Do something! [laughs] Uh.......what? Can't you see she's in pain?! Do something! Cut her open! She's in pain, do something. I'm gonna give her more pain so she won't worry about her pain before! This game seems stressful. game audio: Gently now, you're hurting her [Lauren laughs] You're hurting her! Well I'm sorry sir, I have to cut her open alright? How am I supposed to do that without hurting her? Game audio: Be careful! Lauren: Oh my god, it's a baby! Game audio: I'm...I'm a dad? Wait, he didn't know? He didn't.... He didn't know she was preggers? Are you sure it's yours? Game audio: Hey watch it with those! Are you even licensed? Lauren: No. Game audio: It will be alright honey! Game audio: I swear, if you leave a scar... Game audio: I'm so glad that's over, c'mon honey let's get out of here. OK, I now hate this eggplant couple. OK sorry, I now hate the husband of this eggplant couple. You shouldn't be screaming at a surgeon, That’s performing surgery, On your baby mama! I also took a look to see if anybody else has done this game yet, And the majority of them are like 'Noob Pro Hacker', Noob pro hacker, Level one, level nine, nine, nine, nine thousand Level zero level nine...It's all like, Level one hundred! So yeah, I want to be a hacker in this game, Does that mean I have to play a hundred levels of this game? Oh god, let's see. Let's see! Alright, I paid for the no ads, But I have a feeling I'm gonna get a bunch anyway. I don't need anything distracting me from my very important surgery. Oh no! What's wrong with you little apple man? Wait, wait but he's all stitched up. I have to unstitch? Oh, no I...OK. You're...you're all good! Yay! I unlocked the tweezers. But I have to watch an ad to get...what kind of ads did I pay for to not have? Oh my god! OK nana, Whatcha got? Oh it's a little worm! Oh I got him! Oh my god it vibrates! Oh I don't like the feeling! Oh I don't like the feeling of it! Ooooooooooooh! I did it! Yay! A vacuum. Oh my god, You know this is really distracting me from my work, Oh my god, what is this game? OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!! I'm just throwing people and cats in a fire! I can't believe I paid for this game and I'm still getting ads. It infuriates me! Yes, let me get a plant to calm me down. That's not a plant. What? I wanted a plant! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Oh I gotta suck the little wormies out. Oh sucking the little wormies! Yay! Alright let's stitch you up! Yay! I'm amazing! Oh hello Mr Zucchini Oh you have a worm problem as well. Urgh I hate the vibrations! It makes it gross! There you go, there's the worm. You're all fixed, Oh my god! I was like 'We got the worm out of you, but I'm just gonna cut you open and see what's inside, why not?' Oh god. Oh his face! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! I'm doing it so slow, it's probably hurting way more than it needs to! There ya go! I'm sorry, I'm noob level. [sings] Sucky, sucky the little wormy! [laughs] Sounds so weird! I swear I'm a real doctor OK? I just like to say funny words from time to time to make my job more fun. Alright so according to this, I should only need to watch five more ads. Oh yeah, let's get new furniture! Oh look at this cool guy! Oh he's a VIP customer! Which means I need to watch a frigging ad? To do surgery on you? Ahh. What did I pay for? This game ripped me off! Alright Mr VIP customer that made me watch a stupid frigging ad, I'm gonna cause you so much pain. SO MUCH PAIN! YES. This makes me feel a little bit better actually, thank you! What is this? What are you? What kind of fruit are you? I'm sucking out your seeds. Which I thought was something you needed in you, But er...I guess not. You're welcome! Oh my god, I actually didn't have to watch an ad, I will make this very quick and painless for you! Wha! Oh my god, you're preggers! Did you know you were preg- oh my god, is this an avocado? It's a frigging avocado. Oh my god, are you one of the avocados from Avocado Couples? Look how happy she is! Here's your baby! Get ya all stitched up, Why are you mad? Why are you mad at me? I'm helping you! There we go, there's a band-aid for ya. Alright, we got an X-ray machine. Ew. Ew. Ew. EW. Is this supposed to be a tomato pimple? Oh I don't like it. I don't like it even though... Oh I don't like it! I don't like- Ahh! Urgh! URGH!! Ahh! Oh I closed my eyes, I didn't see what happened! What shot out of it? Apple sauce? Oh I thought we were gonna find a baby. Alright, you've got some worms in there sir! Slice! Oh you do have a baby! What? Ew! Ew why are there worms on your baby? These tomatoes are just like 'Oh I have a baby! Thank you!' 'I had no idea!' There you go! Yay! Enjoy your baby! Alright, we only have three things left. Ew what is this? Ew! You're disgusting! Oh there's little like barnacles on you. Barnacles are in the ocean, Lauren. Learn your fungus’s! Oh my god! It's the eggplant from the trailer! Aw I would have caused you more pain cause I hate your husband. He was yelling at me! Stitch ya up! There ya go! Your baby daddy is evil! Leave him! I just got a shaver... And I'm concerned what I'm using that for. Cause fruits don't have hair! Oh. Kiwi hair! OK, makes sense now! There we go! There we go! I love how concerned the kiwi looks, let me just let him go. Yes! Yes the waiting is the worst part isn't it kiwi? THE WAITING IS THE WORST PART! When is it coming? Oh you don't know! You don't know do you? This game is bringing out something weird in me. Oh no, now he's fearful! He's fearful! Oh god now he's...oh my goodness! I'll stop traumatizing you. Although it's fun. There you go, your seeds are gone. Yay! Alright, only one more thing needed, And then hopefully there won't be as many ads. But who knows? Oh my god, right when I said it there's another frigging VIP customer. Does that mean I'm pro now? Cause I'm handling VIP customers! Alright, what's wrong with you. We're just cleaning you? We're just a cleaning service now? Oh, we're putting back some kernels. But I wanted to make popcorn later! You're ruining that for me, you know that? Yay! What is this? A green bean? What are you? Disgusting is what you are, What? [gasps] Triplets? Tri- TRIPLETS! Oh my god! Oh let's take this one. Oh well, the green bean doesn't seem to be that excited about having babies. Cause I was just thinking if they were excited how funny it would be, If I took one of the babies and just like... Popped it in my mouth! I will eat your pea babies. Oh. She doesn't seem that excited that I just delivered three babies. Oh my god, we unlocked everything. Does that mean I'm officially at level pro? I’m gonna say yes. Ew. Ew. EW! Don't worry, we'll inject you with grape juice, it will be fine. There ya go! Oh wow! You're so much better now! That one on the top right doesn't look so good though, don't eat that one. No, I have tweezers already, Just a different color? Way to try to and trick me game, You can't rick me I'm a pro now! Ew, these fruits are getting more and more disgusting. Oh my god, it has a broken heart! How cute! I will fix your broken heart. OK, so I think it's a lot of the same, I think I'm gonna go off camera, keep going through all these quickly, Baby! I'm just gonna keep going through, And see if it changes at all by the time I get to like, level fifty. Which is apparently the pro level, but I'm a pro. I don't care what they say, I'm a pro. OK, so I may have actually become a hacker in this game, Because I'm at level forty six! Forty six! I have done this forty six times. And it has not changed much at all since I last left you guys. Anyway, I'm at level forty six. I opened the eggplant, And there was nothing in there, And now it's just frozen where I can like zoom in to it, And I'm touching the tweezers and the sewing, It's a.... I don't know what happened. I was so good, They didn't expect anybody to get to level forty six, So I broke the game! No seriously, I went back and skipped through those 'Noob VS Pro VS Hacker' videos, And none of them got to level fifty or a hundred! They showed the VIP levels as hacker levels. And pro was at like level twenty. Well then I am at, I don't know...level extreme? I don't even know what to call it! Extreme hacker! Alright let's close it out and come back and see what happens. Also yes, this is my office. Look at this! Look at this expert hacker level office. I've maxed out everything except for the station. Alright, let's see.... Let's see what happens again. OK, we're cutting you open. It did it again! Ahhhhhhh!! This time he's mad! There's nothing in- what do you want me to do? Are you expecting there to be a baby? Cause you don't have one! I'm sorry! What am I supposed to do? Hello? Help! Help! Guys, I broke the game. I guess I reached like a thousand, that's what this is right? Level forty six. Alright, I'm restarting it again. This is the last time! Alright, I beat the game! If you guys have gotten past level forty six, let me know in the comments below. What is this? WHAT IS THIS? I paid for an ad free version of this game, and I can't get past level forty six. I'm just too good. This is...this is hacker status! I've done it! I have achieved it! I'm the only one! Those other videos were lying. Alright guys, well if you enjoyed this video, then why not check out one of these videos. They're pretty cool! And funny! And similar! Also subscribe if you haven't and hit the notification bell! There's also merch somewhere over there. I don't know, I'm just gonna stand here and stare at you until you click something.
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 4,075,864
Rating: 4.9473495 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, fruit clinic, fruit surgery, vegetables, baby delivery, apps, app game, ios, android, free app, funny moments, funny app, fruit clinic app, full game, walkthrough, surgery game, surgery app
Id: sfSaj0BQY6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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