I Tried Popular App Games ...but They're Actually Offensive?!

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oh god oh we just pushed a girl down push her down I am the queen yes [Music] okay we need to talk about these free app games again you know the ones that just keep ending up on the top app charts for some reason I had been doing a series where I was trying all the ones that were all about being women's I'll link those in the description if you missed them but I basically poked fun at them because the majority of them could be taken as I don't know offensive toward women they were super cliche about women and I personally am not one to ever really get offended by things it takes a lot to offend me but there's some apps that have been showing up here lately that I see and I'm like I bet you there's lots of people that are offended by this for example one of the days I saw this text and drive app on the top free app charts where you literally are texting and driving so this is the Google Play Store it's still on there like that but if you look at the Apple Store it changed to chat away a daily life Sim I'm pretty sure they got in trouble by Apple for promoting you know texting while driving something that's killed lots of people there was also this app game called body Run 3D as you can see it had a girl but it's now recently changed to a bear and I'm pretty sure it would used to be fit to Fab was the name of it and then they changed it to body Run 3D but again pretty sure people were offended so they changed out the girl character to a bear so it seems like apple is starting to be like no no no you guys are out of control and cracking down on them Google Play doesn't care I don't think they ever have but on the top free app charts I'm still seeing some games that maybe shall I say problematic case in point the number one app game right now is called queen bee be the most popular girl in school and the review that gave me the idea for this video uh I mean you can see the title right there this game says a horrible message it teaches you not to eat wear or do what you want only do what makes you popular eat salad wear dress be blonde download Instagram oh is that is that why I wasn't popular in high school because I ate french fries wore jeans had brown hair Instagram wasn't around it's all making sense now if you don't do these things you don't get kissed at the end oh basically the goal of the game is to get male validation and please tell me you aren't serious what the character has to choose between a book or a lipstick lipstick makes you popular wow bad messages absolutely horrendous sending the wrong message well it's number one on the top free app games let's try it all right let's see how offensive this will be okay oh bat glasses wait glasses is bad lipstick good but I can't see anything brown hair oh I don't have to be blonde gray hair I think and a dress and I have I have my crew behind me and I I get to kiss the guy everything just happened so fast I was not Queen though what did I miss I did everything oh french fries you kidding me yes I don't care about being popular oh yeah Booker lipstick a book I need to get smart what are these apps is this Tick Tock oh my God I'm doing a tick tock dance I got one follower from that make out with me oh wait so he won't kiss me because I had french fries I read a book then I did a tick tock dance why kiss him anyway you can watch an ad and kiss him anyway even though he said no to you also really good messages just kiss kiss people anyway if they say no don't do that that's horrible no means no no okay we have to have a salad who knew that people would like me just because I ate a salad no no I slipped and fell it's fine I still got followers is he gonna kiss me kiss me this game is so dumb why is this the number one app game right now ah look it look at the advertisement this is the game this is potty run but now it's a bear oh no gaming makes you fat what uh I understand why this was offensive now the oh no cause the message was don't be fat you should only be thin or else you won't win the game yeah fat to fit wait so if I try to download it what does it get me body run no you lied now it says your diet your choice oh it's trying to save itself there no no no we know we know from your advertisements what you were doing game all right we're gonna wear a bathing suit which I mean makes sense we're at the beach I don't know what this is sunscreen but I mean that's important Tick Tock again with our our dance moves oh God I slept at Phil I mean all this seems not so this level's not so offensive hey ladies oh my God oh my God I just said it I just said this level wasn't offensive and then it literally made me attack other women for a man dress sure oh Jesus I just keep falling and slipping oh uh really I have boots okay let's go with Instagram this time wow I hate this I hate it so much no I will not review it yes come on followers oh Jesus I can't say no to cake a cake sorry sorry oh blonde is good and brown hair is bad oh God I'm officially offended okay so Martini or coffee we're apparently drinking in a high school great okay oh god oh we just pushed a girl down what is this teaching but push her down I am the queen yes what's the blue one is that supposed to be Tumblr oh we're at prom oh that's what this is did I get prom queen I don't think so I think I just missed it oh my God it's the Texan up it's offensive apps advertising on other offensive apps oh just no what is this app text girlfriend avoid crash don't you dare avoid crash so if I click it does it yeah chat away daily life Sim these app developers getting in trouble push them down got him get it go yeah push and scroll down we are queen we don't care about anybody else if I follow one more freaking puddle I have to have a salad because that's what makes you popular I have to put makeup on because that's what makes me popular push her to the ground and now we're gonna go make out with these random guys this is what I live for this makes me so sad that this is the top free app game are we at the cafeteria you want to say no to pizza and yes to salad oh my God I'm queen I'm Queen yes oh so we're always just working toward prom is that it oh oh Oh that girl won I didn't eat enough salad she clearly had more salad than me over at prom push her down yes we need to be the ultimate we need our blonde hair of course it's prom okay push her down get the bag I'm gonna Tick Tock dance our way to Victory why am I wearing this outfit to prom this doesn't make any sense oh my God I'm queen I'm prom queen I am queen I did it I did it I did it oh this is why I have the same thing over and over so we're supposed to unlock things but I don't want to give this girl anything she's the worst I don't know how this game has such good high ratings with all of these really low horrible offended ratings but yeah you get the point this is what does good now offensive stuff I feel like it Riles people up they all download it to see like I just did and then that's how it gets on the top three app charts we're feeding into it I was gonna do body run but I mean they changed to a bear so I can't be offended about that only Bears can be offended about that smart game but then I did see run rich 3D I was like oh let's see are people offended by this good but terrible messages that's what I'm looking for for this video the reason it has two stars is because of the messages it's sending to children like that you need to be a gold digger to be successful or that you should never donate to the needy because you will go broke the only reason I didn't give this one star was because it's a good game all right let's see if I am offended by this okay money money money money money money money money money money I'm still poor money oh God what was that party what I'm a hobo what's happening garbage ah ah are those medical bills okay money money money money money money what is it a wine Wine's bad okay cigarette no okay School wait but School costs money we're rich look at our Chanel jacket can we get in can we get in am I rich enough oh yeah I'm rich enough where's the donating to charity uh what are these guys ah I'm a hobo who's that ah did it I want to play video games though I mean jokes on them video games is my job and made me money a decent can I get in okay you don't have to be super rich in this game to win okay yeah they're robbers they're gonna steal my monies holidays savings we're gonna do savings get the money get the money I haven't filled up my gauge yet is can you become super rich I've only gotten rich I want to be super rich millionaire oh yeah look at my fabulous dress and the doors open and I gotta what is that a Ferrari is it a Ferrar I is it a Lambo oh my God slot machine what happens oh so I could get money or I could lose money it's a gamble that makes sense what do I look like a Karen when I have decent money all right we're hitting up the casino damn it oh God yes oh my God what is this game what um what is this I'm really enjoying the advertisements today what is this game it's amazing that's what it is and you know something it doesn't offend me what happens if I go through Facebook oh no and gaming oh no oh ah I became so poor that there was just no coming back apparently okay I think you all get it you all get why it's problematic okay so because the App Store made them change texting and driving which I was gonna show as part of this offensive app game video montage and because they changed the fat to fit one into a bear I'm gonna try body race which I looked at the reviews and it says it looks terrible it really isn't that bad I saw the game and I thought it would body shame but oh boy I was wrong I tried picking all their unhealthy meals and at the end it didn't say anything rude all right let's see yes this looks like it could probably be as offensive as fat to fit was to people but I don't know let's see let's go for all Burgers no exercising just all burgers and Segways so we don't have to walk fantastic oh wait no we're doing squats no no no no no Burgers ice cream we're not getting bigger wait a minute what's the goal I'm so confused what's the goal I'm not getting bigger or smaller I'm just I could literally just not do anything and walk straight through this whole game I'm literally not doing anything and I'm still gonna win what okay I understand this game is not offensive but it also is not very fun working out working out Segway what the heck is this going through the tube but I'm confused we don't get bigger or smaller so it doesn't matter about fitting through the tube because I'm the same size this game has no point it's just like eat whatever you want do whatever you want there's just no point and doing whatever I want and it doesn't matter this game is making me angrier that if it was actually offensive it's offensive to me this this game trying not to be offensive is the most offensive to me so far there is no point to it it's just like we know that you spent your time downloading this and playing this but it was a waste you're welcome we hate you okay I just now realized why this game makes no sense it used to look like this I guess they also got in trouble for I don't know projecting a bad body image yeah she's super skinny and then yeah I don't I don't know good result yeah that'll probably do it they probably offended too many people that had to change it understandable so yeah apple caught on to things before I was able to make this video so I didn't get to play as many of the games as I wanted to although on Android you can apparently play all of them still so enjoy enjoy the offensiveness but I don't know let me know in the comments below if you were offended by any of this I can understand why people would be and also me make sure to leave a like before you go and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos and if you're new to the channel the Subscribe button is right there I made it super easy just click it it's free it doesn't hurt I promise and as always I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 4,035,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, oddly satisfying, reaction video, reaction, reacting, reacting to, apps, useless apps, funny apps, iphone, weird apps, gaming, funny fails, app, weird games, top apps, parody, satire, funny, funny cartoon, girls go games, funny games, girlsgogames, ggg, girls games, girl apps, fat2fit, body race, queen bee, run rich, run rich 3d, offensive, problematic
Id: UTCd5lz0mXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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