Creepy Kids That Make Me Scared To Be A Mom

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my kid is so creepy oh my god he does this every night why it's like he's saying goodbye mommy i just wanted to say goodbye one last time goodbye so a couple months ago while i was pregnant i made a video reacting to parenting tick tocks and said this yes another creepy kid tick tock i told you i have to go on a creepy kid tick tock spree soon and compile them he's like this is this is sharp it would be a shame if this were to accidentally stab you oh god there's a whole scary toddler hashtag i will be exploring that later so today i'm finally gonna do it i'm going to explore the creepiest kids on tick tock because i love creepy kids it may be one of the reasons i had one myself because i love cute but creepy things case in point okay little kid laughing alone especially while they're sleeping i can't ever tell if i find it cute or creepy like just listen like it could be interpreted either way kind of cute or creepy context matters in the middle of the night creepy during the day but threatening violence afterwards creepy my kid is so creepy oh my god he does this every night after i put him to bed oh my god he does this every night he never actually comes in my room and then just goes back to bed why it's like he's saying goodbye mommy i just wanted to say goodbye one last time goodbye maybe that's not her kid think about that one while you watch that we never actually see the kid it could be a demon my son insisted on bringing his skeleton friends oh my god i love this it's so creepy but i love it what a supportive mom for son's creepy friends oh it's so cute though tell me this is an adorable i just love her face just cutting to her face like yep this is happening i'm allowed this is happening i mean i guess if anything if you want to find a silver lining it's teaching your son to be accepting them all creatures people i don't know i don't even know what to put the skeleton in category wise the other night my daughter was like waking up every hour then she wakes up and she's like about to square me up i'm like she's like mommy i was like i've seen this in movies it never goes well do i stab her now i don't know i was like yeah babe she's like remember that one time that i told you i wanted to cut you open because you were so warm and i wanted to go back inside of you like a baby i was like holy curry she's like well i'm thinking about doing it again i was like maybe not the time replaced babe go back to bed oh my god kids are creepy i've seen this guy before he like reenacts creepy things his kids do how's bath oh my god i wanted to see if she was a mermaid she wasn't daddy i had a dream you died oh sweetie that's it soon good night sweetheart good night dad oh the knife man the what is behind me the knife man i love the knife man oh my god there's so many dads doing this now so precious oh yes another skeleton lover look daddy i drew me and mommy is it raining we're spreading your ashes why zooming in on your baby's monitor at night is terrifying uh yes it is now that i have one it is why what is it what do they see are they just awake laying there with their eyes open oh my god you can zoom really far into this one don't worry his eye wasn't open what just a very shiny eyelid oh i thought he was just lying there with his just lying there with his eyes open not blinking kids laugh had both of us scared oh no i told you kid laughing it's either cute or creepy there's no in between oh my god i love his laugh he got so scared he was like number one i don't want to be friends with you anymore i made a mistake i love this trend the chances of your toddler killing you are low oh look at her but never oh my god it's just like pure excitement i think i don't know what does it i don't know what this is i think it's pure excitement or rage i don't know i can't okay the tag for this is should i be worried for my professor so it's during like zoom school my wife is out of town i have three kids they're nine seven and five i finally get them out of the house to record this and just as i start recording i get a text from someone that says my nine-year-old has just tried to buy an ar-15 from him for 3 500 but that he said he wants the suppressor to come with it i don't um this is the only time my house is going to be tolerably quiet and i'm afraid my nine-year-old is going to come shoot me so i want to get through executive power before i am assaulted with either noise or bullets so let's get to it oh my god that is a rough weekend i salute you fellow parrot attention your child search restricted topics stand like the never watcher search for teaching plans of greed which is considered forbidden knowledge under your current parental control settings oh my god i can't i can't there's nothing to say about this tick tock it's just pure gold i love it this is considered forbidden knowledge i never knew i want to search it now teaching crabs how to read forbidden knowledge no but how do i teach crabs how to read i did not know how forbidden this was there's no information on how to teach crabs how to read oh my god is she not even looking at them is she just she in the room but staring at the door i'm pretty sure she's not even looking at them i woke up to this i am fully prepared for the heart attacks because i used to do this to my parents in the middle of the night when you're a kid you're like i didn't want to wake you up and make you mad like this is 10 times worse i don't understand why the logic was this was better than just going and waking them up you're gonna give your parents a heart attack scary things kids say part 42 my mom went upstairs for a nap my middle son asked her if she was happy she'd be seeing jesus soon my god i woke up in the night my four-year-old twin standing on the end of my bed me what are you doing them you don't see us mama we're not here thanks when i was about 16 i was in a grocery store with my mom and a tiny child that had never seen before suddenly latched himself around my leg wouldn't let go kept insisting that i was his first mommy stop the one pried off me by his actual mother what the hell i love that what the hell i love how people watch these as reasons to never have children and i watch them to want to have children hey guys i thought i would share the exact reason as to why i'm not having kids exactly seriously drawing i see this is what i'm you drawing it there's something standing behind you there's nothing behind me you know what actually why don't we just go to bed ashley i tucked in your brother okay okay i wish i knew better as a kid that people think kids are creepy without trying because i would try so hard to freak out babysitters like that it's just so fun scary things kids say participation when my son was three years old he stood by my bed and said mommy i know how i died then he did a slicing motion across his neck and it didn't faze him all we ever watched was g-rated shows when my seven-year-old heard him she said i know that i was this nurse and tried to help him she later filled in more information and led me to believe she was talking about the american civil war that's scary that's scary she always says like the one sentence like what the hell that's scary tell me about the time you realized your child might be a psychopath oh no my daughter came up to me like two months ago and very sweet because she is very sweet most of the time and she said mommy you haven't yelled at me you haven't spanked me and i love you so i'm not going to kill you tonight tonight were you gonna tonight what about tomorrow and then she was like i don't think i'm gonna kill daddy either i don't think so now she frightens me and she's four it's even weirder when there's kids that have never watched like messed up stuff on tv like that one post where they said that they were watching g-rated shows and they were three like how do they know some of this stuff if nobody's told them or if they've never seen it it'd be different if they saw something and i was like oh okay they're just like they're confused because they saw this messed up thing but if they never saw that messed up thing and they just know that messed up thing what watch my kids are gonna have no creepy moments after this i'm just gonna have to live vicariously through other parents who have creepy kids i want my own creepy moments my family's staying in a hotel for three months because our new house wasn't ready yet the older couple we became friends with who lived in the hotel us saying bye on our last day them no wait i want to give you something special we want to give you our son you have a son of course meet billy who's billy oh my god okay well it's definitely a chucky doll but not a chucky doll why does it look like that like chucky dolls look like this or even like this if it's not the messed up creepy one so who is this it's billy us bringing billy home us putting billy in the basement for years because we were worried to get rid of him yeah ah same years later us bringing billy to goodwill oh god me reminiscing on billy i mean thanks to you guys probably murdered another unsuspecting family although i don't know who would ever buy him from goodwill i would never buy something that looked like that from goodwill my daughter being pulled under the bed wife thinks she crawled but she was clearly pulled by something uh what also this looks like a real baby but i'm pretty sure it's a baby doll okay she's gone i don't know how to feel about that one that is very creepy especially because she's screaming for help i don't know also why does she have such a big screen tv it's like the entire size of her wall now why is she not sleeping okay so this guy's using this filter both kids said there was a ghost in the closet so the filter like tracks you and creates colors when it sees a person oh my god what's he gonna see i don't know anymore that's weird the filters that get picked up like as if the phone sees a person is so creepy to be the chance of your baby trying to kill you are low but never zero i forget if i've reacted to this one before but i don't care it's amazing the baby legit lunges oh i love it so much my baby could try to eat me any day i would love it when you plot to hurt the next person who sits by you oh my god wait we have to slow that down and zoom into her face i feel like little kids smiles are also either cute or creepy there's no in between this one very creepy my son creeps me out sometimes oh my god oh oh he stares into your soul okay mommy hey mommy he's staring oh my god we have this exact baby monitor and she does this to us when we put her down and she's awake she just stares they stare directly at the camera no matter how dark it is in the room they just always know where it is and they look like a demon actually i'll show you a picture right now because i sent a screenshot of it to bobby who's walking dexter with the caption our demon baby is awake well everybody my daughter's back to being creepy again yay the teacher calls the parents in to show them what their child has been drawing in class yes well my daughter's been drawing something that looks just like that in the movies of a child that's possessed what picture is that emmy what is that oh boy oh boy i love that they had her explain what they were oh my god this would literally give me a heart attack like i know literal instant heart attack all right i think i've had enough creepy kid tic tacs for today they are literally my favorite things though because i love cute but creepy things as you all know or funny but creepy things and this is this is just kids are just funny cute creepy they're the epitome of cute creepy but if you would like me to check out more creepy kid stuff in a future video then make sure to leave a like before you go also if you haven't yet make sure to check out my brand new free app game lauren's eastside's lucky lunar leap it's on both ios and android the graphics are adorable and it's free so what do you got to lose just check out the link in my description below and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also subscribe button over there if you also love cute but creepy content you must if you made it this far in the video without clicking off then make sure to subscribe if you haven't for more cute but creepy content and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,162,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, weird, weirdest, pregnant, pregnancy, i tried, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, pregnant tik tok, pregnancy tik toks, funny, react, react to, reacting, trying, parenting, mom, kids, creepy kids, babies, baby, scary, creepy, kid
Id: CfBHrdsmXB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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