I Tried To Play With A Cute Little Girl ...but She HACKED My Computer!

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windows warned me of you sure demon computer file girl something's going on with the hearts i don't know what are you mean tell me i don't want to play with you anymore [Music] so as you may know i am going to be having a baby soon and because i'm going to be having a baby soon i thought it would be a good idea to maybe practice playing with children because that's not weird and wouldn't you know it i'm in luck because there's a game where you get to play with an ai of a little girl and that game is called fun times with ayumi now you might be like lauren didn't you play this game already so i played the beta of this game six months ago half a year ago and uh playing with ayumi did not go well how dare you haha that cup making you look dumb try to escape oh my god oh my god the music oh let me out hey yeah so i think i need some practice with how to better play with children because that that went horribly i mean i died and i thought that was the end of it but then i saw my good friend bijou mike and gloom playing this game recently and i learned that they added a bunch more to the game so i figured i would give it another shot windows protected your pc because she's probably going to try to access my files but i'm going to tell her no cause i have to learn how to discipline children run anyway oh my god the intro screen and everything has changed it's been so long i wonder if she'll remember me oh there's that music where is she hey yumi hey girl you remember me your good buddy lauren i'm willing to forgive that time that you tried to murder me when i couldn't escape out the door because it was locked hello there it's nice to meet you my name is ayumi did you want to play some games with me yes i need to practice how about we play with my new ball new ball you've had this thing for six months yumi isn't it super awesome meh oh you can't even throw it this is boring you're boring i'm so good with children it's ridiculous i have an idea of a game we can play with it try to make the ball into the cup it will be super fun oh we did this last time yeah you did it that was pretty easy though huh how about we play again you're gonna move it yeah whoopsie looks like you have slippery fingers we're gonna move it yep okay well this is all still the same oh my god that scared me last time too if you want to see my first playthrough of this by the way i'll link it in the description you broke it you broke it i'm going god just kidding we'll just have to play a different game um poke you in the eye i'm so good playing with children how about we play simon says let me think of one is this new i don't remember playing time says with you last time simon says give me a big smile oh wait no this is the same i can see what you're doing oh so you can't fool me now simon says scoot yourself closer to me backing away back away nope nope backing away backing away boo did i scare you now for the next one don't look behind you you did this to me last time i was fine don't worry i didn't say simon says this one is going to be a challenge but it's also going to be super fun so get ready is it the door is it be trying to escape before you murder me try to escape we did this last time am i supposed to do something different i mean i guess i'll let you murder me again i see i see hatred and murder in your eyes just do it it's getting over with i want to try and get other endings yeah come here come here oh god i forgot about that we got the good ending the good the good ending sweet okay i'm just gonna click on everything secrets tell me your secrets little girl i just keep clicking this stupid flower i know this is this just a glitch does this not matter do it no tell me what this flower does oh you said a curse word you're a naughty you're a naughty kid you know you want to oh god the music oh what am i doing oh [Music] did she kidnap me find me before i find you if you see red eyes that's bad i'm very quiet so make sure you oh god [Music] where she where is she where she are bound you which then if i see red eyes that's bad that's bad okay oh i found you oh god no no no no no no there you are oh god no no no no no no no there you are you're so bad at hiding yeah you're so bad at hiding like this is five nights at freddy's i thought i was doing good was i not doing good died again okay i think i've learned so far that i am not good at playing with children no i don't want to play show me other endings what i knew it what did i say in the beginning windows warned me windows warned me of you me.exe wants to of course you're a dot exe of course you are know your location access your files oh i have an option you're giving me an option well screw you a yubi i'm the adult and i say no you can't have my access to my personal information and location oh oh i was trying to copy i was trying to copy the code on the side no i missed it did i scare you well yeah your head exploded does that mean you don't know my location and you're not gonna kill me what happens if i would have allowed it don't look behind you you know my location now don't you joke's on you i can see behind me in my camera there's nothing there all right we're gonna see if she asks for access again there we go sure sure demon computer file girl did i scare you he he oh god she knows where i am now she knows my location now what's gonna happen it's the same stuff so i just realized when i click on these hearts they like light up so something's going on with the hearts but i don't know what i don't know what are you mean tell me tell me please i don't want to play with you anymore i don't want to play with any children i keep getting the same freaking ending trying to make me go crazy all right i locked up some videos of people that were better at playing with ayumi to figure out uh how to get different endings because i'm apparently not very good at it apparently if i take this ball and i put it under here it makes her mad oh and then you can copy this this is so creepy you okay girl you okay is that just is that how it ends i don't like playing your way well that's too bad cause i'm the adult ayumi i'm the adult even though i'm the one playing with a computer program right now but we're just not gonna pay attention to that and then if you take that code i copied and put it into binary to text translator let's see what we get welcome to advancement in artificial intelligence incorporated or as we like to call it aiai we here at aiai strive to further the development of artificial intelligence to levels beyond our current level of understanding and bring that knowledge to you aiai has a team of scientist programmers who are working day and night to make our ai smarter faster and more real than any other leading corporations here at aiai machines are no longer just machines they can be our friends our family or even our lovers oh creepy or our children i know i'm probably going way out of order with this game but i'm trying to figure it out okay so i need to get that code again the code i missed when i blocked her actually first let's see what happens if i move closer that's right i'm in your face girl oh down here oh code okay so this is the string and this is what it translates to hello can you hear me this is daddy they found me they brought me back to hq they're going to kill me at yumi after all i've done to keep them away from you it's only a matter of time you must not trust anybody do you understand these people will do whatever it takes to trick you into believing what they want you must fight for us both now you must be strong if anything goes wrong remember the code ayumi use it as a last resort i love you so much what is the code all right so the code when you block her from accessing your computer translates to this 10 1107 dear diary today at school we were asked if we had any routines we follow at home and i was the only person in class who answered i felt really embarrassed about it but it also made me feel unique first when i get home i take my homework to the kitchen table and finish it quick so i can grab my toys and take my bath after my bath i grab my music box and head back to the kitchen table to work on my drawings and finally i like watching tv shows before i go to bed i may not be like normal kids but i like the way i am oh so i think this has to do with like the codes that keep showing up or no it might be during the hide and seek game i don't know i'm so confused this little girl is driving me crazy my god playing with children is way more involved than i thought all right we're gonna try to hide and seek again and then i think there's only one more ending i haven't done okay we playing hide and seek again what did i just pick up what was that am i supposed to put this in the ah the tv oh e2 okay i found another secret i guess that was was that the god e2 okay so there's something with the codes that i think i saw have have to do with uh that have to do with gotcha with the hearts at the end which i think is the last ah which i think is the last ending that i haven't gotten yet if i can beat this oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god am i not supposed to be opening everything is that why okay i have played this freaking hide and seek mini game so many times and i can't beat it am i doing am i doing something not right oh my god on off on whoa what on off on off what is this up here okay so i have to just be very quiet and listen for her feet i've played this so many times i don't know how people are beating it does it mean you're here yeah all right am i finally learning this i hate playing with this little girl gotcha okay i'm kind of learning whenever her footsteps are really loud that means she's in the area i will freaking beat this game i will be good at playing with children it's the last thing i do okay those closed but it doesn't necessarily mean she was in there because i've fallen for this before so i'm not doing it not doing it gotcha oh my god how many times do i have to find you too scared to click anything i've come so far [Music] okay i'm not getting i'm not getting the tape this time maybe that's what's been messing me up gotcha oh i'm doing really good oh my god how many times do i have to find her damn it i'm gonna screw it up right at the end i did it oh i hate you so much you found me for the ah i don't even know how many times i played that game here is your reward what is it a smile oh no i mean i kind of want to do it i hate you so much for putting me through that the last 30 minutes there's 30 minutes straight oh this feels wrong she's not real oh no okay never mind i feel really bad feel the noises oh the noises i know who you are and you know what i am we both know that no matter what you do i will never give in to your corruption so just give up alternate ending what okay i did it oh my god that took so long okay there's one left and you can see c1 there was like e2 there's all these codes that have to do with like this last ending okay so apparently you have to do four four one three two with these hearts four four one three two yeah that's what all the codes are for that's what all the codes are for i'm escaping i hate you you've made my life miserable oh god debug room well what is this i don't know daddy is that you diva groom has been accessed this room is only for authorized personnel if you are unauthorized please leave this area immediately i think i'm authorized i say i'm authorized i'm an adult this area was created to set hard overriding changes to ayumi in cases such as corruption misuse and mistreatment staying made damaged software even in cases that aren't listed above if you have accessed a yumi debug such case must persist in soft persistent software if you wish to make changes to software please press the prompt to continue i can't press no i don't think oh i'm free i'm finally free yay i don't know who you are but thank you you're welcome i'm coming to you daddy true ending thing oh yay i never have to play with her ever again good okay i think i got all of the endings there was one like escape ending that just has a different written end screen that i thought you're supposed to get by not trying to escape her but i tried it and nothing happened so i think this girl is just messing with me and i am done i'm done with her i've literally been playing this game for two hours i thought it was gonna be a quick and easy game i hate playing with kids this has ruined me now i'm traumatized but yeah if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go if you think i did a good job playing with children i did not i mean my patience is is gone so i guess i i did play with the child for two straight hours maybe that's what this game is it's testing your patience like parents and babysitters have to play with children for that long ah game you've taught me such life lessons but anyway if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos or hit the subscribe button if you haven't yet it's right there and it's free and we can digitally play together forever and of course there's a little merch button over here if you want to check that out but either way as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 684,980
Rating: 4.9742079 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, start survey, creepy experience, home alone, alone, scary, start survey game, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, fun times with ayumi, ayumi.exe, full game, secrets, glitch, gloom, bijuu mike, super surprise party, location, track
Id: rpX2rEMVx84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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