DO NOT Download These CUTE Games ...They're Actually HAUNTED 6

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[Music] what is there really no meat around here oh no the bunny no no i just want to say hi to the bunny so once again these games may appear to be cute but they're actually creepy and cursed case in point the first game we're gonna play today mother chef the musical help mother chef cook delicious food baby delicious babies food food babies are we eating babies are we cooking and eating babies no because they shut they crossed it out it was just an error this is fine listen closely to the order and pick the right ingredients make your own food baby okay so like a food baby not a baby install instructions download unzip open the dot exe make food babies feed them to a demon yeah this game seems fine i mean look at it look how cute look how cute it is it's so cute there's no way look it's mother chef she's gonna make you know like when you eat too much and you're like oh this is a food baby that's what we're doing we're not cooking babies look how yeah this is a little curse this game's a little cursed i'm scared all right i mean this makes me feel better look it's wholesome music a wholesome title screen with nice bright cheerful colors this is gonna be fine this isn't gonna be scary i mean it was in the horror section but it it's gonna be fine oh no i gotta order here i forgot it's a musical sometimes in life you need a taco you wanna get a taco that would be sweet okay please could you get me something to eat and whatever it is make sure it has cheese and if you could while you're on your pizza grab me a slice of delicious pizza that's the order i'll be waiting bye okay so he wants a taco a pretzel cheese and pizza we're doing an order choc taco oh my god is that a person can we eat people i mean it's not a baby at least you got the groceries i i got yay me that startled me uh crap oh pretzel pretzel pretzel we need a pretzel we need some cheese and i need a pizza there we go yummy oh it's mother chef you bring me the ingredients that the customer asked for yes i did mother chef now it's time to cook yay wow wow you got the food now it's time for us to cook let's take each of our groceries and i will combine them in my tummy [Music] it's for the customer it isn't the baby will die what yum yum that was great soon it will be a baby auto plate time goes a second now let me see what's happening it's inside of me the third ingredient is about to meet us i hope it's ready to be a fetus wow this is happening time to eat the final one down [Music] 36 weeks [Music] see you then what come on we can do this push into your bum bring those legs right back good girl what is happening [Music] baby [Music] were drugs involved in this somehow i hate this what is happening my brain is melting oh god [Music] over here no no this is my baby though no here no no how long is he going to go for i would tell you about the time when i was hungry and there was no food to walk into my mouth anyway that was really tasty i couldn't listen to him talk anymore i had to sacrifice the food baby for closely following instructions you're welcome i can't even think about what might happen if if you didn't so i think i'm hungry for maybe two more meals no i don't want to do that two more time please now i'm gonna hold my hand in front of my face for this one it's not because i ran out of time to animate it's because i do what i want i said i never all right i'm skipping i'm skipping a song oh no but i don't know what the ingredients are we're going to give them a person oh hi are you going to help me hi probably not we're going to we're going to get the things i want the croissant let's just get all the bread items and then the human so we need 14 oh pancakes i see let's do pancakes pancakes yay oh god it's her again did you bring me the ingredients that you're gonna stick with is she gonna sing the same song great now it's time to cook she's gonna eat the person don't eat the little guy don't eat him i want to save him no no no [Music] no no ben benjamin [Music] oh god i forgot about this part this is traumatic for me it's an abomination you suck oh it's a man but look it's a man and he's got manly legs now it's fine he's a pancake head man oh no i have to throw him away well there he goes oh hey good for you you didn't just make what some faceless guy in a suit told you to i guess that's the message don't let them you choose because they're powerful demons they'll want boring sacrificial food probably for financial reasons what is happening what is happening at least it's yours and i'd call that a success okay i'm leaving i can't my brain can't handle any more of this it's the credits yeah oh that was the end of the i guess i guess to get the ending you have to like is a cook with a magic uterus take some food and turn it to a deuterous we call them food babies i'll let you guess the reason they're pretty freaking cute did you feed once you were demon credits i apologize for all of your brains that are now melted what in the world did i just experience i feel like me and you guys that should start some sort of support group so i guess you could go you could keep going and filling orders but you don't actually beat the game until you make your own food baby which i just did by skipping the song accidentally okay don't know how to feel i get i guess we're just gonna we'll just we're gonna take a second and then we're gonna move on you know what just for therapy's sake uh leave a like if your brain is thoroughly melted like mine so i don't feel alone okay so for some reason all of the games i chose for this round of cute but creepy games are all food related is it because i'm pregnant and hungry eating all the time maybe but i think it was just coincidental which leads us to pinkie pie's cupcake party if you've been a long time viewer of this channel then you know i've played lots of creepy my little pony games like ever since this channel started and i have not seen this one yet oh look how cute this is it's not gonna be is it hello twilight it's me pinkie pie and i'm inviting you to the most fantabulous super fun cupcake party ever hope to see you here bye maybe this is just gonna be a cute my little pony game oh god oh okay okay hello oh hello you know you seem cute and harmless but your eyes kind of say demon and so do yours why does everybody look possessed nobody's talking to me she looks evil hold on doesn't she look more evil than the rest of them i don't know why hi oh a cupcake thank you oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god what is uh help help help help there was something in the cupcake there was something in the cupcake i should learn to not eat food in these games and now there's cry creepy crying okay i feel like these games are gonna thoroughly traumatize me today oh i'm moving around i'm moving around but i can't see anything did i break is it broken what happened oh there's a flashlight okay we're just gonna you know pick up can i pick this up oh god well this is it she's totally insane now we're all doomed oh no okay i had to look up what to do there we go there we go there we go we escaped ah what the heck uh help help help help help help ah get me out of here i don't know what i'm doing i'm just running i need a key there's crying laughing is so unsettling i hate it i just wanted a cupcake party okay this door's open now okay we're gonna go oh okay candy a key i'll go back all the way back to this door nope oh i see one of the ponies oh i'm scared i'm scared where does this key go i see a vent there we go okay i found something all right just constantly moving perils for the first time ever i actually kind of want to be attacked in this game and die so i can give up all right there we go oh oh oh i'm down oh my god help oh i'm gonna free her i have the thing i have the thing though put it on i have the thing okay maybe i don't have the thing it won't let me do the thing all right well you're gonna die in there i don't know can't help you and uh i think i'm trapped down here i don't think i can get back up oh wait found it that didn't do anything all right fluttershy i can't figure out how to get you out and i'm trapped down here and i'm not doing this whole thing again so uh i'm sorry but you probably gonna die bye okay well that game was terrible oh the best part of the whole game was just the beginning part okay well uh hopefully this one's better it's called yummy breakfast a normal cute game help i mean i mean not not help about a young girl who helped me i mean no they crossed that out so that was a mistake makes herself a healthy breakfast contains imagery and themes not suitable for young audiences all right another wholesome start to a game also you know windows usually pops up and says like windows wants to protect your pc from this game where where have you been windows why have you not been trying to protect me from all of these really weird games i still feel really traumatized from the mother chef one but let's let's see if um let's see if this food game is any better ah what a nice cup of tea perfect for a yummy breakfast and a fresh start to my day slurp oh i'm so cute of course there's more to a yummy breakfast than just a cup of tea let's make pancakes i'll need eggs butter and milk from the fridge and flour and sugar from the cabinet oh pancakes yes all right where are we going time to get the eggs butter and milk well that was easy all right now here we go cabinet cabinet got it now cook got all the ingredients let's cook pancakes yay oh i want pancakes now the pancakes are done let's set them on the table oh look at them they're glorious oh i want pancakes now ah pancakes let's chow down that tasted good hmm still a bit hungry though ah i know there's a leftover cake in the fridge i'm sure no one will mind if i am borrow it what is your life girl you're eating pancakes and cake pancakes are basically cake let's have some cake rum and rummage got some cake let's hurry over to the table to eat this before we get caught caught by who time to dig in that was so good i'm still hungry and still hungry i'm still hungry deep breath susan you can get through this oh my name is susan okay there should be some vegetable soup in the cabinet i can take it and cook it on the stove i know it's a bit odd for a breakfast treat but we'll just make do okay so we gotta get soup got a can of veggie soup all right let's cook this all right the soup's done oh it looks good that soup looks so yummy i'm gonna eat it all up yummy that soup was so good yep it really hit the spot yeah certainly no problems here oh god what is wrong with this girl she's just like a bottomless pit is she gonna eat everything i'm still hungry oh no i'm still hungry i'm still hungry why am i still hungry meat oh no that's what i need m-e-a-t meat there's some dried fish in the cellar i've been saving it for a special occasion but oh it's dark down here that's okay though that's just the way i like it we're just gonna ignore all of the really creepy stuff down here and the bloody handprints why is there blood here i don't want to open this door it's too creepy this is your house ew i just have fish sitting out time to chow down that tasted good if she ends up eating herself i swear a bit salty though and it's not as filling as i would have expected either oh meat i need meat the chicken upstairs the animal pen no alive chicken oh the music changed no you're gonna make me kill a chicken is it gonna be cute i can't kill it if it's cute oh there's a bunny and it's oh look how cute that's the cutest freaking chicken oh no oh it likes me oh it likes me oh chicken chicken's so excited to see me what why are you looking at me like that stop looking at me like that damn it no finally some goddamn meat oh no i don't believe it i'm still hungry is there really no meat around here oh no the bunny no no girl the door in the cellar good don't eat the bunny we're not touching the bunny we say hi to the bunny i'm scared am i going to eat the bunny i just want to say hi now i know what you're thinking but there's this thing called rabbit starvation so we should probably eat something else okay actually you know what no no i just want to say hi to the bunny and i'm still hungry too i should have just left her alone i should have just left the bunny alone i made that choice me as the game player i feel terrible now are we going in the door what's in the door what's behind this door [Music] oh who dat come here blonde girl come here uh it's the girl she's badly hurt oh no no no no no no did i eat her i oh that's right i just remembered i'm a flesh-eating monster why didn't i remember that hell of a thing to forget [Applause] these games all traumatized me okay well i think that's the most traumatized i've been in a long time from playing cupa creepy games oh god i also don't want to eat any food now if you're traumatized as well then make sure to leave a like before you go so we can stand together if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos there's also a subscribe button over there it's totally free and easy to click so click it click it click it don't traumatize me more by not clicking it also if you want to check out the merch that's right over here as well and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,953,444
Rating: 4.9606133 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, do not play, 3 scary games, free games, random games, cute, not cute, cute creepy, haunted, cute but creepy, mother chef, pinkie pie, cupcake party, yummy breakfast
Id: x3GenURuGFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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