DO NOT Take This Survey Sequel (But I Took It Anyway)

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oh no is your neighbor okay jeremy you good [Music] joke's on you nothing [Music] so remember when i played start survey like a year ago do you know the person standing all right three two one yeah so that was really creepy and that video blew up for some reason people really like when i play spooky surveys and luckily my good friend cassie aka gloom told me that there's actually kind of a sequel to start survey they're actually two fan made games that were inspired by start survey so i'm just going to say their sequels to start survey so this first one is pretty similar to the original start survey but of course slightly different and then i have a second one that's like a whole new version of it okay so apparently there's multiple endings to this but it pretty much looks like a recreation of starch survey so far with the most uncomfortable looking bed of all time oh i can open hello i live in a black void where's my neighbors all right let's see what these fan made sequel games are like start survey yes this test is provided to test if you are qualified so please be honest i want to be qualified the survey will begin now are you having a nice day yes not too bad have you looked around around this room oh a little bit there's not not much to it but sure yeah are you familiar with your surroundings yes pretty familiar no you aren't be honest for the remain what how could you possibly know if i was comfortable or not that's an opinion do you know where you are like in real life yes honesty is the key do you have any heart diseases no is this game gonna give me one good have you ever had a panic attack not in a long time but i have had one do you believe in god oh god oh god this is getting personal um i'd like to believe there's something out there so sure do you believe it goes hmm just to make life more fun yes good are you answering these questions out of free will yes are you sure yes honesty is the key do you feel comfortable in your room sure if the lights went out would you be scared yeah probably really oh the door opened oh the door opened ah my lights went out i'm just kidding i did it you don't scare me game really yes have you ever wondered when you will die sure are you scared of that open door a little bit because it was closed about five seconds ago have you looked around i did we answered this question before yeah do you have internet access yeah how else would i be on this do you have any enemies maybe i mean having a career on the internet sure there's probably people that don't like me if you suddenly went missing would anybody come look for you yes my subscribers would right guys are you alone oh crap i am right now i am right now while i'm taking this yes are you i am i oh god out the wind what what did it say out the window oh god uh hello glowing eyes okay if you screamed would anybody hear um dexter would does that count do you know the standing but oh god i hate do you know the person standing behind you in the cave oh i hate having the green screen up because i don't i never know if somebody's behind me should i check now because that's all i'm going to think about stupid game dexter you're going to attack if somebody's behind here i have an attack dog if you're behind my green screen okay could you imagine could you imagine i don't even know what i would do you thought you could get me game there's nobody behind me i'm forever alone joke's on you do you know the person standing behind you no because there is nobody relax take some time to relax i'm relaxed relax did that scare you no interesting do you know what is happening nope no idea do you believe there's a person in your room oh so now it's in the room now somebody's in the room no i don't is that enough for you that i believe that sure well then do you want to end the survey now no i came this far really yes i don't want to end you have made it this far and now you want to quit no i don't want to quit do you want that to start no good choice the survey will continue thank you are you a brave person no not at all you're right you're a loser because of that you are not qualified oh no the server won't oh no leave the what i'm not qualified for what i need to know leave the room no ah won't let me choose fine that's creepy do i go into the white light oh i died you were kicked from this game you are not qualified way to hurt my feelings game saying i'm not good enough okay so here's all the endings so i'm guessing i got the bad ending easy ending you don't take the survey well then what do i do sit in the chair in the hallway for one minute oh one of the endings do i just say no oh oh oh see you again okay i'm scared oh you were kicked from the game you turn off your computer and go back to sleep all right i think i'll do the chair sitting one okay the door is open hmm i could either leave or let's do the chair sit in the chair i'm in the chair sitting in the chair okay now i gotta wait a minute this is super fun this is really fun this better be worth it it's probably not oh okay that was it was that all i get i unlocked the badge i did it okay now what do i just leave i'm just leaving i got another badge a way out you were kicked from the game you left the building but are you safe i don't i don't know okay because the good ending has an insane rarity uh i'm not even gonna try i feel like all of these don't really have that climactic of an ending so i'm just gonna move on to the next one which is the survey project warning this game is not recommended for those with previous heart complications anxiety or photosensitivity i have one of those three things that should be fun spookies okay find your apartment vacant vacant am i the only one who lives in this building everything's vacant well that's creepy what's this oh a squid hello squid can i take it oh oh i'm in it oh i'm all wet i'm all wet now okay i'm apparently the only one who lives here trinity who's trinity the only lorenz he said yes me wave to your neighbor oh look at him hi hello neighbor hi oh oh well that was rude well he's in a hurry that was rude my best part of my day is waving to my neighbor oh god why is my room so creepy oh i got a little spooky action figure jesus loudest phone ever hello what is wrong with you the way you deal with handling responsibilities running away from it oh sorry you can't do this to me i'm not a responsible person i'm sorry this is your fault why is it my fault i think i'm what irresponsible yeah before letting him play on the highway none of this is right none of the watchers who happened you let our kid play in the highway i'm going to ignore you after you destroy my life and leave me to pick up the pieces i'm so confused whatever lady i don't even know you i found you sometimes the shadows you see aren't shadows don't go home oh god it's my crazy it's my crazy ex-girlfriend she's gonna kill me she'll let our child play in the highway that is an irresponsible thing to do all right time to watch the youtubes hi there welcome to the survey this forum will consist of yes or no questions you ready to begin is your favorite color yes oh god i don't like this how did you know are you tired oh it's a trinity it hurts me to see that you can't find it in your heart to forgive me oh the girl that the girl that lives across the hall even knowing i can never forgive myself i haven't seen you for around a month now i don't oh god i thought somebody was in here i don't know where you are but stay safe oh are you tired not right now do you have a son no correct how did how would you know that how does this game know so much about me have you ever cried yourself to sleep not that i can remember but i'm sure i have especially in my teenage years sure this is just a game you know that right yes is there a god god what is with what is with these questions oh god oh i'll answer the same as last time would you rather know your death or the cause of your death so i guess would i want to know when i die or how i die i'm gonna go with how because maybe if they tell me like i got into a scuba diving accident i just won't go scuba diving for the rest of my life that's okay you will know the answer soon enough i'll know the answer soon enough what does that mean if you were trapped on an island with your neighbor would you rather die of starvation or resort to other means oh like eat my neighbor or die oh my god that's gonna scare the crap out of me more than anything i mean if my neighbor dies first then i think i would eat my neighbor your name is not the only lauren site is it um well technically no it's not that is okay thank you computer would you be uneasy if music were to play yes oh god oh i hate it no no no oh this is so much spookier than the other one jesus why is everything so loud oh baby i am in control oh my god is this my this is my crazy ex-girlfriend no bad how dare you are you the only one in your apartment complex apparently are you sure oh wait i'm not sure because there was a room that said trinity my crazy ex-girlfriend no be certain are you really sure no your neighbor in the next building does he count i mean no because he's in another building you asked me who was in my building he doesn't count do you find waving at him to be a chore no it's the best part of my day do you care about him yeah he's my only friend in this world actually the random stranger i wave to across my my area i love him more than anything do you really yes i do i care about him a lot yeah i do do you feel like you have control yeah you only respond with yes or no yes what am i what am i supposed to say back to that yes would you care if your neighbor got hurt uh of course i just told you he needs more to be than anything yes i would care that came from next door i should check my oh my oh oh no jeremy jeremy are you just bungee jumping that's paint right jeremy jeremy what'd i tell you about hanging by your legs in the rain in a thunderstorm jeremy is your neighbor okay jeremy you good how you doing buddy jeremy wave at me jeremy he's fine he's he's fine he's he's great yeah he's fine did you still feel control yeah i mean i didn't make him do it are you enjoying your experience yeah good we're having a nice relationship now do you feel something no should i oh jesus there is something by your bed oh oh it's my chair oh my god it's my chair there's something about my bed what oh this of course it's a jack-in-the-box [Music] it's gonna stand all the way in the corner just gonna stand all the way over here joke's on you nothing how's this thing jokes on you nothing happens ah this is actually scary what the heck are you okay no would you be disturbed there was a power outage i mean it wouldn't be the worst thing that happened to me today so no of course of course reset the power's out need to find the breaker in the stairwell oh god oh scared breathing scared breathing scared breathing damn you trinity crazy ex-girlfriend i should've got a restraining order from oh i can't see oh i can't see oh i can't see oh i can't see water bucket no okay breaker breaker breaker breaker breaker oh stop it trinity oh my god get go go go get out of here going upstairs okay i like this noise what a calming sound trinity the hell is this oh god is that the breaker it's the breaker i did it did it a note dear lauren i will never forgive you and although the song may have ended my melody will linger in your mind i will not stand by and let you get away with this things will never go back to how they were i can promise you that trinity you crazy girl leave me alone trinity you took away jeremy from me my neighbor i love to wave at why you do this to me wise the floor lava floor is lava get to my room trinity you crazy are you kidding me i can do that all over again trinity you hoebag okay i'm back and i even gave some robux so that i could run faster so that i don't even have to worry about it all right here we go yes go go go go go escape the beast i didn't even see that up top didn't even see that last time all right we're not even going to trinity we're going here okay okay god oh thank god i don't think i am ready for bed yet yeah no crap are you positive that you are alone in the building no oh god stop no did you encounter a beast on your way back to your room yeah i did did the beast try to kill you yeah is the base still in the hall pretty sure he's trying to get in my room yeah is the beast after you for a specific reason i don't know no i don't know is he are you alone in your room for now jeremy do you remember what happened to you no do you know who opened your oh my god no i did who trinity damn you trinity do you remember how it happened no something is in your closet is that me crying how i how i get in there oh god oh god [Music] trinity was driving the truck that killed you trinity i felt death's icy breath in my room for days now i accept that you can't forgive me but i feel my time is running out promise me that you'll play flowers in my grave so when the roots are spread what judy was driving the car i knew she was crazy your real room is full of investigators as we speak none of what you see is real no except the truth no no then who's jeremy you're in purgatory what no you are dead no look behind you and here's lenny with your evening report thanks tom i'm standing next to a police-filled highway where just a few moments ago someone was struck by a truck the victim had apparently spent weeks inside their apartment beforehand their only interactions being a wave to their neighbor in the next building which they repeated every night sadly however this neighbor won't be expecting any more waves as the victim was pronounced legally dead hurt legally dead that's just dead legally did oh [ __ ] i'm dead can't stay here forever you need to move on oh god move on to the after knife no but what about jeremy have you not suffered long enough oh god this took a very dramatic twist i promise you the afterlife is not so bad oh okay please do it for yourself join us oh okay i will i hope trinity burns in hell you completed the oh yay i'm in heaven i did it yay me the end well that had a way more of a twist ending than i was expecting that was good i feel like that's the real start survey sequel all right guys well i hope you liked that that was actually really good it was scary it had a plot twist it had a story i liked it what a good fan made sequel but as always if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go so that i know and then over here popping up will be the subscribe button why not hit it if you made it this far into one of my videos you might like other ones which are also popping up over here if you're looking for something else to watch and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,938,857
Rating: 4.966258 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, gloom, horror game, start survey, creepy experience, home alone, alone, scary, start survey game, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, survey project, start survey 2, sequel, do not
Id: 9t25XhltPa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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