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allow the game to access your location I need to look by my green screen because there's a door back there I'm gonna freak myself out 3 2 1 guys I'm so excited to announce my first ever vinyl collectible figure pre-orders are live right now so check out my link in the description below and get one before they're gone all this came looks super cute are you ready to have some super surprise party prep fun yeah sit back relax and strap yourself in for the time of your life yay all right well I guess I'll download it let's see what this is Windows protected your PC where did I see this before oh yeah that last creepy survey game that I played you know where it took localized information from my computer to scare me uh I mean I guess I'll regret this but we're gonna run it anyway why hello there but I just say it's an absolute pleasure to meet you I've seen you around and heard the greatest things about you thank you for accepting my party invitation and agreeing to help out set up the party you're welcome looks like you're the only one who showed up to this birthday surprise preparation but no bother I knew I could count on you so let's dive right in should I see it an echo a room hold up first just a teensy-weensy tiny little thing see that pop up on your screen yeah yeah that one yes simply click allow please nothing to worry about it's not a big deal just a formality um yeah it says location tracker off allow the game to access your location uh I don't know about this guy's um don't ever do this I'll do it for you guys to keep you guys safe okay I will be the guinea pig with this why there's just there's so many red flags okay sure why wouldn't you need my location for this game yeah you did it now we can commence operation super surprise party prep first things first can you please help me gather up all those useless fools who wouldn't I mean other guests pretty please should be relatively easy to find them just hop around a bit come back once you found them all oh my god oh okay so they're tracking my location and the narrator guy definitely has some mental issues like may actually be a psychopath but you know I'm not gonna care about it cuz this is just so freaking cute oh my character doesn't move with the plan oh oh we're collecting babies why did it make that noise that was like a murder murder noise okay so we're kidnapping I think all the people are all the babies I don't like that sound effect we're kidnapping all of the people that wouldn't come to our birthday party get over there yes well no am i playing this little game to give them time to track my life where I am up here I hate platformers [Music] back already hmm unexpectedly quick really yeah good for you it took me a long time look there are all those losers who didn't come earlier to help us out just kidding of course yeah for your next task I gave this man my location willingly willingly gave in my location I could use your help fixing my gift you see I made this epic painting it's absolutely spectacular you'll see but unfortunately something overcame me and I ripped it to shreds okay so goes the life of an artist this is where you can step in and save the day can you pretty please put my masterpiece back together sure you can't ya fect just anything that will keep you not unhappy cuz you sound very scary when you're unhappy okay why am i friends with this guy again he's very scary wait a minute what let's just let's just do the corners first okay can I turn location-tracking off no I love that it's just a constant reminder down there of the terrible decision that I made though wait wait what okay where this only okay there's only one of this piece and there's oh no wait no there's not there's through that piece okay there's only one of this piece oh oh oh the middle piece okay little piece was good this one's not you gave me an unsolvable puzzle didn't you no oh I did it okay so I don't need that piece right okay I'm doing it nice turn that this is literally the worst where's Luke can I turn them how I turn so I grabbed the wrong piece somebody's definitely tracking my location legitimately scared though look I downloaded this off the internet for free and I'm just like ya know hopefully nobody will come here to me it's fine there has to be able way to turn these there has to be away I'm just pressing all the buttons oh did it I know one of these had to do it too smart for you I mean I'm not really smart I just gave you my location pretty much Wow beautiful whoa you fixed my epic painting already mm-hmm oh my god I say oh you know just silly gibberish that you certainly don't need to you know you turn into a demon four whole minutes Oh location tracker oh hi Scooby yes wait hold up did you did you turn off your location tracking no how dare you disobey me look I'm not tell you location tracking is required to play this game you insolent fool what was peaceful oh god I got turned back on oh yes I do see that you turned your tracking back on um don't mind my temper no no no please please don't I didn't turn it they're having so much fun together playing these games this party's all that's left for you to do now is to gather up some sweets because after all what's a birthday party without sweets and lucky for you it's raining cats and dogs outside no seriously it's raining cats and dogs and come drops - oh could you please catch enough gumdrops to fill this basket sure you're careful of the cats and dogs oh they have a sweet tooth and they could eat some of your precious gumdrops scene all the way from your progress okay off you go now you've got this drop drops gumdrop gimme gimme gimme Oh No oh god I'm scared what what is happening oh he's clapping for me well well well where's the location tracker who looks like you did it Oh God it ate it all don't like this guy's laugh without a second thought even you did everything I asked of you yeah I don't know why congratulations now as promised it's time for the surprise no surprise birthday party well no actually there's been a change of plans Oh quite the opposite of a celebration of life party no this this is poor celebration for the very real ending of yours you played the game so well enabling us to track your location giving us time fully immerse distracted oh my god okay guys I need to look by my green screen cuz there's a door back there I'm gonna freak myself out all right guys three two one scared myself in there a little bit oh there's nothing uh turn on my purple nice lights and I'm alive I guess I actually I mean I'm in the basement of my house so there could be somebody upstairs in my house okay I'm really scared now I don't want to leave this room if you want to save me make sure to leave a like I don't know how that'll help but you know if this is gonna be the last video I ever make hopefully it at least gets a lot of likes subscribe if you new to the channel I don't know if I'll be putting out new videos it depends if somebody just tracked my location broke into my house and is now going to murder me and hopefully I will see you guys soon I'm gonna go see if somebody's in my house
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 4,531,749
Rating: 4.9520545 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, creepy game, gloom, 2019, horror game, start survey, creepy experience, home alone, alone, scary, start survey game, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take
Id: PGqD3rCXfX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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