Pregnant Woman Plays Scary Mother Games

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spring is coming run away run away brother she gonna eat us she gonna eat us oh got a demon mommy's coming baby the demon's gonna get you [Music] okay is it just me because i'm pregnant or are there actually a lot of mother related horror games coming out like lately on youtube i saw a scary mother roblox game i saw another like pixely horror game called mother where you protect your kids from demons which made me wonder how many mother horror games are there out there turns out a lot so today i'm not gonna be playing that roblox game because for some reason roblox doesn't do that great on my channel and i'm not gonna do that pixely mother demon horror game because i think it's a really long game but i did find some other popular mother related horror games to play okay so this first one is actually the newest one i've seen and gave me the idea for this entire video it's called baby don't leave me and it looks cute but it's literally you trying to save your baby from being eaten by demons oh my god we're so cute okay so this is me what do i do with the baby oh oh i have you sweet honey bunches what am i carrying in my other hand a stick or no whoops sorry baby uh okay i'm just trying to learn the controls she's fine she's fine she's fine she's fine i think we're good i just need to make sure i don't accidentally drop or throw the baby oh my god oh no oh no oh no what happens if i just yeeted the bye bye baby i was like no more responsibility i can't deal with this stress oh whoops all right so we won't eat the baby at the demon this time oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i can't see him did i just die no it's too dark in here i'm not gonna be able to see the demons ooh blocks oh i can't oh i can control the baby like an inchworm yes go baby go oh my god good job baby yes mommy loves you okay i'm gonna eat the baby onto this thing yeah oh my god i can move both at the same time baby let mommy in [Music] oh got a demon mommy's coming no no ah baby the demon's gonna get you i don't know what to do stop trying to steal me no no no no no how do i i don't know what to do now oh i'm coming mommy's coming mommy's coming okay okay we're going to figure this out we're going to figure this out we're going to figure this out don't no no no oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god yes get out of here booby demons oh yay teamwork a cemetery oh no oh it's a heart mob grief oh no oh [Applause] [Laughter] what the heck whoops oh my god i have to start completely over so why don't you platformers okay back to this part so maybe i should go down because otherwise the demon's gonna steal my baby so we're gonna go this way and then we're gonna yes oh god he's following me oh he's following me oh he's following me oh he's following me no you cannot not have my baby did i just send my baby off onto the water i think i won i think i did it i know it was a quick game but that was that was really quick yay me i just looked it up and that is the ending i saved my baby from demons and set it out to sea good luck baby okay this is another quick mother horror game and then the third one's a longer one but it's called mother's little helper i don't know anything about this except that we're trying to help our mom cook a meal go make yourself useful in the kitchen we've got company coming over but hello child here to help out your father's guests are ravenous let's do our best to please them okay mom don't worry i'll always be here to help this recipe is simple even a child could do it some herbs would be best they should be in the cabinet oh okay hi mommy hello mommy why are you breathing weird mommy mommy oh say i'm sorry i was looking i was looking at you i wanted a hug pick up herbs i'm still here waiting jesus mom here where do i put it here here oh drop it here i don't listen get me some vegetables from the shelves will you oh god wait oh you you were right here and now you're the hi mommy i love you why are you breathing so weird pick up vegetables bring it back dear um mom is your head turned all the way around they can't go in go in whole chop them up nice you gonna trust me with a knife mom oh oh god i don't even trust myself with the knife yeah yeah cut them chop them can you look in the larder i think it has what we need what is a larder oh god her head is definitely turned all the way around where what's a larder please hurry i'm not i'm sorry you know how your father can get i need that quickly or it won't turn out right i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm going check the icebox i think oh god stop looking at me like that what is happening got red squiggle lines everywhere mom i promise i'm where you left me why would you even say that why would you need to say that we can't leave it like that carve it into pieces mom you asked me to help with dinner i'm literally doing it all myself you're a terrible mom the final ingredient should be tucked away in a corner in the larder okay what's the final ingredient what's what is happening mom are you okay mom oh my god there's blood in this mom mom are you a witch where's the okay pick up bleach mom this this doesn't go in food find your way back don't leave me alone with him mama we are we poisoning dad you can let me know i don't like him either mom i don't want to go to jail i'm just the kid in this you'll go to jail not me bring it to the delivery window you don't want it getting cold what a good little helper we have where'd she go where'd she go where is she mom you're the mastermind i'm just the accomplice oh she bailed on me i'm gonna get in trouble for this dinner's ready oh gross oh so gross um i think we killed everybody at the party uh that one made me feel weird not gonna lie okay and now on to the main mother horror game of this video called mother i have seen this pop up in my sub box from other youtubers playing and it kind of brings me back to the rpg maker days which i miss but i've heard it's really good so we gonna try it oh no mother oh i'm ready oh i'm rip oh she's beautiful an extended winter befalls the land but a family's bond can endure boys can you hear me it's time to get up the sun has long since risen oh he's so cute ah i'm the redhead oh look how cute i am oh i'm so cute oh oh god is this what we listen to before we go to sleep at night because that's creepy af thanks mom oh there she is she's beautiful look at her so i know the roblox mother horror game is based on the promised neverland anime which i actually just watched and finished recently really good i have a feeling maybe this is too or similar to it we'll see hello mother you're beautiful mother's beauty is unmatched uh hello she has met her match mommy yeah there you are darling i thought you'd become too weak to rise the others are out hunting for whatever they can what does that mean it's been so long since we've eaten i don't know how much longer we can last oh well don't eat me hey brothers i think are you all my brothers did you hear something last night yeah the creepy af music box that's in our room oh they are they're all asking oh dear get oh sorry guys i just scared away our dinner my bad mom's backing weird lately you shut your mouth you don't say anything bad about mother i scared away all the deer my bad it looks like we won't be eating again tonight we're gonna need a miracle tomorrow why are we sitting at the table then what are we eating what would your father say in a situation like this don't worry kids everything's gonna be all right i know what i really do off to bed now okay you'll need your strength for tomorrow why what's tomorrow bye mommy what's this it's locked don't worry brothers i will put on our creepy music box to lola's to sleep happy nightmares this is how psychopaths are made let's play this music while they sleep oh we're my brothers did they get up before me there you are your brothers are having no luck out there mommy needs you to do the best you can to bring something home for the family i know it's a lot to ask but if we don't eat tonight if we don't eat tonight what don't go in there darling there's nothing for you in there you have secrets huh mother hi brothers don't worry i will get i will get dear for us okay i'm gonna get him i'm gonna get oh there is none do you remember how to get into dad's workshop oh is that what that room is so were you able to no oh i see i kept telling myself spring is just around the corner everything's gonna be okay i can't seem to say that to myself today oh no she's crying mother no no i shouldn't say such things to you children you've lived such short lives she's gonna eat us isn't she she's gonna eat us i've decided you children go off to bed have the sweetest dreams you can she's gonna eat one of us spring is coming run away run away ah brothers brother she gonna eat us she gonna eat us all right well i will put our creepy music on and go to sleep and pretend like that's not what's about to happen i told you i told you guys you're going to eat us oh god one of our brothers is missing wake up hey mom ate one of our brothers oh i just saw somebody go this way mommy mommy hi mommy darling you startled me what are you doing out of bed go back to bed now okay you need lots of rest what are you doing where's where's where's timmy mom where's tim hmm i got into this room uh-oh what am i about to find oh it's mom's bed and that's it there's nothing in here okay all right guess i'll just go back to bed and pretend like my brother's not missing definitely didn't hear a chainsaw last night definitely did not oh got a rat why aren't we eating the rats can we go in here oh jesus darling what are you doing you weren't trying to sneak into the pantry were you there's no food in there even if there was we would have to use it wisely run along and play now there's nothing left for you in here not only did you kill one of my brothers you're not even gonna share his meat with us that's so weird hello mom says spring is coming none of you care that one of us is missing none of you oh dear oh you went hunting again darling that wasn't necessary i was able to find some food oh no oh yeah you just happened to you just happened to find some you didn't know existed in the house but there is bad news there isn't enough for everyone your younger brother should eat tonight don't worry you'll be taken care of soon i know things have been hard until now but don't worry anymore i want you children to have only peaceful thoughts now eat up uh you guys are eating timmy you guys are eating timmy you guys are eating t you're eating our brother timmy darling you look so hungry maybe you'd better head off to bed rest easy my love spring will come for you soon guys i'm i'm dying i'm dying help i'm very slow now why couldn't i eat timmy i wanted to eat timmy i'm not putting the music box on for you guys screw that too hungry to sleep i hear noises i'm going to the pantry mom keeping secrets from me [Music] oh oh my god i'm in the walls yes hello mother [Music] not me where am i going oh oh god where am i oh no uh oh what is what is this place this isn't good mom i'm just gonna oh god oh she can see me bye mommy i'm just gonna be on my way i didn't see anything oh god oh god oh god she's gonna be there isn't she she's gonna find me isn't she okay okay okay oh god i was sleeping i was sleeping the whole time oh i can't crap mommy i don't know what to do with that oh oh to eat what is this what am i about to eat oh we ate it oh was it meat was it timmy oh i feel so much better yes look at me i'm a whole new kid now i can go to sleep night night oh god oh god oh she's right there oh she saw everything oh she saw everything [Music] okay another day hello mom your father used to hunt all sorts of creatures in the winter he prepared them in his special workshop we had to close that room off once you kids were old enough to get into trouble yeah it's definitely you definitely killed and ate timmy like i know you could just let us know oh dear oh damn it uh where's our other brother where's the brown-haired one are you still trying to hunt for us you remind me so much of him i don't want you worrying about the family anymore put your mind to rest think only peaceful thoughts spring will come for you soon now let's get ready for dinner i was able to find some food again where did you get that mom all right boys get your phil don't worry about me your mother isn't very hungry uh eating eating my brother very clearly eating my brother there wasn't that good mother loves you very much very very much off to bed now okay spring is coming tomorrow well at least we know that uh i'm one of her favorites you're gonna save me for last aren't you because i'm your favorite i'm your favorite i love you mommy darling wait no wandering around tonight oh my god she knows she knows ah oh what's she doing i told you to stay put mommy mommy no i thought i was your favorite oh oh i i died okay we're starting over take him take anthony take anthony you know he's worse than me take him i'm better take anthony no no anthony the other one my the other brother take him yes that's right i'm the favorite i'm the favorite that's right you take anthony oh god i gotta get up i'm scared oh god no mommy no mommy no so am i supposed to just stay really far oh god oh god oh god oh god i'm just i'm just in bed uh yeah hi yeah hi it's me oh god oh god oh god oh my god i'm hidden oh she can't see me yes there's nowhere to go darling oh god it's the music box i used to play this when i put you to bed i'll let you listen one last time come meet me in my room when you're ready oh god i don't know oh god i'm ready mom mommy oh no oh god what's with the creepy music it's so dark it's so dark oh god oh no anthony and anthony i didn't want this but what choice do i have you children are the lucky ones just one moment of mother's mercy and you'll never know the creeping agony this winter wants from you be a good child now close your eyes keep still as you can and remember mother loves you oh god oh god oh oh no oh god what did i do what are you thinking child razors ah step on the razor oh god oh she got me she got me i think i gotta turn the razors on and then get her to walk on it there we go raisers ah damn it i got her i got you mother don't look this way darling your mother's in pieces well you still look radiant though may i just say a child shouldn't have to see this a child shouldn't have any of this what have i done i've been the worst mother you think darling you need to eat me if you're going to survive oh god i know it's unthinkable but it's the only way go on now be a brave child oh this is so gross oh this is so gross that's it darling you're doing fine oh my god this is so gross keep going oh god i hate it i hate it mother loves you oh i hate this i hate this my stomach hurts i don't like this uh do i leave i guess i leave i'm leaving okay we just leave i'm just leaving i'm going we almost made it to spring the snow melted we had to oh my god it was spring you couldn't wait like a couple more days mom wow i liked that but i feel really gross after the past two day games mother loves you always okay i think i'm good on the mom horror games now but yeah if you want me to play some more mother pregnant child horror games to just make me question all my life decisions up to this point then make sure to leave a like before you go let me know in the comments below if there's any you want me to play specifically and before you go why not subscribe if you haven't yet you made it this far in the video you must like me a little bit so why not subscribe or if you're not totally sold then check out one of these two videos to see if you like me there too and then you can subscribe and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,822,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, mother, mom, mom games, pregnancy, pregnant, scary, creepy, haunted, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, do not play, 3 scary games, free games, random games, mothers little helper, baby dont leave me
Id: lWfYbKR_mcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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