I Tried to Babysit THE CHILD ...but She Was Actually EVIL

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oh the teddy's still there oh the knife no no no no no oh i'm stabbed i got stabbed [Music] oh you know it's gonna be good when there's a creepy little kid laughing in the background hey guys so today i'm gonna be playing a game called the child so in the past i played a game called mother and this game is actually from the same creators but a much longer game so i'm gonna make one video about just this game but i figured it kind of fits with the theme of the channel lately where i explore creepy mom and kid or pregnancy games because once again if you did not know i am pregnant is this game gonna scare me into regretting having a child soon probably but we won't know totally try oh my it's the child she crazy i already this already so did you visit the facility i referred okay i'm guessing this is the parents they already looked traumatized finding the place was hard enough that well my wife we're not doing it those children our daughter isn't like that oh i see well i've given you all the information i can the rest falls upon you i can add only this if your daughter does not spend her formative years in that facility things will not end well for your family lousy doctor what does he know about our daughter well what are we going to do we can't send her to a normal school she doesn't need school i can give her everything she needs at home is that why starlink oh shut it please don't drag me to any more doctors she seems lovely let me out let me out not until you learn to behave oh my god what's wrong with your face daddy please there's spiders in here oh my god why what is happening to these parents uh listen to a mother darling oh oh she's a demon stop messing with the house did you forget why you're in trouble oh my god oh oh she gonna get you oh she gonna get you all right darling you've learned your lesson right please don't kill us i can't live like this oh god what you doing what are you doing what are you doing with a knife this ends now what are you doing well aren't you going to stop me he's like uh no i'm good i don't know what's right anymore we've got to get out of this house oh i'm cute i'm guessing this is the main character actually i don't know i'm just this is me because she's cute those kids are something else so cute though why is it so loud where do you live i don't know where oh okay what's this doodle fragment loves me some doodle fly fragments oh my puppy peace at last puppies oh hello i love you good boy yes good boy where's your good boy oh he's following me around nothing better happened to you oh okay okay we just going to bed all right oh we dreaming puppy help okay oh god is it a clown is it a clown is it a clown it sounds like clown music what is this oh it's me oh it's memories hello my phone ah puppy grab my phone hello right now it's supposed to be my day off see what i can do oh no we're at the house oh you're not looking so good girl you're late i'm sorry i came as soon as i could she's so young don't let my age fool you i have loads of experience we'll be back soon don't touch anything wait emergency contacts rules the rule is you don't go upstairs i meant for your daughter shouldn't i meet her by the way if you're lucky you never will oh my god yeah way to be discreet dad i have to say this is the strangest gig i've ever had oh cram it kid good luck like bashi your problem now we leave it forever she's just this is your problem [Music] oh no child oh oh she cute child oh wow ow ow ow what stop the knobs are busted so annoying ah a globe oh god am i gonna die oh thank god child oh god that plate oh the plates are moving oh the plates are oh my god she threw a plate at me child why oh god there's a knife if that knife starts moving i swear i'm out i'm out oh god it's moving ah no okay they told me not to go upstairs but it's not safe anywhere else so i'm going upstairs why do you have a clown doll oh oh i found her girl you've been trying to stab me is this you oh she's got devil horns oh and she's creepily listening to a jack in the box of course she is hello little girl i'm kiki your new babysitter what's your name she gonna kill me who cares she'll be gone soon i'm not going anywhere i'm here to play with you while your parents are busy busy they're scared of me scared i'm sure that's not true just leave me alone i'm sick of stupid babysitters that's not very nice i know why don't we play a game hm i know a game it's called murder you go hide and you'll come find me no teddy will oh oh my god why is her face so evil what does that mean who's teddy okay how high can teddy count he already started is this am i dead i'm dead okay okay we're gonna we're gonna run oh god oh god oh no no where do i go help of course you did that oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god get me out of this house oh god oh it's you guys help me you're alive and sane i'm barely not bad how about we make a little arrangement could you watch anna from time to time if it's not too much trouble why would you don't say yes do you not remember what just happened we'll make it worth your while i mean i feel like if i don't help the game's just gonna end so of course i'll help a haunted house is no place for a little girl to be alone yes it's hot it's the house it's haunted i can't touch my fingers together either because i'm so traumatized thanks again young lady we'll be seeing you soon issue sleep it's quiet do you think it will work out this time she seems different than the other sitters we'll just have to see now won't we now please i need all the sleep i can get yes darling hmm they pay a lot more than the others maybe i can consider moving soon puppies i love you you best boy and we go to sleep oh more memory dreams what do we got tonight puppies oh my puppies what's going on here such a memorable birthday i'm having a good dream oh oh the poem yes all right i'm on my way why are people calling me in the middle of night what happened late again this is going to be a thing isn't it i've done some cleaning and stocked the fridge please help yourself while we're away anna is not to have treats until she learns to behave we'll be back soon good luck you know you're in trouble when the parents leave and say good luck okay oh i didn't go this way last time it's a cooking channel okay oh the teddy's still there oh it's still there oh the knife no no no no no oh oh i'm stabbed i got stabbed help i'm gonna get stabbed again oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god okay where are you just leave me alone help me there's a giant evil teddy bear girl i'm like half dead i don't know if you can see from my health bar up there oh my god oh a total fracture or fragment all right am i hot where do i hide whoa um almost died oh i got a key oh i know where this goes if i can get there without dying locked oh hold on yeah boy i got a total fragment okay is that all i was supposed to do yeah where's this freaking teddy bear parents are you ah the parents are not back ah no no oh my god oh bread of course got bread can i get oh my god i can get unlimited bread abandon the child no i guess not oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god don't know where to go i knew that was gonna happen eventually i knew it oh okay so the teddy bear is like guarding the kitchen so i feel like when i went in there and started getting all the bread maybe i was supposed to actually get something for the child oh god got a treat okay does it show oh yes okay i got a new item all right we're gonna bring a treat to the child because apparently she doesn't like bread of course she doesn't cause she's a demon only demons don't like bread am i am i allowed i won't tell if you won't oh she won't like me she gonna like me it's good is teddy gone now oh oh my god how did you get there how did you get there where are you going oh there she is hi do you want do you want another treat oh now we can give her bread yes no effect icky you think bread is icky you think bread is icky that's it i'm abandoning you i'm abandoning the child she's not worth it goodbye abandon the child yup i got an ending but not worth it ending she's not worth it she thinks bread is disgusting not worth it perfect ending oh no i think i have to start the whole day over for a joke all right fine this time i'm gonna see if i can give her a treat again there we go oh she likes treats thank you do you want the lights back on that would be nice oh my god you have magical powers oh the parents are back now looks like she made it again it was good to feel the sun we'll see you again soon right uh i hope not she's getting worse every day she kept that babysitter intact for now we've been running from reality that child has no future quiet darling she may hear you no matter where she goes or what she does she'll always be a monster oh no she heard oh puppies okay bad okay oh oh she's following me oh she's oh she's a spirit come with me oh i'm i'm her now oh i'm so cute patches what are you doing in this terrible place oh it's my doll your procedure will begin shortly reminder please do not harm your handler oh god what are they gonna do to me protect yourself use your gift oh yeah i got superpowers now oh yeah i got pink blob hands yeah yeah yeah try to come in here try to come in here get up you'll never take me alive ah stop her stop the child oh my god i walked right into somebody walked right in oh the dream's over i know i know i'm on my way on time you must be ill we'll be back soon thanks for your help again young lady where do you guys go oh hello there what are you doing i waited for you did you why thank you anna what would you like to do today want to see my playroom uh sure this room why do i feel like something terrible is going to happen here oh that's teddy over there yes i remember teddy you don't like him do you well he didn't make the best first impression it's okay we don't have to play with him that's happy over there he's really funny oh no oh god you know what let's play with teddy teddy's great teddy's amazing why are you shaking uh shaking it's freezing in here your parents are so rich can't they afford a furnace uh what did you just do you don't like clowns what what are you talking about of course i do you got scared by one i can see it you can see it it's okay we don't have to play with them i'm sorry anna i think it's great that you have friends though i think i had a friend like this when i was your age friends they're just dolls i don't have friends oh i'll be your friend don't say that anna i'm your friend really of course now what should we do together let's draw pictures all right yeah that's not creepy at all not creepy definitely cute not at all creepy and i had the weirdest dream last night you were in it so i wanted to ask you have you ever been in a creepy place with flashing purple lights hmm i don't think so oh all right i suppose yeah just keep creeping singing don't look it's not done yet okay do i just leave you bye what the heck was that oh the parrots thank god she's still in one piece it was great to get out of the house we'll see you again soon right oh my god she can go through walls where are you going i've gotta go but i'll be back soon mommy can she stay you heard her she's coming again tomorrow but i like her and i hate it here oh god oh god [Music] oh dear you'd better leave fast young lady should i leave i want to find the doodle fragments that she just threw oh god oh never mind oh it's the clown isn't it oh and teddy oh god ah doodle fragment doodle fragrant oh it's the clown oh it's the clown oh it's the teddy this might not just be to get a different ending wow [Music] i think i got all the doodle fragments did i anna what happened you were behaving so well i'm sorry it's no fair i want to play we'll play again soon i promise i know a place where they won't find us oh sure okay look in my eyes this won't hurt i promise oh am i dead hello where are we don't worry we can play as long as we want now we are in our heads uh sure mind realm great let's stay here and play forever this is an ending play forever yay i knew you would it's an ending i just keep getting the worst endings back to reality please please let's stay here forever no i'm sorry anna we have to go back you're just like them you don't want to play with me anymore if you'd want to play with me i'll just play with you [Music] oh that's not good oh no ah there's so many clowns oh oh oh okay so i saw something go behind this yeah this this thing go away with skeleton i just gotta keep hiding ah go go go go go go go go go go how did they not see me i'm right here oh oh oh oh they see me oh they see me oh i don't know what that skeleton is but it's saving me i don't know if this is like an alternate ending that i'm going through okay after many failed attempts i have finally gotten to the next point oh oh this was the skeleton man why aren't you fighting fighting i don't understand how could i i've seen you do it so many times i'm sorry i just don't understand oh dear what are you doing in this terrible place where have i heard that before wait a minute oh it's patches from my dream [Music] wait what that dream wasn't of anna that was of me what they must have wiped my memory in that facility patches is it really you i remember everything oh oh i threw a beam at her you can do it too that's right i'm sorry i had to do that anna but i've had enough of this crap you said i swear oh it's like people in the youtube comments or pink beans ow ow oh oh i'm oh no oh no oh god stay here we can play forever no no no i gotta go back to reality and you're coming too and we're the same hell out there's no way how am i supposed to meet you i'm not afraid anymore anna do your worst oh god clowns oh god no no no there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way there's no way get out of the way how am i supposed to beat this how killer mudder oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i'm just going to keep running oh she's getting bigger oh god oh no [Laughter] help me just going to keep running i don't know what else to do she just gonna get me she gonna get me no it took me back here why is this the hardest game ever that that's all i had to do last time for the love of god please stop attacking me finale thank god stop stay back oh god oh god go away clouds will catch you i'm not afraid anymore anna final blow oh are these the two endings all right let's try the first oh she did anna i'm sorry it had to end like this she did what'd i do oh god young lady where are you going i'm so sorry did i what hm where is she enough games anna where are you hiding where's my poppies she gonna kill me isn't she puppy puppies why is he not waking up why is he not waking up what did you do to my puppies i guess i'll go to sleep i don't know my dog dead anna's revenge oh did she kill me all right well that was one of the endings okay we'll spare you this time no more clouds and it's time to go back i'll find something where's oh god why did i spare you oh what's that my snowman not so scary how about this me at a beach my vacation what are you doing anna i'll find something i should go through my memories these aren't scary memories anna they're good ones a party with my friends i look about your age no fair why do you have good memories i know your parents don't make things easy for you anna they think i'm a monster i hurt them they're scared like i was but i know deep down they love you very much there's a whole world waiting for you out there if you bring us back we'll make happy memories every day i promise how we'll find a way okay a promise is a promise okay i'll be good oh what are you doing i said i'll be good i'm not doing anything it hurts oh no oh no make it stop oh no oh no oh stabbing noises oh what are you doing you you're alive we thought you taking your mind like the others what are you doing to your daughter uh we made a mistake listen i know this looks bad but you don't understand this child was a monster no she wasn't she wasn't a monster you two are you little run i'll teach you to talk to me like that look what i did to my own daughter what do you think i'll do to you oh got another fight oh i just hit her once and she's she dead impossible of course no wonder she took to you so quickly you were one of them all along darling be careful she could hurt you this little run don't make me laugh it's time to teach her some manners tonight the world loses two monsters oh god oh god i got it don't stab me no no no no no no don't stab me no no oh god no evil woman oh my god the lights and i'm dead oh god oh oh god what is happening she saved me she saved me oh my god she's safe are you still alive anna anna no no no this doesn't look good i was right all along they didn't like me let me lift you i can get you to the hospital i have a promise to keep you're gonna make good memories every day remember i made a real friend i have a good memory now anna oh my god this is so sad oh i got all the fragments you're drawing you never got to show me i'll restore it in your memory anna i'm sorry it had to end like this did i beat the game i made it i think there was another ending but like i don't know how to get it those games already it was so long anna why do i get this feeling every year that you're out there somewhere survived oh wait there's more never mind someone's here let's make sure they see us should we get her too they won't pick her she's too old and those scars okay let's go what oh it's anna it's anna she survived those jerks if they knew what i could do to them wait we're reunited no way all these years were my feelings right do i know you so many orphanages how did you travel so far can i take a closer look at you it really is you you've grown so beautifully well i better go now wait don't you recognize me are you my birth mother what oh god no i mean i'm sure she was a wonderful woman sure she was well goodbye then goodbye you're coming with me what do you mean i'm adopting you oh maybe this is because i got all the fragments so i got the extra ending did it full complete game wait what come on now i have papers to sign i'm adopting her how did i find her listen there's something you should know about me what is it it's a little hard to explain i think it might scare you scare me it better be good because i've seen a lot never mind maybe later whenever you're ready welcome to your new home go ahead have a look around like i see the patches doll was in the background like as a spirit the first door is yours oh she has her own nice room happy ending wait so if you didn't collect all the doodle fragments you would have thought she was dead at the end of this hmm weird art why does it feel so familiar though wait a minute prom is kept oh my god it's us oh did it happy ending a really bad ending followed by a happy ending thank god that would have been a really dark ending oh my god and there she is all right guys well that's gonna be it for the child wow that was a way harder game to get through than i thought but the story was pretty interesting i enjoyed it if you did too then make sure to leave a like before you go especially so i know you made it all the way through i'm sure there might be some other endings i missed but that was like the main one and the main bonus ending so you're welcome and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos the subscribe button is also over there it's totally easy and free to subscribe and then you'll be notified of all these other weird videos that i put out also why not check out the merch link it's also right there but as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,457,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, the child, the child rpg, the child game, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, mother, mom, mom games, pregnancy, pregnant, scary, creepy, haunted, creepy game, horror game, creepy experience, scary game, indie games, indie game, do not download, do not take, do not play, 3 scary games, free games, random games, endings, full game
Id: 2en999sBxDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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