CUTEST Yet DARKEST Game I've EVER Played | Little Misfortune (Part 1)

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so I've been ye to play this game for a long time and I saw that in search results when I typed my name in one of the top YouTube searches from the last month was people searching my name playing this game so I'm sorry I let you all down while you were searching for it but it's gonna happen now it's gonna live on the channel cuz it's a very it's a long game I've heard so I might need to do it at two different sessions over here but I didn't want to do it as a regular video because it's so long on my main channel so I figured it was a good spot to do it here I'm excited I heard it's creepy oh it's already creepy yes okay why do I have not watched anybody play this or read anything about the story I have no idea what it is it just looks creepy and cute like I'm watching a movie and interesting I love the hardstyle so pretty [Music] welcome to my game I'll be your home and humble narrator the rookies game are simple played until the end and you will be rewarded [Music] I'm so cute mrs. fortune she's a wonderful child from a not a wonderful family is a naughty sparkle for you and a little sparkle for you a little bit for me Oh today is the day she will die Oh God oh you can are you insane my head or something hmm well okay yes Oh super chat worked Oh what can you say about me buying into the hobby caddie thank you so much for the super chat and for showing me that it does work sometimes I thought it wasn't working nothing you know I have prepared a game for you reach the end of the game deal I can't cause it's guys don't read the super chats after this I'm sorry it wasn't freaking you [ __ ] wonderful fantastic ready to play yes your first mission is to make the house okay I'm gonna do it I love her little boys okay well I just missed this is everything but hold on this is okay let's continue okay so we're just going to dismantle it does [Music] I don't know which way to go guys [Music] thrown glitter with that yay okay hippie girl those myself this is Kimberly under this picture it's the folks I see outside Lee wouldn't know sometimes I call him folks I see outside my window sometimes I go him Benjamin here some really cute folks I don't care much for foxes thank you happy cookie for the superjet all right I'm gonna go my fort a secret hiding spot Oh impressive but why do you need a hiding spot I don't like it when mommy and daddy argue too much I do when I come here I can dream and travel far away I see this is my diary nobody is allowed to read it want to see I like to play or me I like to play a lot with my toys I like to talk to them because it's fun hello diary at school I drew and at home I was at my hiding spot talking to bubsy and I heard it I softbox walking outside my room he's Club Benjamin I didn't know diary my dad lied to me again not going out to the park today I made myself pretty big he doesn't care I feel sad I cried but told mommy I'm okay I'm afraid if I tell her I'm sad she'll be angry sometimes I don't know how to feel nobody is teaching me how to feel I wish it in school they teach us where feelings come from but for reals and not know fairytales yes forever hello diary is it okay to have feelings for a fox Oh gotcha gag me thanks so much for the $5 super sticker Benjamin the Fox came to visit when I was playing outside and we looked at each other and my heart felt warm and like if I was about to vomit but in a good way then he ran away because my mommy shouted that dinner was ready single sit online thanks to went to the final are super chat Sid side sit sy sy d Oh sounds like I think I'm saying it okay uh thank you so much for such a nice message sit I think it's the insight side online Squidward shook I'm gonna go Brooklyn you're gonna do you gotta do oh don't go broke on account of setting super chance that's not smart but thank you oh no oh diary oh no that's supposed to be normal should I hit people I love it doesn't feel right maybe daddy can't see he's hurting me too when he it's Auggie I'd promise I will never be like bye daddy I played today that I took a plane to Japan it's all interesting things I don't feel good about this this story guys I've already told that this little girl's apparently gonna die today she's in love with a fox her family's terrible my Japanese friends speak Japanese that's very problematic when we want to talk it's hard to understand each other it's confusing but I like him he has a pair of sweet boots and a cowboy hat his name is Hiro and he's a ghost I drew him a picture but I never gave it to him Oh God hello diary look I have glitter from school it's super shiny and we used it to make Christmas cards I think Christmas cards are pretty but I don't believe Santa is for reals if a man could give everyone a gift why can't he give poor people water and food I saw a TV show with people from other countries having nothing to eat anyway I don't believe I don't believe Santa's real but the glitter is amazing it makes me think that all that makes me sad and angry can be sprinkled with glitter to look prettier that makes me a little sad this is the saddest diary ever hello diarrhea wet picking tomatoes with my grandma it smelled so nice I saw butterflies oh this is nice I'm just skimming through now a little fox lady she's becoming a furry it's like I want to be with the Fox I need to be one with the box glass cat thanks so much $55 superjet bread for the bread cream yes it is Bob see the Guardian the secret spot you see his eye he got that from a muscle against a monster a monster that sounds scary it was I love her voice I love my coloring book Oh God what'd you do at the clinic book oh my god this is like um this is like life is strange oh it's gonna give me panic attacks trying to make a decision what to do with the coloring book take the coloring book with you leave the coloring book for bub see let's take it with us if I get bored looked at everything I don't know if I even need to do but we did 2 a.m. thanks for the five dollar super chat you're in for a ride oh god is this gonna be an emotional roller coaster guys before you leave which toy do you choose to rip with you not more decisions no you can only choose one vehicle in memory bar your choice is much more important thing don't tell me that shoes oh God which toy do you bring the unicorn or the stone the sad rock or the happy unicorn I mean I really everybody stay in the rock but I want the unicorn Bobby rocker unicorn Bobby he left me he left me to make my own decision everybody's saying the rock why why the rock though maybe the stone cuz I can throw it at somebody alright fine I'll take the rock this is why this is why I'm doing this is what I'm sure he was pin twist I'll do what you guys want me to do I go him stony because he's a very clever thank you Oh God oh great guys thanks for giving me a sad stone so you know I like to sprinkle sparkling things so they become fabulous [Music] hey you on the other side of the screen remember I told you she was going to die today let's keep that a secret between us all right Oh God Oh Oh the Fox is passed by the window Bobby I needed help making a decision you weren't here I probably made the wrong decision now oh god grandma grandma is so scared she was a poor - you still wear a diaper that was so last year mommy likes to collect glasses I broke a couple most I run too fast did mommy find out who did it no but I had a piece of gloves in my foot for like five days [Music] z-bo Larry thanks so much for the $5 super chat don't trust the narrator guys don't spoil the game for me thank you for the super chat but no spoils I will time out for spoils Andrew Schmidt thanks for the $5 super Chad hi ahem Reese ever rose thanks for the final achieve chat I'm not gonna read too much of residence cuz I don't want it to ruin the game Terra's bubble thanks to the $5 stupid chat I'm starting gonna channel myself and I want thank you uh thank you so much Tara bubble think um was I gonna say good luck with your new channel that's how I was gonna say oh no it's all broken now was a beautiful example of course and effect please don't tell on me don't worry you can trust me okay thank you she was my FaceCam is super you instead I'm not as yellow not as you know just a little bit yellow another zero it's cuz I'm using my webcam so it's not as that is nice color scheme oh I forgot cuz it's on a different screen now I don't know if I'm too red that's good it's just cuz I was on the other monitor forgot a rain Ripper I thanks so much for the final are super chat I could see Rena Lee throwing glitter everywhere oh yeah oh yeah can I just sprinkle glitter on this [Music] crap why so many decisions fix it do I do I fix it fix it guys or leave it maybe maybe fix it I'm gonna fix it I'm gonna try and fix it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it Oh God Oh I have to actually fix it okay I could do this I could do just as fine if there's gonna be okay got this Gatiss got this [Music] yay that's right that's right oh my done [Music] I'm just gonna leave it I'm a little a the hill no how do i spring me said she married daddy because she was expecting me she wanted to have an abortion Oh God illegal against the law that's kind of the same thing yes hello my god my whole reaction to this game is just gonna be like oh my god oh I forgot I could do this too oh my gosh for just the crazy moments okay wait how do I sprinkle glitter how I sprinkle glitter mommy likes to go like no no broke up oh did mommy find out who did it what button do i press for glitter there we go okay let's throw glitter on it now [Music] crap oh no I can't fix it now I was gonna fix it no whoops alright well hopefully they don't look sad I don't know ground me destroy me even my son this is so sad my daddy's friend was a hunter and kill this moose he's dr. Erica she thought his gun was a toy she said bang bang to her mommy and daddy then her parents died then she was so sad oh my god ah the book on the table say cancer ah what is this game okay somebody should keep a counter of how many times I say oh my god it smells like cigarettes she also likes to drink juice a lot well are you ready to complete your first mission yes I'm gonna get that prize what am i trying to get oh that's rabbits again when will body alone I like them alive oh oh I see quitter yay all that makes me happy thank you wormy this smells really bad what is it dead animal that's what it is yaks forever yikes forever Oh God she's got two full glasses of juice on there we had a lovely dinner last night mommy wasn't that drunk and daddy actually said hi do okay I saw a little glitter yeah let's throw glitter yeah hey juice Oh mommy with her juice okay when I grow up I want to be just like my mommy I just drinker okay that's today at today gone outside fight mommy Oh tell mommy you're leaving it's afternoon misfortune okay where we go where we go remember Benjamin love books this is where I first saw him he was hiding in the thrash and we made eye contact yes you told me about that Fox already you should criminals folks criminal that's silly do I have a pool this bull smells like a toilet pickles I feel it yeah is disgusting not as disgusting else when my body puke that was disgusting gross okay I saw a glitter there we go this is where daddy ever get the sweet balloons I'm worried if I walk across the street I'm gonna hit by car because I'm supposed to she's supposed to die today so before we continue you need to know the rules of the game Miss Fortune Oh remember you will be given choices on your journey there is no wrong you beat the game the prize of eternal happiness is yours is the cross this road Oh what monster I didn't see anything it's very just your imagination yeah that's true get out of the road just keep going we'll have so much fun narrator okay oh thank god we didn't die no glitter don't worry we saved him with glitter look a sleepy bird come on Miss Fortune let's go now no good night bird sweet dream bird oh god she doesn't know well there's like mini movies [Music] now it's the intro that's amazing I want they she just throws glitter on everything that's terrible but it doesn't actually fix it it just but now it's terrible and has glitter on it I [Music] didn't know I'd love the concept of this game so much I had no idea what I was getting a dip huh I used a little sparkle back there anyway why not away yeah do I have a spark I had a mount of sparkle that I can throw her can I just throw it everywhere yeah wait yeah oh my god it's a dirty dog you have to make a very difficult choice regarding this puppy now Oh God consequences Oh God why it's a puppy what to do with the puppy play with it or set it free okay well there's a road right behind it so I'm not gonna set it free I'm gonna play with it I will play with it so we come Cheryl nice time together good choice now throw the ball at it they small yeah dirty puppy here's your ball boys everything I touch breaks what's wrong with me sometimes life is just unfair but I'm here for you miss the party laughs George is having a party I think you have to go and tell him about the accident it's just a bit farther ahead specifically was like there's a road behind it so I shouldn't set it free cause it's gonna get hit by a car oh it's terrible this is why everybody wanted me to play oh my god what do I do now oh god I'm supposed to throw glitter on it here Oh God Oh it's an angel puppy Oh God Oh Bubba killer I can't wait to watch that back later [Laughter] people are saying in the chat it gets worse okay symbol of our friendship puppy doggy I broke you poppy I really am really we can play later you know when I'm broken too oh I just get more stickers okay I'll sleep I can see my food glitter glitter that fixity what came out I can't watch this anymore please let's keep moving somebody just came into the chat goes what the hell happened to the dog no nothing nothing happened to the dog nothing we're moving on I had nothing to do with it oh I missed the sign what's the sign say don't throw garbage into the water doesn't work don't you see all that crap like that's a good observation misfortune to am thanks so much for the $5 super sad day I told you stuff is messed up it gets worse great I'm excited for it I mean I do love dark stuff but I was not expecting that I'm assuming everything that you think is gonna cause something bad is actually gonna be like the good option I don't know like maybe the option you think is gonna be good is not gonna be good because in that scenario I thought playing with the puppy while it was safely tied to the tree would be the good option but no I was on the other side of this lake you will be one step closer to the prize of eternal happiness right ah yes not too oh yes the party okay hello how do I get over there you know once at this lake I got my head stuck in a plastic bag I remember falling asleep and waking up in the hospital hmm that's terrible yeah I almost died glitter on garbage let's keep going Oh Oh God oh okay I think you're in big trouble miss fortune I have no idea but you have to do something about it fast how to break loose from the birds I mean the points throw Twitter at the birds throw glitter glitter solves everything okay regulatory is Charlie so even later up the barn maybe Luisa sorry and they will get confused and leave me alone that sounds like a solid plan misfortune but now I'm falling to my death this is taking a long time we didn't even go that high up well time seems to slow down when we are in danger you're my anger that was a rude bird look I'm on an acid trip what the hell's this gay blatant and I break my leg Samba what now I know why everybody was telling me to play it so mr. voice is the party on the same line to the eternal happiness yes yes it is oh that's convenient have you thought about how to break the news to George about the puppet yes I mean if you want to about the puppy you told George about the puppy accident no one saw so they bought it alright then alright me I let him enjoy his party before he finds out about it just a little bit farther away what should we do about it put it back in the water say I would like to return it smells fishy yeah really save one animal during this expedition yeah we are the house of George Mahmud nervous about introducing myself you'll do fine just don't mention the puppy like we discussed earlier I'm so interested now what happens in this game with the other options that I didn't pick oh no that fish is dead in there I can't be a good sign why is the fish dead [Music] ring bell nobody's answering I'll invite myself in to check out the body it doesn't look like there's a party I saw a man was floating in the lake feels like this vision oh god I'm scared I swear where's the party huh what a nice picture I wish I had a picture like this with my mummy and daddy hello what is it miss fortune fish is dead pretty sure these people are dead pretty sure about to walk into some dead people in his house are you sure this is the right house what is the excuse me oh my god oh it looks like he hung him Oh God get out of the house get out of the house should I hit him wake up oh my god no fortune he's dead get out of the house and he's wearing not the roof hey misfortune I think this party's over that's your puppy's gone by the way now that you're dead puppies dead let's go into the wood I can tell you now that eternal happiness yes I honestly a hundred percent if you can't tell from my reactions had no idea what this game was what I'd started playing I haven't watched anybody else or I read it I just heard that it was cute yet creepy / dark creepy duck oh my god I love the Luna opera with the $25 to purge animals thank yous misfortune you said to help me through this difficult tribe of playing this game like Benjamin yes but all foxes are evil so keep your notification lunar all foxes are Eve's okay Jesus so scared what else like if that was that's like the beginning of this game those two events like I feel like things could only get way worse everything begins with the song of a jack with the son of hey what do you have that people are like you said oh my god 20 times already yep that sounds about right I'm sure there's more coming wild dangerous Fox I recognize that black tail it's Benjamin it doesn't matter attack it before he kills you is your name Benjamin do you want to play with me no oh what a relief we are safe now let's keep playing my game oh there's a magical cave okay it's not creepy worse fifteen of you born of dense it's a dark cute dark cape what is this it looks like fun Jimmy likes to paint well that's really cool I like books focus misfortune we need to keep going like this narrator I know birds okay there's police tape and a dead body chalk mark great is this the magic okay it doesn't look bad magical just wait until you go inside I don't like the sound of that why was he so excited about that oh I don't know Sparkle Joe whenever you're ready I don't want to go in the force no you stay in the forest but then you won't find the eternal happiness [Music] oh I gotta go anyway kidding me you know I want to stay in the forest you'll stay in the forest but then you won't find the eternal happiness okay all right let's get out of here do we have to go why are you going this way yes Gary oh do I have to go the other way go I think I have to go to the cave think I gotta go all right I guess we're going in uh I can't wait to see them I decide well let's explore the cave comedian misfortune thank you I'm so scared I'm so scared I'm so what did I miss something the Hangout sure she's on drugs she's on drugs guys who party a magical hamster party I know you love parties I don't know let's go find out no I don't want to go inside I don't want to go inside there five are you going to do something about it yes I will save the hamster don't like you adorable things you have to give them makeup no a little later um oh no oh god I took them I'm feeling really movies oh my god no oh no I didn't know oh my god oh she's tripping out she's tripping out oh my god this is amazing oh no oh oh it's a bad trip oh she's having a bad trip right misfortune Oh there's two names just making out over there go inside I'm scared I don't know if I'm gonna get D monetize for hamsters hey you believe this die mister voice we have to find another way out now good I don't want to go in there anyway these tiny cutie cars are killing me with her kima's truth Oh cute look at them with our tiny cocktail another tiny clubbing this is so cute for me not saying I think about the to make it out alright no what is this oh she's got purple hair to recognize hi she's the owner of the club back there really yes red looks like she was robbed yes you're right looks like you helped the criminal escape of course it does yeah of course it does your secret is safe with me thank you I'm gonna help her excuse me seize them hey misfortune we need to find a way out now the eternal happiness is still out there crap so fotage I was something different with the hamsters I would have had her bag yes gonna have her bag you could give it to her and then I would have been allowed inside you found the way out yay yeah let's get out of here I don't want to see no dirty hamsters all right now what we doing you guys saw me throw glitter yeah there you go that was for you guys these looks just like a movie I saw on TV these are the bad guys le right we need to clear the way before we can proceed Wow you see that fire alarm over there we need to activate yeah but how with a slingshot one slingshot this slingshot [Music] look I use these acorns as ammunition that's really clever misfortune Oh God and see they seem to not care crap yeah yeah take that squirrels lead under the size of humans carolien up to Glassman [Music] oh it's those - bro yes Daddy - its mints I don't know why but mommy was really angry about it no God money - take this theater my happiness no no what makes you think that mommy said that mommy is the only thing that makes her happy the only thing your mommy is wrong the only thing that makes mommy happy you on the other side of the screen listen I know it must be hard not knowing much about our little lady's future will misfortune rarely die if so how will she die and when yeah the evil Fox kill her where's she fine the eternal happiness I personally hope she does act normal she's coming Oh Miss Fortune you made it congratulations thank you where are we we're one step closer to the grand prize of eternal happiness great because I'm not allowed to be outside this like you know don't worry it's not far from here look let me sink in yeah what's that about I don't like this maybe I should go back home besides I didn't tell mommy I went outside fine don't go now Miss Fortune I can protect you really yes why whoa wait who was just in the car is that a bear yeah why is there missing kids oh my god oh my god what is in the cars and the girl just ghosts just disappeared okay I'm seeing a bunch of kid ghosts I'm assuming there's somebody going around and abducting and killing children I'm glad everybody's wearing masks why is everybody wearing this lovely bull crap misfortune watch your language my unicycle Garrett very clever misfortune yeah is the narrator the guy that's abducting children phantasmagoria phantasmagoria is coming to oberfield that's so awesome maybe we could find time to check it out later who knows right don't play with my feelings now let's focus on finding the eternal happiness first then we'll see I can't wait I'll hang with that wild fox I told you foxes are dangerous my dear children oh he's good he's trying to save children are you a while dangerous Fox no let that wild beast run off I don't want anything bad habits trying to save the children hi you children hi children ah this is Benji stuff this is absolutely the best art I have ever seen it's a personal I didn't know Benjamin was so creative creative child has brought oh I didn't mean it like that hey shouldn't we be focusing on finding the prize I'm focused no focused yeah except Savannah to my system I'm legally somebody super test yes yeah for you Oh get away from me Oh stranger danger stranger Oh what language dropping the f-bomb mr. Boies yes misfortune has anyone reached the end of the day and gotten the eternal happiness yes of course I want to win this prize for my mummy I wish I could give her some happiness my sparkle doesn't work with her oh that's really sweet that's not necessary thank you anyway let's go find the prize and make mommy proud oh yeah I don't like this narrator and all the birds died got it nowhere and a sign is really creepy up there oh it's the same drawing that the Fox did with the face with the antlers coming out of it it says don't fit the birds okay I'll try not to there's a lot of sweet poetry written on the bench there it's a life and it's eating from you sign interesting what do you think a misfortune do you really need to read those poems yes listen to this one both hanging too low no we know the cut come on misfortune let's go all right it looks like heaven bad who's that he used to sit on the thumb box next to school hey they don't have a Mike Wilson and the police officer beat him with a stick bad you don't have any fish to offer the seagull make me feel guilty about the fish from Errol there I'm in a hard decision back there and I stand behind it I understand misfortunate I'm just saying well stop singing I can't help the seagull crap well here's some glitter yeah back sorry the fish live life was reported by the Royal halls of the park yeah Royale horse you say I'm a little princess you know oh I just keep hurting myself by accident unfortunate are you alright because I'm such a little lay there of course you are really tiny and you could break I broke my arm once so you know what I mean hmm Billie X gosh - thanks so much for the super chat you get glitter ah it was for Lily she can't that back let's just go as fortune you don't want to get involved with ducks ducks are protocol he's carrying a boom box this could be my opportunity so finally those four reels would you like to show me some of your dance moves no yeah we're gonna dance we gonna trip again that was unfortunate what are you talking about that was normal oh if you say so are we dancing are we dancing it would you like to write this one it's like a tornado ride all the rides Oh [Music] take the doll number two when the trees are naked when the wind is cold when the smell of rotten apple smashes against the stone misfortune hide your children hide your wife hide your kids this looks like the art of Benjamin don't you think I think it's garbage and it should be erased with fire he's obviously very artistic just ignore it let's keep playing my game the prize is closer than you think really all right I'm scared I can almost feel the happiness good the last challenge awaits at the pet cemetery I bet cemetery that sounds like the best place to end the game exactly by Oh God I'm glad you feel the same way nice told me this was long so I was thinking while we're walking mind if I ask you a couple of questions answering questions great just answer as honestly as you can first question have you ever stolen anything I guess I'll answer as second question are you happy right now my life yes yes I mean nothing but is happening right now that makes me happy well then the last question do you feel loved mommy loves me because she hasn't left me okay for your honesty look we arrived at the pet cemetery what's about to go down well it's about to go down to missing kids Oh shake this out more kids are missing if I go missing how will I tell mommy you won't go missing we'll go back home right after we find the prize I'm sure there I'm guessing there's to find a prize of eternal happiness yes what is it I have hidden it in one of the graves I have to dig anagram which one I'll give you a hint it's where the goldfish is buried the goldfish all right must I date with my tiny hands next forever no use the shovel what shovel this shovel okay [Music] these ones death then these died surrounded by her loved ones in a fire oh my god No he said we're the goldfish's berry okay that's it Little Lulu the first bug to ever struggle among I don't think this is the fish Stephanie quim writer of the erotic novel confessions of a cat hmm erotic novel talk about crazy this is obviously a cat it says both died doing what he loved it simple rainbow kitty thank you so much for the $5 super chat Thank You Sal I don't think the hell gonna be through hard times I appreciate you very much oh I appreciate you here's your glitter bikini let's say Roy you're Denmark I never saw that window coming huh I don't get it I don't think okay looking it says we stood above up got it fish yes congratulations Miss Fortune you found the prize really yes you see the little box open it what is it open it eternal happiness it's gonna be something terrible is it is this the fries but there's only a mood what yes it says I stole your happiness [Music] I knew the Fox was trouble he stole your prize well disappointment I really wanted to surprise mommy with this what should I do now we must find the Fox and get your happiness back I'm sure he hasn't gone far away let's go find him yes let's do that Oh Sasha let down [Music] yes finally did you steal my eternal happiness oh cool give me back my happiness run author him we can't let the Fox get away again he stole your prize man I need to get this when unloved children in darkness search for what they have lost for why they're in pain did you find something misfortune let's continue and we should keep our eyes open in case we see the Fox they know how to hide all right Oh shake up this dome it's different from regular stones I'm telling you - I'm telling you Oh this business loose I'll take it for me maybe it works somewhere else I said I got a read I gotta read what it says first the game of death is what feeds the shadows off the beyond huh what does this mean that looks like nonsense to me misfortune ah really maybe there's no more nonsense around right now let's save the bees okay word aha that that hole looks very much like where the Fox would hide the prize you mean I should go down there yes don't worry nothing bad will happen nothing bad at all okay you some very sure I'll trust you don't know I wonder why Benjamin will steal my prize maybe he's not happy himself but I knew that happiness myself and for mommy hello anybody down there Oh Anna filling [Music] oh I was a pretty big full hello I don't mean steady boys you good Oh mr. Boies has gone to great litter all right sweet I found a needle in a haystack then I drove it oh uh I lost it Fox repellent best ten out of ten loved it get it now this seems suspicious I can't align the bottle suite-style I'll take it oh thank you our Fox his eyes are so creepy [Music] no I love Benjamin oh damn it Benjamin Mee what have I gotten myself into she's such a mess my mom has a mistake I'm using her for this I mean I saw her eating glitter does that it's not natural Jesus you thrown out misfortune you're alive and well that's great the dangerous Fox attacked you I'm coming out me so he really is a bad folks see I told you that Fox is evil yeah maybe I shall listen to you we still need to find cheese power three four five big super chat maybe we could find out give you some glittering game you me man I'm certain I'll get back to you oh then I'll just hang around here's your glitter yay [Music] or missing pants Oh God a local local artist GM retires after incident my son is missing let's see what's new let's see what's new oh the painter the guy that killed himself his son was missing with kill I actually made a quick google search I found out the Fox has a cousin in the zoo oh really we could go and see if he knows where the Fox lives but how do we get to the zoo it's like really far away why we take the bus of course they should be bus stop nearby okay huh how did I get to the town center I carried you here just a voice no I can do more than that you know ribbit I don't need to prove anything you read I want to see what I can do oh wait my shoe life I'll buy Leah right and carry oh that did you see I'm not just a voice in your head misfortune no what did you see I had a shoelace problem ah that's just going them okay so Derek the narrator is has some powers hi you look familiar seen the ghost listen wait a minute is that Daniel about me Lee you know this child yes from school she told our teacher to shove the Hummer up his butt she's very Italian you know who she probably ran away from home she will turn up soon you think so yes there definitely has to do with these missing kids definitely those people in the picture looks so happy drinking their youth those people in the picture looks so happy drinking their youth mommy brings me here all that time it's really boring did you store she sends me to buy cigarettes while she hacks strangers by the dumpster okay just gonna tiptoe around that comet as everywhere casts that man just dropped his wallet what do you want to do wait sir you dress your wallet I'm a good girl and now you drop something else girl best one time mommy took me here and forgot me I got to play inside all night until of security mama family hey but I was the raccoon well that sounds like it was a fun night for you yeah except for me crying a lot but it was fun instead for me thank you well have a look is it the winner if I can scratch it i won [Music] maybe next time [Music] masks happy it says let's face it sometimes we're just too tired to smile you happy with and stop pretending door who is it this is that food who's Casey up front from school haven't seen him for a while bow oh it's the guy who dropped the wallet and the lottery ticket Oh No oh no it's all missing kids look even more missing children posters so mainly I wonder what they're missing oh don't you worry about them I'm sure they will all turn up one day you think so of course I don't know mr. voice very mysterious [Music] he's no good here we are have you ever taken the bus all by yourself before I'm not sure what to do do we need a second let's find out there's an information board look we have to wait two minutes yikes forever I can't wait to meet Bank I mean scuffing up the suit I'm gonna tell her bubbly and Jimmy behind and that Benjamin should be ashamed that sounds great it says that all children under 15 years old can write the bus for free parents date so I'm good great hmm think about it maybe you mean above take it you sound old I'm definitely older but nobody can see me okay yes more or less there we go load EP with the $5 super chat I'm back at missed a good part but the only question I have why does everyone wear weed masters creepy I don't know they haven't said yet there's a mask shop oh I got blurry Mary come on camera there's a mask shop that sells masks because people are too tired to smile sometimes that's all I know about the masks and Lauren a bell with the $5 CPI thanks so much please shout help me and my sis Kate I love you oh thank you Lauren and Kate for the East which at here is glitter Furlow GP man for you guys should I sit down oh wait do as you please okay first that's drape is scope that comes Road dick don't think misfortune hi hello wait did you take me to the Skype with your friend Lily got you like someone 2020 is likes forever yeah okay okay yikes forever letter okay Santa all right so let's wait for the bus I'll sit I'm a bit tired from all the walking your mouth I can't imagine you have a very small feet those ladies out there a little scary don't you think me I've seen worse really yes my mommy also uses a mask she likes to hide her smile and tears behind it I'd like to have a mask like that so I guess it was just like an alternate reality where everybody wears masks people can't see their real emotions I'm so pleased Lizzie teal blue thanks so much for the super job is keeping me company yes you know he's my friend from yep um he's a ghost you know he's always saying he Madoka - suka you have really funny misfortune there is no such thing as ghosts hey misfortune look there's a bunch of cows on the field I think we're getting close to the zoo now okay most rappers not whereas here we are I can't wait to go inside you have the ticket right I won't take it Oh didn't I give you a ticket earlier what I'm sorry I totally forgot do you have any ideas on how to get inside you know without pain hmm I saw Mommy showing her boobies finally restored but I haven't yet so that may not work I see you have an idea [Music] listen special me well make the cashier look somewhere else you know fool him okay let's meet the guys forever they're gonna create a diversion he looks really asleep just wait and see he's fortunate wait and see thank so much for the dollar super chat huh they know about the missing children here ah they know about the missing children here hello can I get inside for free I just mopped boom how do you think it's to the zoo do you can I think it's only happy nothing it's all day like yucky later okay this is breakable like like with a rope or something like like a stone oh I have a student came up with an idea break the window you stony if I break this window and make a hell of a noise oh wow that's a wild idea but I like it thank you break it oh we have to that's rune stones rune stone I don't wanna I don't wanna give up stony yet oh the rune stone oh I might need that oh good she took it back [Music] isn't this wonderful we'll get to see say many caged animals by the way very impressive but now we should find out yes remember he knows whether fox lips what do you just say to me give yourself uh [ __ ] Oh misfortune watch that mouth oh dear we need to get your happiness back as soon as possible hear any noises says Dexter's eating something underneath litter kind of parent lives across the entire world watch would say very little about animals now it isn't trust me think you a be cured you for the superjet learning about owls I love the picture these owls normally hang their libraries bookstores and coffee shops although they seem incredibly smart they're huge self-centered lifestyle drives them to gather useless information they would love attention did you blow a fuse somehow I feel offended by this bird oh yeah we saw this for earlier doesn't know what it's doing oh my god the name of this not gonna fit of this steel bird seeds yeah I'll take this I want to fit the perch so they're not hungry Oh Ellen Palin parent thank you so much for these super chat have you noticed that the game is taking place in Sweden I am from Sweden act how special to being able to resize I did not note that Thank You Ellen not Airy thanks so much for the super chat I am moving this narrator yeah I love all the characters [Music] so much find the wolf so we know where to go I think there's do who is about to close right here great job let's hurry up now let's go to the mall I'm feeling really on the wing Michael look what's happening - I smell homo waking up inside you must know all know what's that body's preparing to create life inside you you get a lot of new feelings that are completely normal three to five days from your suffer each month for many many years did you like garbage are you for real yes I am I think we missed an emergency later so much better well that's a gaya why turn there let's continue I guess please at the bottom of the first time yes those are people's wishes come on player wishes people nowadays think they can buy everything money I wish I could throw a coin and ask for my happiness but also that then gently transforming to a good thing because I would totally go out on a date with him good he's a box done here misfortune yeah he's a box girl [Music] Oh Benjamin yeah I wish I could write Japanese so I could sell my cute postcard to my friend Hiro but where does the ghost limb stop lying misfortune ghosts are not real yellows because you don't have a ghost from [Music] sweet flashes they could be all my babies don't get too attached those toys looking just looking their way to the wolf yes let's go them Oh looks like this area is closed to the public ah you'll have to sneak past the janitor to get through the other side don't let her see you otherwise she will lock you in all your mummy I'm like a sweet belittling yes let go hide behind those boxes right great idea hide behind a box onto your side back to you already let's do this I'm ready look there in the picture is sucking a popsicle it looks like it's strawberry flavored little mean young lady well done Miss Fortune now wait for her to turn it back to you what why that's what that means yes doing movies oh it's a bird person well this isn't a movie so just do as I say when she's ready you can jump out keep moving we failed crap Oh Oh ma'am we got caught by that cops busted by their loss we should get out of here and find the wolf all right [Music] okay just hit when am i streaming the next part I don't know yet probably not till next probably next week at some point I have family coming to visit Friday so I can't this weekend and tomorrow I gotta get ready for them to come visit and then next weekend or next week I yeah next week I should be able to maybe around the same day maybe Wednesday again we shall see but make sure you're subscribed over here on the live channel for when I do do it the next time so that you're notified and yeah thank you guys so much for all the super chats hopefully maybe next time the memberships will be working I'm gonna talk to my partner manager about it tomorrow and see what the deal is and yeah thanks so much for hanging out this was awesome and I can't wait to continue part two I'm sure it gets week worse but yeah that's it make sure to leave a like as well especially if you made it all the way till here and I will see you guys over on the main channel with regular videos Friday maybe to Sunday or no sorry fry a new video Friday I think to new videos Saturday I'm gonna be trying something new and another video Sunday but yeah thanks guys [Music]
Channel: LaurenzLIVEside
Views: 784,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, little misfortune, part 1, live, livestream
Id: use1LjUSRKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 41sec (5861 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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