6 DAYS, 491 Q-TIPS + 982 HAIR PINS... for CURLS!!! *EMOTIONAL*

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all i'm thinking about is after i'm done with this hairstyle i'm gonna take a week off from touching my hair and just sit down and eat ice cream [Music] [Applause] those girls were gorgeous fabulous juicy but would i ever do them again hell no hell no how [Music] i really must have problems so here's the ground plan for today's video fit as many hairpins when i say hairpins remove fast hairpins okay everything i'm too cute [Music] i'm going to be trying to curl my hair with as many q-tips as possible so right here i have four hundred cotton buds four hundred and i'm gonna try and fit them all in my head oh you birthday don't even know what you got yourself into the most complicated thing right now to get right is to figure out how we are going to secure the q-tip to our hair yes this this is very important because we need to ensure that it's secure enough so that it stays in my hair long enough for my hair to completely dry if it's not set in place it's not going to dry in place and then it's gonna get frizzy it's just simple it's it's that's just how it is so we don't know what's how hot the bun looks at right apparently q-tip is just a brand of cardboards so if we remove the cotton from just one end of the cotton board you'll realize that there's a tiny little hole in the middle and what i'm thinking is if we grab for our trusty hairpins bobby pins are hairpins whatever you want to call them and i'm thinking that after wrapping my hair around the q-tip it can stick yeah okay i can stick the hairpin through the hole through the hole and secure my hair in place oh my god wow [Music] all right let's start this out let's separate a nice small section of hair real tiny [Music] that's secure one down a lot more to go [Music] and nothings were not secured this is very important and it was at this point i realized things just got a whole lot more difficult what am i doing [Music] this is even worse than before i'm gonna have to put a hairpin on one end and a hairpin on the other end which technically it's not a cute tip anymore like i'm taking off the other side of the cotton and now it's just a tiny little plastic rod [Music] it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fun and i'm really curious to kind of what the finished look is gonna be why are you not going down why are you not moving why are you not going through [Music] why isn't this working the two bobby pins are no fighting for space inside that tiny little cutie ball so yeah i just had to push down the bottom bobby pin a little bit no biggie just a little bump in the road absolutely [Music] oh crap this is really going to slow me down [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah okay yeah this is taking a while um my fiance sat down and he actually picked off all the cotton of quite a few q-tips for me easy yay so i have a few q-tips here without cotton so i should be able to move a little bit faster and i just remember that i hadn't shown you guys the time um or the date right now i don't know oh okay yeah so right now it is january 11 7 58 p.m we're gonna say how many days this is going to take to complete [Music] ah the last one in this section it is now 9 54 same january 11 yeah so my shoulders are tired i'm tired so i'm just going to finish up this last this last curl in this front section and then i'm going to take a long break [Music] yes i'm still leaving thank you add it to my cup but honestly i'm done for the night good morning oh my gosh so it's the next day i am up i'm ready to film and before my parents had just left for work he showed me what he was up last night doing [Music] i'm really just a clothes yeah i was going to show you all the cotton buds my fiance stayed up until 3 a.m to pick why that sounds so weird to say he was picking cotton patherium yeah just leave it this is definitely going to help me save on time today i am pretty sure well based on how many is left in the actual container i'm pretty sure this will take me through the day [Music] hmm [Music] well yeah it's almost nine o'clock in the morning no i'm hungry so i'm gonna go put on some eggs yeah that's what i'm feeling for this morning well eggs [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah all right it is now 5 44 p.m it's been a day my shoulder my back hurts i'm tired however i'm almost halfway through yeah i'm gonna go jog and yes it's in a public space so yes i will be going out in public looking like this i really wonder if i have the energy to good job so yeah i just come from jacking as you can see i wrapped a scarf on my head and this is how i jumped and everything looks like it's still intact so yeah all right light change holy crap i'm only halfway through my hair and i'm already on day two what the [ __ ] did i get myself into why did i do this again why did i do this to myself again why did i do this yeah but there's a time so it's now 10 16 january 12th so yeah yay all right i've gone to my bed [Music] some histories believe i mean i am halfway through so it don't make any sense i'll stop now right just one at a time [Music] 12 28 pm and starting to have a mini a mini panic session all right it's already midday and we're on day three day three if i'm gonna make a rough estimate as to when i'm actually going to finish this based on the fact that it's mid day three and i've only finished half of my health that would mean i have two and a half more days to go [Music] just one at a time just one curl at a time i'm halfway done i just got to the gym and i don't know what i'm trying to do with my head right now i don't know why i'm even trying to hide this madness i really should have stayed at my yard but you know dedication i'm just i'm just going to ignore people get my workouts in and leave alright [Music] [Music] listen don't judge me i don't even wake up properly is all right it is now 5 43 a.m i went to my bed really late last night well this morning getting some of these curls done i fell asleep on this couch i just opened my eyes and i'm gonna get back at it and i may have to go out and buy more q-tips because this is only what's left of the q-tips yeah i'm going to be using more than 400 q-tips in my hair [Music] oh gosh i'm tired my hands tired so yeah can't even lie down yeah i'm gonna hurry up go to the store cover my hair with my scarf as you can see this is how much i i might have to postpone that because i'm really not sure i can finish this today i'm gonna try but i'm really not sure it's possible so i went i bought the extra q-tips i came home i was tired and if you look into my eyes right now you can see my eyes are ready i just really wanted to be done with this so with that determination in mind i sat down on the night of day four and i said i wasn't going to go anywhere i was determined to get this done i'm on the last of the 400 cutie i had a few q-tips in my bathroom that my fiance already picked the cotton off of so i'm about to apply this 400 q-tip and then we have 60 more q-tips in this cup white q-tips if this doesn't complete the hairstyle i'll then move on to the new pack of q-tips i purchased today and on that note i stayed up the entire night on day for applying q-tips to my hair because i was determined that the weekend was not going to catch me doing the same way and buy some miracle i got a two hour before the sun came out and this happened actually can feel that i'm almost at the end and this this feeling of excitement just just came over me a while ago like oh my gosh like it's day five and i'm almost done like i am actually almost finished this thing wow wow this must be what extreme exhaustion feels like cause i have no energy but i just had a boost of energy like [Music] i'm almost done day number five it is now 10 06 a.m i really never need to buy a full pack like this i could have just buy like one of the hundred pack so i'm gonna just sit down and pick the con off 30 of these q-tips and hopefully that should be it this video is to introduce my new series anything but curlers it's as the name suggests i'll be curling my hair with anything but curlers rags scarves socks paper bag well i guess i already kind of technically do that already on my channel but we're making it an official series now so just leave your suggestion down below in the comment section and you know my curiosity would take it from there i actually find that i'm going a lot slower with this final section because it's so hard to maneuver like the space is so small oh my lord and the loose hair keeps wanting to intermingle with the hairpins so it's really hard i'm finished wow so that's 400 plus 59 plus 32 i have 491 q-tips in my hair and 982 hairpins bobby pins securing those curls so i'm just going to have this for one more night to allow this to completely dry and set and we'll see the results in the morning you brought me a neck pillow let me see if i can oh lord we have two long ones at the back no that's why i said put it under it ow you really lift them up instead and put them under ah yeah just cover it yeah ow oh wait i mean i think this might be you can see i think so next supported [Music] the last few days of our blur one big blur i just cannot believe that i woke up on january 11th and said to myself you know what let me just try and fit as many q-tips in my hair as possible so right now it is january 16 and this is honestly a surreal moment like i'm finally going to pull these things over my hair imagine if it don't dry so i'm just going to start by pulling out the bobby pins towards the ends first and then i'm going to pull up the back pins towards the top i really don't have much of a technique or method to this right now i just need these out of my head let me just tell you everything right now is a chore putting a shirt over my head right now is a chore moving the the pins to wash my face sure put on makeup what makeup so what have on my face even putting the shirt over my head is a chore the clothing choices i make right now are based on how wide the neck hole is so that i can stretch it to put it over my head [Music] all right now these are called the hairpins at the top i can't wait to see the final results damn that's tight what is your hair going to look like after this oh my god [Music] all 491 q-tips and 982 bobby pins are out and it only took me about two and a half hours and now i look like a 12-year-old little girl [Music] i don't want to really do anything much to it yet because it's so fresh and i'm scared i'm just gonna allow it to do what i want to do i think in about the next two or three days i will take a peek and give it some more volume and some more juice some more juice some joji some jujin you know what it looks like it looks like it could be like a crusher weave or something i'm pretty sure there's a we go there with this same curl cutter pretty sure don't make this one i'm pretty sure i did that one while i was falling asleep but oh a child i'm so excited to see how it looks in the next few days like is it going to get more volume with us and keep the short legs or is it going to get longer like are the curls going to drop [Music] or is it going to get voluminous and longer [Music] if you guys are curious to find out how long this style lasts and how it looks the next few days be sure to tell me down in the comment section i will film an update for you guys let me know if you enjoyed this video all right let's drop the bar a little bit if you were entertained all right let's let's try the bar a little more if you've never seen a video like this in your entire life and you're really wondering if this girl mad give me a thumbs up if this is your first time on my channel and you haven't decided from this one video that you want to subscribe that's fine subscribing can feel like a commitment and we don't know each other that well yet so i'll do you guys a favor and i'll leave more of my videos up in the i card so you can watch more get more familiar with my channel and then after watching like two or three more of my videos you should realize by the time that you actually enjoy my content and you are very much welcome here so it just makes sense to subscribe okay beauties thanks again for watching later oh this week is gonna be awkward if anyone sees me and says oh i love your hair i might just have to tell them it's a wig it's it would be easier than telling someone that you know i sat down for five days with almost 500 q-tips and curled my hair
Channel: Viv HairTherapy
Views: 1,790,545
Rating: 4.9652977 out of 5
Keywords: Vivianna, 5-minute crafts, crafty, diy, tricks, tips, DIY projects, how to style natural hair, grow hair faster, natural hair, hair journey, type 4 natural hair, medium length hair, type 4c hair, natural hair products, curly hairstyles, tutorial, black women hairstyles
Id: DlhUqwXTxoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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