I Tried to Be A MOM in Among Us ...but I Failed

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all right kids let's go make snowman look at you go you're so talented look what my kid made don't go playing in the vents what did i tell you guys about playing in the vents [Music] okay i'll try the mom thing for a couple rounds and see how it goes okay kid i don't have a name for my kid though all right child here's our leave task we have to work hard so i can put you through college come in children oh children oh no i know you don't like the dark hold on mommy's gonna get the lights don't worry scott keep my yes let's just say scott's got lights on his head okay oh children we have to go until electrical and i'm really nervous about it i will keep you guys safe i promise don't go playing in the vents what did i tell you guys about playing with the vents you were playing to the vents and then we saw us and now we're dead i hope you're happy kid you're gonna be an orphan now all right children let's try this again nobody go near vents all right as you can see there's dangerous people that live in the vents also you both need to learn that scott is the worst but you may have already learned that if the kills during the lights i'm the one that did the lights i thought you're about to be like i think i'll be sure that was me either yes kids i know you want mcdonald's all right but we got to finish our tasks first this is a terrible day to bring my children to work day oh my god there's so many people hello nobody else brought their kids to work today just me just just me nag and entertain both of you children keep a lookout while i can't see what's going on and please try to alert me if somebody's coming toward me with a knife that would be great but mommy i'm dark that's too bad the world's a dark place you'll learn good keeping look out children all right all my tasks are on the left side now body is top off cafeteria oh my god i was just gonna say i know how bad this looks because i just walked past them but i swear it was not me i was like of course they found a body right from where i was okay children you put the blue to the blue the pink to the pink the yellow to the yellow and the red to the red yay i'm teaching you so many things oh god don't know why sparkles just ran away from hey chad weren't you i was on you i was with you what do you mean you're with me are you still in nav okay i just have two tests in reactor and then i think i'm good oh it's simon says my kids love simon says oh okay it really does not look good for you jordan this is very unfortunate jordan scared the crap out of me children should we go find friends yes mommy scott could be a friend scott do you want to be my kids friends scott oh wait i forgot scott murders us in the beginning no children he's a bad influence we need to get away from him now he's gonna think i was trying to kill him okay blue to blue right children pink to yellow no you guys are stupid pink red to what red that's right did chad's probably watching me like why why is it taking her so long oh no oh no oh no oh oh no one of them is shelby so i was on council lights when i seen her go into uh mid bay so then i came out of cams and stood at the door and i was like what else if that vent moves i know it's hard the vent moved so it shall be i'm gonna trust scott on this one i could be horribly horribly wrong but oh god well why'd you tell me that after i voted yeah i think we're dead right it's over it's over it's time to shuffle chad all right children where do you want to go today no we can't go to mcdonald's yet that's not looking good uh cause scott ran out of navigation and shovel was in navigation and scott did this weird little stutter step when he was walking out like he was like realizing oops if i had kell shelby there i 100 would have vented telling you having these kids with me they keep me alive longer actually no that's a lie i died pretty quick in both the other rounds i just keep forgetting hey guys i accidentally left the game the body just got vent killed in the back of electrical literally saw like the vent oh like leaving i did not catch them at the time though oh i think it's hot it's just i promise you it was not my time scott scott why are you just standing at a wall scott yeah so uh you didn't realize you couldn't sleep through the door yes that was wolfobel 100 oh okay wait wait wait you can see the other side of the door when it's closed i guess the doors are kind of transparent i think the other one's scott it's not yeah because otherwise you guys wouldn't have my house for each other wow i was even near there children one of them are a murderer stay away it's probably scott cause he's the worst so scared i'm so scared i'm so scared children keep watching did i finish it kind of just want to eat scott off the ship if you want to take me out and then i don't like have to be there while you get killed by lauren if it's her because i don't think it's basically has to be learned well then i'm voting for you because it's 100 i'm not wanting to vote i would rather kevin finish on tasks but i'ma play it spicy i'm plate spicy oh wait wait no i did it wait i did it though i voted scott oh scott would have gotten off children they're trying to frame mommy okay if mommy has to go to jail because she gets framed i don't know you're probably gonna be on your own and nobody's gonna take care of you i'm just just being honest oh god oh no scott it's gonna get away from me and my children jordan help where's time who killed time oh my okay children we're in a new place now don't talk to strangers don't talk to chad he's a stranger chad get away from my kids oh kids look a snowman oh kids keep a lookout i will take you to go build snowmen in a second there's one snowman but he's near a hole children you don't want to go near holes they're bad except i do have to do this task but chad chad's making me nervous does he want to be friends i'm not going behind the rock with you chad i'm gonna go behind a rock with you you think i am i promised to build snowmen with my children chad and you just distracted me from that hold on kids mommy's just gonna do her work for a little bit now we can make snowmen all right all right kids let's go make snowmen look at you go you're so talented look what my kid made kid number two on my head you are not talented you are lazy and you're hurting my head uh i forgot where i was going for a second where am i i i thought it was lauren honestly she just ran i don't know why you said it's not lauren oh yeah lauren did an audrey i didn't know where the reactor was got the camera because like she said weapons i just realized what i was like i don't i didn't realize where the reactor was the reactor's at the top of the map it's like the easiest reactor of every of any map whoops i'm like not thinking my these kids are making me lose my mind let me finish my task and we will go back out to finish the snowman okay nope in front of his family nikki slice and dice chad right in the entrance of weapons nikki anything like that who do you guys think is the second one just wondering lauren seems less to me it's not me lauren was on the wheels and she just walks off the wheels and then walked back on the wheels yeah because i do each wheel i just do each wheel and look i'm doing the third wheel hey kids do you want to build a snowman i love how being suspicious i'm just being a good among us mom sorry kid sorry people keep ruining our snowman making ah ah lauren how sweaty do you want to use him let's get his lights off right now let's get spicy oh you oh the game doesn't end stay on the button and press it okay you don't have to worry about it it was me oh children we're bi oh my god hold on as soon as i'm done with the water wheel we can never mind you're never gonna get to build snowmen okay children this is the death room all right now please keep an eye out so that i nothing happens to mommy okay thank god good job good job kids that's why i had you to keep watch over me while i'm doing my job dangerous world out there oh god it's dark it's dark i just wanted to know what time was that you just stood pushed up against the wall yeah i was just accepting my death kids look it's snowmen we can finally build snowmen together all right so you can make that snowman and i wait i oh my god you're such a disappointment face that snowman well i faced this snowman all right whatever whatever we'll do it at the same time okay yay we're having fun as a family do you want to build a snowman oh okay what the what were you doing i was building snowmen with my children oh shelby was just passing me and then she just stops and there's a vent there so i was like did she just you never know with lauren because it could be hard or it could have actually just been hard talking about snowman you never know lauren oh wait we were supposed to vote sorry my bad my bad my bad oh no i'm sorry i cleared gloom for round one so i'm glad that i skipped anyway but still bad still bad still bad oh my god i saved it i saved it i saved it i saved it wait where did how did glenn die it has to be shoveled oh no it doesn't i did right side reactor i was thinking there's something around the shell that was with fire up and two of you are lying wait scott if it's shelby who's the other person yeah wouldn't be lost i saved us and you guys oh my god guarding me thank you you're the bees well i don't think it's cassie [Music] oh poor baby don't you walk over my child five up trampled my child not only did he kill me and my child now he's trampling my orphan child he's about to do it again he's just traveling children look flowers you need to water flowers to make sure that they grow and you don't kill them okay so we're gonna water this one don't pee on them water them there we go what a nice hobby we could do as a family too bad there's dead bodies everywhere scott and gloom have scanned yeah oh chubby i wasn't gonna say that yet [Music] yeah but this map again i didn't know who i have to kill them oh god oh it's so dark oh no children oh i can't protect you children oh chad you have a little kid that's stranded here too yes good luck oh no i have been waiting to get impostor this whole time and i finally get it but i'm on like the worst maps to have it on i may have just gotten away with that i don't think he saw it because of the lights all right children today you're going to learn about murder crap i probably shouldn't have did that doing the download doing the download i was up where like the crystals are and the sorting but nobody was up there have you been teaching your children how to murder i would never do that i've been a great mom making snowmen it might be a life skill that they need to learn are we sure that the four of you guys are here you don't have one imposter [Music] yeah but i knew that and i didn't kill you if i was the imposter ugh disgusting okay i wish that was me but it was not me if it's not you or shovel then it's definitely jordan and lauren yeah time i guess oh i heard again [Applause] so in today's among us video i was trying to help my fake kids but i wanted to tell you guys a little bit about a way that i've been trying to help kids in real life i wanted to talk to you guys about we think which is a super cool educational technology we think has partnered with project tomorrow a national charity i've recently partnered with to help implement the video game platform we think into schools serving underserved communities especially those who have been drastically affected by coven research shows students playing video games helps with develop teamwork and collaborative skills critical thinking and problem solving skills as well as other essential skills all necessary for life success in school work and relationships it also reduces the impact of trauma and isolation during these challenging times i recently had an interview with their ceo and actually got to experience what it's like to be a student using the we think software so just do me a favor please check out the link in my description below there's one that'll let you donate to project tomorrow and another that shows the full video of my interview and using the we think software it will help bring video games into the educational system and serve underserved communities we're trying to bring this program to 500 schools in the us over the next 90 days also next week on december 14th 17th and 18th i'm going to be running super fun charity streams over on my twitch channel to raise money for we think through project tomorrow link to that is also in the description below and if you're able to donate it is for such a good cause you
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 1,649,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, among us, among us but, i tried, gloom, smajor, scott, dangthatsalongname, funny moments, laurenzside among us, tiktok, tik tok, among us tik tok, among us tiktok, among us mom, among us kids, among us children, roleplay, 5up, parenting
Id: k0KnQRCITfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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