I Tried to be the MOST SUS Crewmate AGAIN For No Reason in Among Us

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i'm going to vote for a lawyer again what is happening what is happening to me [Music] jeez this is a long round no bodies there's no bodies oh no oh no oh no saikuno [Music] now we're going away from you i don't even have i need to go that way for my tasks i'm too scared i can't that was long oh my god how are three people dead right now i saw lauren run past me and there's a body and nav i didn't see which one i saw lauren standing on top of a vent quite suspicious i was trying to stay away from you what do you mean stay away from me you were watching me i got nervous you on the next she was on the right side i saw her run down yeah i was at leaves and i see her run past and then i'm going into nav and there's a report button wait you guys trying to say it's me so it was not ready yes yes yes yes they are the only person i've seen is cycuno and that was right toward the end wait a minute you said i saw her standing on top of the vent by shields oh wait you saw me doing shields and then i moved away from shields and stood in the corner away from you on top of them oh lord you voted for me because you're assaulting me for trying to get away from you saikudo stay away from me what they're trying to throw me under the bus wait where am i oh god i look suspicious well great now nobody's gonna kill me because they're gonna want me as a scapegoat i need to get to lights so that people don't think i murdered somebody ah oh my god oh wow i didn't suspect cassie at all somebody murder me chad murder me murder my booty somebody one of you murdered me come on come on come on this is just gonna be another episode of lauren is suspicious for no reason lauren tries to be success for no reason oh it wouldn't it would make sense though because oh god i thought i got murdered because look sus i don't know i am wearing the sushir maybe i should just be suss i mean it's happening anyway i could just like stand in corners lauren when did you leave dan when did i leave dan i was with him a lot in the beginning we went to electrical probably after electrical because then i went me and dan fix lights yeah i was gonna say i i wasn't in life dan was in dan's dead well i didn't kill dan i would never do that uh sakuno what's that about oh see i'm not even trying to be suss but i am sus cause suss isn't my name and i'm wearing sauce on my shirt okay so it's a cute casual chad and lauren what yeah that's probably chad and lauren wait i was in advance why the lauren cause i was yeah but for sure chad then right yeah i just went for it i don't feel great about this but then skip if you don't like it yeah take a moral stance yeah yeah but now if it's him i'm gonna look oh good i'm not the only one i'm not the only one vote on seven yeah oh god wait a minute chad's maybe oh wait we've already all right um i mean i saw saikuno last round in weapons he didn't kill me even though we were like pretty secluded i would say i'm just innocent guys i okay yeah the name sounds like unsubstantiated why i had a hunch a few rounds ago but i forgot why what's your truth seikuno tell us your truth oh my god it's five weeks yeah we should go for someone here wow wow oh my [Laughter] i literally said what's your reason and he said i don't remember i just thought you were kind of suspicious and they were like well that's enough for me what did god help us all after oh we can't believe here now did i mention that i didn't remember why i thought it was yeah i wasn't sure about it could be me right he always does these mind games he's like maybe it was me it could have been who the heck is the other person his time what he was the only person that vouched for me that uh oh god that scared me so bad i walked down from cafeteria the report button flashed before the round's over cassie did you see chad while we were walking in that area because i swore i saw red come up as the body was avoided i don't think so but i found it in the dark so okay the baby comes from okay it might have been the report red that i was thinking of like i'm going crazy if we play if it ends up being him and i play that back i'm gonna be so bad at myself i didn't push it not doing a good job being sussed although i did get ejected last time oh hello everybody it's me lauren z suss everybody left me nobody cares i walked up to left engine and chad is killing and walking away oh i saw the entire that's unfortunately they're on my friend i was gonna say cassie didn't i say i saw red i thought at some point if it wasn't then i don't know i didn't see anything oh chad chad all you had to do was say was hofu i don't know i knew it what did i say i said we're gonna replay that and i'm going to be like i knew i saw red for the most part i've called who it was i suspect i just always do because he plays mind games so i was wrong about saikudo most of the time he's being very quiet this round is he dead is he just dead is that why he's quiet nope i think it's rey it's not me if you're a crew you're a hundred percent on chad right just wanna yeah i think so yeah yeah i believe her for the chat oh [Music] should i go to electrical i mean i'm already oh it'd be more sus if i didn't go to electrical hi scott the name scott starts with an s you know what else does suspicious which is what i am suspicious mean i guess i could start doing fake task webs or just standing at things for a really long time i don't have anything up here what am i doing good that was suspicious oh ready ready tips and tricks click oh did they patch it wait so there used to be like a hack where you could do both of these at in one shot lights went on i'm walking up the bodies right next to the gas i was up in the top left finishing my like task where you have to line up the line thingy that's a lie that's where i am right now wait no guys i just left s major chad is like you know in medved and i'm there doing the exact task that you just no you're not why would i say that i was doing a task that somebody else was there and would obviously know that i was not there because you said it first example it's unlucky that that's the exact task i was doing oh right i still don't know ray what are you doing yeah i feel good about that oh you should not you should not feel good about that what this is what does this keep happening to me wait it's not ray why did she say i wasn't there i was i was because i was supposed to be suspicious so if they voted me out i was obviously being suspicious i have not been imposter once the game's like she's just too sus we can't give it to her because she'll be found out immediately do be suspicious do be suspicious do you be suspicious let's just put these all over the place oh wait that one's nope nope there we go beautiful did it perfect alignment yay did it i am best crew mate there we go here we go get there we go there we go they're so lucky to have me as a good not at all suspicious crewmate that does their tasks like they're supposed to jodi your rotation was hella weird you like ran up and down specimen like you ran like into lab through specimen and then back again i actually was like oh i guess i look kind of sucks like if anyone runs into me and species i don't remember that psych you know i remember what your terrible judgment no no it was just it was just a misclick guy lauren you're not muted it happened again i was doing so good wow i just wow is that my only task on the other side but i have how do i still have this task left i did it perfectly twice oh my god i still didn't do it yeah i know gloom is clear i mean she's scanned in front of me i've been in specimen literally this whole time i gloom in half with both of you not sure i don't know yeah i know i'm wondering why they just keep hard clearing each other every round when did i clear how sorry hoffman's i didn't move like this whole round because no one was there you think it's me i do too no anyway i'm gonna vote for a lawyer again what's up what where oh my god why does this keep happening to me what is happening oh my god here's their escape goal every single time i'm literally not doing anything suspicious i don't think they're going to call anything they're are they oh they're called cons oh dan's chasing glasses [Music] hi chad i'm scared of you what's up chad oh god did you do that chad can i handle the rock oh my child's kinda like yeah that makes sense jesus and it's right on spawn right on okay so i've just paused like you know i went down courage was woken up and now he's dead instantly i i just was just counting people that were coming off the ship i didn't walk all the way up i don't know why they would kill here actually because uh there's so many people around well i mean they got away with it yeah i was gonna say but nobody saw it i was just hiding under glue and then the report button showed up i am on the bottom left node on the left side of office i know i'm about to get sussed for this kill because uh i was on cameras and i saw s major on waterwheel uh and then was on the bottom left but i haven't said where the body is well i'm assuming it's somewhere in your bottom left side came out of o2 i went down did the the leper thing and then walked out toward uh weapons but i never went into like the water wheel i'm getting confused because lauren is black because courage usually plays as the black character oh yeah mixed up so time you said you saw lauren come out of o2 or no yeah which i just admitted to just now no not just now like five seconds ago i camped vitals after doing temperature uh this kill happened probably 10 seconds ago what i didn't know is that once lights got fixed i literally saw the person over near temperature that's not it's impossible the game wasn't the game doesn't still cool down yeah the kill cooldown is not even funny oh i listen i'm just telling if i okay if i had to guess it's five to ten seconds ago i'm so sad of you dude crap i'm pretending to do silences that's simon says right i cannot find rey's body at all behind me the last person i saw was courage i followed you into admin she split off to write out the right side office where you killed it who do you think it is courage i believe it's show time yeah i think i couldn't run in it's not it's obvious it's not me i'm telling you right now it's not me i'm doing time we have to go i have to go with it earlier split it up yeah i mean look at the videos if the game doesn't end it's just those two no oh did we get brained on now she's walking away from her body she did through the reactor wait what uh yep yeah where uh on left reacting i wasn't even dead i wasn't even over by left reactor then where were you i was in contact weren't you there i was in comms trying to finish that like the download or upload or whatever the thing i mean it's on you did whatever you uh i got a killer out i i have been sausage lauren pretty much the whole game so i'm just gonna go gut feeling if it's wrong it's wrong please dan i can't believe you've done this again [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've done black friday's here and you know what that means brand new merch mystery boxes this super cute puppy plushy bread backpack guaranteed in every single box as well as all of these super cute dexter accessories shown and on top of all of that you'll get some mystery merch items and if for some reason that wasn't enough we have brand new hoodies and sweatpants two new t-shirt designs and brand new face masks all of these new items are available for a limited time or while supplies last so make sure to grab them before they're gone [Music] you
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 1,313,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, among us, among us friends, funny moments, lauren scott, dangthatsalongname, smajor1995, imposter, worst imposter, best imposter, imposter fail, iq, Gloom, Scott, DanTDM, Sykkuno, Valkyrae, QuarterJade, Hafu, CouRage, omgchad, sus, crewmate, impostor
Id: RnSv6NW_zdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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