Among Us but Half the Lobby is BIG BRAIN & Half the Lobby is CHAOTIC

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[Music] we are right in let's go great to see you guys why do we have still all tasks okay also our vision is way too much yeah i don't know why i think we have an imposter vision right now i think uh wait can the imposter see nothing i'm dead of the apostles and they won't say anything hey nico can you see pretty good uh yeah i wouldn't know it's my first round so i only feel like the kills have been still levels because they can't see we're gonna have to find one to ask wait jay where did you say you work you were by mid b yeah yeah oh then it's g because he wasn't either i wasn't kept so it wasn't jay okay gloom i want to saw you in navi on in cams uh you left saw me in electrical um on cams i saw you in navi i was never a nav okay i don't know red is running out of weapons and that's kind of sauce whoever killed jay was not a very smart imposter that's all i'm throwing out wow lars just calling chad no i didn't hey i didn't say it was chad i would be smarter than that i would i would definitely definitely it's definitely not mean time i know that okay chad that's enough wait should we do murder should we vote on 8th oh my gosh it's his first game with us we just ejected and can't see [Laughter] the best part is i killed i killed cycuno couldn't see it was him it was like oh oh and then i killed jay and didn't know it was jade i was like that was so stupid why did i kill jay lauren you insulted yourself because you were like oh that would have been a stupid move to kill jake i know it was a very stupid move i was hitting my desk in here oh my god that was a disaster round i say we all just vote for who we think it is and we don't see we just vote i mean i don't really have anyone i'll always vote for bobby i don't know [Music] [Music] no way to go butt up from this one i want to protect uh lauren this round yay protect me yeah yeah i i got my hat so maybe i won't be so sus this round is he actually gonna oh okay we should do it do it do it what is happening i'm so confused the psychonauts protecting me well i unfortunately was not able to block the shot but uh bobby what on earth was that i think you just vented right in front of me nice protecting her great job way to go let my wife die do you think i murdered her why would i murder myself she said i saw you run right over and she exploded like i was with a lawn mower mr president you should have jumped in front i tried i'm going to vote excellent job bobby what the hell i can't believe bobby just up and killed me in front of everybody yeah i was so shocked gave me an opening i think this is my chance finally i didn't see the body but i saw jay run right past the path of where the body was where is it it's in the hallway between admin and uh where like the electricity panel room is that sounds pretty hard to make okay there's no way that jay didn't see not see the report unless he was not paying attention to it and then the lights went out and i went down because i didn't i didn't know where to fix it because i was just going to where the arrow was pointing what where was everyone else so the body is into the entrance to electrical no it's like on the way yeah it's in the hallway button there's no way you could miss that right maybe it happened after i went down there's no way you passed me like within a second of me finding it oh whoa one person is scaring two people the two imposters i mean if it was not j wrong place wrong time but come on i feel like any time i like oh geez oh my god scott it's scott first off it's scott it's scott i saw him come out of the vent then he chases after me into the cafeteria he caused the lights to go out which i wasn't able to hit the report the button call everyone a new meeting but then there was a dead body so i reported that one i don't and i guess that was in cafeteria okay so i literally have not seen chad i'm very confused scott i did see you you got almost the lights and then turned away why i didn't i was following behind you i don't vent in front of people it's not light here okay it's either chad's self-reported or small oh my gosh i think chad is selfishly witness testimony what are we doing i'm gonna trust chad on this one i feel like if chad's lying about this i'm gonna have trust issues with him for the rest of this game it was just bad timing yay oh jay really was the other yeah yeah she decided to stand near the body yay i'm usually i'm usually wrong with my hunches oh scott's doing his thing where he just like counts every single person coming oh i'm scared oh good good oh thank god you're in here with me trying to say names out loud so that if i get killed bobby doesn't where's the ball here like right in electrical nikko and cyclone can you just explain a little bit like a weird color i want to see if he would do the little dance with me but instead he was hovering over like the vent and i was like wait i figured if you were the imposter it would be too juicy of a kill for you to resist so you know he was baiting you that almost clears like funeral and nico for this kill it can't beat jay or chad cause they were in cafe bobby wow sorry bobby i didn't vote for you i checked logs right now because when lights went off chad came from who knows where and then wait jody you can read logs i tried but it said that he passed southwest center and then didn't pass it again and then he came from launch area and then he passed north so i think that means he vented but i really don't know because i don't know how to read boss i trust you jody to let you know like hey it might be i'm not sure not to like vote but you know what you can vote screw it i'll so i i think we may have gotten that one wrong so yeah i'm so sorry chad i i really thought jody read the logs so is it a chosen one so crazy play could jodie have tried to put blame on chad i'm going to vote myself off apology to chad for that i really thought she read the vlog all right now i gotta go all the way back to the launch pad and then i'm done with my tasks [Music] i'm unlocked and i can confirm that jay went north because i'm learning how to read vlogs i don't know if i touched the lines i'm learning it's time the reason why it's time was because light blue and purple were together in admin time ran down lights went off he vented it i'm not even there i just saw you but i don't know why you didn't kill me you could check the logs if you want to check the logs but i'm not there i'm on left side i don't want to check the logs i want to vote you're on the left side show time i'm doing my wires that's weird so yes technically if you walk down the cafeteria when right now i think i'm just getting framed because i'm not even in the room and she just probably killed and self-reported the ball since we know there's only one imposter i think you vote time and then you could do the 50 50 with us i'm okay with that well last time you did that chad went soaring into the nether as an innocent roommate it was a sacrifice to be made sorry i'm just a number i'm gonna trust you again i hope i hope it works if we trusted her twice it didn't work she can't be wrong twice right and the browser works as well try that oh i didn't realize the math gave me some warning before you changed these yeah i was like the map's different sorry about it i think he trusts me he shouldn't so in the beginning me lauren and cassie were top right alone i left and lauren is alive and cassie isn't there is no body top right okay then that wasn't lauren maybe try to throw me on the bus already it's shovel shovel was standing over the body unless you're reporting okay well now i was gonna say it's either you or lauren because you're the only ones in the room i was in simon says when i watched his body drop i didn't even see anything me lauren trouble and scott all went in there i was doing the code when i was done i saw scott's dead body and shovels standing over him so i'm only set on bobby because he called me out first and we didn't even say anything he also called me out for being with cassie when i wasn't dude okay it's definitely lauren right lauren and shelby i was with troubleless she seemed like she was doing her task you weren't nico weren't you looking at the what sorry the first one oh my god there's so many imposters what does that happen in trouble we can't go wrong with trouble or lauren what do you mean i was going too hard i mean i voted for him i voted for bobby because he was working it was lauren anymore hey bobby it was me good job laura i'm bringing cara in to prevent no she always gets me you
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,087,774
Rating: 4.97047 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, among us, among us but, i tried, gloom, smajor, scott, dangthatsalongname, funny moments, laurenzside among us, sykkuno, quarterjade, neekolul, big brain, IQ, chaotic, crazy
Id: kq8a3RvWTDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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