Why I'm NOT Friends With LDShadowLady & TheOrionSound Anymore...

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all right i trust joey now joey i swear it's scott it's scott okay if you haven't watched or played among us before here's just a super quick breakdown of what the game entails basically you can have up to 10 players and within those 10 players there are two imposters the goal of the imposters is to kill crewmates and frame bystanders they'll pretend to run tasks sneak through vents sabotage the ship and close doors to trap victims basically their objective is to kill everyone and be one or two of the last people standing the goal of the regular crew is to find out who the impostors are and get rid of them as well as making sure they complete their tasks nobody's allowed to talk to one another while tasks are being performed and once you're dead you're no longer allowed to talk in the group chat so the only time we can hear each other talk is during secret meetings being held or when a body is found okay i think that covers everything get ready for some friendships to end there's some serious betrayal that happens all right who is it oh scott's in here i don't trust him what are you doing okay he left he left he left he left he left oh god ollie's in here oh right that was like a really weird timing report interesting timing for both of us i think yeah really really interesting guys he's actually closed i know you guys can't hear me but it's ollie here was me thinking it was lauren because she was acting so so special i ran out we totally just chopped lauren in half here on that one uh right i don't know at least i know that i can convince somebody thank you don't you dare i'm suspicious of everyone well lizzy's down here lizzy wouldn't hurt why do you keep murdering loudoun i found lauren's body murdered as horrible in the comments my friends aren't evil nobody suspects lizzie i honestly thought that scott was gonna kill lizzy so i i followed her back in multiple times yeah thank you i noticed that i was a little bit scared i thought you were coming she said you wanna kill me she can't keep her components i don't think we know enough i'll say no i'm skipping yeah okay stop murdering her so sick okay we're haunting lizzy lizzy who are you trying to murder now you waiting for somebody to come to the room joey joey who died jimmy would you uh would you like to say anything about that one right there you need to be running away from the dead body there yeah that seems to be a quick run away you could have just kept walking brother just kept walking why did i not report it myself i'm following lizzie again i'm just haunting lizzy's b for the rest of her life oh she's the last imposter left now so yeah nobody else can see me right now except for the other ghosts so like lizzy can't see i'm haunting her oh she can't do anything there's too many people around oh my god scott leave scott leave scott oh why would you go back to the admin room spot yeah i literally walked into the room and said oh it's lizzy lizzy wouldn't kill me and then turned around and killed me [Applause] also not the murderer by the way i heard you all saying it i was doing the scanner the hand thing at the bottom of the room while you were at the top and he killed flip right in front of me no it wasn't me it wasn't me as he's floating out into space if i die from lizzie or scott i swear friendships are ending i'm so scared i don't want to be by myself wait was it joey's buddy yeah yeah oh yes who didn't go to reactor um i was not but i don't know what that is oh maybe it was lauren i did see somebody dressed in purple and lauren's thing's kind of purple so i'm voting for lauren are you kidding me oh my god guys guys guys it is one of them i did not know where the reactor was i did not know where the reactor was i did not know i love you thanks guys all my friendships are over they're all over i'm not friends with anybody anymore all right where's the reactor this thing all right i got played by scott and lizzy so it's definitely scott or lizzy here's scott it's scott it's 100 scott he was just standing there it's scott oh no it's joel joel's just killed scott oh they discovered the body you really don't know why catherine jimmy i don't know what to do but i don't know i'm going to feel so betrayed because i want to i promise you i promise i saw catherine run off when the reactor went off the first time and i can't i think it was somebody dressed in purple so i just gotta trust that oh no oh [Applause] wow still not the imposter i want to be the imposter oh god i don't trust you i want to be bi people get away from me i can't joey joey joey i'm so scared oh what are you doing down here jimmy oh he might be looking at the cameras all right let me do a task i have to do something too scared little me give me strength nobody's died yet or nobody's found a body yet oh god okay i just oh two people i found joel's body i saw a troll with someone who did i see him with it was a boy it was a boy boy i only saw i saw jimmy looking at cameras but i saw a flip watch out in electrical i was there with catherine and unfortunately scott on top of that one scott stuck behind us make sure catherine didn't kill me and then you know we were good there and then i moved across i don't know who to vote for you all are killing me here i hope that buster's going to go what did you guys do joey don't you dare joey joey get away from me oh okay joey was running after me well no i was not yeah i did so much stuff the last round i was shooting bullets at the damn asteroids coming at the ship i didn't see it i didn't see that no how would i know about that option you all screwed up it wasn't wow joey i think i saw a boy yeah and neither of them were men this reminds me of like five nights at freddy's because i can't i can't see well when i'm doing tasks so it leaves me vulnerable okay joey's over there by himself a little worried about that and he's out for vengeance against me because of last time oh no oh no oh no oh no okay good oh oh two oh he was giving me weird vibes because he never once did a task i just kept seeing him he ran up down that like right hallway like twice i get very spooked scott [Music] i'm so scared lauren you're not mutated away at least you know it's not me i'm scared i'm scared too guys it's scott it's scott it's scott it's scott's ticket what am i supposed to do okay i think i can trust joel i cannot trust scott there's no way i'm just all staying together i think i can trust joel that's the only person i think i can trust ah it's mother effing jimmy i know it i know it is i think it's jimmy and joel no joel's the one person i've been trusting it could be lauren because she was like behind without i just said you're all right i trust joey now joey i swear oh my god i'm so shocked i was with lauren and joey where was the body it must be ollie then we've been friends a long time yeah i'm going with ollie you're going with me well because i was with i was with the other two in the other room and none of us no i saw you all go that way and that's fair but i went the other way and joel was just dead crazy what are the odds i didn't know what to do [Laughter] i'm really scared so it can't be me sorry also rather scared so um like that i started a meme with saying saying you're scared i'm just gonna stay by everybody not really trusting lizzy right now are ready joey joey joey just away from me joey joey joey joey why were you uh why were you circling me like that because girl i need an alibi with me why would you need an alibi i've actually this is the first time i've ever seen a dead body and it's really terrible they're literally chopped in half i didn't know what it was at first joey you've literally killed people in previous rounds how do you mean you've never seen a dead body before are we voting i'm skipping oh no oh no stay away from joey and joel i also think lizzy's quite certain but let's carry on hello we have standoffs don't leave me flip i went down to do the trash shoot and always stood there and i thought oh great i'll prove to joel that i'm legit and then i realized was still the trash chute but the trash didn't come out i don't know what that means though i think joel pretended to do the trash shoot joel were you at the trash chute yeah why don't you have the trash so is lizzy trying to peg joel didn't want to save it i ate some peanuts i took a break to eat what is that what did you do with this where were you dancing i'd already done the trash shoot and then i ate the peanuts really suspicious what if i've been around a bunch so if he kills me well ollie was dead in the security room and i laura and i were just in the lower engine and we saw joel running up that way i think i'm skipping i'm too torn yeah oh not voting for joel oh because he's your friend fine i'll vote for you sorry john they bullied me into it was it him [Music] i should have known we don't even have any peanuts catherine where did you see the body admin and you walked right by it oh literally that would make sense for to this round of him walking by a dead body i have not been an imposter yet the betty start please sorry oh yes that was a long one for scott to be out for hey jemmy it's pretending to do shields not knowing that it doesn't light up he literally stood at shields and i'd already done it dude oh it's 100 olly i was on the cameras i saw him i was like it's always fun to kill him so it's fine it's not fair i've always given you so much love feels i am knocking out all my tasks nobody come nobody come nobody come nobody come nobody come oh joey oh okay joey's good joey's good [Laughter] what happened and i just all walked into the med room to watch joel do the scanner there was a dead body in there oh my god it was right in front of us i will say that joey had opportunity to kill me and he did not i'm skipping him too wait wow scott i only have one task left switch wait no i have more than one task fix oh aliyah every time it's always holly olly and lizzy my friendships are over with them after today it's ollie i just seen a martyr lobbing on my tongue he's lying just finished my task to win but like i don't know where any of my other tasks are stair dolly down you know what you did oh he doesn't like it he doesn't like it oh i think i found my last task there we go wait how did that happen they complained all still not the imposter ollie and i are no longer friends this is the third time he has murdered me i literally watched ollie said lauren right in front of me ally i hate you so much this is the third time you've killed me i promise you you're making me sitting in dodgy situations where it's obvious to kill me just gonna keep doing my tasks live my best ghost life i hate everyone but especially ollie lizzy lizzy [Music] [Applause] they have it out for me and watch somebody vote for lizzie the ghost spirit of lauren tells you to vote for lizzy she's pure evil if it's whip then lizzy is the second one so the same two people keep killing me it's always lizzie and ollie and i was like oh no no but there's a bunch of people around i'm close to ollie i don't want to be close to ollie please don't leave me i'm just staying by everybody hello guys i found and he is dying he was i was questioning what someone's on a killing spree i did see ollie doing a couple things for once because i was keeping an eye on you because i don't trust you or just standing around i just called the murderer i can't i don't know it could have just been standing around but i did what tasks were you doing oh i was trying to figure out no no no no no i swear i swear to god it's not me wait i swear to god inside me okay i was trying to figure out wait i was trying to figure out the gat the gas one i don't know how to do that one like how to fill the gas one more time oh you guys are gonna be sorry you guys are gonna be so sorry when i was telling the truth oh no i hate all of you once again i'm not an imposter i kind of trust scott because he hasn't been in posture yet either he's going to think i'm following him though while doing the trash shoot i was following you because i trusted you i didn't trust you you stood that sweep card far too quickly for you i think it was lauren i am suspicious i was by scott and um was near me with catherine but lauren's never the this is i was trying to follow somebody that i trusted so i wouldn't die immediately for my recording say now i gotta do the card so that he believes me he's gonna rat me out wait i swear to god if you kill me i'm sat here trying to do the card and you were watching me and i was like oh god oh god yeah i was literally like i'm going to keep it the other side of the table from lauren i came from the chair area is that after you murdered or before you married your job is it him is it him yes [Music] [Laughter] no no no no the game it's possible that you didn't see it it was somebody who was wait i could i don't remember the color but it was somebody with a top hat that's ollie isn't it no he's going as well jimmy's dead i literally walked into somebody murdering somebody no you did you didn't and i'm pretty sure he's ollie get caught again why is ollie always the imposter [Music] ever you
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 2,194,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, among us, among us friends, ldshadowlady, theorionsound, joey graceffa, funny moments, x life, xlife, smallishbeans, lauren scott, dangthatsalongname, smajor1995, lizzie, fwhip, katherine elizabeth, solidarity
Id: g2ob23TSNTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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