I Kept Getting Blamed As The Impostor ...but I was NEVER The Impostor

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[Music] then i'm gonna do my task in front of scott so he will no what yo we're pokey there was a lot of people in electrical oh yeah that was everywhere yeah we were all little together i'm gonna start because i feel like is wow that was easiest i've ever done that i want to clear gloom and toast because i was in admin doing the card swipey thing and i saw them run with me so i don't know if that proves anything but they seemed like they were pretty clear um what about me i was standing with you the whole time i didn't see you i'm sorry that mouse got it out for me a fault oh we got separated coming from me i don't think it's her though i feel like this is very whoever not to say that she's not clever but whoever's doing this knows what they're doing i mean hey if it is her more power to her oh that was the quickest reactor ever mind if i asked why um aphmau cleared what was the clearing from last round for toast and cassie just because we looked nice good in my book you're not trying to shoot someone are you toast but what are you dealing with an experienced killer they're using doors and trying to hide yeah i've noticed that i've noticed the door shut it's gotta be toaster dan wait me i'm not an experienced killer i don't trust cassie no [Music] because all the doors were shutting us like they know what they're doing the only person i saw was aphmau during that once because i've been voting for you this whole time is is that it that is true you actually you were voting for me yeah yeah but you also vouched for it seems pretty like towny she's going like you know no kill route imposter or just like she actually doesn't realize she's imposter yet she's like wait yeah af was in the area during that last kill and she cleared me and toast for no reason other than walking beside her and she's trying to combine famous i'm not i'm just making it equal now i don't know though because i feel like she may have killed me by now oh no i literally think i have one task left i just want to finish my one task i'm just gonna stand right in front of the camera oh god this is like a numbers game at this point it seems like because four of us are on cams right now me lauren i think i was there i was at that time lauren and groom i didn't see youtubes where are you i was kind of babysitting f now in electrical saw aphmau s major and gloom my issue is we've done like lights like three times and everyone's gotten their electrical done yeah this might be the second time that aphmau was around a body that was just throwing that out there i think this is a three strikes it's on f we've got 14 seconds wait no we have to vote for someone yeah we have to vote for somebody right for me i will remember this i will too i don't have any tasks who has tasks oh god wow okay if i'm imposter fbo dies first i was gonna say i really hope i'm not imposter now do i want to go to the specimen room not not right away i don't want to die right away yes it wasn't me oh wow the reactor went off so i went left and as i ran left bree ran right and now he's dead i would never agree with my husband first of all i might have been running with the map open that board to sabotage well there's also a big blinking red arrow how's everybody enjoying their tasks okay um you guys are enjoying your tasks because none of you have wires right now one more person it's a common task which means everybody has wires or no one has wires but you know what we can skip and just keep and since you're a good guy you have to card swipe right i don't quite know what you're doing why so much stuff what's going on sorry i didn't get to find green what do we think it is is it gloom yeah is everybody saying you had a cat it's gloom [Music] why did you call a meeting because someone died because i got no cassie gotta tell me man did you swipe that card are you scaring me you're scaring me i i swiped it a long time ago yeah a long time which round round one no round two because you told me to ah no no i told you in uh round three going into this round and you still don't oh oh it's all a blur to me i was the only one who voted for her in round one gotta oh we i don't remember oh no i have a small brain i really think it's cassie i could hear i feel like i could hear it in her voice okay well i'm done with my tasks so no wait no i don't trust cassie no no no i'm just gonna keep running and circling oh god no wait i'm gonna help help i need an adult i need an adult oh pokey how could you sometimes they really do flip on you like that um literally last game she walked up on me killing someone and i just walked up on her killing lawrence all right it is gloom good good detective work toast toast that was um that was absolutely terrifying but it's definitely it's definitely f let's get her out of here it was uh it was me and brie she was like gone first round and i was like i'm just going to start killing oh he's dead yeah chasing me and i was like oh no oh cause all the doors were shut and i was like i need to find somebody i need to fight i knew i was dead [Music] now if i talk about interrogation because that's horrifying wearing a halo now she's just watching me she's just watching me she didn't even do it oh my god that scared me poke it again at first i'm going to skip i don't know yeah it's going to be a skill he's too big for me i'm a little worried about corpse i'm always worried about cars don't say that bro someone's going to kill you and then frame me preston you just killed scots right in front of my eyes what makes you think that i saw it i couldn't press the button quick enough because reactor went off that seems pretty wait why didn't you report the body i mean i could have done it in hindsight i i panicked and went the other way oh he's 100 persons don't do me like this don't kill people in front of me how do you know i killed somebody i watched my why were you just like standing and not doing reactor because i was in admin with that card swipey key thingy i'm suspect fast i don't know again wait corpses voting or waiting okay wait this president is pressing oh no it's preston's preston i think we got it i will trust you dan you have my you have my sword thank you always i was hoping she would go in the hole who's that doing do we all random bow or should we all speed around somebody oh yeah i like that which one you toss is a cold leader this isn't fair this isn't fair at all we all walked in on that one [Laughter] i didn't see toast there in that little pile of i didn't see toast there either yeah i'm not a speeder on toast i'm done playing these cautious games yeah you try to speed run me the gloves are off bro laura who'd you vote for corpse gloom you can either tie it by voting me or you can skip and your hand is clean or just not at all oh no no dad who's not finishing their tasks oh god is it cassie i don't know i feel like the same people keep getting impossible she's gonna kill me if it's her she's gonna kill me no she didn't kill me she could have i don't know who it is who the heck is it oh the bar's going up oh see there's gotta be a ghost or something that's not doing their tasks oh uh did you see who that was dan wait what it was glue oh um no but i saw corpse run to the right yeah i'm gone oh my god whose legs were was it then i did not either corpse or aphmau i wasn't the whole time waiting to push the button because i'm very suspect of corpse now because i saw him running earlier you were there the whole time which would have been right there you guys saw me walk away like this is this is an easy call let's not put this up we can't get before god i thought i saw a corpse walk away before i can't 100 remember so i'm going to kick myself if it's not true but i don't know damn it's here no i have to choose a panic i'm so sorry if this is that's fine that's okay that's okay okay who's didn't finish their tasks all right corpse get out of here get out get out of here corpse get out of here corpse are you serious wait what are you doing now i was really silly off now that was really silly it was very silly of you to do it wait i saw him right in front of me my friend was there and he was murdered i thought raphael did it no i thought you'd do it it was corpse i 100 saw him do it but then you said it was me and i was like what are you doing because we have a rivalry going on i can't believe corpse got away with it for this long i thought i'm running long what was that game that was the weirdest game ever okay actually usually i really want imposter but with this group i do not want imposter i do not i will break so easily in an interrogation situation i'd be like i don't know i don't know i don't know what how about always look so suspicious that was the weirdest last oh god okay well that scared me oh wait and court corpse died too corpse was over there as well so i think it's been a double kill and you've only seen one i will say aphmau was also slow to do the keys and then she just kind of watched me do tasks yeah the rocket right yeah she was what i was watching on the camera because i thought she was gonna kill you and watch me why didn't you go and go to the lights because we were up top right guys i was busy trying to watch people see what they're doing so we shouldn't [Applause] wow can i come out with silly stop being so suspicious i'm gonna laugh when the impostor gets super by we literally vote her every time what the heck was that i have a bit of information we were wrong about asmo um because i went to do medbay and it comes up saying waiting for afm so we were wrong which means there's still two imposters right now wait dan why were you standing in the corner during lights i'm so confused because scott was there not doing lights and i don't know i was doing lights thank you very much i've been what the [ __ ] mr lightman this entire game we've not i really hope it's preston okay we both going to do med bay let's do med bay scott come to bed bay are you not going to do it scott is it you why aren't you doing med bay with me i thought we were buddies i wanted to do med bay together where'd you go god why you're not doing bed bay with me scott why are you not doing bed bay with me you didn't do your medby lord i went on and you ran up to it and then i jumped off so i could check you and you didn't jump on it at all you stood there scott follow me i literally went to do it no you didn't you stood watching laden yeah because you were doing it scott and then you ran away from the very first round i thought it was either lauren or aphmau my third sus was actually scott if it wasn't toast and i've been with dan a lot if it's not scott and i don't think it is because he cleared off by saying he was on med bay yeah then my last sus is lauren i'm telling you if you guys want to follow me i have my bedroom wait wait wait wait so i'm gonna don't escape don't skip shoot lauren what oh my god i think it was toast are we going to talk about how toasty i'm innocent because i i was the only solo vote on that guy or you just voted an innocent out again this is the only round that we can vote lauren okay sorry lauren it's not me they screwed up they're probably like oh damn pokey's cold-blooded you know what i'm not finishing my test they don't deserve to win after voting me off i'm gonna yell at scott when i get back in how dare he floor in the bidder goes for the bitterest ghost you know she won't do her task so everyone loses they voted me off if if scott is not the imposter i'm yelling at him so bad when i get back in oh it's not scott scott just got killed i'm gonna vote i know that dan i solo voted president by myself we know he's a confirmed toast if again i'm so sorry i pushed it i thought it was a task it was oh my gosh [Applause] damn there's so many wires where was the body it was an electrical and i honestly did not see anybody up there i guess i'm done with tasks i'm done with tasks couldn't see the body oh you need to find the bodies before you deport them yeah but then if i take too long then people are like well why were you standing in there for so long with the body laura how did you get the electric cup i went oh my god what was the task i was doing right before it oh london i know i always forget but i will say i have forgotten many times and i have not been imposter once we have devoted someone i think i was coming i'm still going with corpse i could be wrong i've went modern because feel like it's scott lauren voted scott why did you why'd you both scott lord why did you vote me because you were going after me and i know it's not me lauren were you the lights i was at the lights but i got there late yeah i was the third person i'm telling you it's not me i honestly think it's scott and there's still two right there's still two yeah there's still two i will 100 say if you vote me out you guys are losing i think it's lord and impossible okay if you guys want to do lauren we can do lauren i'm gonna learn i know you guys are gonna lose you guys are kind of loose every time nobody believes me i mean he was right about corpse but no one disgusted me until at the end for lauren kind of convicted as soon as you started throwing more shade in my direction i was like he's taking the easy route he's trying to get me out
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 2,269,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, among us, among us friends, funny moments, lauren scott, dangthatsalongname, smajor1995, imposter, first time, worst imposter, best imposter, imposter fail, iq, dantdm, impostor, worst impostor, 3rd impostor, gloom, aphmau, pokimane, corpse, corpse husband, brianna, preston, disguisedtoast, toast
Id: GdsQH_zSPoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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