I Tried To Be A High School Mean Girl That Spread Rumors To Cause DRAMA in Among Us

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this is rude so before i start playing among us with my friends i wanted to first ask you guys have you been looking for some friends to play among us with on your phone well then you're in luck because today's video sponsor tia is here to help you with that so tia is a voice chat app that you can download for free on your mobile phone to find real people to play among us with after you've downloaded the app using my link in the description below and set up your profile you'll see this and right there under trending you'll see among us match it's super easy you hop into that hey does anyone want to play among us me let's just say if you haven't played among us using voice chat ever and only use the text chat you are missing out hi you can even make your own custom hashtag lauren z side perfect oh my god hello somebody's in hashtag lauren's east and you can easily share any hashtag with your friends so definitely make sure to use my link in the description below to download the tia app and use hashtag lauren's side in there so that you can all meet up with each other and play because we all know everybody in this community is awesome anyway so if you use that hashtag you know you'll be playing with some awesome people thank you so much to tia for sponsoring today's video and now on to among us ollie i subbed to you i love you wait oh yeah i you can't murder me because i sub to you oh wait i'm supposed to share it hold on hold on hold on i have shared it it's there i see it well i'm not gonna kill you don't kill me i have a friend i stopped you three months three months up to me jimmy if you sub to ollie he won't kill you i'll fix that somebody's died joey you did a kill oh wait i didn't report it joey jerry reported it maybe you did a kill i was on the lights and i saw out the corner of my eye a kill happened and i come out of the lights and i see joey so i was on the wires at the back and lizzie was already in there and the lights went out and then all i heard was a kerfuffle which ended in two dead bodies no one walked out the front it has to be someone that was going to be fair i didn't see joey do the kill but i think it was him no it's a double kill then it has to be scottish people in the room you can put hats on in-game i'm staying away from joey oh god i found a body in reactor i briefly did mine over here lauren was with me who's trying to throw sauce at me joey i'm just wondering why you're so quiet what i wasn't nervous are you mean doing this one imposters though it could be her she could be one of those there was one whoever was in electrical last time is the killer i think lizzie scott ran off and i'm scared that he's gonna kill maddie all right i'll give you guys she might be after her scott i don't know if it's lizzie or joey i feel more don't unless he would have murdered me like perfectly in the corner is my thing like i was headlining it's not me oh my god matty you're still alive yeah oh there's so many of his friends sure sure you are joey what if we're gonna do a double kill what if lauren what was lauren oh the button because we're pretty convinced that lauren and scott just tried to do a double kill on them [Music] [Laughter] lizzy yeah i feel like it might be joey and maddie really well because they keep saying that me and scott tried to double kill them but we definitely didn't now you've left them we should go check on them well if scott hold on if scott's dead it's them what came over to me and she was like lizzie i'm scared i'm pretty sure it's maddie and joey oh hello oh do you want to come with me to check on ollie and joel because they went into med bay and i'm scared oh sure are they still gonna be a double kill isn't it guys get out of my private concert ellie's serenading me this is not at all what i was expecting to find down here it's enough okay so i definitely 100 saw joey do the kill i screamed and scott definitely heard that and then i thought scott was innocent so i thought he was going to tell the truth about hillary clinton i mean to be fair joy could have done it joey and i have an album why is it scott and joey it is it is so you're telling me that scott just threw that for me yeah scott's third imposter yeah wow oh scott what's happened what is that i'm right here i've been with you this whole time joey kill her killer i'm not gonna kill she's my friend i sub to him scott scott i just have to say that i'm wearing your merch right now so you shouldn't kill me i'm going to load up your stream let me load up yours you're supposed to be my friend huh [Applause] lauren what happened it was me and ollie and scott up top and i said scott please don't kill me i'm wearing your merch and scott said hold on i'm going to pull up your live stream and then ollie killed him and said lauren i thought you were my friend i don't even have any merch why would i be angered by that i'm not angered by that she's lying i walked up there and she was on top of the party this is already voted of course she has because this is classic lizzy this is classic ollie trying to lie jealousy is not a question no holly play me a song or i'll murder you [Music] you live for no you live lauren's here hi yes are you guarding are you uh protecting jimmy yeah where are we going joe oh okay i'm still here i'm scared are you gonna say nothing what oh bye lauren what just happened [Music] green and joel were running around six screens yep oh my gosh ollie that looks so suspicious i watched him at the same time as you i think it was maddie and lauren i think it's really more oh i'm just really suspicious of ali good good brain okay joey um ryan's not saying anything i'm a little scared she's looking at me the lights have gone out what are you laughing about was doing my joey and lucy was like i just went out joey and lauren's staring at me just keep talking until you die and then a report button came up with my gut i think it was joey i believe graham's got two it was too perfect to not do it jimmy it's killing me the killer i want to do a rumor i hear that jimmy's the killer by the way i know i i heard i heard a rumor oh wait wait guys guys guys guys [Laughter] wait yeah we have a rumor that jimmy's the killer everybody jimmy's not the killer i literally thought that whole game i was going is everyone left like we're the only one in this game funny you'd say that yeah jimmy we know it's you yeah i promise you it's not me like everyone came to us independently said i think jimmy's the killer i said to joel and green that i thought it was you for a reason and then joy came and was like guys it's jimmy and i was like how do you know he's like i started the river and i was like i started the river this is rude i feel like it's joey and scott talking talking crap give me just lunch oh it's not joey all right well jimmy can wonder do you think it's ollie um yes i want to apologize for everything i've said about you i'm so sorry i thought it was yours all of us have already voted for all in i think he may have watched himself he did yeah this is why gossip is bad because we were bad talking jimmy the whole time jimmy over there and now he's dead that's why you need the buddy joel trusted you you took a bunch of nominations he really did trust me you guys had blueberry muffins we had the three muppets together i also think it was jimmy hello hello it's not you is it you wouldn't do that to me in front of my children would you oh i don't want to do this what you're simon said do you want me do you want me to contemplate the beeps one two three [Music] joey [Music] oh we both be dead we need to check camera and see if we see any action i'm scared i always die in here though i don't want to see him there's joey joey's coming in here oh joey was that you i ran are we sure it's not lauren self-reporting uh i trust lauren she wouldn't lie she's good oh god oh god oh come on oh come on where is everybody where is everybody joel somebody needs to go to the other one oh it's lizzy isn't it oh no somebody go to the other [Laughter] i gotta go down to specimens so do you want to come down the specimen jerry can i just say you look very nice today just remember that i said that before you decide you're going to kill me or anything down here right how many people are dead oh my gosh yeah yeah it's literally not me i've actually saw your legs did you see ollie do something oh no because i'm at the light he's going on wait ollie you're going so hard at scott because i stole at the bar confused two people there voted for me that kind of gives it away because you came in really i'm not it you've just thrown me lauren it's not me trust me i hope natural i hope not if it wasn't [Laughter] [Music] except for you wait i can't yes i can't hear scott scott you have to refresh scott scott refresh let's go out refresh can you stop refresh got refresh oh oh we can hear you yeah i could hear i couldn't we were trying to get like have you guys started a room yeah scott i think it's lizzy oh there's a lot of people someone did oh god the only person i can say was in that vicinity it's like it's literally it's me i know i think there's been a lot of rumors i i have heard a rumor who started that wrong i've been saying joey i know what this looks like but i promise you it's not me and ollie would not want me to go down for this do you think it's lizzy i think it's lizzy possibly oh there's nobody where where where where where where where look where where where where where where right is this way it's this way isn't it because and you you came from jeremy you didn't see green i did see jimmy earlier yeah we were chilling we were chilling talking about you because you're stuck it's true though he means that let's go to the bathroom and talk [ __ ] about the other players wow wow joey yeah i think it might be scott oh oh my bad my bad this is literally joey just runs and he goes it was scott wait why oh my god you killed me i've come across a horrific scene scott and lauren walked into the camera room then what happened what happened to jimmy after that i went down i'm in the authority i had the tree to do the auditions so i but what i don't believe is scott having a list of tasks that he's got left to do i'm not even you're involved if you don't know it's very sus i don't know lower left yeah okay oh no let me do it i said i was gonna do it i promised i was gonna do this lauren was sitting next to the lights and not doing the lights and then we walk in and green instantly dies i had just gotten the lights before you guys got there and then i heard maddie yelling i want to do the lights i want to do the lights so that i stopped doing the lights and then i don't know what happened you know it's not me because i voted out scott and scott's the other imposter otherwise the imposter would have the posters would have won by now so it's clearly scott why would i vote out my fellow imposter so vicious that's true i still think it's lizzy please tell me it was lauren scott please i guess it has to be you
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,041,883
Rating: 4.9482646 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, among us, among us but, i tried, smajor, scott, dangthatsalongname, funny moments, laurenzside among us, among us tik tok, among us tiktok, ldshadowlady, lizzie, smallishbeans, among us fail, funny among us, proximity chat, amongus, tiyaapp, gloom, drama, rumors, impostor, imposter
Id: gWn4RD4iLjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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