I Tried To Learn About BABIES From Weird KIDS Animated Stories?! w/ Gloom

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she almost just killed the baby oh my god [Music] so cassie i have i have to learn some things today what do you have to learn lauren i have to learn what it's like to have a baby because i have no idea and i'm i'm it's too late for me i'm on the track to do it and i'm terrified oh so you're pretty pregnant i'm pretty not pregnant we're gonna go through it together and see what's happening yeah but i've been trying to think of like where the best place to learn things would be from oh yeah where'd you land our favorite place where they teach kids very valuable lessons i thought it could also apply to us of course and that of course is avocado couple yes yeah insert audience yeah yeah cheering yes everybody's favorite place to learn valuable life lessons indeed indeed i didn't know that the avocados had babies let's uh figure out how they raised them i didn't either i mean back back in the beginning remember she was doing like pregnancy pranks and stuff mm-hmm well apparently apparently it's not a prank anymore apparently it's this time it's real this time it's not a joke this is serious and coincidentally this came out like last month they must have known that i needed this information needs this yeah make it just for her okay so let's let's see how much i can learn and if i'm gonna regret my life choices after this we'll see i'm scared already oh i love the noise didn't you miss their noises wait if she's pregnant it looks like he's pregnant yeah because he also has a seed wait let me see they're i gotta see their stomach okay yeah so this doesn't make any sense avocados grow from seeds and he has the seed so where is the baby coming from i guess it's in the seed so then he would be pregnant not her oh oh okay lauren do you have an alarm for when the baby kicks oh no i got a gas mask and an axe okay so i need so wait i gotta i gotta make a list let's get the notes out yeah let's get the i'm gonna get my notepad out uh here we go my pen all right here we go i need very scary loud red light alarm uh gas mask hard hat and bullet proof vest yep it's so the baby can feel it oh okay okay okay got it wrote it down thank you avocado couple oh oh it's it it's in there oh it wants out oh oh that's labor oh oh no she's going to labor we're going straight straight into it gabriel talk are you scared lauren oh yeah like it's coming and the alarm go off and bobby grab an axe it's gonna be horrible people are like birth is so beautiful i'm like no girl no it's not passing out and then waking up with the baby would be beautiful to me oh that would be amazing could you could you imagine that's how it worked you just woke up and you're like oh it happened last night wow actually this is uh for some reason this is my biggest fear is that it's gonna happen in the middle of the night or like right when i when i'm about to go to sleep because then you have to like then you already won't be sleeping and then you just dive into not sleeping again for like a couple weeks until you get about a sleep schedule oh it'd be great if i like woke up in the morning it happened i'd be like all right i'm well rested we're going to do this but i feel like it always happens to brush it along be like come on it's daytime let's go not unless they planned it out i just hope it's not in the middle of the night it's always in the middle of the night why it's your future lauren oh god i'm so scared where's her seat like she has a hole in her chest get in the car sweetie she's so pissed i'd be fuming and be like run around the car faster go i mean at least they're right they're literally down the street from the hospital they're gonna walk there lauren what if he gets stuck in traffic oh god don't even don't don't even play from our house to the hospital is a pretty congested area oh hey if it happens to rush hour you gotta get an ambulance you can't get driven all right maybe it would be better if it happened at night oh yeah come on sweetie let's go oh oh no what is happening oh he's trying to clean and they're they can't just walk around him of course they can move you idiot radish he's like no no i know you're in pain and you're going through something but do not walk on this floor that i just clicked i just wiped this get your pregnant butt out of here this is horrible this is like every bad thing that could happen yeah oh look i say they have uh avocado juice just coming out of ivs for you and cookies oh my god they leave cookies out for you this must happen a lot where they they confuse the guy for the pregnant woman and try to deliver their baby this is why you can't have your significant other laid down in the bed first because the doctor will think the significant other is the one in labor it happens all the time every day it's terrible every day see look he's like this happens like five times a day why is there a pregnancy test in the labor room just to make sure because you know because they accidentally try to deliver babies for men so often they have to test everybody so they can be like oh wait no you're not pregnant you must be the the father our bad just had to make sure what is happening is this what happens yeah wow he's taking better care of the guys like there you go sweet angel well this is good it seems relaxing get the whole team onboard look at the team look at this team oh god oh geez oh it wasn't a pregnancy test it was a oh it's a thermometer that makes more sense that that makes a little more sense oh she just left she just up and left why she pass out she's coming too she was like it's fine i don't need a husband what oh oh no wait the husband just slept through the whole thing i can't the whole thing he missed the whole thing and you have what is that octopus yeah what two four six 10 12 14 babies oh four top 14 topless oh god oh this is a nightmare oh it's a nightmare oh he passed out i mean i would too so was that was that an actual nightmare oh no oh god how many how many avocados grow from an avocado seed just one right i think so i don't i don't know anymore oh wait wait that wasn't his wife wait wait just understand no no lauren what if it is the wife but he's like no that's i couldn't have that many where is she could you imagine he's just like i can't have that much responsibility i'm just gonna pretend like i have no idea who you are okay so he's trying to find his wife uh-huh even though he already found her yeah he's trying to find a new wife that just has one baby why is she back in the car what is going on oh broke the windshield wait that seems fine is that how it happens i mean yeah belly explodes and then the baby just comes out your belly explodes the baby comes out breaks the windshield and then you go this is our new family that's the moment you're just so happy you're like this is great we do have to fix the windshield now but it's fine this is like traumatized laura an hour pretty much i'm very get an extra thick windshield oh no oh no i'm gonna call you every time i have to wake up from the baby so you know what it's like oh i'm just going to call you and be like are you happy with your life choices yeah i'm glad i got a puppy thank you oh god why oh no why do you have an alarm set for 6am that's gonna wake up the baby oh okay so now she's got to take care of her husband and the baby this was terrible two babies i'm sorry bobby but i don't want to help you i don't think i'll be this nice i'd be like get out of bed what is she worth doing she gets to do chores too good girl you just had them just doing too much she just had a baby she's like i'm gonna go iron clothes that's what's important right now why are you ironing clothes yeah why where are you going in the morning she's going to start a fire oh no oh i didn't even realize see this would be me i would say oh no you called it i didn't even notice oh dear that's why i'm gonna start on fire oh please don't ironing clothes is so like three decades yeah i literally have nev i think i've ironed like two things in my entire life why is she trying to do all these things just let it go girl yeah just go back to bed oh no whoa okay please she needs help she's like it's fine my baby almost died it's fine it's fine why is he so mad all the time she's working so hard yeah she's doing everything [Music] oh wait where did that where where did that just come from what okay i didn't know avocados could pee i didn't know that either i oh no why is he okay he needs to chill and not be so mad at her all the time also the baby's got blue eyes which kind of makes me think that maybe he's not the dad and it might be a good thing honestly read the books she's like i am a working woman okay you need to take care of this kid so i can go read the instructions bye no maternity leave for her she's like nah i'm off i know i had a baby yesterday but i'm going back okay so you're not supposed to hold the baby by the head is that what it's saying yeah i guess so hold it by the body okay that's fair that's okay don't hold the baby by the head lauren don't don't put the baby in a drawer don't okay oh no please please uh i guess it worked oh oh god are you bobby and i always say that like people before they have babies need to take some sort of course that tells them if they're able to handle a baby or not this is a perfect example probably yeah yeah this is making me nervous all right do you remember uh the avocado's friend barbara from the last one always getting up to some shenanigans these guys oh yeah of course her friend also had a baby because she was probably like this avocado is not having a baby before i do i'm gonna see if she does a better job than the avocados oh let's hope so they got that she just had a baby not even holding the baby she's like i want these flowers and i need to take a selfie of our happy family to put on facebook that's my top right social media perfect mothering oh wait what is what is happening you can't touch babies with nails what yeah cut your nails girl why serious i've never heard of that clean it up girl you might scratch the baby cut your nails off can't touch the baby with the claws girl she's like well then i'm not touching the baby my nails are my priority okay so look at her face i can't so apparently in this couple it's the opposite the guy knows what he's doing and there was no idea the girl is literally a walking caricature stereotype of like some kind of social media oh yeah weirdo she's like i had a baby for clout so can somebody else just take care of him and i'm just going to take pictures when he's cute thanks oh he's doing everything oh oh yeah she's just spraying it with running away running away from responsibilities and got a milkshake out of the bathroom somehow and cucumbers she was like i have to watch my figure even though i'm having a milkshake so it's like going to fast food and ordering a diet soda with your life giant fast for you wait she's reading a cookbook for who read a baby book you're stressing me out girl all right come on oh do the right thing girl oh no oh the baby's just spoiling it and hopes the problem will go away don't give it the book shake oh she almost just killed the baby oh my god oh my goodness okay this guy should leave you definitely he's like she's a beautiful idiot what is she doing this whole time he's like take care of your b oh my god she went shopping what oh she got a hat that's useful oh no she got oh she's like i forgot i had a boy and i bought a dress and a hat i mean she's just like he he likes dresses this is i we want to see if he likes dresses no it's an excuse for her to go back to the store yeah take a break boy call the avocados what she's doing everything yeah i think these two need to get together i think they're both with the wrong people what's happening are they gonna hire her to do everything for them please no please no oh no oh why what was that is there something that was so some tension okay now they're setting the men off with the babies but but the barbie doesn't deserve a spa day oh she's teaching her okay oh cute she's using her day off to tee well it's kind of sad but oh oh her nails are disgusting that's the important thing here she's like no no no your life is falling apart oh no she's got barbie or barbara corrupted her oh god she's like no no no these are the essentials girl [Music] the baby's just crying she's like no oh wait no it's the husband she's not doing anything about it she's trying to take a bath she's just standing there she's like i'm just gonna wait till it comes out here oh and oh my god it's a man it's a bro night look at this egg the dad's like well i've done all the dabbing so far so this kid's gonna become a chad having the chad's over oh my god it's such a chad night this buff eggplant is freaking me out yeah he is disgusting your turn bud what are you doing we're teaching the kid to chug dad's a little concealer dad's very concerned he's like oh no he's gonna be a bro he's a bro now yeah he's taking to this bro too fast why do you have your friends over they're just they seem like you seem like you don't like them they're bad at it you guys seem like you run with different crowds he's the joker joker oh my god this night this night is getting out of control what is happening who is this it looks like a crime scene i don't know why is the eggplant wearing a sock on his head there's no reason why it has to look this sketchy oh it's the neighbor oh they think that the baby's being kidnapped the cops are here yeah wait i'm pretty sure she thinks her child is evil oh my goodness yeah i know what went down the baby tried to kill my husband my husband's been ignoring me lately it's 100 the baby who wrapped him up she hates tied him down she hates his guts oh everything's fine even though they came with their guns drawn she's like i don't oh yeah pretend like you like your baby what a lot just while people are there oh she's like get this baby away from me i think my brain is gone i think that's all i can handle yeah i just i i'm speechless lauren i'm so scared with my life choices now oh god yeah just remember cut your nails okay lauren that's what i got from this apparently i need to cut my nails oh yeah and i need to buy an alarm system an axe a gas mask and a uh bulletproof vest yeah perfect and a hard hat got it all right well um i guess we'll go over to your channel now and maybe test out my parenting skills even more yeah i mean i think maybe my kid needs a bedtime story so maybe you can figure that out because i'm not doing it i have to pay my nails i'm not doing it it'll be like a trial run because if i mess your kid up then that's fine yeah yeah yeah i know it's not that big of a deal but yeah go over to cassie's channel link is in the description we did a video over there please don't learn anything from avocado couple uh they're terrible at trying to teach kids life lessons as we know subscribe if you're new to the channel if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos over here the subscribe button's there too it makes it way easier and also some new merch uh we'll we'll throw cassie's video over there too just make all you guys lives easier wow and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,807,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, reacting to animation, laurenzside gloom, gloom, gloomgames, parody, satire, funny, reaction, reacting, avocado couple, funny cartoon, weird cartoon, pregnant, funny pranks, react to, animated, animation, babies
Id: -oUjtqL1fuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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