I Tried App Games That Simulate Gross Life Situations ...but NONE of Them Should Exist

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so once again i've decided to try and stay cool hip and trendy by checking out the top free app chart games to see if i can find any hidden gems in there and by hidden gems i mean terrible games that i don't know why people are downloading and playing them who are they for why do they exist and of all the videos i've done about this so far these apps i don't want to play i don't know who wants to play them they kind of freak me out they gross me out why am i doing this to myself but first i wanted to show you guys this awesome mobile game that i've been playing a lot lately called dragon raja who's the sponsor of today's video so dragon raja is an open world mmorpg game that features unbelievably high graphics on mobile devices having dragon raja on your phone is basically like carrying around a triple a quality console game in your pocket they have the best character creation on a mobile device so that you can create your ideal self in game i'm not joking when i tell you i put so much time into customizing and making my character because that's one of my favorite things to do and she's adorable plus they just had a major new update that added the new class phantom sound the fact that this class revolves around music and sound and rhythm it's legitimately one of my favorites and this new update added the new career of pet expert where you can obtain new pets through daily tasks and pet breeding and because i know you guys love simulation games like me you especially will appreciate how vivid this open world is standing in the street can cause traffic jams you can go get a cup of coffee by the open air cafe there's a ton of fun and real social interactions just waiting for you to discover in-game there's even a house system where you can make your own home in dragon raja and lastly february 27th is dragon raja's one year anniversary celebration where you can get fun prizes including outfits and vehicles by simply logging into the game or their official facebook page prizes will be available from february 1st of 2021 through march 14th of 2021 so definitely make sure to check out my link in the description below to download the unlimited fantasy mmorpg dragon raja now because here you can be whoever and play however thank you dragon raja for sponsoring today's video and now back to your normal content okay so this first game was like the number one downloaded game at one point and it's called perfect wax 3d and i scrolled down and just oh my god y oh god okay and in the description it says you won't regret to try this game you won't regret i've never seen why do you have to tell me that i won't regret trying it that seems kind of suspicious i feel like i'm gonna regret this a lot i already do ew okay at least the spray cans purple i guess oh god okay i don't like it all right sir i will shave your arm for you because this is fun okay so maybe people like this because it's oddly satisfying is that why please i mean he looks great afterwards beautiful ew girl girl girl why you got this much hair on your stomach ew well this is so gross why is this fun i feel like i walked in and i saw my kid or even one of my friends just playing this game unironically i'd be pretty concerned i regret this video idea don't worry sir i will shave your back for you it's what i live for i love it wow so people really be going crazy during uh the pandemic huh that this this game that this game became one of the most downloaded games you guys really just are looking for something to do huh ew i can get a seahorse-shaped bottle and it's purple and it has a unicorn horn fine i'll watch an ad for you oh it's my sea horse one oh it's so cute i'm just gonna distract myself with the cute sea horse and not pay attention to what i'm doing oh my razor is a shell now ever wonder what happened to the little mermaid after the movie this she does this now she shaves people's backs ew oh god what am i doing oh i'm lasering it off yes laser it oh we're upgrading our technology ew ew blast it blast it off blast it oh we unlocked waxing oh yes oh my god we get to melt it melt it yes oh i like this this i can get behind oh god not this ugh more back what is it with people's back hair oh this is gonna hurt girl oh this is gonna hurt but at least it's pinkish purple it's cute i hate it why does this exist am i the only one that gets grossed out by this stuff i must be because this was this was the number one free app download for like a week who is getting their hand waxed oh god oh god oh i hate it i hate it i hate it i'm so scared you're just gonna have to leave this wax on forever i'm not peeling it girl i'm not peeling it i hate that it's so 3d and detailed when you pull it i can't be the only one that's weirded out grossed out by this do i want a panda stick no panda's not gonna make this any better oh whoops oh i can do it in i can do it in phases yeah let's just do half of it cause you way more pain than oh we're peeling it off it's not even on a piece that has air sorry for all that unnecessary pain ma'am and or sir i don't know a unicorn stick okay they keep getting me all right just gonna wipe a little bit of unicorn blood on you sir i mean this unicorn stick makes it a little bit better oh god but i can't use it just think of it like a porcupine lauren is this a lighter am i unlocking a lighter am i lighting hair off ew why can't you guys just shave at home why is this much oh my god i unlocked a lighter what are we doing with the lighter ew oh my god what is happened with this poor woman hold to burn i'm burning this woman's facial hair off oh god oh god oh god oh i'm i uh good luck this isn't safe or necessary what in the world oh ew ew this game just keeps getting worse i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate this game this is my least favorite game of all time oh we have demons now great here you go happy to help demon what is this i'm scared oh it's like a shaver ew they're all curly curly hairs freak me out even more why can't you guys do this yourselves at home furry man furry man you are a furry man did i just unlocked wax again did i beat the game well i'm just gonna say i beat the game and stop putting myself through that mental hell okay so i may be even more scared of this next one than i was for the last one this is also on the top app charts like pretty high up there it's called nail salon 3d and the icon alone makes my skin crawl i can't here's the preview i've definitely like at the end it's cute but during the process it's just horrifying all right that's not so bad you want a stiletto all right go cut there we go so maybe it's not as bad as the ad show maybe the ads are showing like a worse more attention grabbing version i don't know thanks for the tips all i did was clip your nails you could have did it yourself all right what do you want simple hey hi are we just going to file ye see like you can't go below the oh sorry sorry sorry i guess you can go below the line but it doesn't show it i was terrified i was going to be cutting people's nails off ooh you want to design okay your nails are pretty this game isn't as scary as i thought [Music] beautiful so can i actually go below the line out no i can't what are you complaining about i can't even go past the line just a preface this is one of the advertisements i saw for this game already super gross but actually not as bad i saw other ones that basically said like don't cut too close and then they showed the actual nail being cut back from the skin and it ugh like the icon like the icon shows i thought i was gonna be destroying people's hands oh my god we get to make a design oh is is this not what you wanted i thought it was what would you want it nice oh you wanted this color oh now i do the whites my bad ooh i'm amazing all right this isn't as gross as a game as i thought it was so i'm gonna try another one weird haircut this was also on the top app charts and you know it's good when there's three exclamation points in the title of the whole app yeah i saw this and this girl's face and i was like they're using a butcher's knife and a hammer yeah let's keep going with hair i guess okay well this is risky chop chop chop chop chop don't worry this is totally normal normal haircut procedures what do i do oh my god i'm getting so close to this girl's head are you kidding me girl why are you letting me do this you oh this is scary oh this is scary oh oh god with a hammer who comes here it's like people that are like haircuts are boring i need to take it up a notch and fear for my life ew pop the pimples what ew i thought this was a hair place please oh my god i hate why do people like these gross games all right we're shaving you with a freaking machete all right there you go oh and we're using um a polisher an industrial polisher to polish your head oh is this waxing oh it's waxing well i'm a pro at this don't worry from the last time oh it's not as gross oh good uh the eyebrows ooh oh are we just taking your eyebrows straight off all right who needs eyebrows it's fine you don't need eyebrows oh we'll just paint we'll paint some on for you girl don't worry ew ew why no ew i'm shredding the dead skin off the foot i'm having fun [Music] is this fun is this what fun is this whole video is basically me torturing myself ew torturing myself with app games you know how i do it ew oh my god we're up her nose we're up her nose pulling hair out of why does she look so happy you should not look happy i'm traumatized okay file a nail wow so this this app game just does everything i have a hand shaped nail on my hand what is this why why that just came out of nowhere oh my god oh god we're burning hair off again what is it with these games oh we're burning hair off your ears there's a way safer way to do this i know but this is just fun fun all right and we're basically back at like the start that's the thing about these games they have like 10 of the same rounds and then you just do it over and over and over again for all of eternity i was gonna do foot clinic but i feel like it's going to be the same stuff and my stomach legitimately doesn't feel good so i just want to look at this because this was also on the top charts this all makes me very sad but look we could just ew we could just watch this because i can't i can't okay we kind of did that in the last app it's i feel like it's all the same stuff again and again and again ew peeling okay no peeling nails no just to bring it back before i end the first app game that was the number one downloaded app it has 14 000 ratings almost a 5 star rating amazing no perfect game the perfect game never again downloaded this because i was bored and have no games on my phone there's so many other games you could play trust me the sponsor earlier in this video is a way better game to play the most satisfying and fun game ever oh my god now i'm just sad for these people the best game ever the most fun game ever okay i'm done you guys let me know in the comments below what you think of these games i just i can't also if you made it this far make sure to leave a like before you go so i know how many people made it to the end and then over here popping up you'll see a way for you to subscribe make sure you do that if you haven't yet and if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos or even some of the new merch down there and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 3,233,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, apps, app game, ios, android, free app, funny moments, funny app, full game, walkthrough, funny game, dumb, funny, worst app games, worst apps, simulation, simulator, dragon raja, perfect wax 3d, nail salon 3d, weird haircut, life simulation, life simulator, real life, weird
Id: ADtO1owzEX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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