I tried speedrunning Learn 2 Fly and defeated my enemies without mercy

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so today we're speed running through learn to fly two because our little penguin just didn't have enough pain in the first game now if you remember the story from the last game our penguin was finally able to fly and then he got brutally injured by a wall so this game is all about revenge our penguin has gotten a bunch of books about explosives and he is here to murder he sounds like my type of guy but before we get on to that murder i do have a sponsor for this video so i'll be back in another minute this video was sponsored by dragon tamer a game about collecting and raising dragons when i was a kid i used to be obsessed with this type of game so honestly this has given me a lot of nostalgia in the game you start out with getting one new dragon then the cool thing about this game is you can use those dragons to breed new dragons so like right here i put together my water dragon and my grass dragon and ended up with a brand new freezy dragon there are over a hundred different dragons with unique looks in this game so you're never gonna run out of them there's always more to do and as you're going along making your different dragons you can also decorate your island you start out with just one island and then there are five more that you can unlock and each of these you can put your different things like buildings dragon habitats or buy different decorations to make your island look even cooler and then finally they have a lot of different battle modes one of my favorites is adventure this is where you go through different stages fight your dragons against different dragons and if you're too lazy like i am you can also use the auto battle feature that's pretty nice but then there's plenty of more things like the arena which is a 1v1 battle alliance warfare where you can work together with other players and fight other alliances and much more that you can play and unlock throughout the game the link to the game is going to be in the description so if you are interested definitely check it out and thank you again dragon tamer for supporting the channel now we're gonna do two speed runs for this game one for story mode and one for classic mode but we're gonna start out with the classic mode speedrun we can start a time as soon as we click right there and our penguin is already go okay my game broke i don't know what's happening right now i'm gonna go reset it yeah using flash after it got discontinued kind of presents a couple problems but now we're actually gonna start our speed run and hopefully it works this time it looks like it does hooray so we can go up there get altitude one and then kind of just dive bomb back to the ground and right away the first things that we're gonna buy are both the plank and the kite now the annoying thing about me using an emulator is the game is only laggy when you're in the buying menu and i don't really know what that's about but i guess i'm just not gonna worry about it what i am gonna worry about is the technique i'm doing right now basically this technique is how you get a lot of distance and i'll show it in just another second but first we're gonna get the sugar rocket to go a little bit farther so i can get a little bit of speed and now we can use this technique again basically what i'm doing is hitting the ground then going immediately back up and then going immediately back down and this makes it so that you maintain your speed and don't lose any it is a pretty hard technique i'm not gonna lie it took me so long to get good at this and even now i'm not the greatest but i'm good enough to do some learn to fly speedruns i hope for this first speed run i am doing we're going for the all achievements so that requires doing every single thing and it's gonna take a little bit longer but i really do like this speed run and what we can get now is the hang glider and go for speed two really quick so for that i'm gonna go all the way up and then all the way down that should give me speed two we should be good with that and we can get a pulse jet now which will also be nice because we got a thousand money and now it gets to the part of the speed run where we do the same thing over and over again yeah this is now my life because we have to save up our money till we get 5500 and we can buy a literal helicopter because a helicopter in a game where you're trying to fly obviously is kind of overpowered and that's all we really want to get at this point at this point of the run i'm just doing this and then hoping that i get achievements like speed and this is my speed run and like i said we need 5 500 so we do have to be at this for a while but unfortunately this is the fastest way of getting that money i mean this definitely isn't my favorite part about the speed run but it is a part yeah i don't really know what other commentary i can give besides how my head hurts even more like i already have these bandages this is probably really not good for my head but i guess whatever i mean the penguin's probably doing fine even if he gets concussions literally every time he goes to fly he just really wants to get the money as fast as possible but that should be enough and now finally we can buy a literal helicopter so i can go over here and it's gonna be one more it's gonna be called the whirlybird and then with the whirlybird it's kinda just op because what we can do with this is literally just fly yeah i'm going up and i'm increasing my speed and you can see on the bottom right you see my propeller which is slowly going down we could literally use this forever so with this strategy we're gonna try to get altitude five distance five and duration four and yeah i'm gonna be honest not really the most difficult technique in the world i'm kind of just going out but we should get altitude 5 as soon as we hit 400 now we can just be going for distance and hoping we also have a good amount of duration the thing that does suck about the helicopter is once it runs out of energy you kind of just plummet towards the earth yeah this does not look like the most fun thing to do the worst belly flop in the world oh penguin i hope you're okay after this that did not look very healthy but because we went through all that pain now what we can buy is the ultralight aircraft which is going to be really helpful and we're also going to buy some more fuel so we can go a bit farther and with the ultralight aircraft the first thing we're going to want to do is get some bounces because one of the achievements is to bounce 10 times off of the water we just got to make it to the water and then our strategy is just kind of use our rocket to get enough speed to make sure we don't fall into the water it's kind of an interesting thing to try to control but luckily we have the rocket that makes sure we don't lose too much speed and i don't have to worry about it too much but there goes our bounces and with that we can kind of just end off right there another thing we're going to want to do really quick is get another achievement where we get a lot of speed so what we're going to do for this is go all the way up until we get to 200 meters and then just kind of dive on down i'm sure this is going to be fine and now it's time for our final run what we're going to buy before that is we're going to get the thor ramjet i am so how am i that okay i guess i'm doing this one more time i don't know how i didn't have enough money for that but i'm just going to dive bomb one more time and then hopefully we'll have enough at this point there we go now we can buy the thor ramjet so that's gonna be nice and we're gonna buy our ramp length and height up just a little bit and now it's time for the final thing so what we wanna do for this is we don't wanna be in the air for too little because we still need our last duration achievement which is staying in the air for 90 seconds so why can go really fast and just end off the game i kind of just have to chill a little bit my penguins just like please let this end i've already been in enough pain already but don't worry penguin you're actually going to be able to complete the game this time and maybe not suffer from any more concussions but at this point in the run we don't really have anything to worry about there's nothing that can really kill the run we're kind of just waiting and the distance we have to get to is 6 000 so honestly not that difficult we're already at 5000 already i'm just hoping i'll get my 90 seconds in the air before we finish this off please there we go that's our duration we can use the rest of our fuel and make it to the end yeah nice and easy speed run that's going to be time and then my game breaks my computer for some reason cannot handle the end of learn to fly classic mode so it just breaks but before it broke you will see that we did get the last four achievements we needed so hooray for that i don't know why this happens so like i said we do have two speed runs to do for this video so now we're going to be doing the story mode speed run which is actually a lot different i mean first of all you'll notice we're using a dummy instead of our penguin our penguin decided he had enough about the concussions so he was like okay i guess you can do it instead which i mean to be fair kind of makes sense why do the work when you can have someone else do it but we're gonna do if this dummy is try to get the speed perk right there and then hopefully we'll be able to make it to the snowman using this technique i kind of lost a little bit of my speed okay we're not making it there i think i made enough money though we did get the perks even if we didn't make it to the snowman and what we're gonna want to do with those is go to payload buy dynamite yeah i think you can see where this is going because for this speed run instead of just trying to go far we're actually trying to murder things which is a beautiful part about any game so goodbye snowman it was nice knowing you and with the money we made off of that we can now buy a sugar rocket so that's going to be nice as well so we're going to be able to go a little bit farther and go on to our next murder victim we can skip past the snowman we don't want to deal with him and waste any of our tnt on him and now we just kind of have to hope that we're going to be able to maintain enough distance with this like i said this technique i'm not perfect at but i think i'm pretty good at it actually i mean i'm at least a lot better than i used to be i am losing a little bit of speed but we do have a bit more rocket fuel i can still use okay i'm gonna have to use that there and then hopefully i'll be able to make it to this igloo we're only 80 away come on little penguin or i guess you're not a paint whatever you're supposed to be just make it to there you are so close you better not fail me now and there we go we got the murder hooray now with the money we made off of that we can go ahead and buy a hang glider the plank v2 and also for rocket fuel and with this now we're going to be murdering two small civilians first of all we're gonna get the snowman again and then we're gonna run into the igloo basically this gives us a bit more money because before we move on to our next victim we have to get some more money and we still do need even a little bit more money so guess what we're murdering them again yeah you can see why i like this game so much and now with that money what we can do is we can buy a c4 which is gonna be even more powerful and at this point we're gonna skip past the snowman we're gonna skip past the igloo and all we're worrying about is getting to our next victim the mountain so with this we do want to maintain a little bit of our rocket fuel because we have to fly over the igloo we can't just go through it so i have to make sure i can go high enough into the air that i just miss it and that looks pretty good now all that's left is making it to our next destination and honestly our penguin just looks strapped up right now he's got the c4 he's got the rocket he's got the kite he's looking pretty good and yeah this one's kind of just a long distance away hopefully we'll make it there eventually okay there we go i see the mountain right now we can speed forward with the rest of our rocket and boom that is another one dead and now what we have to do is do that again because we still need some more money so i'm just gonna slowly but surely make my way over my little penguin just enjoying his time flying through the air with literal c4 strapped to him but we're not gonna talk about that part and there we go that is another death of an inanimate object hooray for me and what we can do with that money now is go ahead and buy our favorite thing the propeller because who needs to actually play games when you can just do this instead yeah this is just a fun time for everybody i don't have to do anything i get to go super far and we get to do some more murder what else could you really want in the world so we're gonna have to make sure we're not too high up in the air i'm looking at my altitude gauge right now but we also don't want to be too low because we don't want to hit the water but there we go that is going to be another thing dead and it's time for the last flight so with our remaining money what we're gonna wanna buy is nuclear warhead yeah i think you can see where this is going so we'll use our rocket all the way up first and now we're kind of just hoping our propeller will be able to make it through the rest of the game we want to maintain a height of around 100 and we should be safe if we do that and the last thing we will be taking care of is the wall that we had to face off against in the first game so at this point it's all about just flying to the end i literally have a nuclear warhead strapped to me this wall is not gonna have a good time we are almost running out of our propeller but we should make it there we go and that is going to be game and now the penguin gets to see the destruction he finally got his revenge and he could be happy and now with the story we go on fake books say hooray we killed an iceberg but then the worst thing possible happened some jerk says that penguins suck so of course it's time to go and do some more murder yeah this penguin is kind of a bloodthirsty killer and if we look on speedrun.com we will see that we have a nice and comfortable 21st place and out of the 46 people that did this i'm pretty happy with that time but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also we've been getting insane support lately and we're getting closer and closer to that million subscriber mark so definitely check out my other videos i do a lot of speedrunning content on this channel and if you enjoy them subscribe and then finally i'd like to give one last shout out to dragon tamer sponsors like dragon tamer really support the channel and help me do what i love doing so if you're interested in the game definitely go check it out again it will be in the description so yeah thank you again dragon tamer i really appreciate it but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 654,577
Rating: 4.9695201 out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, learn to fly, learn to fly 2, learn 2 fly, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunners, world record, wr, speedrun world record, learn to fly speedrun, learn to fly world record, learn 2 fly speedrun, learn 2 fly world record, learn to fly 2 speedrun, learn to fly 2 world record, penguin game, learn to fly flash, flash games, flash game speedrun, penguin flash, eazyspeezy learn to fly, eazyspeezy speedrun, flash speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, any%
Id: fhxzQd0p514
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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