So I decided to speedrun Bike Race and my mental health suffered

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so today we're speed running through bike race another one of those old games from my childhood that i played way too much of and the speed run we're gonna be doing is going through every single one of the normal races starting from desert making our way to savannah so let's just get started with it now the speedrun will start as soon as we choose our bike we're gonna go for the classic bike because that's kind of the main speed running category and we can start the speed run as soon as we click play right away you're gonna see i have a ghost and this ghost is my best ever time i've ever had on the stage so you can probably imagine they're pretty difficult to beat especially because i played through this game a lot to try to speedrun and yeah i just have to have this constant reminder that tells me hey you're not doing as well as you could dude do better yeah probably isn't the best thing for my ego but it is a pretty good thing for the speed run because first of all it will show me what i have to do there are a lot of stages in the speed run so it's pretty easy to forget the strategy for a specific one so at least i have this ghost that's gonna be like hey you should do this instead but then again i do also have to keep losing to it over and over again and suffer through that pain but i guess that's bike race and what a beautiful speed run i chose but as you can see we're just on the desert stage right now that is desert five each one of the worlds have a total of eight different levels so we're gonna keep going through them one by one going through all the levels and just trying to beat my ghost and probably always failing but we can at least attempt to and then lose again okay i should really stop setting my expectations so high i'm just gonna keep getting crushed but here we go we're almost to the end of desert and then we can move on to the next world i'm gonna skip that loop-de-loop because we don't really have to go through it that's gonna be desert seven and for this last one in desert you have these three areas where you kind of just wanna keep jumping and not having to stop at all oh and i almost did right there but it worked out perfectly just behind the ghost i like that and we can move on to the arctic now the arctic is pretty much the same thing they have all these different stages but they're just kind of different colors which i mean is nice because i do like the color swap and making it seem more original and sometimes the different worlds have slightly different like themes to them they might have different obstacles in each one of them and okay that was so close we're just gonna finish out this level i don't even know what i'm trying to say at this point i'm just trying to go as fast as possible it seems like for the arctic one they really like adding in these bump things where it stops your speed for just a second and you have to deal with the bumps go through an entire obstacle course of things and it's kind of annoying or they have these multiple loop-de-loops where you just keep going around to get more speed and then finally launch off yeah this is definitely an interesting level and i barely cleared over that okay i was a little scared because another thing i should probably bring up is that if any part of your body touches anything you die and after we start the level so thankfully we haven't died yet which i'm pretty happy about i have to constantly be wary about that and just make sure that i'm not doing anything stupid which is pretty hard for me but if we can make it through at least the arctic without dying then i will be happy i'm getting way too worried about this what was that of course right when i say that i have to jinx myself i'm gonna keep going for this run and just try not to make that same stupid mistake again i won't even do a wheelie this time i'm just gonna let myself go there it was that easy why did i make that mistake but okay if we don't have any more deaths this can still be a pretty good run i just have to make sure that nothing else wrong happens sometimes my brain just feels like turning off and says oh you should just run into that and die that would be pretty fun and it's not pretty fun it's never pretty fun but there we go we got a gigantic jump right there we get another one of these bumps where we don't want to go too fast on it so then we can go on here that's kind of an interesting part where it's very easy to die on and that is going to be the end of the arctic now we can make our way to the dunes the dunes start out with this interesting area where you kind of just climb this in a very awkward way and then it has like steps which i don't really think you're supposed to be riding down on a motorcycle and okay that was kind of bad lost a tiny bit of time there but at least i didn't die dying is always gonna lose me more time than just making a small mistake so as long as i don't die i'm gonna be pretty happy with continuing but now we have these three loop-de-loops where every time we get a bit more speed until we can make that gigantic jump and now we have some more loopy like this dude is risking his life so much these are really dangerous tracks that this dude is going on especially because if he even touches anything he'll just die i don't even know why he has a helmet on it doesn't help him at all oh and i might actually beat my ghost this time let's go i did it for once wow that was kind of amazing i don't know if that's gonna happen at all for the rest of the speed run but we did it once so hey at least i had one best ever split oh and that's gonna be a big jump right there making it to the end that's another one done we've been doing pretty good which i really should not say things like that whenever i say that we're doing good something really wrong happen how'd that even kill me i don't think i've ever had that death happen before okay anyway let's just keep going with the game i swear i have like a curse or something and i don't know what is causing it but it's not a fun thing to deal with when i'm trying to speed run there we go that's another one done dunes 5 thank you for being so annoying you didn't really have to do that to me and we get this part where we have to drive backwards for a bit you have to touch that top with your wheel otherwise your head's going to hit the top there and we do kind of the same thing right here just making sure our precious little head doesn't get tapped and then we explode i don't know why our body has to be so weak and if our body is so weak i don't know why we chose this extreme sport to do i guess i'm just not gonna talk about that i'm just the guy that tries to play games fast i'm not the guy who tries to design safety things okay now we have this weird stage where it's like you're not even allowed to go fast you just kind of have to deal with all those roadblocks for a while then we make this gigantic jump over that easy right to the flag and that is dunes eight time to move on to the hills the hill starts out with just hills i feel like that part should have been pretty obvious so we make our way through the hills and that is another time i got my best time ever wow i'm actually doing okay this round yeah this area i mean it is called the hills so you can kind of expect there are going to be a lot of hills oh my gosh and now we have this jump where when i was a kid this was the hardest thing in the world for me and now that i'm an adult it's not really i don't know why that was so hard for me as a kid but i don't think i ever got it with the normal car i had to use like other cars and it was just so annoying because i wanted all three stars on all of my different levels yes i was one of those kids that needed to get older stars otherwise it wouldn't really feel complete to me which is kind of the worst way to play games because you're not able to just enjoy them you just have to constantly be achievement hunting and trying to make it to the end but also having all the star it's an annoying way to play mobile games trust me i mentioned that when i was speed running through cut the rope too and yeah it's just a hard thing for me to deal with if i don't get all the achievements i just feel like i didn't actually complete the game so that's what i always went for and we keep getting these stars and i keep almost having heart attacks but that's okay and for this one i have to remember we don't want to use full speed because we want to go under that so we make it to here and that was one of the first times i've ever remembered to do that pretty much all of my practice speed runs i always forgotten oh no i should stop talking about that and worry about this level because it is one of the most annoying levels in the world go okay yeah this level you need a really specific angle to go up this and then if you don't have that you're just gonna die so i'm gonna go back down we'll try this again please game i i do not need this right now my speed run has been going pretty well come on there we go we got with the top thing and yes oh that felt so good we might have been like five seconds behind my best time but i am still gonna take it and hey it's another one of these really weird levels where just a bunch of bumps the bumps are some of the weirdest things to deal with in this game because they just stop your speed and it makes it feel so wrong because you want to go super fast but in areas like these you have to take your time to make sure that you don't die i wish i could be a little more dangerous but i guess this is off-roading in space that is another thing to consider all of these stages are just kind of it's who made these how do they float in the air and why did i get hit there okay i guess that's another question we can ask let's not have that happen again please this one always feels like it's just luck and just hoping nothing bad happens to you but there we go we're ahead of the ghost somehow oh this game is going to drive me insane it's just so weird to play and i don't want to die there thank you let's just make it to the end i don't want to do that stage again each one is done now we have beach two we want to get a little jump right there be able to make that which is a little bit scary go over here so we can get a ton of speed right there and then make that jump as well until we finish out with that level i really like the aesthetic of beach i just kind of like the color blue you can probably tell because it's my profile picture but it's a nice looking place and here we go i'm gonna get that one we got a couple of bumps i didn't get the greatest jump in the world and please do not tell me that i just lost the game i think i'm still okay maybe yes okay that was kind of scary we might have lost a tiny bit of time but at least we were able to end off with a win but i cannot say the same for that level we'll try that one more time this one is a really weird bounce you have to get but that is the one i needed thank you we're gonna slow down a tiny bit right there so we can go through this entire loopty loop which i also don't know how they made and yeah that's another one beats four we are slowly but surely getting to the end of the speed run i'm going to feel so good once it's done because i just have a constant pain and pressure on myself like please do not die here but there's another one beach five we're almost done with peach oh this is an interesting one i want to slow down right before these bumps so we don't have to go through those loop-de-loops and then i need to get just enough speed right there to do that that felt so good and then we have this one which just kind of feels like one of the slowest maps in the game because you have to jump all the way up there but then you have to go through this again and i think this is the optimal way of doing this and it kind of just sucks that you have to go up this twice but whatever and then we have to make a sudden stop so we're able to get that a little bit and we beat the ghost again okay maybe it's the later levels i have the chance of beating the ghost out and we want a nice jump right there we wanted to not miss that but that's okay we make our way up this hill and i have no idea what that thing over us right there was it just kinda is there and i've never really used it but okay last level we just have the savannah i just have to make sure that nothing wrong happens so i'm gonna get a super jump right here because you need a really good jump there to be able to make that we go right here and this one i believe we want not a great jump yes okay i'm actually remembering this game thank you savannah 2 we want to slow down a bit because we need a really big jump here so we need the entirety of that we barely make it through that so we can get another jump all the way over there and yeah this one's looking really good except for that part yeah we're gonna lose a tiny bit of time right there because now we have to go through these triangles that's okay it's only like a one second time loss it just feels like it's so much more so you're like constantly feeling like okay this is terrible but in reality it's only kind of awful now for this one i have to make sure i don't have too much speed but i can't have too little speed and then i have to go all the way to the back right there take a jump make my way down here and that is another one done savannah 3. savannah 4 is one of my favorite levels just because it's kind of fun to do you just keep switching back and forth between being upside down and being right side up so it's kind of a great thing you know it's just a good time and then finally you get a nice jump who doesn't like a nice jump at the end four more levels but we have to deal with this part which is one of those annoying parts that is just annoying for no reason at all and i was looking at my ghost right there i i was looking at the ghost so i wasn't looking at myself and i didn't see myself that hurts that that really hurts of course right at the end of the speed run that's when i have to choke would it really be an easy speedy video if there wasn't a little bit of choking involved but at least we can make it through that level the second try and yeah that was a loss of five seconds plus like ten but okay this can go well i just need no more deaths throughout this entire thing that one is so awkward i hate this level this is where i crumble this is where the entire speed starts to crumble because here you have to do like a spin that way and then somehow not get hit there you see my ghost got really lucky and just kind of i don't even know what he did but yeah that should be okay we can make this jump right here hopefully yep this is another one of those hard jumps i think what i might do is we're just gonna make sure that we actually get enough speed there and then we have to make sure our wheel is in a certain position to be i i don't even know how to explain this it is just so strange our wheel just has to make contact with the floor and that requires it to be really weird and it's just a weird feeling stage but okay i'm not gonna talk about it we're on the last stage i just have to worry about that at this point all that this one takes is a nice little loopty loop it's really not the hardest stage in the world [Music] and that's time i think i just had a heart attack what was that ending you can see we're done we made it through the normal stages i don't okay and if we look on we'll see that we got a solid blast my heart can't take any more of this that's it but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also check out my other videos i do a lot of speed running type content on this channel so if you enjoyed this video check out the other ones they're all pretty cool yeah maybe you'll like them and you know if you like them subscribe we're almost to a million subscribers i'd appreciate it but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,982,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, bike race, bika race free, bike race game, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, speedrun world record, wr, speed run, bike race speedrun, bike race world record, bike race free speedrun, bike race wr, bike race game speedrun, phone game speedrun, mobile speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, meme speedruns, iphone speedrun, android speedrun, phone speedrun, speedrun bike race, eazyspeezy bike race
Id: o7uGIT7lRPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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