I Tried KIDS Games That Simulate Gross Life Situations ...but NONE of Them Should Exist

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just do it quick oh god just get it done just and [Laughter] [Music] help so i have found some kid games that i feel i need to bring to everybody's attention because i've seen them and now i need everybody else to see them and become scarred for life as well why did i find these kid games you may ask i may be a 30-something-year-old woman but maybe sometimes i like to unwind by playing children's games at night you don't know don't judge me in all seriousness i somehow stumbled upon these games and i want to apologize before starting to first my editor emily who is going to have to endure watching these games over and over while she edits this video i want to apologize to all of you for putting you through having to watch these games and know that they exist and lastly i would like to apologize to myself for having to put myself through the next i don't know 30 or 40 minutes of filming this because the games we're going to be checking out today are funny nose surgery look how hilarious this is funny bone surgery funny eye surgery keep in mind i found all of these on a children's website funny ear surgery funny throat surgery funny dentist surgery this looks like torture these are torture games they're like it's fine we put the word funny in there it's great nobody'll have any idea and then there's funny hair salon but the intro screen is a man crying these are the games that we're gonna be checking out i think we should start with the crying man game because this seems like the least disgusting and then we'll just work our way up so for those of you that enjoy gross things i'll see you till the end of the video for those of you who don't let's see how long you make it let me know in the comments below at what point you got grossed out i just think it's so weird that there's a man crying in the intro of the screen and it's called funny hair salon in super bright colors and happy music i'm very confused and nervous for what i'm in store for oh my god it gives me directions oh he's crying hold on hold on sad man what is this oh god yeah let's give him the skull i don't know what this is sir i might be killing you let's see ew what is this insect blaster killed all the insects okay this isn't funny i'm not laughing this man is crying i don't think these people that made this game understand what funny means if i have to pop these things on this man's forehead i swear to god oh it's gonna make me do it it's gonna make me do it ah this is my nightmare i don't wanna do it i don't want to do it guys i know it's fake i don't want to do it i feel really sad for the love of god don't let anything come out of this oh it's just going to leave it there oh it's just going to leave it there i'm so sorry [Laughter] is just the everybody salon ew ew you know i decided to do this because you guys liked the gross app game series that i've been doing but this is so much worse yes go away go away go away go away get out of here i'm terrified for the rest of these games barely oh god now what that was only phase one click here i don't wanna what are we doing are we adding hair oh look at you okay this isn't so bad now wow you're gonna have luscious flowing locks now no more crying yay the way that she says it is condescending click here you idiot oh there we go at least there's some time in between the grossness why oh that's what the death skull was it was just a pin to hold his i can't think of the word drapery on him oh there you go you're gonna look beautiful sir don't you feel manly with your skull button this is how i felt while doing your hair it was disgusting and i wanted to die i just gotta rinse this out wow press the skull button which doctor yay oh my god there's still a third phase oh we get to pick your hair color and style like that one it's the most purple-ish oh you fancy there we go yay no more crying nice work and stay cool i will who are they kidding i'm cool always all right so beginning of that was horrifying rest of it wasn't so bad what should i do next funny nose surgery the first one that i came across this i'm i don't think i'm ready just don't make me pop anything pl oh god look at the gauze already what's on the gauze we're just gonna say it's tomato juice okay you look adorable are you about to scar me for life i think you're about to scar me for life yep let's put this torture device on you this looks like it's gonna torture her but it's gonna torture me i should have i mean it looks like the title screen that was the quickest phase one ever oh god what are you gonna make me do [Laughter] why is this a kid's game why are there flies what is this get the ketchup out get the ketchup out that's what it is get the ketchup out girl stop shoving ketchup fries up your nose okay get it out get it out get it away from me get it away from me all right we're gonna blast water in here i'm sorry it hurts i don't know what i'm doing i don't know what i'm doing oh what's coming out what's this ew oh god oh you're gonna make me pop something why are you always making me pop something oh good at least they don't like remain open there okay okay okay i can handle this i can do this oh my god i gotta do it again i feel like people like me playing these games because they like to see me suffer that's fine i deserve it i don't know what that is get it out of my sight again this is not funny this is the opposite of funny so why are there flies what is this what did we just shove in there [Music] you don't whack somebody's nose hair i'm so sorry that's not what we were supposed to do what's this for oh they'll get rid of these stupid flies you're all done ew apparently not what the heck girl what do you have in your nose girl what you've been sticking up your nose okay can we be done what are we spraying perfume up there you're all done yay [Applause] i hated every minute of it oh now is there a dress-up aspect it's like the game wants you to forget about all the trauma it just put you through so it's like hey you want to play dress up now like heck yeah i want to play dress-up she's going to be an adorable unicorn lady it's like thumbs up i traumatize my doctor no i mean i normally know but for this video i will play more games what's next funny eye surgery this may be the worst one because things touching eyes i wonder how many of you guys are gonna get a tap out here who's gonna tap out here i'm never gonna look at the word funny ever like the same way ever again oh god i'm sorry girl oh i'm sorry all right what are we doing this is a horror game like this is a legitimate horror game okay okay oh they're not red anymore okay that's good okay we're gonna wipe your tears away there we go oh you're looking better already it was brown i didn't know what it was oh god what's this why are you guys sticking toys in your eyes and your noses also where are we getting these microscopic toys from and where can i get them there you go okay we didn't have to poke any eyes oh god i take it back i didn't i forgot there was the second part what's the second part oh it's another kid ew what are we doing to you oh it's like the same thing again this part oh why is it brown i don't know what's in his eyes oh i knew it i knew you would betray me game i knew you would betray me i was like this isn't that bad so far the haircut one grossed me out the most what am i doing with this what am i doing with this what am i doing with this this isn't funny i didn't even press anything what are we doing let's just do it just get it done just and help emily i'm so sorry my viewers i'm so sorry myself i'm so sorry why are you smiling i hate you all what sadistic kids are playing this game for fun i wanna know who who thinks this is funny oh of course the dress up to try and make you forget about the trauma yeah we're gonna make you look stupid everything just blends together it's all the same color perfect you look great he's a lauren's e side stan that's why he's got purple hair and a star eye and a star hat perfect even though i stabbed him in the eye the nose is above her own nose and it's kind of creepy keep your healthy eyes not keep your eyes healthy keep your healthy eyes keep them make sure we don't take them from you i hate all of this this looks really nice look there's a smile here she's laughing in the title screen it's gonna be a good time guys i think it's gonna be a good time i think it's gonna be fine bones shouldn't freak me out as much oh no girl oh we will save you again this isn't funny i don't know who thinks this is funny like ah this girl fell and got hurt now he's in the hospital pop the bubble this has nothing to do with the surgery because right in your doctor's just like oh bubbles i have to wait a second so i can pop all the bubbles it's my favorite part of the job kill the germs don't get in the cut no germs in the cut here's your boo-boos wow modern medicine is amazing okay we're gonna fill it with uh this gotta be careful oh god no no no what happens if i put the wrong ones we may kill her oh take this pill it'll make you feel better oh never mind it uh it was a sedative why did we have to put her under what are we about to do oh a knife great oh no oh no every time they're like yes pick up this knife you know they're playing really happy cheerful music in the background i don't feel that way please don't play sound effects for it oh they did just a little bit that god [Laughter] okay oh of course there's a puzzle this is how we put bones back together i learned this in medical school don't worry okay we're gonna drill this into your bones yeah of course the screws of course okay we're doing stitches there we go yay oh god we gotta do the leg we gotta do it all over again [Music] this is why i never became a doctor could you imagine though i was i was the person that was operating you instead of entertaining you on the internet could you imagine oh it shattered oh how are we gonna fix this no like a puzzle again right yes my medical school training all right wrap it up her foot is creepy not the only one right like her her toes or toes were creepy hello we're gonna give you a makeover now girl so you can forget about your trauma i'm gonna make your hair white so it matches bones like i'm actually sitting here like trying to trying to make her match and everything ew it looks like a tiger paw oh a robot one oh yeah girl you look like a cyborg i know that's what you want there we go i approve yay nice work and stay safe hmm so there's funny throat surgery or funny dentist surgery they both seem about the same this one looks a bit more intense so let's go with this one those make the characters look so cute too okay what'd you do what's in there go get some slack off i don't know what i'm doing i'm hurting her apparently girl you've been eating lots of ketchup too we're not gonna we're not gonna say what this is it's ketchup the less gross the better oh so well we make our own aloe aloe vera what a fancy throat doctor now that was the dentist part let's see what the throat part is oh you got some critters partying in here get them get them kill them all eww disgusting oh god just do it quick oh god [Music] i just keep trying to do it super fast get out of here get it out of here oh thank god i didn't think i would make it you know it's weird she looks really cute but then when i put these glasses on it kind of makes her look like a psychopath just me again yes the strawberries wait i didn't put those on you the game changed my design choices how dare this game for what it put me through i don't even know if i need to go through funny ear surgery but let's just see real quick what it entails oh there's people living in this person's ear kill them we're sucking the gunk out oh god what are we doing am i about to cook him [Music] oh i'm so sorry there look they look how cute this one is murder this one's gross it's fine oh this one's kind of cute boil it alive oh it's purple kill it gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross gross chopping these things that are growing off of you what the heck yay all right well that's all the gross kid games that i have for you today and now you know that they exist and your life is now worse just like mine but if you were strong enough to make it to the end of this video without tapping out make sure to leave a like before you go so that i know who is the strongest among us and if you haven't already make sure you check out my description below for my very own app game that you can play on either ios or android both links are in the description and it's totally free to download so make sure to check it out before you go if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos they're most likely not as gross as this one but who knows i've made a lot of videos over the years and if you haven't yet make sure to hit the subscribe button before you go it's right there it's totally free otherwise i'm gonna come to your house and do surgery you don't want that because i don't know what i'm doing and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,083,307
Rating: 4.9498062 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, apps, app game, ios, android, free app, funny moments, funny app, full game, walkthrough, funny game, dumb, funny, worst app games, worst apps, simulation, simulator, life simulation, life simulator, real life, weird, funny eye surgery, funny nose surgery, surgery games, girlsgogames, girls go games, gross
Id: AZsxyhtgS24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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