The Sims 4 ...but it's Actually Squid Game

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come on lauren lauren no no you can't play with us get out of here oh god oh god oh my god joel no oh this is so nerve-wracking this is way more nerve-wracking than i thought he he he [Music] he he he [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the first official sims 4 squid game now if you haven't actually seen the squid game netflix series i highly recommend it the hype is real but if you have it it might get spoiled with this series because i tried to make it as detailed and realistic as the show as possible starting with the fact that the squid game bunker is built on this island out in the middle of nowhere underground just like in the show i don't know if you guys are ready for this i wasn't ready for this when i first went in here speaking of which shout out to bbq in zoo for making the most amazing squid map i've seen i mean there's a lot of really awesome squid game maps but holy details are you guys ready to go down me and my youtube friends have woken up in a mysterious place with lots of money from the ceiling oh my god we look so awesome welcome to squid game lauren and her youtube friends you have no idea what you're in store for our contestants are me lauren z side we have joey graceffa and if you notice we all have different numbers we have gloom aka cassie we have yammy and we have joel's smallish beans back there we of course have scott aka major and last but not least the miss ld shadow lady this was the max amount of sims i could add because we have another special guest i will be unveiling soon so the squid games gonna be a little different in that we're eliminating one person per game because there's six games in case for some reason you're not familiar everybody here is here because they want to win money and they will do whatever it takes even risk death so if you don't know squid game is comprised of six different children's games in which the losers of those children's games get um brutally murdered but if you win and you make it all the way to the last game you win more money than you would ever know what to do with but that's just a quick overview just in case you haven't watched the show or i've been living under a rock and i have no idea what squid game is i'm excited i just want to jump into the first game we got a lot to go through i'm really scared i'm gonna die first all right through these doors are our special guest you guys didn't let me finish my sentence and the first game we're missing someone ah there he is there's joey thanks for joining us because our special guest is the robot doll from squid game and the first game is gonna be red light green light now you may be wondering lauren how are you gonna do this in the sims 4. so the only way i could think to make this legit was i literally told each of them to go to a spot at the exact same time they're all standing still right now whoever the first one to move is loses and robot girl is gonna get him okay lauren please don't move for the love of god don't move everybody's got their arms at their sides everybody's at the same point going through nobody's got anything that they're supposed to be doing over here on the side all right we're playing the sims version of red light green light in three two one lauren do not move don't move who's gonna move who's gonna move please don't move please don't move lauren please don't move they all hate this game oh my god oh my god who's gonna be this is taking way longer than i thought i'm very anxious joey no oh joey now look at her face she's like oh he gonna die oh he gonna joey joey no oh oh she's on the oh my god uh i did not put that animation on her oh no oh no joey joey oh no joey joey why why did you have to move everybody's freaking out everybody's freaking out well get used to it because it's gonna be a long day guys it's gonna be a long day today she's just like what what's the big deal oh man i wish i could make the reaper look like one of the red hooded guys the playstation guys you know stop taunting the people they won this round let them be well congratulations everyone else on uh you know oh she's cleaning up that's nice of her oh god joey congratulations on everybody else for passing the first round of the squid game you are that much closer to winning a butt ton of money don't cry you're all gonna be multi-million billionaires oh yeah me trying to be helpful all right on to game two okay i told them all to go to the second game room and i want to see them use this stare room oh it does work we're missing someone oh there he is oh there they go there they go okay for game two i have added a new family member one of the playstation masked men the pink soldiers they're called he seems really friendly though he's like i'm really excited to watch you guys play your next game but if you lose i will kill you but don't worry we'll have some fun okay so the actual second squid game is that honeycomb challenge that you've probably seen all over the internet we have to use a toothpick to carve out your shape in that sugar honeycomb obviously we can't do that in the sims but i was trying to think what kind of game requires patience and precision in order to win it don't wake the llama basically the sims version of jenga where you need to slowly and precisely take these out before the whole tower collapses and because we can only have one loser we're basically gonna have two teams of three face off and then the losers of the two teams of three will face off until there is one final loser all right the first table is going to be me yeah me who do i think i could take let's put joel with us and then the second table will be scott cassie and lizzy oh my god it's happening they're all taunting each other it's happening they're all really nervous i understand oh oh joel did it i don't know which game to watch first this guy's like i wish i could play lauren come on come on lauren oh this feels just as intense as the regular second game in the show let me tell you lauren oh cassie i think she lost the llama loses tonight yeah there's a moodlet when you lose and then there's a move that when you win okay well scott and lizzy are safe damn it scott you keep making it through all right so scott and lizzy are back in their bed quarters safe and cassie must remain up here to see who she's gonna face off with out of us three lauren please do good no no you can't play with us get out of here wait did i miss the end oh i won never mind oh thank god i won who lost oh no joel lost oh joe all right it's joel versus cassie where'd the red guy go oh the guards just over here live in his best life he's like i get to shoot someone shoot someone shoot someone [Music] oh oh no cassie oh cassie no cassie cassie you don't get a second try cassie you don't get a second try cassie that was the quickest game yeah joel has the winning llama moodlet and cassie has the losing one no winning one cassie i'm legitimately sad right now cassie cassie oh uh i guess she was such a beloved character that they didn't want to show them actually killing them okay well cassie died but we didn't get to see it the grim reaper didn't even show up she just kind of spontaneously combusted meanwhile everybody's down here and i thought about doing like a battle royale lights out but there's only five of them left so i couldn't kill more people or else i wouldn't have enough to do all the games so moving on to game three okay so game three in the show was tug of war which we obviously cannot do in the sims but my god this is so detailed and amazing i wish we could but i wanted to do some sort of physical type of challenge game because this one is very physical and i also wanted a challenge that involved falling all right so i've added these rock climbing walls up here and expanded the platform i could only fit four up here though so i gotta find where to put the fifth one maybe down there nevermind i just really ruined the platforms i expanded it out and put this one all right so they're all gonna climb at the same time none of them really know how to climb and they're all gonna climb up vertical incline and whoever falls off first loses all right everybody's standing right in front of their platform ready set go oh that's adorable lizzy tied her hair back oh lauren got on it last oh i'm cheating oh i'm cheating oh god oh god oh god oh god joel joel joel no oh this is so nerve-wracking oh god oh god oh god oh god oh my god i can't i can't i'm so nervous i can't just everybody looks so close to like full-on falling lauren no lauren hang on no they're all still going lizzy no lizzy there's no second chances lizzy girl there's no second chances in squid game i told them all the stuff oh god oh everybody's fallen well lizzy saved all of us i was the second to fall and joel was the third he's just like waiting to kill lizzy he's like yeah let's let her go let's let her have some fun for five more seconds oh lizzy she looks so happy lizzy lizzy no lizzy nobody cares everybody's so numb to it now even joel joel lizzy's dead he's like oh well i'm about to get a lot of money all right uh moving on to game four all right so in the show game four is the most heartbreaking game of them all it's the marbles one but obviously we can't play marbles in the sims so actually the idea for this game and actually the idea for the next game came from claire's sims 4 squid game video which i'll also link in the description below these are so fun to watch no matter who makes them but that is playing table tennis aka ping pong because you know marbles little ping-pong balls i don't know it's the closest i could come up with so same thing it's going to be two on two and then whoever loses each one will play against each other until we have one person that's eliminated let's make it real heartbreaking girls versus the guys i mean that's kind of how it went in the show too come on lauren your life depends on this yes i think lauren scored oh joel scored uh-oh scott i don't know who's winning or losing this is not as intense wow we're in sync oh we were in sync right there me and scott both missed that one oh we're in si this is weird go go go go go go go go this sped up and the guy watching in the background is so funny oh oh oh oh oh wait who won i think joel won it yeah i think joel won oh it tells me up here winner joel oh no scott all right joel you're safe geez our game's going on forever winner yeah oh no it's me for scott oh it's a little heartbreaking because we're best friends in real life oh god i'm so scared oh i'm so nervous lauren you have to win you have to do it come on oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god scott i swear to god if you beat me i'm gonna well i won't be doing much because i'll be dead but oh oh we're done oh my god who won who won who won who won winner scott major oh my god scott scott you just killed me scott you swindled me i'm gonna die scott scott scott you don't even care scott i'm gonna get shot scott why would you do this to me oh no well he doesn't even care he doesn't even care he's just staring at me disgusted scott you can't win this whole thing you can't win this whole thing yeah me take him down for me or joel this whole time joel's been like the slowest to go everywhere just doesn't seem like he'd be the winner but i mean it might be him or it might be scott because i made the mistake of giving him the number 456. people in the show will know ugh lauren we were supposed to win this all right fifth game all right so our final three and we have the glass bridge this was made so awesomely in the sims that i wanted to show it off before i ruin it because in order to play this game you had to ruin a little bit to be able to put this slip and slide in because and this idea was from clarigan the only way you can win this game is if you do a successful standing trick slide once you do a successful standing trick slide you move on if you're the last person then you get eliminated all right here we go there goes scott nope not a standing one here comes yammy not a standing one but cute joel watch him do it immediately nope no joel no no oh my god yammy does that count as a death now we'll keep going cool joel but still not what i'm looking for oh no they're all terrible nobody's doing it yes jeez okay well joel's making it to the finals who's gonna be the first to do it sudden death who's gonna win oh god yammy it's gonna be scott isn't it scott's gonna do it oh no he did it oh my god it's like the show it's like the show you are our last hope yammy for women for ladies and scott showed you up all right well i guess scott and joel are in the finals for all the money yeah me yeah me you were my hope that one of the women would win he's just like dude just gonna do my job goodbye loser what she just dodged a bullet are you kidding me okay well you can't do that in squid game yummy that was pretty freaking epic and i wish i could let you live but what what is happening ah somehow self-defense was turned back on [Music] this all went horribly horribly horribly wrong honestly you deserve it yummy i think you're the winner of squid game you deserve it i'm gonna leave her alone we're gonna i have no idea how that just happened okay we're back with robot doll we're gonna make sure nobody can kill her i forgot to exclude this sim from being killed for the other guy whoops um yeah he's gone full beast mode guys i don't know maybe the winner of this i should make face yammy because she's become an evil super villain somehow randomly i don't know all right anyway the last game is of course squid game where they basically just battled to the death that's uh that's the game okay so now i'm gonna have to enable self-defense and then i don't know maybe we'll just enable autonomous killing and see what happens yeah what could go wrong they're just standing around come on somebody make a move somebody make a move oh my god joel's moving first joel's moving first joel's moving first he's leaving this squid game is falling apart hold on thought these doors were locked battle to the death battle to the death please battle to the death come on hello oh no oh no are you kidding me scott one that was the quickest last game ever joel i gave you self-defense all right we gotta we gotta make him go against yammy that was too easy i don't use this word often but i am flabbergasted by how this game ended up like what is this oh yummy's making moves of course she's making moves oh she's going with the grilled cheese she's going with the grilled cheese she's choking scott with a grilled cheese what of all the interactions scott you have self defense scott self defense scott self defense reaper's like i might as well just stay here wait is he gonna self defend is he gonna get out of this is he gonna die is yammy really going to win wow wow not talking their friends she's like hey robot doll oh my god she was an inside spy the whole time damn okay well technically the winner of squid game was scott uh but yammy i was out of control and i just had to see what would happen and you know twist ending yammy came back from the dead and just killed everybody but yeah i guess scott's the winner congratulations scott sorry i had to let me loose on you that was just too weird yeah i had to mess with this map a little bit but there is literally every detail of the show in this map i'm blown away there's the vip room there's the stalls that the pink soldiers are in there's the incinerator room there's the bathrooms there's the kitchen and then if you go down there's even that like secret room where they were doing secret things and then they even have that like pond at the bottom with the scuba gear and ugh every little detail is in this map definitely go check it out download it for yourselves i'm kind of sad that i messed it up by adding stuff to play games but yeah this was a lot of fun let me know if you're happy about the outcome of this if you want me to do another one in the future with different games i can also do that but yeah i had so much fun with this and now yemi's friends with all of the evil people great but if you made it this far in the video make sure to leave a like before you go and if you haven't yet the subscribe button is popping up right now just click on it it's totally free there's also some other videos you can check out popping up as well and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,643,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, the sims 4, sims 4 challenge, funny moments, funny, cas, house build, squid game, squid games, the sims squid game, the sims 4 squid game, the sims, youtubers, gloom, smajor1995, dangthatsalongname, scott, joey graceffa, ldshadowlady, smallishbeans, robot doll, the sims 4 cc
Id: -CjJ4R513RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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