I tried Etsy with Etsy ads and Pinterest ads and this happened - selling on etsy 2020

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welcome to the most comprehensive how to sell on Etsy video on YouTube that you will ever see today I don't want to just show you how to sell on Etsy I with like some bullet points on some gurus sounding weird stuff I want to dive deeper not just into one but three Etsy tests that I have personally set up and tried on Etsy on my own one of which that when you're about to see is the most in-depth test that I have ever completed and it ended just a few days ago and I finally have the results of that test to share with you today guaranteed I don't care if you've never been on Etsy or you've been on it forever you are gonna be shocked with what I found today about selling on Etsy with the results I'm about to show you I want to share with you what worked in these Etsy shop tests and what didn't I want to share with you what I exactly set up for Etsy with these tests this new test I want to share with you the color options theory that I also added to this week's test or this two-week test sorry I'm gonna go through each day what happened the sales I got the amount I spent on ads and the total transparent revenue of everything I also added Etsy ads and Pinterest ads as an element to this test this Etsy test and I want to talk about how much traffic I got through both and when I switched from Etsy to Pinterest and vice-versa I want to tell you which one seems to work better at see ads or Pinterest ads I'll tell you if like Etsy ads or Pinterest ads get you more traffic as a whole meaning like the biggest bang for your buck I want to show you the different sets of Pinterest ads that I tried because I tried different versions and which of those versions worked best I want to take you through financials including like little things like Etsy fees and renewal fees to see the whole transparent picture of starting an Etsy shop and before we did our test a lot of you placed bets on which products of the ones that I put up would sell the most for this test I'll be revealing that to you so I'll reveal the final total for the product that sold the best and I'll also reveal to you the products that got the best engagement and favorites and I'll show you which product actually got the most click throughs from the ads to the shop surprisingly all of those things I just said were different products also I tested print-on-demand products and then I actually switched it up from the print on demand to handmade products I wanted to compare the two to see which one would do better organically and through the ads on both Etsy and Pinterest so I'm gonna show you the results from that as well and then I want to share with you some SC SEO problems that I came across during the test and if you've never heard of SEO it's just search engine optimization it just is the magic sprinkles that you put on your listing of keywords that makes your products float to the top of se so after I tell you about that then I'll tell you about what I tried to do to fix those problems and then I have to tell you a brand new Etsy SEO theory that I want to try to test for my next Etsy test as a result of my findings then I want to diagnose what I think happened during this whole test as a whole and the Etsy selling aspects that I felt had the most weight in Etsy for success or for failure then I want to tell you my own opinion whether I think selling on Etsy is a great idea or if she should start selling on Etsy versus other marketplaces first or if you should wait to sell on Etsy till you already have other marketplaces set up we have a lot to go through but first thank you for the best video I've ever seen on the web you did put a lot of work into this loved it [Music] all right let's get going please like this video this video took over two weeks for me to put together for you and don't forget to check out trend knack comm slash back to school our celebrity partner coach Brooke put together a back-to-school trend report for you so that you can build some best-selling products to sell to kids and mothers with kids going back to school remember most back-to-school shopping starts mid-july so now is the perfect time to get in on that and build some products to maximize that whole event and there's a 30-day guarantee on that so if you get in and you're like not for me we'll refund you and cancel your order no one with the show okay so if you've seen me at all you know I perform all these weird tests on my youtube channel for marketplaces whether things work or not I actually test things I have problems with Authority okay so I've already done two tests on Etsy of which I lost money and I got a lot of advice from my few Watchers saying you did this wrong when a you did this wrong so this particular test the third test I was really determined to just knock it out of the park with everything you guys said to try and the results were crazy so let me share with you what I actually setup because the first time you set this up I was selling face masks and I got sales they were print-on-demand face masks though they weren't handmade and we lost money on the first test and a lot of you said well people like handmade more than they like print-on-demand that was the first thing you guys said the second thing you guys said was people don't like the print-on-demand regular mock-ups they want like unique pictures of the product or your own or they get tired of seeing the same model all over on Etsy wearing the same print-on-demand thing the third thing you guys said and wholesale Ted actually came to my channel she's big did you guys know she was big she came and commented on my video she said that it has to be more unique than I made it that first test so with those three things I was really determined to fix some stuff up but also I had a weird theory because in Etsy I noticed that a lot of the thumbnails when I searched for things if they information about different color options available those seemed to be bestsellers more than other things so I put out my new color options theory of my own that I wanted to test for this test right here that I just did the last two weeks and instead of just putting out product pictures I put out product pictures so I wanted to make the actual first product photo of the picture that would show up as the thumbnail in the Etsy search results you can see it right here I wanted it to say okay we have 30 different colors and options and actually put little dots on the side showing what those options are to get people to click through and then once they actually got to my product page I changed a lot of those product pictures up too so I a lot of you know I was using printful dot-com as my print-on-demand company and while printful connects to Etsy directly instead of doing that and just like connecting photos over I manually made these listings because I really wanted to make sure I could snazz it up with the different options and variations so instead of putting up like 30 masks in 30 different colors where if it's for example this floral mask that you see here they would click on this and this would be their only option and they would check out instead of doing that I manually made each listing I still made 30 listings showing the different products up front I still made 30 listings showing each product with like the 30 colors and patterns and the dots on the side so that those could all be in search results but when you clicked through to the inside the different photos you can actually see I combined them and made unique graphics to show how the masks could be used for other things and I also went through and actually showed each colored one inside the different photos like you're seeing here I really did up the pictures to have like a little icon of mine in it so it looked beautiful and branded and it showed the different ways that you could use these face masks as neck gaiters and bandanas and headbands as well and then I also showed all of the different variations within the photos themselves so this is all with my color theory of showing the color theory right on the search page of etsy to get them to click through but also so that they could choose and look in the photos to see the different options and then they could actually select the pattern through the variation choices during checkout as well so it was a whole thing it was really time consuming to put together but I wanted to see if this would not only increase clicks from search through to my shop but also sales I was really curious to see if people would click through from a mask and choose a different color or a different variation when checking out and I was shocked that every single time someone placed an order it was for something different than what they clicked through for so if they clicked through seeing one mask like a lot of them clicked through for one of my floral masks this one that you're seeing right here is what a lot of them kind of came through Etsy search for but this mask actually got zero sales and every single person who clicked through purchased something completely different so it makes me think that I'm right about my color theory options in that it does boost it's not everything but I truly believe that it does boost people clicking through from the thumbnail knowing oh that's I like something about that mask maybe I like a similar floral pattern I can see that there's more let me check what else there is and they come through and then they buy something completely different I've called this the Bellagio water show effect before on my channel about other things so I'm wondering if this new color options theory is kind of like the Bellagio Bellagio water show theory as well you show one thing to get their attention but then show there's other options and get them through the door people do this for display cases for their like brick-and-mortar shops all the time so why wouldn't it also work for online shops a lot of you on my last test when I presented this theory you actually most of you agreed with me in the comments of that video so now seeing this do you still agree or are some of you still like I skeptical about it which is ok a lot of you might be wondering why I chose face masks for this particular test especially when our first Etsy test we did face masks and then for our second test we moved to teacher gifts the teacher gifts test was such a bomb that I just knew I had to pick products that I knew are absolutely selling and that people are searching for right now so face masks was kind of the only route I had to go and could go quickly with print-on-demand and some of you let me borrow your listings your for your own handmade masks to test inside my study that I'm gonna go over in just a minute and I thought I would be able to relate this study to that first study with a few of the different variations that I was doing usually when you're doing a scientific test you only want to change one variation each time but because I'd already done a face mask test in the past I thought I'll be able to choose and change a few different variations this time and not just one and kind of know ahead of time what's going on like for example the color options theory I definitely saw a change this time versus the last time with me adding that little 30 colors and patterns onto the thumbnail image and really setting up the images really nicely inside my shop in within each listing so I wanted to add that and then I also wanted to switch up between Etsy ads and Pinterest ads and then switch from the print on demand to the handmade so there's a few different variations this time but I did test them all on different days at least so that I could try to track everything and we're gonna go through that in just one second day at a time but also another reason I chose face mask was because when a wholesale tag came to my channel I believe her name's Sarah sorry I keep calling her Hotel tag when Sarah came to my channel and she posted on my video and said that it was my fault that my thing failed because I didn't have it unique enough I kind of wanted to retry it and kind of prove myself and show that I could put out a unique mask that everybody would want to see my first masks had mostly hash tags of like courage trust things like that on it so it wasn't super creative and I got a lot of flack from that not only from her from a lot of you guys saying those won't sell although I do have to tell you guys between that test and this test those sold more than these however that might not necessarily be according to design or like that those hashtag designs are better than now it could also be that by the time we finished that test and got through this one masks are now becoming more and more saturated so it could be more of a saturation factor than design factor so in my new designs I did a whole set of floral designs and a whole set of geometric type designs some of them very very subtle and then a whole set of gradient designs I know that all three of those types of styles are very very popular right now all right so we have our Etsy test set up let's go through what actually happened on each day okay day one we set up free shipping over $35 we listed the masks for $24.95 in our very first test I had them listed for close to $18 or actually I had him listed for hire and then discounted them for lower but there just was no profit margin in that I lost so much money because the masks by the time they sold from printful and the Etsy fees and everything I lost money so even though I felt like I was priced gouging a little bit I had to charge 24.95 per mask but I did offer free shipping over 35 to try to encourage people to buy two of them and then from day one I set up a $25 a day ad spend on Etsy we didn't set up Pinterest ads yet that comes in later definitely wanted to do one at a time right away when I placed everything up I got my first order in before I even put up my Etsy video on my channel sharing about the test and ironically a lot of you said I think this is gonna be your best seller and it was the one that sold but I couldn't tell you and I wanted to die it was this one here called I believe we called it ocean gradient and so many of you guessed that this one would be the best seller and Tom actually knew that it had sold while my video was up so he guessed it too in the comments but I said you're cheating and he does just didn't care in total on day one I got two orders with a total revenue of eighty one dollars and 23 cents Etsy ads are weird they never spend your total allotted budget so they only spent $10 and two cents on my ad spend Etsy fees and taxes which include like the listing fees of the 30 new products was $13 and 51 cents printful the print-on-demand company that printed the masks to send them they their cut was 56 dollars and 13 cents so I spent a total of $79 and 66 cents so I got a $2 profit for the first day if you know me at all I'm not gonna complain about a dollar or two dollars in profit because to me if you can consistently make $1.00 in profit you can scale it to a million I've said it a thousand times haven't I said it a thousand times okay day two nothing but I spent another ten dollars and two cents in ad spend so my profit for day two was negative ten dollars and two cents I did look into the actual ad spend though and I learned that it was about 21 cents that I was paying per click through to my shop 21 cents for somebody to click through to my shop not a big deal as long as it's high-quality traffic but clearly it wasn't converting at this time day 3 I wanted to test something kind of crazy that a lot of you said renewer that's been just proven that's been debunked that doesn't work we already know that it doesn't work but you know I just don't listen to things and what if it changed we don't know unless we test it so I renewed all 30 listings again thinking that renewals might lead to orders even though all of you warned me against it I had spent 10 bucks the previous day and didn't get a single order so this day I renewed all 30 orders and lo and behold I got an order so my total revenue for day 3 was $30 and 44 cents Etsy's fees and taxes was $2.00 and 81 cents the renewal cost to renew all 30 was $6 the ad spend was 9 dollars and 13 cents printful Scott was 17 . 72 cents so we spent a total of $35 and 66 cents for a profit of negative 5 dollars and 22 cents if that order had come from Etsy ads then we wasted money on those renewals and we would have made a profit however we don't really know if that sale came from through the renewals and giving us a boost on Etsy or the ads unfortunately Etsy's tracking system is not that awesome so we're kind of left to guessing on that Dave for I was ready to turn off Etsy ads since I had dealt with them in our first test and they just were awful Etsy ads it didn't matter how awesome my SEO was and a lot of you were like your SEO stinks but I don't care how good your Etsy SEO is if you're not putting samurai pants inside your Etsy listing Etsy ads should not be showing your product for the list for the keywords samurai pants if you don't have that anywhere in your listing and your title descriptions or tags are nothing and yeah I paid for those clicks for people searching for samurai pants so I just said let's just try Pinterest ads but I wanted to split the Pinterest ads into two okay I asked a lot of you and you guys in our Z besties Facebook group I love placing bets in our Z besties Facebook group you guys can kind of see the test as we go and place bets on wealth safe like freebie bets like just fun bets we're not like nobody's paying nobody's gambling but I asked you guys to guess if you thought regular Etsy product listings would do better or fancy schmancy ads that I would make up later because Etsy itself pulls a lot of its organic social media traffic from Pinterest in fact that's Etsy's number one way to get organic social media traffic is through Pinterest and Etsy themselves they don't do all these fancy ads they just do the first product photo as the ads so I asked you guys do you think that first product photo would do better or if I actually Shahnaz dit up a little bit you guys were very split on this one so on day four I added Pinterest ads I set them all up I turned off of that's turned off at the ads and the first set of Pinterest ads I did all just the regular photos that you've been seeing with it says the xxx color patterns so it's just the first product photo and I put them all up on Pinterest ads and what I did it wasn't complicated I just pinned them and then I went into the backend to the ads to set them up and each one that I set up I said sir if anybody searches for face masks or anything relative to face masks show my ad that's really as complicated as it got and then I set it for $25 a day lo and behold I love the phrase lo and behold we got five ads on day four one of those orders was before the Pinterest ads were actually activated though so we're not exactly sure where that order came from but we got a total revenue of one hundred and thirty five dollars and ninety-five cents on day four Etsy's fees and taxes was twelve dollars and eight cents the Pinterest ad spend was twenty two dollars and two cents the Etsy ad spend I have to add that in because even though I turned them off in the a.m. they still charged me through for the rest of the day or that charge was from the day before I'm not sure but the amount was there for me to pay so I'm including it on day four and that was twenty one dollars and three cents printful Scott was sixty three dollars and 43 cents so we spent a total of a hundred and eighteen dollars and 56 cents so we actually made a profit on day four of seventeen dollars and 39 cents which wasn't bad Etsy stats said that Etsy brought about 12% of the visits to my shop and Pinterest brought the other 88% something really weird happened though when I actually went into the Etsy ad stat section because it almost looked like they said they brought in so much but the amount of clicks they brought in resulted in $7 per click from Etsy so I don't know if Etsy is taking credit for the Pinterest ads bringing in sales I'm not 100% sure where the sales came from because Etsy does just doesn't track that but luckily we turned off at see ads we turned on Pinterest ads so the following day wouldn't be as murky so day five we still had the Pinterest ads running and Etsy was done with charging me for their Etsy ads we were through with that and this was day two of just though using the regular photos of the products and Etsy for the ads on Pinterest we didn't do any renewals in looking at Pinterest ad stats versus Etsy visit stats there is a there was a little bit of a discrepancy between the two pinch was saying oh this product got clicked through this many times and as he was saying a different number there was like maybe a 10 to 20% discrepancy on every single product and every single stat so I'm not sure if it's Pinterest that's not tracking it correctly or Etsy but just something to keep in mind if you're gonna use Pinterest ads once I turned off the Etsy ads and only started using Pinterest ads Etsy said they brought in only 2% of traffic on day 5 while Pinterest brought in 98 percent so clearly as soon as I turned off the ads as he was like no you're you're done but here's something interesting with the Pinterest ads I got twice as many visitors for the $25 that I was paying then Etsy on the first few days I got anywhere between like 45 visits up to 75 visits through Etsy ads for the very first day of Pinterest ads I got two hundred and sixty-five visits for the same amount of money but would it results in sales that's really what we want to see right oh also Etsy the $7 per click thing I just equate that to like it was kind of murky cuz I had Pinterest ads on and Etsy ads on or the residue of Etsy ads I almost want to say even though I turned him off they didn't quite turn off right then I'm not sure exactly what happened with that but overall four so far from what I've been tracking s he's been charging about 20 cents per click through Pinterest ads whereas adding up to about half that so like 12 cents through click per click through so more bang for our buck so on day five we got two hundred and sixty-five visits we got one order and this one order I'm pretty sure came from Pinterest because in all of my Pinterest ads there was one that stood out that everybody was clicking on and this person who bought bought the one that everyone was clicking on so I'm fairly certain this person came through and purchased through the Pinterest ads although they came through the number one Pinterest ad that everybody just seemed to gravitate towards like crazy and just click through over and over again to my shop was my white floral mask you can see it right here this was the number one ad on Pinterest throughout the entire two weeks or from the time I turned on the ads through the rest of the test anyway but when the person clicked through then they actually purchased something completely different they purchased the Geo Mass something totally different here I thought that was really strange but I thought that's that color options theory that I'm that I think that I have right but because they came through the white floral mask and that was the number one Pinterest ad out of all 30 of them it makes me think that it was the Pinterest ad that resulted in the sale and not necessarily Etsy's 2% that they brought me that day as he said they brought me two percent of traffic while Pinterest brought me 98 percent so I think it's a fair guess that that person purchased through the Pinterest ad so on day five we had a total revenue of 30 dollars and 87 cents with that one order the Etsy fees and taxes was four dollars and 12 cents the Pinterest ad spend was $25 the printful cut to print and deliver the mask and fulfill the mask was 18 dollars and four cents so we spent a total of forty seven dollars and sixteen cents which means we lost sixteen dollars and twenty-nine cents so negative sixteen twenty nine profit now I know a lot of people see stuff like that and they're like well you have to pay your dues or you have to make your shop more snazzy or you have to add more product so you have to have more reviews but I have a little all of that set up in my shop I have reviews in my shop personally I just I just think the print on demand you have to have such high conversion rates like at least eight percent I just think if a hundred people come to your shop you have to have eight orders to make up for the huge margins of having to pay printful to do your order for you that's a huge cut of your sale is having printful fulfill things for you but I've seen some of you have an eight percent conversion rate and I borrowed your product listings and I'm gonna go over that in just a minute because I borrowed some of those eight percent conversion listings for my test to see if I could produce the same results so we're gonna get there in just a minute some of you also say Etsy is kind of a long game you have to pay your dues first and I actually got really upset at that at first but because if you have a product that converts and you have enough profit margin you don't really need to like pay your dues on Etsy but more and more I'm thinking that's every marketplace if you do a product on Amazon that's not necessarily wholesale but it's private label you have it mass manufactured and brought in you will be paying your dues to get your shop up and configured and things figured out so why would s you really be any different and really it could be the same with any marketplace I just thought by now we would be making a better profit since I was following all the things that you guys were telling me to do to make my masks better more unique more options better SEO the whole nine yards but so far we're running at a loss but our test isn't over yet I tried to tweak a few things to get things going day six we still have pinterest ads running with the regular etsy photos but something weird happened Etsy boosted my traffic to seven percent so ninety-three percent of the traffic was brought in through Pinterest and seven percent was through Etsy I wondered if because I was paying for the extra traffic to come in if Etsy boosted me a little bit but either way we got zero orders on day six and we spent $25 in Pinterest ad spend so negative twenty five dollar profit for day six on day seven something interesting kind of happened though we again got zero orders and we again paid $25 for Pinterest ad spend but Etsy boosted our traffic again to 9% so Etsy brought in nine percent of our traffic while Pinterest brought in 91 percent now during this time Etsy now don't think that Pinterest is like throttling me or not giving me what they were giving me before that 91 percent is the same amount of visits and clicks as before so it's about the same amount of clicks it's just that Etsy is bringing in more traffic to my shop so if I actually have a theory that if you yourself are bringing traffic into your shop Etsy's going to boost you so on day seven zero orders $25 Pinterest ad spend for a profit of negative $25 day eight made my theory even more real because again you got zero orders but that day Etsy boosted me again to 14% so Etsy brought in 14% of the traffic while Pinterest brought in 86 percent of the traffic but again no sales so I decided on this day to retest my theory about renewing Etsy's listings it had worked a few days back so I wondered I wonder if this would work again if I actually go in and renew all my listings again so I renewed 30 listings on this day again so on day 8 no orders we spent six dollars on Etsy renewals we spent $25 on Pinterest ad spend so our profit was negative 31 dollars on this day and this is when I decided ok it's time to change things up let's change up the Pinterest ads let's put away the Etsy shop regular product photo ads and let's get out of the Shema Z ads so I made three schnazzy ads for day 9 also I changed the keywords from face mask to more of a category I wanted to see if instead of doing keywords face masks if I could actually put it into a category like women's fashion how that would do and it was really interesting so these were the new snazzy ads that I put together I put together one with kind of one floral mask and two gradients and one geometric and then also with my color options theory in one of the corners to try to work that in and see if I could get more clicks and then I put in another snazzy ad with just florals Conda mated la-dee-da and I used the word restocked sometimes that can be a trigger and then I did another ad of just the gradients and the word new kind of like a button that says new in the middle and then one more ad with the geometric designs but the top still had the floral design with the button by now so we put those up on day 9 and at this point Etsy brought in 13% of our visits and Pinterest brought in 87% it all brought in about the same amount of visits but again no sales so on day 9 we got zero sales and we spent $25 in Pinterest ads so we had a profit of negative $25 again but I thought we just set up these new ads so let's just watch what happens so day ten again kind of a repeat no sales spent $25 so profit negative $25 date 11 something interesting started happening meaning that Etsy draw all of a sudden dropped our visits to 8% and Pinterest brought in 92 percent so Etsy wasn't bringing in like the 14% that they were bringing in before even though we were pumping in the traffic ourselves we ended up getting the same number of visits though our number of visits kept hovering between like 249 visits to two hundred and eighty-nine visits every single day throughout this whole process and Etsy's percentage of the traffic that they were bringing in seemed to like offset whatever Pinterest was doing to stay within that number so if Pinterest brought in less let's he seemed to cut like recover and bring in more but then the opposite was happening is really weird but day eleven again no orders we spent $25 so negative $25 profit and at this point like we really need we're wasting time and money now we need to switch something up so this is when I said okay you know what for the last three days of our test days 12 13 and 14 I want to do something so radical because clearly this isn't working and I wonder if it's because the whole face mask saturation thing is really kicking in it's so saturated that I saw this huge decline from the beginning of the test through to now and it was a very noticeable change in the whole atmosphere of the country people were done just done buying masks and when I went to the Z besties Facebook group all of the people in there selling and sewing masks said the exact same thing same thing happened to them it was almost like an instant just like sale stock but some of them were still selling and some of them had bestsellers and some of them were converting at huge conversion rates like 8% and they were handmade so I want this is when I switched it up and said you know what let's try selling the handmade masks and not only that for a lot of people who say oh it's your SEO it's your SEO that's the problem I wanted to test that too because in theory if everybody's crying seo seo seo if I take the products that are selling really well in these other shops at 8% conversion rates and I duplicate those listings exactly photos titles descriptions materials tags and those people with those bestsellers they gave me permission but I brought those products over to my shop and I duplicated their listings exactly to a tee back end and everything in theory my shop should have the same SEO as them and when people search things my shop should be right next to theirs with the product listing if Etsy is truly fair with SEO right this is the theory so what do you think happened because I was totally blown away with what ended up happening so these are the handmade masks that are best sellers that are handmade that are already selling their shops already doing very well and I put them in my shop exactly to a tee I didn't just copy these pictures from the listings I copied all of them I copied everything exactly are you understanding that is exact exact that's important because I know a lot of you're gonna be like well did you do this yes I did it all okay but I switched up my ads at the same time I don't want to show the ad the schnazzy ads to other things right now so I took all those down and I put up several different ads for both of these products just I wanted to see which one would do best and I put up different kinds like one was a Pinterest carousel ad one was a collage ad and two of them were a product photo ads so I put up a total of five Pinterest ads to go with these new handma this new handmade stretch that I was doing all right so on day 12 I got all of this set up with the new products the new duplication and the new Pinterest ads to go to these new products spent $25 on Pinterest ads I ended up with the same amount of visits Etsy said they brought in 5% of my traffic Pinterest brought in to 95% this time we've got 290 visits instead of the usual like 240 to 275 ish it felt like we got no orders but again that could be because just nobody's buying masks anymore by this point by this day but I was curious about something because these shops were getting more traffic than I was from Etsy itself I'm not even talking about Pinterest ads I'm talking about SEO I wanted to see if the weight of SEO really was on the title the description the tags you need to optimize your listings better right technically if I search my stuff should be right next to theirs right or at least close to it unless Etsy's SEO is dependent on something else so what I did because I know I know what you're about to say you visited your own listings so it'll affect the search results all right come on I'm right you were gonna say that so I used a VPN to disguise my IP address and I used a new browser and a new computer that has never been on Etsy so there was no search history no cookies no logins and it was a completely different IP address it was like I was a completely different neutral person searching for these masks and guess what I wasn't even in the search results I went for 20 pages both ways and the shops with the best sellers were with all the sales and the 8% conversions they were way up there my love the duplicated listings weren't even on the map so for those of you thinking oh you can make you can make money on Etsy on day one you just need good SEO that's a bunch of crap I was even talking to Brooke who's doing here are trending at Back to School Report who's doing a live Q&A tonight by the way I totally forgot to mention that it's a nerdy besties Facebook group she's doing a free live Q&A on trends in RZ besties Facebook groups she has worked in the top of the trends industry for the top retailers and she's doing that totally for free so definitely see that it's at 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time tonight and I'll have a link down below in the description new route to the Facebook group but also a time converter for you for that but I was actually talking to her about this situation and she said you really need to give it time but I thought she said give it a month and I thought give it a month how am I gonna all of a sudden go up in search results in a month is it really does Etsy really equate age into the equation for SEO does Etsy say oh well now that you're past the 30 day mark we'll push you up I I feel like that's wrong I feel like Etsy's SEO algorithm is not gonna be based on age am I wrong maybe you're gonna tell me I'm wrong I think it's based on something completely different and here's what I'm thinking here's my next theory okay about Etsy SEO I don't think it has almost anything to do with titles descriptions and tags I think your listings have to obviously be optimized I'm not saying that but I'm saying that if you have just a couple keywords everywhere you will be found for those keywords if you bring your own sales that's what I'm thinking because I brought the traffic the last you know 12 13 days from my Etsy test so it can't be according to traffic going up in the SEO results but what about sales oh and by the way I'd been getting favourites throughout this whole time too so it can't be based on favourites I've been getting traffic I've been getting favourites I had reviews already in my shop and my shop was already more than 30 days old so that theory is shot because I've had my Etsy shop since I don't even know the exact date but it's been a couple months since our first test so it's definitely been longer than 30 days guaranteed so it can't be age I think it's through sales so you will never guess what I tried to do on the last day of my test with this new theory and this new theory is that Etsy SEO isn't just based on optimization it's based on sales period and you know what this doesn't really shock me and I don't necessarily think it's unfair because Amazon does the same thing Amazon lists products according to your sales and your reviews but even more important than reviews your sales they even have top 100 lists for the top best sellers so I could see EXCI kind of doing the same thing but not telling anybody cuz they probably don't want anyone to game the system and purchase their own products what do you think I am dying to know because Mandy malts SEO queen she is a top 1% Etsy seller and she said something to me one time that totally haunted me and it was about a year ago I don't even know if she'll remember saying this to me but we were talking about Etsy SEO were such nerds that like our light conversation is like SEO and she told me yes she does product line collections but if anything sells even once she will never take it down because it's those sales that get people through to her shop the right people from Etsy to buy more so she said herself that sales promoted more sales but I didn't necessarily equate that right into SEO itself but now I'm wondering if it's connected to SEO altogether like you could have the best SEO in the world like I did but you will not get traffic from Etsy unless you have sales to go with it this is my new theory tell me what you think of my new theory I tested my new theory so really quickly day 12 zero orders we spent $25 on Pinterest ads and so we had a loss of twenty five dollars in profit on day twelve day thirteen it was the same thing zero orders spent $25 on Pinterest ads negative twenty five dollar profit Etsy brought in three percent of traffic Pinterest brought in 97 percent of traffic and we were back down to like two hundred and forty three visits which this was really interesting to me this time because you can't blame the product you can't a lot of people I know with the with the first mass task and then my second Etsy test they're always like but the product but the product you can't blame the product anymore because these were handmade masks that were bestsellers in these other Etsy shops that were proven to convert at 8% so the traffic bring being brought in through both Pinterest and Etsy and Etsy not promoting it you can't blame the product anymore which makes me think we don't have a shot unless we get sales first so through my secret VPN with my secret IP address and my secret a new computer with my secret new browser I purchased two masks of those handmade best sellers in my shop as a test I wanted to just for the last day day 14 really seek it possibly have an effect and guess what happened on day 14 we had another 243 visits 4% traffic brought in through Etsy 96% through Pinterest none of that changed but I got two additional orders that were not that we're not the two that I placed myself the night before okay so we brought in a total revenue of fifty four dollars and 18 cents Etsy fees and taxes were four dollars and 38 cents Etsy renewals were 40 cents Pinterest ad spend was $25 print fools cut was 34 dollars 22 cents so we spent a total of 64 dollars and we profited negative nine dollars and 82 cents but I don't think care about that because I feel like I stumbled on something so huge that it's not just gonna take one day of testing to see I want to take a two day test where I punch up sales so much through different my VPN can do as many IPs as I want so be as many people as I need from as many shops as I need and purchase and purchase and purchase and try to see if that can fuel my conversion rates and sales and get me up on Etsy SEO so that's gonna be our next test and this is where you tell me if it's gonna work or not in the comments or if you think I'm totally delusional scientist like Bell's father the scientist Looney and I need the funny glasses do you think I'm nuts I'm nuts but I really think that this might work so over all through our two-week test we got a total of eight orders total revenue 332 dollar sixty-seven cents Etsy fees were 37 dollars 30 cents I'd spend was 297 dollars and 22 cents and printful Scott was 189 dollars 54 cents our total loss for our whole test was two hundred and one dollars and 21 cents to me that stinks but you know what I think it was worth it to really discover a few things I have a few opinions now about Etsy and print-on-demand and I really think I really am starting to think that print on demand unless you charge a ton or on you cannot do ads at all like if you don't spend any money for ads and you can somehow get sales I don't know how you can get sales without fueling ads first but clearly the Pinterest ads didn't work neither that's the ads so what do you do from there but I think that the print-on-demand business model coupled with Etsy or even the handmade business model where you're slaving away 24 hours a day to make these products I just think it's not a viable business model if you have to pay a ton for ads unless you have huge conversion rates like 8% so I feel like you need to get your shop up and going and awesome and already getting sales before you bring in the ads because then you already have the conversions and it might fuel that that's a whole other Testament of itself but I feel like ads is just too much of a gamble at this point unless you can test it and it really is converting already it could also be that maths are just too saturated right now so we need to try another product to sell for my next test I'm actually going to take that trend neck back-to-school trend report from Brooke she's gonna be doing like live Q&A s if you purchase that so I mean I'm gonna be in there bugging her about the next product line that I'm gonna make for this next test that we're gonna set up and this next test we're going to test to see if Etsy sales through your self pumping in skills and a some of you are like you're selling I think Rene we're gonna see if that will actually boost SEO and get you up naturally and free because then you can work out the profit margins with print-on-demand or with expensive materials or whatever all right so really quickly do you guys want to see what actually sold well the best seller I think maybe one of you got this right was actually the xgo version of the mask and then ironically all of these the rest of these were tied so ocean was one of them a lot of you guessed this one and this was actually the first one that sold the next one was midnight floral and I know at least one of you guessed this one the next one a lot of you guessed in fact I think this was the number one guess or a best seller and that was little black geo and then the next one was the hot pink Geo a few of you guessed that one the next one a bunch of you also guessed and that is the unicorn floral floral pattern and then the final one which is kind of surprising I don't think anybody guessed this correct me if I'm wrong if you were going to guess this but gray geo the gray geo pattern those were all the bestsellers now the one product that got the most engagements and favorites and click-throughs from all of the ad there was just one that got more than all of the ads that I tested even the schnazzy ones in the handmade one this one mask got the most click-throughs but ironically this one didn't get any sales but it just it was like the Bellagio water show just people clicked through like crazy and that was our dusky gradient pattern I was so surprised by that one it just out of all of them I I don't know what I expected I expected maybe one of the best sellers to be the best click-through but this was the best and it just people clicked through like crazy on this one in all I think there's a lot of thoughts and you can put your thoughts below as well in regards to maybe the product did have weight meaning right in the middle of the test there was definitely a lull in mask sales not just amongst my my own sales but through all of you in the Z besties Facebook group it was like an all at once thing but I still think that it wasn't like nobody was buying masks and I still think SEO if you're duplicating it side by side shouldn't it be the same especially if you have the same back-end and that's completely duplicated I mean they even showed me screenshots of their back-end to copy exactly I did change my mind about something pretty major with Etsy in that I used to say it used to be like motto of all mottos since I started YouTube in 2012 that Etsy was the perfect place to get started for any business because it was easy but now more and more I'm learning through all the stats and everything it is the most saturated with sellers there's just not enough buyers to go around and Etsy is proving to be as difficult as Amazon or the other marketplaces in regards to getting up in their search so because of that I I don't know where I would suggest a beginner start I would almost suggest a beginner start their own website and try to get ads to their website to get sales instead and for a trust factor I would suggest you get some sort of like you know BBB Better Business Bureau a little graphic to show that you're safe try to find some safe seals to put on that website so people trust your website just so people don't think it's scam me but besides that I don't even necessarily suggest that people start on Etsy to get trafficking sales because it clearly is not there for the newbie anymore which means I should probably apologize to that person who I got mad at about they said something like Etsy is a rite of passage because now maybe it is a rite of passage unless we can fuel the sales in and then get up on Etsy and play a little game you guys think I'm weird do you guys want me to test that next you guys have to press the like button in comment if you want me to test that next these stats take a long time you know all right let me know your thoughts go ahead and give us a like don't forget to join me for trend knack tonight with Brooke also the back-to-school trend knack report is closing tomorrow it will no longer be available I'll have links down below in the doobly-doo just click show description for all of those things alright love you best you peace out yo [Music]
Channel: Cupcake Trainings
Views: 61,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to sell on Etsy, etsy ads, pinterest ads, etsy seller tips, selling on etsy, etsy success, how to sell on etsy successfully, how to sell on etsy for beginners, make money on etsy, selling on etsy 2020, how to make money on etsy, starting an etsy shop, how to start an etsy shop, sell on etsy, etsy tips, etsy seller, etsy seo tips, etsy seo 2020, etsy tips 2020, etsy shop 2020, selling on etsy for beginners 2020, etsy seo secrets, new etsy ads, increase etsy sales 2020
Id: DPldXAtapYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 21sec (2961 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.