How I’ve Made Money Online Successfully From 2006 to 2020 - How To Make Money Online 2020

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I look like a cream puff today today I want to answer a lot of questions that you all have been asking me about how I currently make money online in 2020 and have made online previously since 2006 I'll tell you how I recovered from last October's disaster that we talked about that one time I was nearly bankrupt last October but I've made enough money online since then in about eight months to completely recover even though I'm eight months pregnant and have been pregnant and covin quarantine chaos but somehow I climbed out of the mess I'll tell you about that I was able to get out of debt completely and build my income back up to actually surpass what I was making before I crashed and through this video I don't just want to share my successes I also want to share my failures because if I feel like if I only show you my successes it's not a real life view of a true entrepreneur but also if I only share success stories then I get weird like scam guru comments but at the same time if I only share my failures I get like your loser comments so listen I'm opening it all up today the whole complicated mess but listen don't try to figure me out okay I'm a complete recluse of an entrepreneur you can't pin me down my husband Tom calls me a kite that he has to constantly keep out of the trees okay so don't think you can define this business to me is a total adventure and I'm gonna do I'm gonna do I don't care what little advice you post to me in the comments okay and usually when I bare my soul that's when I get the worst comments like you're a loser Renae you did this thing wrong okay who's the bigger loser the one who like learned from this mistake and is baring her soul or the one commenting on the YouTube or video as like hashtag double loser if you comment on a loser video guilty by association all right so let's get into the parts where I was a success and why in the parts where I screwed up royally and why first go ahead and give this video a like it really helps me out more than you know also make sure you check out the July bite-sized marketing course by our celebrity partner coach stacey storino that is at frosting calm slash blueberry there is a 30-day guarantee on that so if you get in and you're not happy you can get your money back within 30 days also gosh you talk a lot go to the point okay I've got two words for you these are gonna change your life you ready two words get tacos that one's free now on with the show okay so this is just my personal journey that I'm gonna be sharing with you and yes I screwed up a lot a lot so don't think I don't know that I didn't screw up but there are a lot of entrepreneur things that ended up being successful I somehow fell into and I think that on like looking for opportunities is one of the biggest ways that you can build a business and a lot of times I try to give people opportunities I'm like hey if you do this thing for me I'll promote you on my youtube channel and they're like well I'm just not ready for that yet it's like you just missed it you just missed a huge opportunity but way back when in like 2006 is when I started my Las Vegas wedding invitation company okay and I started I noticed all of them were ugly so I started I just made some pretty ones and they started selling like crazy well then I was like well let's do it with beach invitations but nobody seemed to like them and it took me a whole year like twelve full months of designing different products full-time before I realized what people really wanted to buy with those and then that took off and actually made more money than my Vegas invitations and this was all online I had built my own little website through like open-source pre-installed type stuff just there's certain things like WordPress that you can just buy hosting and install it and it's like up and running so it was kind of like that sort of thing back then all traffic was kind of through Google SEO and through articles spinning so I slowly just started learning how to get traffic and I just got traffic and sales and I scaled that business to six figures but what I learned before that business uh you know how they say like 9 out of 10 businesses fail that's I'd say that's pretty accurate but that just means you should just keep going the businesses that I had before the stationery don't laugh you're gonna laugh at me but the businesses that I had before the the wedding invitation businesses I had tried to sell books on Amazon I had tried to sell wedding dresses on eBay yeah that didn't turns out brides wanted to try on their dresses before they buy them and then I tried wedding veils on eBay that actually did better but there really wasn't a lot of money in it and so and I was standing in line a lot at the post office like every day I was standing in line for hours because it was before like clicking ship and before you could drop things off you had to just 2006 you just had to stand in line period so I'd kind of kind of done okay with that but I learned that every product that I tried to sell that was belong to another company or another brand it didn't do very well until I started making my own and that's how I kind of got into the handmade industry and grew from there and slowly my stuff started selling because people would go to my shop and see my invitations and then they would leave my shop and try to Google where else to find my invitations cheaper and only my products would come up only on my site because I'm the only one who had them so that's how I grew really really big and that's when I thought like brand building is huge because if you don't have your own products and your own brands like that's the only way that I personally have found an e-commerce based business to work so far I mean you guys all see me testing things on my youtube channel like crazy but so far that's the only thing that has worked for me and what and when I taught it on YouTube starting in 2012 that's the only thing that has worked for my students is they created their own unique products and if people like it they buy it like crazy but they can't go anywhere else to get them so they're kind of like forced buy the products because they're not like anyone elses right well while I was within the wedding stationery type industry I started looking for printers to print them at home I was outsourcing the printing and it was really expensive and I thought if I could bring the printing in-house I could like double my money so I was looking for printers and there was like this CNET forum type thread where everybody else was looking for printers too and they all said man I sure wish there was some type of forum or something or we could all just go and gather and talk about our wedding invitation businesses so I went back to my hosting and installed another one of those like one-click install things and made a forum in a weekend and everybody went there and everybody was talking and everybody loved it but then all of a sudden strangers were coming in and stealing like trade secrets and our group had really like melted together melded together gelled so most of the members actually came to me as owner of the farm and said we want to pay you to be a member so that other people are discouraged from joining and I was like you want to give me money okay cool so we worked that out and that ran for a few years that was closer to like 2008 when that happened so my wedding stationery my wedding invitation business by then because I had found the printer and I was able to really like lower my out my overhead and scale profits I made it a six-figure business and then also on top of that I had my stationary farm which made like forty to fifty thousand dollars a year I was flying high I was so happy but then I noticed there was this hole in the wedding stationery market for mock-ups like if if a client came to me and said I want to see what this invitation is gonna look like with all these different pockets and ribbons and things there was no software really out there to make those mock-ups so I created the software and it was really really expensive and it cost me I want to say between ten to twenty thousand dollars to create this software but the instant that I launched it I made all of that money back but it didn't turn out to be super lucrative because I didn't it wasn't like subscription-based it was like buy this thing this one time and everybody bought that one time in my group and I couldn't figure out how to get traffic to get more people to buy it I wasn't completely connected with the whole funnel situation where you get traffic and then convert that to sales I just thought like nobody else is buying so I'm all done but it was really really really fun to make that software eventually though as a lot of you know who are like old timey entrepreneurs forums kind of started when Google started changing the algorithms like penguin and panda and different things forums stopped coming up on the Google search results so people stopped coming to the forum but also Facebook groups kind of emerged in like 2011 12 ish era so people stopped going on my form as much as they started making their private Facebook groups instead which is like their little cliques so the forum was kind of dead we had kind of stopped doing it so at that point it was like do I continue to just like have the forum up when it took a lot of maintenance and a lot of updating or do I just close it down and accept what happened so that was just like I have to just adapt and I shut it down and shut the plug in or the wedding invitation software also down as it was just like it had gone through its time and I had made money but I could tell with where the market was it was no longer needed it was it was needed at one point like crazy but nobody really wanted it anymore it was all done it was used everybody had their copies it was done so I moved on from there but I still had my wedding stationery company and then in 2013 is when I started going through a really hard divorce and in 2012 I had to actually started my youtube channel because so many people were coming over and seeing like my home where a house full of stock in the garage since I had brought everything in-house and there was just nowhere to move like it was the third car garage like imagine boxes floor-to-ceiling and they were like what what is this and like oh that's my I sell wedding invitations but I tried to hide it because I actually came from a culture where women were just supposed to like cook and clean so entrepreneur ISM was like almost like a porn addiction for guys like it was like just don't show anybody don't tell anybody don't talk about it hide it at all costs right so but like people would stumble in and see things in the garage and be like what's that I'm like paper and be like what it what is this and I would tell them and they were like wow you you are massively successful like and you're making six figures teach me how to do it well I didn't wasn't really interested in teaching how to do it because I had this hugely what I thought what I felt was a successful business I loved having my lifestyle I loved being at home and just printing invitations at home and I had my three kids next to me two of which were like infants I just absolutely loved the lifestyle but I wasn't interested in really teaching it but so many people asked me that I started looking online to see if there was something for like working at home moms to give them and everything at in 2012 everything was all about like work-life balance or budgeting and I just knew like having gone through since 2006 to 2013 this is not what what women need like here's how you make a business plan and and this is how you build a website and this is how you get your products online and this is how you make your products and this is how you look for suppliers I couldn't find a single book a single article a single YouTube video on the subject it in rain aged me so I started a blog for a month and then someone said you should really try YouTube and I thought I'm gonna hate that but they said try it for 30 days you will you will either love it or hate it and at the end of the 30 days I actually really really enjoyed it so I kept going and that's kind of how the YouTube thing took place but I wasn't like making any money on the YouTube but I would still still have my stationary business well when I went through my divorce in 2013 that's when I sold my stationary business after like after the divorce like we went through a very rough patch I had a hard time even just functioning uh it just took all my energy went into just taking care of the kids and just breathing for a while so we had moved into these apartments and downsized completely and that's when I after the divorce papers were signed because I didn't want to share the cell with my ex but after the divorce we were signed I was like okay I'm gonna try to sell this thing and I sold it and it was really cool selling except I got like I think was like a hundred and thirty thousand dollars it was amazing it was amazing but it took a while to to sell so between the time that I moved into this apartment and the time I sold my company it was like we were rationing on crackers for dinner I was really really really hard I couldn't function enough to continue my business and Google had been doing the panda penguin thing at the same time so I couldn't like look into recovering from that whole SEO mess after I had gotten that windfall though it was like okay alright good so that's when I bought myself a little card and we just completely lived on that while I was trying to figure out the YouTube thing well the YouTube thing it would just wasn't bringing anything in and I couldn't figure out why the YouTube thing was different than my e-commerce space business I didn't really understand that ecommerce space business models and content based business models run very very differently and I kept watching free YouTube video after free YouTube video trying to figure it out and I met my coach David Siteman Garland but I didn't really I was trying to listen to him but at the same time like nothing he said really made sense to me and all these coaches were trying to tell me how to do it but nothing like clicked it couldn't understand I just it just had a heart I just had a hard time clicking with what they were saying it was a lot more complicated than it like an e-commerce based business and he kamar space business it's like you have a target market you make a product for them and if they like it they buy it with a content-based business model it's like you have to go through all these like a sales process like funnels to get people from here to getting-to-know-you to this section to this section to actually purchasing something or there's other business models like affiliate marketing where your start here and then they get to know you and then you recommend a product and then they buy that person's product that's not your own I was totally dumbfounded about the whole thing or you could do courses and so I had gone through all of the different scenarios and I wasn't really sure what to do so I actually made like a membership site to teach through that membership sites so if you paid that I think it was like three dollars and 95 cents a month if you joined that then you would get like monthly goodies and stuff like that and a few people joined that so that really helped but it took over a year and divorce is just so expensive that the money was completely like gone within a year again and I know a lot of you gonna be like where did you spend I have three kids and I was completely on my own my husband got absolutely my ex got absolutely everything everything because I didn't like confrontation I'm very much a coward I was just like take it all he took everything so to start over is very expensive especially if you have three kids and I don't even want to get into the cost of diapers two of my kids were in diapers anyway so 2014 comes around and I'm completely out of money at this point but I had been trying YouTube since 2012 I'm like oh what can I do and that's actually when I bought my first course it was like $197 course from David Siteman Garland and that a lot of you know that as like the the homeless stage where I was actually googling homeless shelters because I was out of money I didn't know what to do I had no family that I could just like move in with and state laws prohibited me from going across state lines to live with family it was just a big mess and I couldn't I couldn't get on welfare or anything so especially because a lot of the welfare stuff relied on last year's taxes when I got that big lump sum for the business so I had zero home money and zero ways of getting like food for my family and this is when I was like I really got to try someone else's approach because I've been trying this for two years and it just did not work so this Court kort the small course that i bought was actually like a webinar workshop type course that shows you how to give like a webinar our workshop and it went against every natural fiber of my body I had the hardest time with the course but I was like I'm just gonna try to follow it like like by a tee because everything I've worked tried hasn't worked and I followed it to a tee and that's when I excuse me that's when the money started coming in and immediately and I had made $1,700 in a few days and that's what I made the famous crying girl video and then by the end of the launch I had made like $3,000 well to me that was like life-changing because my bills at the time I had been able to shrink them down to about $1,500 a month and so that $3,000 was like I have like two months worth of bills this is the coolest thing ever but ultimately I meant so much more than than that the money I've made since then it's quite extensive but it's just it doesn't mean the same amount as that first three thousand dollars because it meant that Wow you really can make money at like a content based business model I had no idea now this particular webinar sold a little mini traffic horse okay to getting on to like Roku Roku was huge at the time there was no like Apple TV there was no like Google TV there was nothing like that at the time that I did this it was all Roku all the time and when I had made a roku channel myself I got a ton of traffic so the course that I gave was getting in on this Roku traffic and it included like getting into my channel as well so that I could also forward traffic to them and it was like that just this small little offering that people bought but it made me understand that the content based business you could totally sell a an informational product or a service based product or something and actually make money at it so from there I kind of used this same scenario this same training for a bunch of other little informational type products and then bought David Siteman Garland is big like 997 dollar course which I never would have bought if it didn't have a 30-day guarantee on it I was terrified to spend that much money on a course and I thought what could be in here that's not like on YouTube but I thought I'd been searching YouTube and trying YouTube things free things for two years and nothing worked so I grabbed his course and I ultimately started scaling and scaling and scaling and scaling just based on his course until I hit seven figures in 2016 was my first seven figure year and that's when I understood okay it's not about the the bits and pieces that you do like you could find a thousand free trainings on YouTube but it's more about the Olympic routine and following one strategy to the end Ferg's for example like if you're gonna cook a Thanksgiving turkey and you watch Martha Stewart on Thanksgiving week she cooks a turkey seven different ways and if you try okay I'm gonna implement all seven ways from these free trainings guess what happens your turkey does not turn out that good ask me how I know okay it turns out really gross when you try to make a turkey seven different ways to try to make the ultimate turkey from seven different free trainings so it's more about following the one strategy that works from the beginning to the end like cooking the turkey and that's that's been proven and so I finally understood it and I was making a ton of money and I went seven figures because I was selling a course on how to do go six figures with a handmade type business like I had done with my stationary company and it was everything solid it wasn't like stress reduction anxiety type it was substance it was like do this do this do this this is what your finances need to do this is where to get traffic this is how to do this this is how to do this this is how you send an email out just the whole thing right everything that I personally did as like an Olympic routine like I woke up I did this I did this I did this I did this and I made money at stationary so that's I was selling my Olympic routine that works for me to make money that built up that six-figure business in my garage and that's what I was selling and to this day like all of my students I have now my students before my training instead of myself so it's not come it's not like anecdotal data where I you know I only did it myself and it can't be duplicated I made sure I actually made like a step by step by step formula that if you duplicate it it's gonna work for you and that's what's in that course called Henry Titan University and my Stu and there are a lot of them are six figures some of them are seven figures and they've gotten even farther than I ever did with e-commerce which was really really cool that was a nice little feather in my cap for me and now a lot of them are asking me for manufacturing type trainings how can I go wholesale and then get my products on Amazon as well so that's one more reason why I'm on my youtube channel like trying to test things and figure things out because if we can find another duplicatable formula one that it's like go to go to this site pick a manufacturer that has these checkboxes exactly or here's a list of manufacturers which would be even better am i right am i right choose one go through this prototyping session do this do this hire this exact person not like the courses I've been in courses I'm actually in one right now that they give you 20 different options they're like you could do this or you could do this or you could do this some people do it like this that's not what the way I like to teach I like it to be like the shortcut like here's how to get from A to Z as fast as possible and if you use this person and check out here for this thing then you'll have this result and then you can move on to this super fast and then by the end like no one can have like a manufactured product up on Amazon faster but that's why we got to test things first I got to find the fastest path on my YouTube channel with all of us together before I can actually like make a course out of it but I am thinking of making the course completely free through through like and instead of using like the course selling business model where I sell you a course and you pay me something like 997 when you have to pay so much to get your products manufactured I was thinking there's there's enough affiliate marketing type products inside the Amazon field or inside the manufacturing field in general that I might find the path and teach it free but then use affiliate marketing if you want to use those things because then I could be paid that way and then you guys wouldn't have to worry about paying me upfront for like a 997 dollar course that you're like I don't I don't know if this is gonna work or not for me right and I know a lot of people have problems with affiliate marketing but when you trust someone and you can actually see them go through on the channel on the channel and say I tried this one thing and it worked or I tried this one thing and it didn't work you're gonna trust that product a lot more right and then so you could actually pay me through that testing and by purchasing the product through me if you need it like if you need a specific tool to get started or whatever and and it wouldn't have it would never be like inflated like oh you need these hundred tools so check out with all of them so that I can get paid again it would be the path of least resistance from A to Z so since then in 2019 what happened was I had purchased another course and coaching that was kind of opposite David salmon Carlin and this person said you know if you do this one thing you make so much so much money you guys heard all before and this coach like laid out this type of affiliate marketing plan for my own students and I was kind of like can that work because my students have e-commerce based business models can i really be like no goat email your people who purchase from your shops and tell them to purchase my handmade course like I saw this disconnect but I just trusted the guy because I had such good experiences with courses previous and he said he said oh yeah yeah it's gonna work it's gonna work and I just thought you know a lot of these affiliate marketing things or the a lot of the affiliate marketing courses or products I thought their affiliate marketing things designed for the other the affiliate marketing other people like the people wanting to get into affiliate marketing so once those people get into affiliate marketing they're gonna tell that coaches thing so it's almost like a multi-level marketing pyramid scheme type thing where it's an but it's not like a scam scam it's just like it only works for other affiliate marketers getting into the affiliate marketing it's like oh if I make a course on affiliate marketing and all these people become affiliate marketers they will tout my affiliate marketing course right and I mean there's nothing incredibly wrong with that but I was coming in from the perspective of okay all of my students are ecommerce based businesses and if I suddenly tried to teach them to become affiliate marketers isn't that going to be weird but the guy was like no it's great it's great so I kept trusting him and kept pouring money down the hole and that completely destroyed my company and by October my company was pretty much gone and I had to fire my whole staff I was in like $150,000 worth of debt I had lost $500,000 that entire year with it burned through every savings you can pretend that like you can all tell me like oh you didn't save enough okay if I came to you right now and said you only $500,000 would you have that saved up in your company or personal finances okay so a lot of people are like you didn't really listen to the Dave Ramsey thing you're supposed to have enough saved for this or this it's like okay so if I came to you right now and I was like five hundred thousand dollar bill would you be able to pay that right now probably not so I was completely unprepared and we almost went bankrupt and I won't go into a lot of the details but you can see it right here in this video I'll have a link in the doobly-doo just click show description weird to see that video since then I thought what what can I do to build this back up I had already sold all my products I didn't really have anything new to make if I made I made over 800 videos on my channel I was like what else is there that I can teach and then turn into a product and also everyone was very wary because as we were going down I was like trying to sell sell sell to save the company so everybody's very weary of all the things that I was trying to sell to keep my company afloat so I felt like I'd completely burned my audience I didn't have a staff anymore at all and we didn't like even our credit cards were maxed out we couldn't even do like a Facebook ad I hadn't I had pretty much had to start from scratch so I was like what what do I do from here I'm an entrepreneur I've been doing this since 2006 so I guess now it's kind of the time when I get to put my money where my mouth is that I know how to build a business since I'm supposed to be like a coach right and that's when I remembered my advice to some of my own students they said Renee if like everything went away today what would you do I always told them I would make youtube videos that's what I would do I said I would put in the sweat equity and I would just do video after video after video until I got back on my feet well it took me a couple months to recover from the October thing through December and I had just gotten pregnant so it's very very sick on top of all of that but at the same time in October right when we were going through everything I was trying to build this software called oh whoa oh whoa it was an email software that I had been trying to build for two years and I had been paying programmers to develop it for two years and we didn't even have like a version one to put out there and in two years like there was nothing built at all and I was trying to be patient and I know that program just go through a lot and they can get stressed and I was trying not to be pushy but in October it was like well I have to let everybody go including the oo developers but at the same time I had actually previously sold oh whoa for the last year in some of the packages that I've given like here's a package with these little items and then oh whoa and so now all of a sudden I don't have a staff and I don't have mode developers but I'd been promising this software I'd always wanted to start a software company I don't know why it's an entrepreneur thing it's just like oh and I want software on my portfolio why not I don't have a background in programming but I do know how to do certain things I do know how to Google my way through things and open source software's and setting things up and like if I know what I want to do I can usually Google my way through to do that thing so I built OOW myself in a few weeks I had removed a lot of the complexities knowing that oh whoa wouldn't be the most complicated software in the world but the whole point of oh whoa would be more for those who are tech scared those who I just want to send an email for those people not for people who are like well I want to do tags and sequencing and all these complicated e-commerce things because like even if you go into MailChimp you have to click through like ten screens to get to send an email campaign and I just said I want my software just to have an instant send an email button where like after your set up you just click send an email and you can send an email and it's like wow that's so cool that's all some people want so I said my oo software's gonna be the most simplest of email software's so I created it in a few weeks like I did not sleep I did not shower I was really stinky and when I launched that I had made a few thousand dollars and I was so grateful because that few thousand dollars got us through like paying the bills for a month or two while I could figure out what what in the world we were gonna and luckily I already had the audience for it and luckily it wasn't like just another course to sell because I think a lot of people can get really like oh so many courses like show me something else like a service or you know I do for you type product because there's only so many courses you can take in and try to do at the same time although I I'm a course Binger now I just absolutely love courses I'm gonna be reviewing some some courses very soon but in late December it came to the time where was like ooh now we have to figure out how to build up the business again and that's when I read that one thing book which went against all of the different advice that I'd gotten from the previous year you can see that video here and that really helped me turn around and reprogram my brain back to where it needed to be so I knew okay I can only make money by doing YouTube videos and I knew my previous past from 2012 to 2014 like I didn't make a dime so I had to find a way to make money without selling stuff without constantly selling courses I mean I could do like little like you guys seem to do little commercials for partner coaches and things but I really needed something else and something more substantial and that's when I thought okay I am going to get into affiliate marketing and just I will only tell what I personally have tested and used but then I thought why not show those tests right on the YouTube channel and that's when things kind of started exploding and it took about 126 or 129 videos before we got to that point in the orbit and orbit is when you post for 365 days a year non-stop like Christmas your birthday the day you give birth you will have a video up for your audience that's what an orbit is and that's always what I told my followers if you are stuck and you need traffic and you need to equity the orbit is the way to go but it is really really really hard it takes like eight it takes me eight to 16 hours a day to do one video like the one that you're watching with all of the editing and planning and everything but I knew this was the one thing that if I just did this I could get back on my feet and if I'm showing you what I'm testing you can see for yourself if you like it and then get it if you like it and if you don't I don't care you know you should get what's good for you right so money started coming in a little bit but it wasn't a whole lot and then I turned on YouTube ads and that's when things exploded and I was like wow I could actually make a living at this just by turning on YouTube monetization before I exploded the YouTube my and before I turn on the monetization it was just like I did the numbers and I was like it's really not worth it to turn on ads on my videos I really wouldn't make enough to annoy annoy people but then all of a sudden after like 126 videos I completely skyrocketed I finally hit this stride and I'd finally really put in the time of learning youtubing properly again because it was totally different than when I started doing it in 2012 2020 totally different game we'll talk more about that later I'll tell you things I tested and things like that also if you're interested in getting into youtubing but finally when I hit this specific code like I cracked the code to YouTube everything started skyrocketing and that's when I put ads on my channel and that's when my youtube videos started skyrocketing even more I really do think YouTube promotes videos that have ads on them way more than the ones without that's key if you're gonna be a youtuber I learned that the hard way I wish I'd known that 126 videos before oh my gosh the amount of our is like 126 times 16 I don't know you tell me in the comments what that is that's a lot of hours so now between my youtube videos and between the affiliate marketing stuff and make about six figures and then with partnering with like our celebrity partner coaches I make even more money that way which is great and I don't have to make the products I can just focus on YouTube and testing things free on YouTube I really I really love that I really don't enjoy selling to me I love like performing a service I mean you can actually see the test and it's free and the way you're paying is by viewing an annoying ad I feel like it's a it works both ways for both of us that way and then additionally I've been able to once again since I launched them once a year I've been able to launch my hammie Titan University course that's that him made one we talked about and then architect is also my website building course and through both of those plus the celebrity partner coaches now total I was able to completely in eight months climb out of the debt completely all of the credit cards are paid off and now through this the new like multiple income streams I'm actually making more than I made last year which is really cool because the money that I'm making I'm spending on the tests like I paid let's try to put money on here and see what happens so that that way you won't be wasting your money if you put your money there and it works or not works and stuff so it's really cool that I'm able to test things and have the budget to test things now just because I turn on the ads on my videos and I've climbed out of that debt so now to me is when the fun really starts but here's how I would kind of rate things okay because some stuff with the multiple income streams definitely makes more money than other stuff and I feel like there's a missing piece to what belongs in each category too because I know there's courses on everything but you have to be careful obviously because of what I went through in that there was like this disconnect between this affiliate marketer who sells to affiliate marketers and they're trying to convince me to use the same business model there was this huge disconnect I never should have done that I shouldn't known right up front but I just I was just so hopeful I don't know so I want to actually tell you kind of rate what income streams are better and more time consuming but also like what's needed in order to do to do that so for example if you do want to be a youtuber and I actually have a workshop at your first 1,000 YouTube subscribers calm to get you started with that it's free and that workshop leads to an additional course which is also free that shows you how to get into the YouTube bidding type of lifestyle that I'm in or you actually can make and sell a course and it doesn't have to be a course on making money it can be a course on like tying your shoe or like home schooling your kids whatever it is that you're good at that people ask you about and they're like how do you do this thing that's kind of what you make a course on and I know a lot of you are like oh that's candy scammy courses aren't a scammy especially if you give them a 30-day guarantee so that everybody who's supposed to belong in the course ends up in the course and people who want out you let them out okay but also if you learn the proper way of coercing as I call it meaning you give them the fastest route from A to Z instead of like here's the 3,000 options you can do you're like this is what I did and how fast it worked and make sure it's duplicatable people really love that and people buy it and that's I course creators make seven figures it's why course creators make so much money so instead of judging other people for doing courses like you should get in on it okay and it could just be like one piece of your income stream it doesn't have to be everything and you don't have to be sales you salesy you absolutely don't have to be sales e sales if a really really really good friend of yours knew how to snowboard and you were like I really want to get into that you would go ask that friend to teach you how right it's kind of the same thing but it is a lot easier to get into courses if you're a youtuber so it's kind of like the youtuber course model is what I teach at that workshop and the additional course that goes with it and the additional course by the way is also frees so you don't have to worry about that now that's definitely the highest tier of like money-making like that's seven figures but it's a lot harder if you're not a youtuber so it's almost like you really should work on the youtubing first like I did you tubing for two years before I tried to sell something so the youtuber business model is more like the courses are at the top just like you see on youtubers the affiliate marketing is more at the very very bottom it's almost pennies like the affiliate marketing for products that you tell you you obviously should only put out products that you really do use so that you can stand behind them but also because then you can also do tutorials to help people use them as well but that's that's probably like you can order pizza on set Saturday night type thing I know a lot of people are like affiliate marketing is the way to go but every single person that I've heard say that loves to teach affiliate marketers and the affiliate marketers by their 997 dollar course and then those affiliate marketers sell the 997 dollar course to get 50% of it and then they market to affiliate marketers and that's how it works okay so the only way of fillion marketing works is if you sell really really high ticket items to an affiliate marketing group so if that's you and there's no judge you judge but if that's you and you're like I want my audience to be affiliate marketers and I'm going to teach them affiliate marketing then you also need to be a youtuber but you need to teach you need to YouTube about affiliate marketing and then sell an affiliate marketing course and train them to be affiliate marketers and keep going down the line okay that's pretty much the only way to really really make money at affiliate marketing it's just one piece of the puzzle but it is a piece of the puzzle like it pays my water bill okay and I'm in Connecticut water is expensive here okay so I'm grateful I am grateful for that so you have courses up here you have affiliate marketing down here I would put YouTube monetization right in the middle of that sorry if you like my icy hot patch I have pregnancy pains okay when I sleep I kind of like I don't know why I do it when I sleep I'm like holding myself up in this really painful position so my muscle like by morning is like screaming in pain I'm moving on moving on personal personal information anyway courses affiliate marketing I would say YouTube ads are right in the middle no it is harder to become monetized on YouTube like you I believe as of right now they keep changing it as of right now you have to have thousands of subscribers and four thousand hours of watched YouTube now here's the thing here's the thing with that okay I think there's a way to gain this system and I'm gonna try it for you if you like that I'm gonna try it for you cuz obviously my channel I've had it around since 2012 so obviously mine is monetized my daughter's is not you guys remember my daughter at Sephora Christine calm we're trying to get her channel monetized and she has about 400 something subscribers but she is nowhere near her out 4,000 hours of watch time she likes to make like 1 minute videos she's like tick tock er more than more than youtuber I'm like make the videos a little louder she's like not as good like okay they're gonna have to watch that like what's four thousand times 60 do the math and post in the comments I have no idea that many minutes oh that many times of watching this one-minute video to get you monetized but here's the thing on Fiverr there's there's services that will actually get your channel monetized and I don't know if this will shut your channel down which is why we have to test it first but I believe one of the listings that I read said you have to have like a one hour or two our video on your channel and then you kind of give them your channel links and that video and then they do whatever they do with box or whatever no again I know that's not totally legit so that's why you're gonna have me test at first on a totally new channel to see and we get shut down okay that's coming that's coming but other than that the YouTube monetization is absolutely killer and YouTube SEO I thought was tricky until I finally understood a few aspects about it which I share with you in the course at the end of the 1000 YouTube subscribers comm workshop if you go into the course like I show you the SEO it's there's only a few things it's not hard and especially if you've done SEO before but there were a few things that 20/20 I didn't know until so many videos and finally when I figured out I was like ah finally so I share those things in there and I actually show you my screen so that's kind of why I'm not showing you here is because I actually show you my screen and what I do who I click on what I put where to kind of make a duplicatable formula for that but again that's all free so don't worry about that but again like all three of these things like course YouTube ads monetization and affiliate marketing all is within the youtuber income stream okay and that's what has made me the most money I love ecommerce but it's it's just known that it goes retail wholesale manufacturer and the farther that you get away from retail the more money you'll make so like retail can be a six-figure game wholesaling and wholesaling can be a seven-figure game manufacturing can be an eight-figure game so if you even if you start out with retail you ultimate plan is to go wholesale and then even manufacturing and those are just like industry statistics you know like even the brick and mortar retailer on the corner probably doesn't make seven figures those are usually like six figure type businesses even restaurants and stuff usually like the owner ends up getting a six figure type of salary not that there's anything wrong with a six figure I was totally fine a six figure income I was fine with that I'm just telling you like how far do you want to go and the steps that you need to take to get there because if you're not a youtuber it's really really really hard to sell courses and obviously you can't get ads on it some blogs do like Google Adsense but I'm finding it more and more difficult to have a blog that can rise to the top of Google it is possible it does happen but it's really really hard to beat out competitors at that unless you're using ads but ads are not always a bad thing like I spent over $400,000 in facebook ads and got millions back first search for certain aspects so Facebook Ads worked for me but it's because my facebook we're leading to a free course and then that free course led to more YouTube videos to help them and then eventually pitched my bigger course after I helped them so much and that would pay for the YouTube or the excuse me the Facebook ads so it was worth it to me but it was quite expensive I have not tested Facebook ads on an e-commerce based business model we're definitely gonna do that this year but I find that ads are so hard for e-commerce unless you have like a really high-end product we're gonna try to figure that out also so there are a few things I know like a handmade business model through e-commerce can take off probably faster than any of the other business models that I've seen and for cheaper like even wholesale Amazon is supposed to be super cheap Amazon FBA and private label all of that stuff it's an even eBay like online arbitrage you can you either can make a little bit like arbitrage you can make a little bit can't make as much as like ahem a business can go six figures online arbitrage I'm having a hard time understanding how to scale that to six figures although we're gonna try I'm sure people are out there who are like I'm six figures or I know someone who's six figures so we're gonna definitely try it building a brand to me even though it takes a little bit longer you can build a brand for super cheap and then it's this substantial thing and then if people are googling your products like they can only get it through you and where you're going to offer it so that's the only way so far that I've found an e-commerce business model that has worked for me but again that's only because that's the route I took which is why on our YouTube channel I'm like let's try these other routes and see what happens so I'm not trying to like fail on purpose I know a lot of you're like she's doing it or she's doing it on purpose proved some point or lead us down this path or something this really has nothing to do that I really do want to find lots of different business models and the way each business model works it's almost like taking apart a clock and trying to figure out how it works and how to put it back together so that it doesn't matter which business model like is for you you will know the path to take with that so so there's that and the Amazon FBA Amazon wholesaling amazon private label you can do it and you can make a lot of money out but it is expensive to get up and running also there's a lot of competitors in that way as well handmade on Etsy there's a lot of competitors also but you can move quickly you have the supplies in your house and materials that you can make 100 products in a day and get them up and start selling and they're unique and maybe nobody else has them print-on-demand I'm working on that I I'm thinking more and more that print-on-demand might be more for artists or selling artist based stuff because I'm having a hard time with it but again there might be a way to make it work it's just so saturated that I'm like is it still a viable business model so print-on-demand we haven't been able to get work to work yet but again it's only been a couple months you know I've always said sometimes it can take a whole year for your business to be up and running my beach invitations took me 12 months to figure out what in the world they wanted so even though I'm showing like fail after fail after fail I think a lot of people go through fail after fail after fail with their businesses they just don't show you you only see the successes on Instagram when everything is beautiful and successful and then they're ready to sell a course right all right go ahead and give us a like that really helps me out more than you know make sure you go check out the July bite-sized marketing course by our celebrity partner coach stacey storino at frosting calm / blueberry 30 day guarantee on that if you just don't like it you don't have to do homework or nothing weird and I'll see you guys tomorrow peace out yo [Music]
Channel: Cupcake Trainings
Views: 21,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money online during a quarantine, make money online, make money online fast, ways to make money online, ways to make money during a quarantine, how to make money during coronavirus, how to make money online 2020, how to make money online fast, fiverr, upwork, best way to make money online, best ways to make money online, make money during quarantine, how to make money online, greg gottfried, how to make money from home, Make Money Online When The World Is Shutdown
Id: KRf9vq7QrXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 36sec (2736 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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