Homemade Peppermint Patties ~Better than Store-Bought!

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perfectly coated peppermint patty [Music] welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple today we're going to make some delicious peppermint patties from scratch it is super easy to do only requires a few ingredients and you can whip it up in no time at all and then get them dipped and chilled and ready to either give as gifts or to store in the freezer until you want a little snack now this is the second time i'm filming this video and so something interesting happened i used a different brand of sweetened condensed milk and i ended up with a yellow beige filling for the peppermint patties well you know peppermint patties are a solid you know a bright white inside so this was not going to work and i couldn't figure out why it was happening in my test batches that wasn't the case it was very light and white like it should be so i told jeff to go grab some other cans of sweetened condensed milk i happen to have three different brands out there and um i used this brand which is the members mark sam's club brand this time and it is so much darker i couldn't believe it so we opened up uh the one that i usually use which is eagle brand and opened up the nestle brand and i could really see the difference so i don't usually say get a certain brand of anything you know but for this recipe i'm going to suggest that you try to find the nestle brand if you can't find the nestle brand then definitely go with eagle brand those are going to be your best bet for this recipe this was just too dark and it's going to make your filling beige in color okay so just want to get that out of the way the next thing i want to get out of the way is that this recipe makes a lot of peppermint patties a lot of them you don't have to make the whole batch you can cut them in half or even in a quarter it's no problem just cut back on all your ingredients the reason why i decided to make a large batch is because i wasn't sure what i would do with the other half of the sweetened condensed milk can so that's why i'm making a pretty large batch but again you don't have to this is about one and a quarter cups of sweetened condensed milk so you can baste your measurements uh on that and i'll go over more of that uh more of those details in my written recipe on my website all right so to make the centers for the peppermint patties is super super easy you only need a few ingredients all right so the first thing i'm going to add is one can which is 14 ounces of sweetened condensed milk to my stand mixer you do not have to have a stand mixer to make this you can use a hand mixer or you can even just mix it up by hand it'll be fine a little tougher to do you need a little elbow grease but you can do it by hand for sure so i'm going to go ahead and pour this in to the bowl here all right that looks good now we're going to add in four tablespoons of room temperature butter can be salted or unsalted i'm using salted but that's just because that's what i have here so we're gonna add that into the stand mixer then we need to add in our peppermint flavoring and what i like to use is a bakery emulsion so it is not the extract kind but a bakery emulsion i get it on amazon i will definitely link to it below in the video description for you they come in all different flavors they're fantastic to use i use them all the time you're going to use somewhere between one and three teaspoons of this and that will depend on how much peppermint flavor you want in your peppermint patties so i start out with two teaspoons and then add some more if needed okay there we go and then the last ingredient before of course the chocolate gotta dip them in chocolate but the last ingredient to make the filling is powdered sugar i start with seven cups of powdered sugar but i added in an increment so i'll start off with adding in about three cups and then add an additional half to one cup as needed until i get to the desired consistency i've tested this recipe several times if the humidity levels higher in my house i've needed more of the powdered sugar if it's not i need less so it's really not something that you can just dump in seven cups you might end up with a very crumbly mix that won't work very well and then you'll have to add in liquid and kind of chase it so instead of doing that add it in slowly but you can certainly start off with three cups right off the bat and i don't sift it you certainly you certainly could it would incorporate a little bit quicker so if you're doing it by hand i might suggest sifting it before you put it in because it's just going to be easier easier on you all right so now i'm going to put this down and lock it into place and start off on low because if you if you just ramped it up you're gonna end up with a shower of powdered sugar all right so mixed in the first part now it looks beautiful but it is not there yet so it is still way too runny so we're just gonna go ahead and add in another cup or two and i'm adding in a cup or two because i can tell by the consistency it's gonna need that much but if you're making it for the first time really start out like i said with a half of a cup or so all right get that mixed up again all right it's looking better it's a little stiffer but not nearly what we need it to be in order to form our peppermint patties and have them uh have them set up nicely and dip nicely so what i'm going to do real quick though is i'm going to remove the bowl and scrape this off so we don't have a mess and just get down into the very bottom to kind of pull in any of that powdered sugar that's on the very very bottom so it incorporates in so i'm just going to remove it and kind of scrape down there and turn it over a little bit because there's some there's some little crumbles down there that aren't getting incorporated all right that looks good so now we can just keep adding a little bit more of the powdered sugar and i will definitely show you the consistency that it needs to get to okay all right so i'm going to put in another two-thirds of a cup all right let's check it now and see i think it's still a little too wet so when you feel it if it feels really like sticky and tacky it's still too wet and you need to add more of the powdered sugar i may end up using all of this today which is a full seven cups all right that's starting to feel a lot less sticky i'm gonna go ahead and remove the bowl again and just scrape it down really well whoops and i think that we will add in the rest of this powdered sugar and then we should be good to go and i will give it a taste because you can add in a little bit more of the flavoring if you want in fact let's go ahead and do that right now that's pretty good i think i will add another teaspoon though i just like mine really really strong peppermint flavor so we're gonna add in another teaspoon and let's move this bowl all the way off so i can really get down in here and we're going to make sure you stir it around really well from the bottom because let me show you what i'm finding on the bottom is some of this unincorporated powdered sugar okay all right so scrape down the sides in the bottom of the bowl really well this actually feels pretty good i'm gonna let me just see do we need any more or do i just need to mix this up better i'm gonna mix it one more time before i add in the rest of the powdered sugar because again you don't want it to be too dry all right so go ahead and test it if it is really sticky and tacky it's not ready yet this feels proof this feels pretty good so we're good to go here it's nice and smooth so it's like a fondant or even even a little bit of a play-doh but it's not not too too sticky all right that looks good so i ended up with like a half of a cup left over and um you know i could even probably put that in and it would have been fine but i'm not gonna not gonna worry about it all right so let me go ahead and clean this up oh real quick let me go ahead and show you the difference here because you might be able to see it better now it really there really is a difference i hope the camera can pick it up so these are going to look nice and white inside of your chocolate and this would just look beige which is fine i mean so if you can't find it it's just going to be a different color it's still going to taste good and everything like that or you could even put a little bit of food coloring in there if you wanted and you could make the center a different color that would be perfectly fine all right let me clean this up and then we're going to get this into a plastic bag or a container and we're gonna get it into the refrigerator just to chill for a few minutes then we're gonna make up our peppermint patties and get to dipping them in some delicious chocolate [Music] all right so leave your peppermint patty filling i don't even know what to call it in the refrigerator just to set up for 10 15 minutes or as long as it's well wrapped you can leave it in the refrigerator for you know days and it'll be just fine then i put it into a bowl and i'm going to start making up the peppermint patties so what i like to use is the small scoop from pampered chef just because it's the perfect size for a small peppermint patty but you could use you know a teaspoon a couple teaspoons whatever you want just make a little ball and this is probably about two and a half teaspoons i would say so just make a little ball just like that and put them down on your sheet now you can do one at a time here which i will do just to show you but usually i make the whole thing and then just go and punch them all down so then i use a tart shaper but you can use anything that's got a flat end to it put another piece of parchment on top and go just press it down the thickness is important here and the reason being is that if they're too thin they end up flopping and sort of melting in the chocolate so we want to have them about a quarter to a half of an inch thick okay that's going to be a good size and when we freeze them because you have to put them in the freezer before we dip them um it will hold up really nicely in the chocolate all right so i'm just going to make a small tray here to start like i said this makes a ton of peppermint patties [Music] all right so there we go if you have any that are kind of cracking a little bit like this one on the edge just try to smooth it a little bit before you put it in the freezer again that's just so the chocolate really gets on there nice and smooth all right so i'm gonna pop these into the freezer and then we're gonna get our chocolate melted and make up the rest of the trays and finish up the peppermint patties all right so let's make our chocolate for dipping the candy in and what i'm gonna use is the ninja foodie because it makes a fantastic double boiler and i have um a double boiler that's what this is called in the pot and i have two cups of water in there that's going to create the steam to melt the chocolate gently if you don't have a double boiler or something that will fit in the pot like this use the rack and you can use a bowl and that's fine and then i usually will seal around the edges a little bit with some foil just to keep it from all leaking out and then you can still use the ninja foodie to melt the chocolate we're going to use the sear saute high is what we want for now i will decrease that but right now we want to get that water boiling when you're adding water to your pot it doesn't matter how much or how little you add but you might have to add more if it dissipates you know because it's going to evaporate into steam but what you do want to make sure is that the bottom of your pot or bowl is not in the water that is going to create too high of the heat and it's going to over temp your chocolate which will lead to it seizing up and it will be a crumbly mess and impossible to work with so make sure that you're a good inch or two above the water line so the you know however deep your bowl is that you're using you just need to adjust your water for that but for this one it's two cups of water high sear saute start letting it get uh hot in there and producing some steam now let me talk about the chocolate that i'm using because the best way to make dipping chocolate for candy is to use a real chocolate bar a good quality chocolate bar but you would need a lot of them to dip a lot of candy and it can get pretty expensive and then you temper those candy bars so you melt the chocolate then you add some cooler chocolate to it and that tempers it and you get a nice shiny covering on your whatever candy you're dipping in chocolate but i don't want to go to all that trouble so i want to use chocolate chips but i am using a higher end chocolate chip this is a dark chocolate from ghirardelli and i'm using some melting chocolates the melting chocolates are also from ghirardelli and i really recommend spending the extra money because it's going to give you the best flavor the reason why i use both is because these are obviously meant for dipping chocolate in however if you've ever tasted one by itself they're not very good and so i really want that nice dark chocolate flavor when i dip my candy so i'm going to use some chocolate chips it just helps to boost the flavor if you ask me if you want to use all melting chocolates perfectly fine you can also use semi-sweet you can use milk chocolate you know you don't have to use dark chocolate to dip any of your candies in you can use what chocolate you like to use but this is what i'm gonna do and it's eight ounces of each which is about a cup and a quarter of each type of chocolate so i'm just going to go ahead and add these in then we have to wait for them to start to melt which doesn't really take that long and we'll stir them up meantime i'm going to show you what happens like let's say you just have a bag of uh dark chocolate or a bag of um you know semi-sweet and you want to use that for dipping it will work okay it will set up i dip this candy in all dark ghirardelli chocolate chips okay now if you look at it from this side it's beautiful but you can see you can see these streaks on this side that's what happens okay it's not real shiny it's not horrible but you get these little streaks okay from using just regular chocolate chips so i do recommend using the combination it seemed to work much better um when i was dipping other candy in there all right so we just let this go ahead and uh melt up a little bit i'll stir it a few times and we will leave the candy in the freezer until we're just about ready to dip it because you don't want it to warm back up all right so once the chocolate well once the water starts to really steam and you can see my overhead camera's all steamed up you can go ahead and turn your heat down and i usually turn it down to low medium for now and finish melting the chocolate i've already stirred it once which you're not going to be able to see right now because we're all steamed up but that's okay here i'll take it out and show you so you can see it's starting to melt but it's got a little ways to go we want to do this gently too we don't want to we don't want to overheat we don't want to melt um too fast or anything we want to do this gently the other thing i'll say is be very careful when you're stirring this you don't want to make sure that you are away from the steam okay so pull your bowl back so you're not over top of the steam because the steam can really burn you and steam burns are extremely painful so make sure either wear heat protective gloves or just be very careful by pulling your bowl towards you before you start to stir the chocolate all right it's going to take probably about five minutes or so for that to finish up the other thing i should mention about the uh the amount of chocolate and melting chips that i put in is that's going to depend on how big your bowl is in diameter you want to have a good level of chocolate so if you have a wider bowl you're going to need a little bit more chocolate than i used so try to find something that has a bowl that is about maybe six inches in diameter that's going to work the best for you for dipping the candy all right so everything's looking really good now almost all the chocolate has melted it's nice consistency i still have a few little pieces that need to melt but that's fine i'm just going to stir it a little bit here now i like the consistency of this i think it's perfect but if yours was a little thicker and not so runny you can add a little bit of coconut oil so start out with just like a half of a tablespoon i don't really need it but i'm gonna add it in anyway just to show you guys and melt that in with it now if you add too much you will get a little slate coconut flavor but anyway that's just an option and it really does give you even more of a nice dipping chocolate okay so half a tablespoon is definitely all i need and the reason why it's important that you have your chocolate to the right consistency is because you want it to coat your candy but then drip off the excess and it just makes it a lot easier and faster when you go to dip the candy all right this looks perfect now i'm going to turn down to the low temperature now let's grab our peppermint patties out of the freezer and start dipping them all right so make sure that you leave your peppermint patties in the freezer for at least 30 minutes if they're too soft they're going to melt kind of in the chocolate it's going to be really difficult to dip them so you want them nice and cold now the chocolate's ready i've got a pan here prepared with a little bit of parchment and a fork and a butter knife and that's all i'm going to use to dip them now do one tray at a time leave the other trays in the freezer until you're ready for them because like i said you need them to be really cold so i just put a little bit of chocolate over top go up and down a little bit here to get off all that excess now if it pulls underneath don't worry about that at all okay because it it will come off very easily once they're chilled whoops wrong tray now i'm just gonna slide this off with the knife here just real nice and easy all right there we go that looks good so i'm going to do these very quickly because they warm up very fast [Music] [Music] so this recipe made 62 peppermint patties so like i said you could cut it in half if you wanted to um so i am just i'm not even using the knife anymore these are so nicely frozen from my chest freezer that they're just they're working out perfectly the ones that i put in my inside my home that freezer right back there they were a little bit softer and a little bit more difficult to get off the fork so though if you can leave them in the freezer longer it will be much easier to dip them because the chocolate just starts to set up immediately all right so when you get one tray done which this is my second tray but when you get one tray done you're gonna pop that in the refrigerator or the freezer for just a few minutes just to let it set up completely and and i'm gonna rotate and get the other tray out and we're gonna do that until we're all done with 62 of them all right so i finished dipping all of them i did have to add in some more chocolate i added in another cup of melting wafers and another cup of the dark chocolate chips and then i was able to finish all of them up so we've got all of them done some back there too and now i just took this batch out of the freezer so i just wanted to show you that to clean up the edges just simply press it around and they will come right off this one's been sitting out for a minute right out of the freezer is the best because they will just snap off but you can easily clean up the edges that way or you could take a little knife if you wanted to and just kind of clean up everything either way now i left these out because i wanted to show you i did not refrigerate or freeze these after i dip them that was one of my little oopsies you know it happens um so they're a little bit harder to get off of the parchment they're still like a little tacky so you can let them set up on the counter that's no problem but leave them alone for several hours but i just like to pop them in the freezer or even the refrigerator and then clean them up and then i let them sit out before i wrap them up so i'm just going to clean these up real quick and we're going to get to tasting all right that looks good so ordinarily i would just leave those alone for a while and then i like to store them in the freezer that's how i keep them and then every time i want one i just grab one right out of the freezer you don't even have to let it fall they are absolutely perfect they're delicious all right here goes so perfectly coated peppermint patty [Music] these are amazing [Music] oh my goodness i think they're better than the um york peppermint patties honestly [Music] phenomenal they melt in your mouth absolutely perfect super easy to make super fun to make great activity to do with the kids and then you can package them up and give them as gifts they're absolutely perfect
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 419,255
Rating: 4.9395146 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, Homemade Peppermint Patties, Easy peppermint patties, Ninja Foodi Peppermint Patties, Candy in the Ninja Foodi, Holiday food gifts to make, Ninja Foodi Holiday recipes, peppermint patty recipe, peppermint patty recipe no corn syrup, easy peppermint patty recipe
Id: Viw0o4e7yck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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