I tried 5 GENIUS Clothing DIY Hacks

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do you like fashion fashion fashion do you like looking good good what was the punch for well you come to the right place plays plays cause i'm doing fashion tips today oh yeah baby here we come 2021 fashion is in the city grab your kitties happy day i'm clean but today we are looking at fashion fashion fashion i want to look good i want to look gorgeous i want to be taught the tricks where other to look then one two three go isn't clothing great it can be casual comfy or stylish and strict what do you mean stylish and strict my fashion aesthetic strict that's how i do it i like to dress really strictly my aesthetic i'd say is like strict dress code where only i get yelled at but not the boys that's my dress code of course clothing can cause a lot of problems too yes it can with your little friends and girls i just gotta finish tying my laces and i should probably ditch this gum is this how to be the worst human being possible no you're gonna sit in the gum this girl's like i told you to stop why didn't you listen what do you mean it's your fault you put the gum where people sit in the first place the girl doesn't realize that her pants are absolutely destroyed yikes what's our baby girl gonna do what's she gonna do with these pants the gum is right in a spot where you can't cut that off otherwise you'll have a big hole in your ear what is she gonna do with the pants she's making her friend fix them holding some accountability some responsibility and we're gonna figure out what to do with these pants yeah i can't believe you've done this she says and the other girl goes don't worry i have lots of good ideas and they all include scissors yeah big hole out of the butt and then you're gonna wear it as a shirt right but then where's she gonna get new pants the issue is she doesn't have pants guys oh wait this is a new way to wear this i thought she was gonna put the hands in hey that's not bad but that's actually kind of cute i kind of i'm kind of living for this and you're lucky that worked let's try all right i actually enjoy the way that this top looks maybe this will work out for the best cutting the butt right where the gum sticks sanjing really enjoys the way cutting sounds stop licking the table ah that's a good guy right there i know he looks happy but he's actually sweating that's why he's making that face he's upset because he believes that this type of fast fashion is really bad for the ecosystem and i agree but maybe we'll get something we like here it's not a yawn fest it's fashion the reason why i like this idea is because i'm the kind of girl who can't go braless and i i like i try to make it blend into my skin as much as possible but in person it looks like trash so this actually might just be the top that i needed i'm actually shoulders are growing on me too like big shoulders like this so maybe this will be the cutest thing we've ever seen actually because these are tight workout pants it really works out well like you can really tuck the sleeve in without worrying i mean you'll be a little worried to be honest i could just tuck it in like this and like that's pretty cool but if i go like this as one does as one does in their day then it ends up like this isn't bad either it looks like if i use my hair to cover my straps it looks like i did this on purpose do you think yeah you like it yeah you just need some extra pants now true what if i could take these and tie them so that i don't have to worry about it falling down what do you think i feel like you still have to worry about it falling down but no no no it's tight it's tight now you cannot do your things what things the things you do in your daily life these are the things i do in my daily life i gotta just fly like an eagle it's perfect will you pull this as hard as you can i need this one to be as long as the other one right it looks kind of like a bow i'm kind of into this wait wait wait you can have one that's on the shoulder and one that's like off the shoulder wait that looks stupid i look cuter now than i did when i started the video for sure like that red tank top did not fit me this is much better we're making videos now sweetie i like this one we got a girl just living eating her kitkat underrated and she's also gonna eat some ice cream raspberry which goes really really badly with chocolate in my opinion but hey at least it's not celery and fanta like the combinations could be worse and this is about as bad as it can get if you keep eating like this you won't look like that for much longer okay she's picturing oh okay some fat shaming we love that okay where's the hack girl where's the hack oof i do not want that for me no so i'm gonna exercise i thought this was about clothing hacks okay no but she's gonna exercise but she's gonna make the exercise gear look fantastic those are the tiniest little leggings of hers those are tights you take the tights that are so small that you could i mean maybe maybe they stretch who knows you cut them and then boy howdy you have some biker shorts ready to go okay biker shorts they've been cool for a while now i hope that they never go out of fashion because it is nice to like have it down to your knee all covered up looking all good and cute and all that i'm gonna cut some uh hey i'm gonna cut some some tights yeah okay so in the video they use tights right like tights that cover your whole foot i'm kind of nervous about the idea of wearing tights spiker shorts are usually a little bit thicker aren't they hey a dog bite would ruin these that's how thin they are i understand why they were so tiny in the video because these are actually tights let's try to stick our finger through it to see if it's see-through oh my goodness we might have a problem i'm gonna cut them both at the same time so they're perfectly even hopefully these don't roll up you interested in that what do you think what are you gonna do with this nothing so it's a dog point now there you go have fun with that get off my sh no these are mine this is my workout outfit i have to work out in this you got it oh okay you just burned i'm gonna try them on with nothing underneath and see if it's good for the internet so this is what we're going for and this is what we got unfortunately i had to put shorts over top because you can't put shorts underneath because they're too thin and you can't not wear shorts because if you do girl oh my god i couldn't i couldn't do it i could not show you guys how it looks cause like they're opaque on the leg but if your butt's in there girl like you can see my hand through this can't you yep it's just not it's not it every pair of shorts like this like it's a little bit thick these are way too thin but you could pretend that you're a k-pop star you know how sometimes they wear like the spandex underneath their shorts so you don't have a malfunction you know like this like this like this okay yeah i'm starting to see it yeah like this like this wait it's a fan cam now that was a waste of perfectly nice navy blue tights there's a bit of a line to get in you're a big stupid nerd nobody likes you what do you do what do you do she should be wearing the shirt that i'm wearing she'll get right in wait security is literally like okay this girl in front of you she's hot what about you no you're not coming in your clothes are hideous there's no lenses in your glasses what are you thinking get out of here this girl needs to look hot quick okay she lost the cardigan is it gonna work this time please let it work this time no oh this is just killing her confidence over and over and over what does she do okay she got rid of the glasses she got rid of the ponytail she's getting more and more generic as time passes by okay that's not working god why can't she get it through her head come on hot girls only that's all we like in this classroom okay so she's gonna get really creative now yeah scissors she doesn't go for strict fashion not today is she actually gonna what is she doing huh okay i've never seen clothing made out of a duffel bag before this is really new this is really unique whoa girl all you have to do is basically show up in a bra and you're good to go wait what did she use to cinch the middle she used an earring oh i will say it's cute it's a shame she had to do this much to get in do i have a duffel bag it's a tote bag though it's not definitely what sorry i've been calling them duffel bags it's a tote bag wait like that how are the straps shortened the straps on these are never like this short i mean if i'm making overalls maybe i'm just gonna shut up and try it this is a tote bag right yeah where is my pink prototype i need my tiffany hairband then i can go for a flower well this is gonna be the cutest thing you've ever seen i just know it i actually buy like thick chunky strapped tank tops like this i'm literally tank top woman but for now i'm gonna put it girl for now i'm gonna put it on just to see how bad the straps are uh oh someone's gained a few lbs in their knees what do you one two three go hurry it's just a joke dude [Music] um didn't foresee this no i did not foresee that this could happen i need help you have to stop filming there's nothing i can do are you sure yes it's so tight oh my gosh that gave me such bad anxiety i was like stuck i'm gonna try to make this work but it's gonna be really really tight you look like luigi let's go looks awesome i did not expect i i used like a little earring here do you think the straps kind of look like a look like washed up on the beach look like kim kardashian at the met gala like she just came out of the sea because like you can't do this but it'd be cute if you did wait why are these hacks actually good look in the monitor though like honest opinion do you think that this looks better or do you think that this looks better wait let's make it more objective one off one on i can't tell i can't tell either like i feel like this is kind of a look like this is like kind of edgy and this is kind of like christian girl autumn just the same as every other bathing suit just do the other one we've seen that yeah oh god so tight i like it better with them all but like maybe i'm being crazy i don't have good style like comments help it's different and like you can move in it i don't know though like take your grocery shopping all right come on they absolutely snapped with this like i would wear this it's so cute awesome we did it okay so she is admiring her guy he's just the cutest thing she's ever seen she loves him and him he just took a giant deuce and is ignoring her for this other girl who showed up wearing this now this girl's not getting any of the attention at all he doesn't even notice me is this some girl acceptance oh she wants to help i know she's a huge crush on jared i need to hook her up with jared i'm gonna talk to her are you crying because of jared yeah i think i can help look take my bangle i'm gonna whisper in your ears some sweet nuts you're gonna be absolutely disgusted at the kinds of things i'm whispering in your ear right now and she's learning she's learning everything she needs to know perfect let's go all right a big sweater a big sweater and a bangle oh it's a cardigan a cardigan and a bangle do up the button yet it's okay no cutting necessary and whoa take off the glasses nobody likes the fact that you can't see nobody likes that let the hair down take the glasses off and whoa he's gonna notice you wait i'm confused because she's wearing a bra but there's nothing in the back girl i don't care about this hack i want to know what bra that is whoa who the heck is that she's amazing oh she doesn't just get jared she gets everyone teddy bears presents oh my goodness she's the most popular girl at school that's all it took i want to be the most popular adult at school so she had a tank top on and then she turns around and the tank top's gone like i'm trying to figure out this trickery because okay she's wearing she's wearing a bra and a tank top and then it cuts okay so she's definitely wearing an undergarment here was there a jump cut here look really closely no or yeah there was a jump cut there yeah but i think it's the same shot though all right well i'm wearing my cardigan here it is all right terry let's go and you put this through here uh-huh pull it grab it pull it around the front i dropped it oh okay let's try this one more time put it in the hole uh-huh you put the other side in the hole uh-huh got it got it and you pull the hole or you pull the whole thing squeeze it out like i said it's a little bit tight it is a little bit tight and then you gotta just button it oh i'm doing up a button good girl actually do the button sorry i'm sorry i'm nervous i can't get it through do you need me to come in there no i can dress myself i'm a grown woman yeah but that doesn't mean daddy can't help you okay anyways now you gotta fold it up under isn't this a bit lumpy you gotta do it right hold it up under like you fold it up under i was trying to and then you wouldn't let me in now you gotta wear a skirt and try and look intelligent are you okay no show them the back yeah perfect that's pretty good it hides your bra strap somehow yeah somehow no jump cut no jump cut now you're making my dog sad okay why is he so big he didn't like the role play he didn't like that daddy joke you made i mean it looks great on her though i'll look really good i'll give that to her for me though it's just very sarah plain and tall girl's tired but nina texas says pick you up in 10 minutes she's got to look hot now she's doing blush at the same time as mascara that's risky she pierced her own ears just right then and there she's getting high heels you should take the pajama pants off before you put the high heels on but what do i know i've only been the grossest girl at every party but she's getting it going oh a dress girl yes this is the outfit choice definitely that's cute oh my goodness she's slaying that oh her friend's wearing the same thing oh no i mean if this was me my best friend would be like you know what yes great minds think alike and we would just go with it together but this isn't the case here she goes stop right now thank you very much i'm gonna throw the straps over my head and we've done this before but hey yeah i like this one better this one's like a little it's a little try hard but um i can respect it and i'm gonna gonna try it better have an ugly dress laying around we do hi i'm wednesday adams this is my dress pretty boring i'd say but not for long where's the scissors here it is dog helped me with this side although it looks like the dog the dog looks like that okay anyways the top's pretty cute i think what i i'm gonna have to do is i'm gonna have to like cut it and wear it as a crop top because this is too much i don't like it that's enough clothing hacks for one day i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 4,221,883
Rating: 4.9454513 out of 5
Keywords: gloomykassie, clothing hacks, 123 go, 5-minute crafts, do it yourself, life hacks, diy projects, 5 minute crafts, diy activities, life hacks for kids, i tried crazy life hacks, see if they actually work, gloom, gloomgames, testing hacks, troom, pranks, gloom tries, trying diwhys, awful life hacks, trying lifehacks, dumbest life hacks, parody, satire, how to, clothes hacks, 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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