Relatable stuggles a girl can relate to

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happy day i'm glad and i'm tired of how much work it takes for me to feel like a functioning member of society okay i just want to laugh terry what would you do if i grow up my armpit hair uh pluck it pluck it you crazy oh my goodness i recently got into waxing my armpits it hurts but you can get it all in one go and you also have to pluck the remainder it's horrible but i do want to try this armpit hair prank looks good like actually looks kind of real at least to me it looks real because you know i've got the italian standard hi it'd be hot out here i'm scared it's actually a really hot day today right what like they're both so fun vacations coming up i'm excited to go i feel like i need new earrings yes get get in get in and i feel like the mirror let him know he hasn't noticed yet i just want like new hairdos no what do you want to wait why not you think these earrings are good or i should get new ones he sees it oh hey it's perfectly healthy hair absorbs the odor what the hell is that oh my armpits whoa i'm trying something new that's a raging bush kristen what is that kristen oh hell no to the no no no no no i think that a lot of guys could get used to this i think that it's just so shocking when somebody's been with you for several years and has never seen that before and it's like suddenly there it's kind of like when your boyfriend buzzes his head like sometimes it looks good but you're just not used to it you're like this is how they're going out and besides i was using that what the hell did their hair grow on under your arm like that how long have you shaved your heart pits we need to cut that we can't go out like that what did you put under your armpit dude bro okay that miracle bro oh my goodness i wish i could be this funny quick and witty when i'm taken aback you know what you're just doing too much right so if your arm is like that what's going on down there you're dating her what do you mean so on the one hand i get where he's coming from because of the shock that comes with like something being one way for so long and then being another and also he probably doesn't want like his boys to look at her weird when she goes out but you know i feel like it maybe she should have the freedom we all have it and the fact that she's wearing it and it's such a big problem is kind of sad isn't it oh didn't you just hate eating in front of your crush when you're eating from your crush you barely take a bite oh yeah the finger the bbl how i normally eat girl you're still really cute okay that is a one bite dumpling bella's like this is how i normally eat and i'm expecting her to eat like a linebacker and she just takes the cutest little bite like she looks so cute when she's eating i don't think there's anyone who would judge you for eating like this yeah you're eating fast but who doesn't eat fast i've played into a lot of just really cringy stuff to impress my my significant other but i've never held back on how i eat and i've never actually met somebody that i'm interested in who was like oh why don't you eat like that they're usually like i'm so i'm glad that you're i'm glad that we're eating together you know it was hashtag relatable though something that i find really relatable is watching a movie and being a critic about it i don't know why like i don't know a lot about film or like the arts or music but whenever i watch something i'm like give it a three and i really relate to this okay so she's passing out flyers she doesn't pass them out here girl what are you grabbing grabbing that fish stop addison ray seems like a sweet girl that being said her movie i'm i'm not her demographic and i didn't watch it but i did watch something super amazing that i just want to put on your guys's radar if you don't want to watch addison rey's movie but you want to watch a really hilarious review of it watch drag queens trixie mattel and katya react to he's all that it is so funny and this movie served a really great purpose because the memes are amazing i can relate to uh seeing a hat suitcase such as this put the carabiner on it and fasten it to a loop on your jeans and then walking away it's amazing that is so amazing try it out girl you're going to be late for your flight westjet's taking off in a few minutes go you can do it let's just say the cheeks were frowning the hack didn't work i've never seen a hack works more badly poorly than this when somebody brings up your eighth birthday party i'd love to know what happened on that you leave when somebody asks how tall you are you're out of there when somebody plays country music this is definitely um i can relate to that me and terry hate country music so much that one time terry's mom was playing it when terry was a kid and he got so mad he cried and for me it was just completely banned from my household i don't want to hear it i heard it enough when i was like out with friends because of where we grew up but i just oh no when somebody says you choose oh we have the guy who can't make a decision when he doesn't play hockey oh we've got the puck bunny when somebody asks are you the kitchen twins who asked that what's a question that you just want to leave immediately if somebody asks it all i can think of lately is like all of like the disinformation that's been going around recently like anytime anyone brings up anything even remotely like science or politics related i'm just like well i'm gone can anyone shut the up no one actually wears the headphones like that sorry boys this is how it's actually done 100 if i'm recording a youtube video like a gameplay then i'll go like this i'll like part my hair on the side so the headphone can touch ear if i'm just playing at night it's like this i won't get a headache from it from like hair pressing down on my ears this is this is how it's done oh this is a classic the old braid in the window the old braid in the window you close the window you give her a haircut relatable right i mean i can relate to the fear of like not wanting someone to cut your hair did you know that like back in my day guys used to cut girl's hair like the guy who was sitting behind you you used to have fear if he was like a little wild that he would cut your hair so like when i see this i can like i feel the pain oh copies here uh teaching us how to avoid the situation [Music] i too have completely forgotten that you can open a window from the inside this because this was like this was terror i was scared what if the car is off though never thought about that when you're going to the club but it's surcharge hour for a car she's got these shorts on underneath the shoes are high performance high heels but what about your hair the nice thing about the bathrooms in the club especially like at a nice club is you can walk in and you know the girls will help you out and there's not gonna be a blow dryer in there but there's often listerine and perfume that's just oh i just hope she's going home and not going out how could you do something waiters interrupting intense conversations oh could you cheat on me after everything we've been through we have kids together we raised a family together and you threw it on hey my name is i'll be your waitress today couldn't get you started this guy's a good actor um i would love the shrek's revenge i was a server for many years and whenever i could sense that it was getting really really intense there i wouldn't even walk up to the table i would just um stand off in the distance and try to make eye contact because like sometimes you just can't interrupt a conversation and it'll make the customer even madder if you do so i would just like stand off to the side and like try to catch eyes with them because you know sometimes like you'll make eye contact with the server and you'll be like hey and then you can go over and serve them i was really good at finding ways to maintain my tips interrupting people during an intense conversation was not one of those things when the customer had attitude but forgets i'm overworked and gets paid 12 an hour what are you gonna do oh nuggets that looks good though honestly sweet and sour sauce is so sweet that i'm not even sure if i would notice i hate this kind of malicious compliance though because i feel for the worker and i feel like the worker might get in trouble for this and that makes me sad like if you give this to a real karen the real karen will make sure that you get in trouble and we live in this customer's always right society so like workers just have to put up with everything real voice versus hey guys my name's elena what can i get started for you hey i'm lilly hey guys i'm layla i'll be taking care of you hi i'm kerrigan hey guys my name is kerrigan what kind of get started for you today so mine was definitely like um hey i'm cassie or hey guys can i start y'all with some drinks it's less about the voice and more about the uh the smile but my voice goes like like the register of my voice gets higher and higher the more nervous i am so when i was serving i was hey guy hi just put stormy to bed sitting down after the about me presentation at the beginning of the year yep not only would i shake i would black out and like i wouldn't remember what i said and i would lean over to people and be like was that english and they'd be like yeah you did fine but like i wouldn't remember any of it sometimes you just know the food's gonna be good rings sesame balls uh we'll also have something yeah for a second you're right shrimp dumplings yeah there's like four toddlers around a fish tank i don't think that makes the food any better though yes it does did you just say yeah you just know i feel like this is particularly true of like chinese restaurants like you just no if they're if it's cash only oh the food is gonna be so good what about girls with iced coffee oh i get it i wish i was one of those people who could drink coffee and it not just absolutely give me the shakes and the worst anxiety like i wish i could drink more than like this much of a cup of coffee without freaking out and i don't know how these girls handle it person whose personality is waking up early oh yeah that'd be really fun let's meet there tomorrow at like 6 30 in the morning i can't i can't i'm sorry i will never hang out with you ever ever what do you mean you realize that's like late for me right like i was trying to accommodate your lifestyle oh don't look at me everyone lazy pieces over here waking up at eight o'clock i don't know how you guys do it honestly if i could sleep away my whole life like you guys can i would but i just have so much responsibility it's like and i respect that i really do i really really respect that all the times in my life when i've had to wake up early i did but if i get a chance to sleep in i will things guys do when they like you that makes absolutely no sense let me know but let me make it make sense one it's when they say that they like you but then they start distancing themselves from you most of the time it's because they're scared of getting hurt nah i'm out through text imessage or social media it seems like he has so much to say but in person he says absolutely nothing i'm always nervous and he's just really really scared of messing it all up and three he's not assertive at all so he wants to hang out with you but he doesn't ask as often as he should and this is just his fear of rejection this is why this is why when i was single i like to date people that were happy on their own and didn't need to be in a relationship because like this whole like i'm not myself right now you'll know who i really am in three months when i'm finally okay to not be nervous around you like i can't with that sorry well guys that is all i have for you today i hope that you enjoyed this video please check out the creators who are featured in this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 836,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, reaction video, girl advice, basic girls, typical girls, stereotypes of girls, girl stereotypes, how to be a girl, bad advice for girls, advice for girls, girl problems, girl trouble, relatable girl struggles, tiktok compilation, tiktok reaction, relatable tiktoks, tiktok compilation funniest, tiktok compilation popular, funny tiktok, compilation, popular 2021, best, relatable in a bad way, gone wrong
Id: zkjj9IWtZho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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