Oddly satisfying but itโ€™s too spicy

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happy day i'm glad despite the fact that i really like oddly satisfying resin kind of bothers me you know those resin pyramids that a bunch of girls are making and like you just know that it's never going to biodegrade and like sometimes like people freeze like phones and nuggets in there i hate all of them i do like looking at them though and this also i really like looking at dipping a little like stick in and then just like slowly adding more and more layers this feels a little bit more like art to me than uh you know just like putting an iphone in a giant piece of resin this is getting pretty beautiful like this looks like a it looks like a cake pop with a flower in it it looks cool oh i would love to make one of these i'd feel bad doing it but oh i would love to have it and i would love to stare at it it would only be around for the rest of eternity this is interesting i'm gonna guess right off the bat they're making a bow okay obviously not definitely that's how you make a loofah wait how is that so seamless how does it stay together how does it make a perfect circle [Music] what that's crazy this girl eating fruit she just knows what's up yeah i know it was a lot of likes are you gonna do it too you better make it just as satisfying i know all she did was look pretty and eat it but you can i don't know his might have been better he doesn't have the icy blue uh eyeballs but he definitely has the uh the ice cold uh ability to eat an entire apple at the same time so this i mean we've all watched it before right we've all watched this before but apparently this silicone thing that is fulfilling our already satisfying fantasy you can do it with your own finger like look when i saw this i felt so dumb wait kinda good that's pretty good actually it's not as clean though so i don't know the key to good nails is absolute precision like machine like precision i just got these done terry just got his done show them your nails terry i just got these babies done and like they're really cute but like um it was really hard to get them as precise as i wanted and he got a nice teal because the dog ripped both of our thumbnails in half and we needed band-aids oh sand it's moving too fast it's making me a little bit anxious but i like it there's something about like it like reminds me of like a bee that's trying to get out of a window that it can't get through and it's like zero and it like keeps running into it and you're like you can feel the franticness in the insect and you're like ah let me let you out but i'm also scared of you why did this remind me of that i don't know i feel like in some other life i would have worked at a flower shop there's it's like the smells in there only happy people coming in to like buy roses or flowers for their significant other like what a what a great job like it just smells really good all the time you'd feel so good walking in there terry's aunt owns a flower shop and like i just love being in there like i love going in the little freezer part and i love all the smells and the colors i forgot that you have to do work when you're there though i also forgot that there's a lot of uh manipulating of the flowers to make them look perfect those are the things that i don't like to think about as someone who's never worked in a flower shop i'm just nitpicking at this point i swear because i'm really enjoying watching this oh a beautiful bouquet oh that's nice flowers are such a nice gift especially for me because even when they die i like how they look when they're dead like i have a lot of dead flowers in my house i just really like the aesthetic this made me nervous because i mean it's a great idea right it's a great idea i've actually seen it a few times on tick tock she's using smarties instead of skittles so she's going against the five-minute crafts but doing something that is probably probably just as good if not better but why would you make one that big and why would you put a part two now we have to click on the part two here we go okay this is the result let's get it in okay i will say the result is pretty satisfying it is it's just like it's overwhelming for me because it's so much you know who's been making a killing lately pharmacists it's a lot of like putting shapes into other shapes and pills are just like they're they're so there's just such neat little packages little capsules and i like how they're different colors like there's something so relaxing about this but also the white noise in the background is making me nervous and it looks like a little mouse lives there i guess this really this really answers that oh that end thing was really good yes this really answers the question of why like when you drop off your medication why it takes like 15 minutes i mean i'm not sure if they do this when you need your specific medication but um yeah it looks like a lot of work i've seen a lot of people get really mad at pharmacists because they don't want to wait like the 15 minutes for their pills to come but looks to me like they're they're out in the back like i'm the most satisfying job in the world this is a [Music] oh i was gonna say i've forgotten the joy of sharpening a pencil i still do get it though because i still sharpen lip liners and i love sharpening it and then like getting all getting it to look like super super clean and then using it on my lips and like it's creamy because it's completely new and exposed pencil ooh the cutting of that pencil made me nervous and also i need it to be sharp to like it whoa this is precise [Music] what are you doing you're making it into a nine [Music] so oh that was nice oh that's really nice the cutting of the pencil made me nervous the fact that the second you go to use this it's going to break also makes me nervous but what this would be such a cool display oh you're gonna squish those oh oy [Music] that was pretty nice this one's gonna ah i hate that i hate that i hate that i hate that all these satisfying to me should always have like some form of like softness to it you know like some form of like asmol that was just bang if you was to go to jail today what do your friends think you would go to jail for so i want you to share just see this your say then come back here and let me know wait this wasn't even about the aloe it wasn't even about the aloe but i liked looking at it hey terry if i went to jail today what would it be for if you had to guess like if someone called and said cassie's in jail what would it be for like driving somebody's car without a license anything else looking too damn fine anything else not paying like a bill then you forgot about it not paying a bill i forgot about some sort of negligence i think i would definitely go to jail for some sort of negligence definitely not tax evasion because i have anxiety and paranoia about that it would have to be something slightly trivial that like collections came after me for you're not making a nail out of tomatoes [Music] you're not curing the tomato nail you're not drilling it and i'm the big idiot who watches the nail makeovers and i go don't do that wow that's awesome and i feel equally stupid every time so don't worry i i'm i'm slightly self-aware could you compare this to resin you know like when you break this nail off like this kind of like uh like this bio gel or whatever it is like is this as bad as resin is shellac shellac is produced by the shellac bug with a very low environmental footprint okay wait shellac comes from female lack bugs shellac is a resin oh isn't it ironic answer my question google okay comments i i like we got to keep going can somebody please tell me if shellac is biodegradable because i'm the biggest idiot loser if it's not i've never even thought about it oh i'm not saying i'm mrs like eco-friendly environmental queen i'm just like i crap on resin so much and i'm wearing resin oh here we have fork versus styrofoam what do you mean level one oh you're gonna do different things oh that's nice [Music] oh please why did you why did were the eyes really necessary did we have to do that why did that make me so nervous if i was at home alone at 3am watching that that would bother me but i'm very sensitive ooh popcorn was that spicy oil with it that definitely looks like the kind of popcorn that will stain the living heck out of your backsplash like that oil is so yellow oh but it looks perfect there's never enough butter on my popcorn no matter how much butter i put on it it's to the point where i like my popcorn when it's like half crunchy and like kind of soggy honestly because there's so much butter on it otherwise it's just there's just never enough ooh potato chop potato chop push it on in there buddy i kind of want one of these and then i can make my own chips but i feel like chips are the kind of thing that like whether you make them at home or not like they're still chips like they're still pretty bad for you so i guess i'll never have one of these sag this is a very intense yet satisfying transition [Music] and a very very impressive loop as well i really like it i don't i just don't know if it's i don't know if it's oddly satisfying i feel like a lot of the stuff we're looking at today is like not quite but almost this is oddly satisfying until it's not [Music] oh that sand dig is so nice stop it okay you're welcome thank you so much i really appreciate it like i really appreciate the hard work you do richard i really do because i did not expect a spider to come jumping out of there i was really enjoying the digging in the sand because i have i have a thing for sand excuse me i don't know what it is but i have a it's a thing it's serious oh scrapbooking [Music] i love it so much but it also makes me so anxious because it's so much work and like you don't get to write in it so like what is it for i don't like all the people saying that scrapbooking is a waste of time because i really don't think it is but for me personally i just don't think that this is a pastime that i could really super get into you have all of the appliances and everything oh my goodness so the theme of this is pink pink wouldn't it be so cool though to like be into this and to go around collecting paper and oh that's going to be a nice touch you can just tell all the little noises all of the paper it's just kind of it's actually it's giving me tangles i'm gonna be honest with ya i guess you could write up there like like was implied just now it is gorgeous it makes i don't know what it is but something about it makes me nervous here we go with the oh the cars in the wall but this part's nice [Music] the hot wheels track of a dream the demolishing the house is really painful for me to watch i have no idea what color to repaint my room my name is shelly may i know the color of my name please and thank you it's the color of your name so i guess that paint colors are made based on names here which is a really cool idea i wonder what color cassie is i would hope like some sort of like dark blue well this has got a lot of orange in it i'm gonna be surprised if it's stirred up and it's a completely different color i oh oh that's how it's mixed that's kind of kooky and fun a beautiful beautiful orange like a creamsicle orange that does remind me of the name shelly name to paint is such a cool idea you can make a whole business off of that oh wait i've never had my nail like power washed like that before i want that how did that come off so easy wait this nail removal is amazing i can't complain with this this is fantastic it was dramatic but it was fantastic it's really not that bad the dorm transformation it's a little shaping to the salon the it just needs a little shaping to the salon that audio makes me so mad for some reason i don't understand it like it makes me like irrationally angry i feel like a lot of things make me irrationally angry but especially that and i don't know why okay that's pretty cool [Music] love these especially when you put plants in them so much work all i can think of is all the work and all the sweat especially if you're doing this all in one day i feel like for me this is what i do like over the course of many many months that looks gorgeous though it did need a little shaping maybe it's because i'm applying a cynical voice to it that it irritates me maybe it's because i see myself in it that it irritates me well guys that is all i have for you today i hope that you enjoyed this video please check out the creators who are featured in this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,863,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, oddly satisfying, asmr, oddly satisfying video, satisfying, oddly, satisfying videos, tik tok, best tiktok compilation, tiktok, most satisfying video, weird, strange, awkward, pretty, beautiful, nice, nails, asmr oddly satisfying, satisfying video, oddly satisfying videos
Id: fztvij5kjAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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