I tried 5 Clothing Hacks to look Hot

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there are two types of people in the world first person you walk into their bedroom and you know whose bedroom you're in the closet is color coordinated the bed sheets are a reflection of this person and then there's me you walk into my bedroom and uh there's a bed it looks like it could be anybody's room all of this to say there are taste makers and there are followers i am a follower i'm a follower and i've lost my leader okay i don't know what i'm doing especially when it comes to aesthetics i kind of just put on you know and it's a lot harder now that i'm not in school because i went from my mom dressing me to trying to dress cool so i could look cool at school to not caring at all except for the fact that i'm on camera i need help stop it get some help so we are going to my favorite content farm one two three go to look at cool diy clothing hacks girly clothes transformation ideas by one two three go what a title oh i can't believe it and i'm so excited now this guy's coordinated but this does not look like this guy's room he must be a guy like me wow cool transition he's literally wearing the reverse of his pajamas i mean hey he knows what he likes good for him i assume that when it's time for the girl to get dressed she's gonna have a harder time maybe she wants to get dressed as fast as he can but oh oh don't you hate when that happens that happened to me this morning you really gotta hope that your dog isn't on the mattress because he will come flying off and he will die wait that was the intro there wasn't even a hack there i'm trying to dress better okay a girl from my discord dresses me i'm gonna try to grow as a person you ever just grow as a person that's what i'm trying to do right now she's working really hard she's sweating she turns on the fan i guess it's still summer here she turns the fan even hotter because she just cannot stand how hot it she can't breathe what is she gonna do is she gonna cut her tank top into smithereens is she gonna hide in the fridge is she gonna put orange juice on her head that'll certainly do it oh no wait all of this this entire sketch just for us to see that a nail rips her tank top okay let's ignore the fact that it's hot out right now okay there's a hole in her tank top she's gotta fix it she's got the scissors on deck and she's ready to go okay so she cuts the bottom of the tank top she cuts it again and then she makes a cute little top with it i've actually seen this on tick tock a lot and i feel like these guys get some of their hacks from tick tock but i mean looks cool looks cute let's give it a go maybe i should make spaghetti tonight i think i have a rash i know i'll go water my plants this series of events is perfectly sane drink up bud otherwise you'll be thirsty oh no chlorophyll i hate when the plants lick me i know i want my outfit to be better scissors tank top cut the tank top this would be much better if i had a better pair of scissors we almost gave up but i want to look hot oh these scissors aren't any better you know how they say your eyes are the window to the sole i feel like your fashion sense is the window to your [Music] anyways [Music] perfect time to lay into my new outfit ready yep oh i hate when this happens whoa it's not bad it's a little hoochie mama but it's a little hoochie mama sho yanana yeah upon closer inspection the problem with this is kind of just how cheap it looks like this looks cheap but let's move on to the next one perhaps there's some inspiration that i can really benefit from here ooh tie-dye 449 dollars for tie-dye well don't you know that you can tie-dye all by yourself i don't think i can sit through the sketch that doesn't make any sense actually hey no she's got the bleach and let me guess she's going to pour bleach all over her shirt it's gonna smell real real bad but then she's gonna have some sweet tie-dye now i've seen this i know that it works i hope that it works let's find out what you doing i'm looking at how expensive tie-dye is you ever think about how expensive tie-dye is yeah this thursday well this better work cause this hoodie's real nice looks good with my new hair okay i can't wear this thing i'm gonna change and then we'll start don't you just love the comfort and convenience of using a fork okay why isn't this rolling up like spaghetti like i was told oh there it is we got this we have this that looks clean all right elastic woman get it going that's just what we needed look at that perfect swirl we have our fun bundle please work please oh please these content farms always mess me up and i just really want this to work i've seen it work on tick tock so it has to work now i just sprayed the table oopsies whoopsie daisies now do i saturate it or do i just do a little spritz like is this good the fumes where does the color go it gets bleached are you stupid yeah but what is the bleach new to the color where does the color go science while we wait for this why don't we try another hack huh wouldn't that be great oh yeah i'm gonna check out this one the girl's taking out her turtleneck goes i love this turtleneck i used to play with this turtleneck i used to have tea parties with this turtleneck read the little dinosaur with this turtleneck crash cars i'm 29 by the way i used to have so much fun with this here turtleneck but what you've grown out of it do the memories not matter to you at all okay she's gonna cut it in half we've seen this before she's gonna sew oh she's gonna make one of these cute little like shoulder tops and then the turtleneck is gonna be a crop top that's not a bad where's my turtleneck that's it this is my turtleneck i can imagine right now the memories of me and this turtleneck hey hi will you come into my van i have candy yeah sure all right pour one out for the homie gonna miss this guy there it is they call me gloom there it is boom there it is thankfully i actually really like cropped turtlenecks so if the bottom goes wrong at least i can keep the top oops you cutting the rug don't worry about it yell at me later i'm on live tv 123go is my favorite youtube channel i'm intelligent here we go i'm going to use the top parts because they look a little cleaner i'm gonna face my worst fear and safety pin these together just because i don't want to sew them my worst fear is a safety pin coming undone okay that's not cute at all but whatever if it's cute i'll get twinkie to sew it [Music] all right hide your sons i'm coming through i gotta be honest this isn't bad i kind of like it i kind of like it the safety pin here actually wasn't needed because this is so tight but the problem is is that if i want to wear this i have to sew the back because it is kind of loose because you know no turtleneck like fits you so slenderly on the bottom half but i kind of hey i kind of like it i kind of like it every so often you wade through the crap and you end up with a diamond are we going to get other diamonds the girls are talking about their accessories other girl shows up and she oh she doesn't have any accessories at all that's disgusting get her out of here or give her an elastic make her hike her shirt up that'll make her hotter huh hey i could do that with this wait why are these girls so astonished by their own idea wow we're geniuses i have an idea this is what this top looks like without being tied but hey it's 20 20. we can work with this i hope this might be actually a little bit too tight for this to be applicable but okay uh i don't think so like i think that tying it in the middle and like tucking it underneath is a way cuter look or even tying it in the middle and like keeping it visible is a cuter look i can't believe that now she's tied her shirt and hiked it up a little bit now she's allowed to take selfies with the other two friendship right it's got to be unconditional all right a girl's eating cheetos i'm like still trying to get out of here oh no she just got a text from her boyfriend she's got to get ready quick how do you get ready quick you grab your favorite jean skirt looks good with everything there's a unicorn outfit in there just don't let him know about that that's your little secret oh my goodness no she's daydreaming about how her boyfriend's gonna be like you look disgusting she doesn't want that she doesn't want true love she she just wants to look good all the time so she's taking her t-shirt putting it over her huh what you can see like the inseam here which isn't the best but i can't believe like he would judge her for wearing a normal t-shirt and like she has to wear an inside out shirt but um i'm gonna try it honey i'm ready for our date oh hey josh what put her there hey what's this oh it's flowers but uh none for you today what yeah that shirt is we're wearing the same shirt no this is white it's got a cool wrapper on it doritos cheetos or fritos there's a sprinkly i know what do you know you mind if i change in front of you okay yeah let me just i'm gonna go over here well here we go what do you mean oh my god ah okay no peeking okay [Music] joshua how's this i'm just gonna i'll just take the flowers back okay wait no let me try it again how's this yeah never mind no no wait give me one more try one more try okay fine one last time dang it this is so uncomfortable and looks so bad okay oh so this is the collar of the shirt you pull it down and then you put this on top it's not worth flowers no it's not i'll be better next time sweetie okay that was an actual workout i don't know how much more i can take it worked it actually worked a lot better than i thought it did or would when it worked so well in fact that i wish i did the back yeah after the bleach was on for a while i put it in the shower washed the bleach off as much as i could and then i put it in the washer and one two three go she just kind of sprays it with bleach and then puts it right on after as if it dries in a few minutes it doesn't work like that probably got a rash all over her body yeah don't touch bleach kids and don't smell the fumes i'm back to daytime cassie these are a lot more fun to watch than they are to do because you end up ruining a lot of your clothes and like a lot of the hacks just aren't very good and they look kind of cheap up close you know what they say like good from far but far from good that's these hacks i hope you enjoyed this video though if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 4,545,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, clothing hacks, diy, trying life hacks, testing life hacks, gloom, kassie, 123go!, howto, 123 go, 123go, craft, crafts, prank, pranks, challenge, challenges, fun, funny, friends, friendly, tutorial, how to, gloomgames, 2020, gloomykassie, kartha, gewart, do it yourself, 5-minute crafts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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