Trying DIY Clothing Hacks For Fashion Emergencies

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happy damn and I have a confession to make do you guys remember when me and as you did a bunch of those clothing hacks well I wore one of them out the other night because I need help with fashion I need all the fashion help that I can get so today we're gonna try some more fashion hacks and DIY tricks and see if any of these are wearable if I can wear them out if I can expand my wardrobe and maybe if you can try them too one two three go they are professionals at this oh is this a shoe tiny one I don't really care about shoes maybe it's cuz I'm a youtuber that I film like from here up but like every time there's a shoe hack I'm like eh oh is this just a hack of how to tie your shoes girl I know how to tie my shoes okay this is the real deal now they're chilling at a party they're gossiping they're saying stuff that they shouldn't say in fact the gossip is so bad the glass of is so nasty that mrs. green girl here spat on mrs. white girl's shirt oh so this is a how to fix a stain I have historically had very very bad luck with how to fix a stain hax hopefully this one is good what do you do I mean what I would do is I would just go change I'd be like yo can I borrow a shirt I'd ask like one of the guys can I borrow a hoodie but she's doing the old the old pants switcheroo she's putting both of her legs in one pant that's actually Hugh this girl is so deceptive because she looks so cute in everything uh okay there's nothing I hate more actually than like the Tarzan style like the whole like one-shoulder thing I don't know why I've just never liked it but this is pretty cute and I'm gonna try it and strut in and be like anyways what were you saying about that one guy who did that one thing that I did but I'm not gonna admit it Cheers okay let's give it a go let's give it a game these pants look perfect for an experiment although you have to hope that you're wearing the baggiest pants ever that you can fit both legs in and a white t-shirt to a party like you need to be really prepared I feel I think it's a little bit unnecessary for me to pour coffee on my shirt so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna like take my pants off down here don't look at a I can see it huh I can see it no you can't not on the camera I'm standing right beside you okay get away from me Wow that looks like it's difficult you look like you're difficult she's out here doing some hacker ooh no I can do that yeah I didn't know what either okay so I mean wait how are you guys able to tell that this was a pair of pants can you see this these are pants you like that hi I did this on purpose and I'm here for the party how's it going does it look like okay honestly in the comments if you if you had a party and you're like oh my gosh boom showed up she's a lot uglier in person what would you think honey how's it going yeah oh my goodness thanks for inviting me Wow she's fantastic I was thinking youthful me and a partying careful I can't hold this - well thank you thank you okay you know what it is literally 1:20 p.m. and that's like three week old wine oh and I just brushed my teeth oh thanks for inviting me hack number two don't brush your teeth before you go to a party okay the sleeves too long but maybe I could like do a little what do you think this looks like one of those like one of those bubble sleeves I think the issue with this is like if you're wearing the wrong kind of undies for it like if you decided to wear granny panties today like the back of the dress would really show that because all I see is lines duct tape it oh thank you don't tape my hair this is fashion budget what do you think do you hate it love it you like really this parts kind of weird what part the middle like the crotch line going across here cuz it kind of makes this a little baggy but that's just cuz it's not made for it but it looks nice oh thank you I mean you can't go wrong with a little black dress I feel you go to brunch with me oh she never wants to go to brunch with me so this is a good I guess I'll keep this in the going out pile Oh slow dancing when I went to middle school like we we actually like kind of weren't allowed to slow dance and we weren't allowed to do anything because if they left us to our own devices like all the girls just so like they had to make dancing rules but man oh slow dancing slow dancing when you're 14 super fun but how do you prevent a guy from stepping on your foot I'm gonna put it like a knife on the bottom of my shoe oh he's doing it okay seriously I'd be so mad nothing makes me more mad than when a guy steps on my shoe or when I'm wearing flats and the guy like steps on the back of my heel and the flat comes off like it makes me so upset she I'm ok she learned from her mistakes dance with me dance with me dance the night away Oh Frederico you're such a good dancer oh wow I love your hoodie see that's so cute are those for sale oh sorry so hey no you're never gonna Wow I'm never gonna be better you're a piece of crap well maybe if you wore a shorter skirt I wouldn't be stepping on your toes maybe if you had a brain you wouldn't be stepping on people's toes in the first place you know what what I'm gonna make it shorter for you no [Music] maybe grow some muscles for drink oh it's really actually high quality skirt you here oh how dare you that's right oh yeah should be shorter maybe next time that's so rude but I have this bottom part too oh yeah okay here let me just there's no way you're rippin that one it's super enforced okay you wanna help oh I hate when we fight even against the scissors Wow that's right this is kind of look though you're not supposed to like it Oh true what do I do oh whatever do i do what do I have in here that's not gonna work Oh cutting board I told my mom not to pack this press and seal coat we're getting there we're getting there out of battery a stapler yeah okay I'm not gonna stay for my tongue but I found it oh the skirt was so new it still owes the price tag on it screw you jerk thanks for filming me even though he stepped on my skirt and ripped it by the way yeah hey it works it works and I kind of liked this skirt too honestly I don't have time to sit in a bathroom during a party doing this especially if like the slit looks kind of cute like it seems like an epic waste of time alright let's try this baby on I mean it worked but I think I made it uh-oh negative a pocket yeah no I got a pocket cool it works would I wear it no did I ruin a perfectly good skirt yeah screw you wait what's his name screw you Frederico oh she's getting ready for another school day with her motivational sweater but what's wrong with her jeans they're way too long which is like me and every single pair of jeans because I'm a little bit on the petite side I say petite but it's actually short what her friends not gonna oh how how there's no way she would step on her own thingy why is she eating fries mixed with broccoli why is she eating a broccoli and french fries stir fry I have so many questions okay she's mad she's she's furious it's time for her to fix these jeans that are impossible to step on but she makes everything work oh oh but is that gonna look good that's not bad that's not bad at all oh she has friends because her jeans fits what a remarkable story about a girl just overcoming obstacles tripping over her own pants and then fixing them with a hair elastic it's a good thing she had pigtails that day I guess I guess let's give her a girl Oh dude these jeans Wow these hair elastics should help whoa that one just broke and I'm already in I'm in deep ok wait then you pull this down Oh [Music] someone didn't pay attention to the hack okay okay and then you go like that you look and Geney haha I don't like this it's like almost like cuffed but if your pants are this loose to begin with I think that it's just not the play and if they were any skinnier then you wouldn't be able to like roll them so many times so I'd say this was a fail but I mean it's a good thing to know I guess how to remember yeah so this next one I'm actually very very excited for because if it works that's pretty sick first let's take you through what this is this girl has somebody at her door and they're like yo you're late to this superhero party dude how is she gonna get this Superman print on this shirt this is where it gets a little crazy because like this could either work or one-two-three-go could be making a bunch of people ruin their clothes I just don't know about this but if this works then you don't need to buy my merch because I'm gonna try to make something very similar to this both colors you know story yeah this is like this is the original og merch but we decided to make it in different colors and like add this again because the og merch is like it's very iconic and it was only on sale for such a short period of time and I wanted to like bring it back but different so people can enjoy this because like last time I think was only on sale for like two weeks but anyways I digress we're gonna try this this could put me out of business look at this she's a beauty we're gonna print her out yep print it honestly know what this works I need to be like oh I don't know is that easy can I do not have a steady hand I'm amazed I can do my eyeliner so straight in the morning okay cute I mean it's not the same but it works I really hope this works because I really like the sweater it's so weird when like you're an adult and you never have to cut stuff out I'm out of my comfort zone right now sometimes you know when like people try hacks and they just like wing it well I'm not winging this one I want to see if this works what are you looking at [Music] I've never been so careful and determined in my entire life there you go little buddy another layer on top I was worried that mine has bubbles in it but hers does too so this should be okay now we're gonna cut this this is hard and it's gonna like come off all right it's like it's not super clean but this is the best I could do this is scary you guys ready whoa this thing is steaming this thing's hot I feel like this is a good way to like start a fire and you're definitely not gonna be able to wash this this reminds me of a time that I ironed one of my favorite shirts when I was little and I ruined the print by doing this exact thing because it like melted because I'm an idiot and I didn't realize you can't do that the wax paper and oh well that didn't work it melted to the dog and the parchment paper but it didn't melt to the shirt like the shirt feels like nothing even happened to it so if you want to buy one of these cute and you can actually wash it without the dog falling off Twiggy I'm gonna wash this one with you because I feel like this is something that you would have done when you were a bad little puppy so she's enjoying the company of this puppy and the dog takes a whiz on her shirt why didn't you remove him quicker she would have felt that warm that warm stream a lot sooner than she did what's the hack here what's the hack and I hope it involves taking the shirt off cuz if not I mean I don't even know what to say imagine if the hacks like take a sharpie and like make it like the yellow islands okay so she's gonna tie a scarf around the shirt and she's not gonna take the shirt off like she's gonna smell like pee okay so if this if the scarf is adding this much coverage why not just take the shirt off underneath what's wrong with her I'm soaked but I'm ready for it I'm ready to eat food covered in pee actually I learned today that peeing in the shower is really good for you because like the urea in your pee helps with the fungus on your feet that might be the grossest sentence ever uttered I've done the scarf trick before it works I don't think I'm gonna do it again and as far as leaving the pee shirt on goes I don't think that that's a good idea maybe they kept the shirt on underneath just so it could stay monetized who knows but yeah I mean that works I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know if you've ever tried like ironing a print onto your shirt and if it worked because that was a disaster for me despite my best efforts like I rewatched the video a million times and it still didn't work out for me also link will be in the description if you want to check out my I bloomed art store I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 8,368,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5-minute crafts, do it yourself, 123 go, life hacks, diy projects, 5 minute crafts, diy activities, life hacks for kids, i tried crazy life hacks, see if they actually work, gloom, gloomgames, testing hacks, troom, pranks, gloom tries, trying diwhys, awful life hacks, trying lifehacks, dumbest life hacks, parody, satire, 2019, how to, clothing hacks
Id: kP-vvnPwieg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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