I Tested Hacks To Be Popular at School

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hey guys check out my nerd costume do i look nerdy you look pretty nerdy i don't see the kind of girl who dresses like this to be someone people would make fun of these days it's not like you read what an it get a load of this guy let's greet this guy he reads like you know those like letters where they put them together and they're like oh wait this isn't a book yeah losers anyways the reason why i'm dressed up like this is because one two three go made the coolest hacks to become popular at school perhaps not the most applicable thing for me that being said no matter what age you are you always want people to like you you always want to have a good group of friends you don't just like grow up one day and go i don't need anybody anymore i'm alone like that just never happens we're very social so maybe just maybe i can learn a tip or two here maybe i can stop dressing like this turtleneck glasses head ass and i can just be the woman i was supposed to be here we have the biggest stupid nerd i've ever seen so nerdy oh oh okay so why is it nerdy to need glasses why why is it nerdy to not have perfect vision i do not have perfect vision terry gave me my glasses this morning and he like tried them on and to try to make a joke and he was like oh that's awful why is that nerd that's like why would that be nerdy you can't control that i didn't choose this okay nobody did but anyway she's throwing her clothes off throwing her glasses off letting her hair down this is a video that's gonna teach you how to be cool this is the video that's going to teach people how to like you how to manipulate people she's cute now she's hot now oh no this girl next to her doesn't have air pods she doesn't have airpods i'm a nerdy and even i have air pods what is going on here yeah me and her i bet she'd want to hang out with me as long as i got rid of my glasses so what's the hack the hack is no okay i can't why would you do that just to fit in then you'd have to walk around like pretending that you can hear your music even though it's just like regular headphones that you cut the cord off of this is the worst thing i've ever seen there has to be a better way i think that somebody who has airpods they see this little silver bit on the bottom here and imagine if somebody caught you and then they like ripped your airpod out and listened and it was like listening to a seashell by the ocean like i just can't see or hear anything what a mess i i'm sorry i'm fl i'm flustered that's ridiculous is there no real hack she's hiding her old cord and walking away that's the hack okay if my kid came home from school they mutilated their headphones just to fit in i would be so sad like why is this girl mad that she has air pods like it's my thing okay when i was in grade school i wore roxy and i thought it was my thing can you imagine how cringy that is like i was like roxy's my thing my brand i can't believe how humiliating i was when i was a kid the girl who cuts her cords she really really wants to fit in as you can see she's learning how to do eye shadow and she sees a fellow friend who really really needs the help she can't go to school like that her hair up in a comfortable bun the people laughing at her making fun of her her crying with her fake glasses without lenses she doesn't even want to imagine it she's way too good of a friend so she's like listen girl i am going to help you out this is it we're doing it you're going to let that hair down the boys don't like when your hair is in a bun okay the boys like when your hair is down so we're down i'm going to take some markers and some cream don't do it why is this girl cutting the tips off of everything hide your tips this girl's gonna come through with scissors she's just the tips of your hair the tips of your nails the tips of your hair pot the tips of your headphones tips your markers your boyfriend's tip nothing's safe oh they put a disclaimer this activity is performed by actors in a controlled environment please use caution if you plan to replicate well guess what i do plan to replicate blowing the ink out of the marker mixing it with some cream and making makeshift hair dye you have to be kidding me so she smears this homemade hair dye all over put some tinfoil around it you're gonna love this when she takes the tinfoil off it reveals perfectly dry not creamy like these are obviously extensions you're lying to the public i'm gonna dye my hair now i have to people need to like me i'm not doing this whole marker thing like i just can't so we're gonna like do the same color she did little purple little green because i don't want to wait a year for it to dry and i just want to like look presentable don't you love that sound i'm getting a full makeover terry i'm gonna be really popular after this so i hope you don't get jealous because the guys are coming after this like they are coming okay dye my hair how spray it like what kind of pattern just like streaks like this girl has even though she's wearing extensions i'm going all the way the goal here is to truly try as many of these hacks as i can and see how cool i look at the end maybe even have a vote we have to pick up my dad from the hospital tomorrow i'm gonna show up with pink streaks great yeah he's gonna be like wow wish i was staying here oh my gosh you have to aim whoa whoa whoa whoa sorry that's just it was just really cold is that pink my thumb's pink are you cool now no i need other colors is it supposed to be gobby like that yeah but i don't like how you're dying my engagement ring i always wanted it to be pink i didn't here comes the green whoa it's really ugly green that's hideous what is this extremely flammable great perfect let's get it in i just showered today like look how silky my hair is and it's ruined this is why i don't like dye my hair weird colors like i always try to keep a color that can happen in nature because like i just feel like on me this looks really cheap even when it's done like really well [Music] that works better well that's way better okay do the other side again we'll be right back here we are girls we are whipping our glasses off what else are we doing this girl's like girl change that outfit is horrendous let me help you out you need to wear the right clothes have the right hair not wear glasses to fit in at this school didn't you know that don't you want to fit in here doesn't this just sound like the kind of people that you really want to be around she just makes her take the cardigan off and wear oh makes her unbutton okay okay that's good this is not pretty i feel so try hard right now like imagine being so comfy and feeling so try hard now she's going to school yes yes get in there get your boyfriend make your friends get invited to the ice cream social that's what we're doing here today all right what's next okay this is the stupidest thing i've ever seen in my entire i'm so sorry like that that's toxic not to be cynical i hate when people are cynical and i try so hard not to be but this is a video about school hacks and he can't lift up a 16 pound kettlebell really unfortunate i could have done that when i was 10. if you can't lift up a kettlebell of this size and you're a man of that size like i think that you need to see a doctor but the girl comes through she lifts it up really easily because it's 16 pounds and he goes how am i gonna look strong how am i gonna be popular how am i gonna get the girl of my dreams and so he cuts out a piece of styrofoam he sends it he stabs a hole out of the middle with an exacto knife he spray-paints them these brave bits and then he puts a hole in the stick in the middle and he brings them to the school gym you wouldn't be allowed to if you showed up to the school gym with your own dumbbells they'd be like where did that come from imagine if somebody else lifted it and also you can tell that he's not actually lifting because he has zero pump going on his biceps aren't doing anything you would see strain if he was lifting something this heavy and then she fell in love with him based on a lie my okay you don't want a showboat that much she's like yeah yeah take me home take me home you want to get out of here meanwhile spaghetti arms over here isn't gonna get any bigger hey she caught his lie there is justice in this world what happens when she asks him to pass the bag of rice he goes oh you're lying to me this whole time okay so nerdy mcfart here just shows up to a party he really wants to make a name for himself among this group of people how did he show up to this party of people who don't even know him i don't know but then again when i was in high school and i threw parties people who i didn't know showed up and i hated it but it's just what people do for some reason this guy he heard about the party he shows up people are like oh get away from me look over there oh sneaking away and he goes i want to talk to her i like her curly hair and she is just so shallow such a terrible person that she doesn't even want anything to do with him so what does he do what do you do in this situation you notice that the guy with the tattoos he's really pulling the chicks you notice the cool kids magazine on the table boys magazine boys magazine terry oh that's the coolest bro that is the coolest magazine if i've ever seen that's the magazine that you got such a washed out encased in boys the collector's edition of boys magazine there are some temporary tattoos this guy goes whoa that's sick this other guy had tattoos i'm gonna put these temporary tattoos absolutely everywhere the problem with temporary tattoos is as you can see here i'm cool so i have a tattoo it's black and gray however it's not natural black like a tattoo is because there are three layers of skin grown on top of it i can always tell when i'm looking at a temporary tattoo because they're glossy they're shiny and they just don't look like a real tattoo if these girls at this party actually like tattoos they're gonna know that this guy's faking it but he's going for it he's testing it out he's putting these sugar skulls everywhere doesn't know the meaning of them if somebody goes hey what does your tattoo mean he's gonna be like oh got it for my uh grandma and he's just gonna hope for the best hope that you don't meet anybody there that knows something about it somebody that goes what is that like traditional is that neo-traditional oh it's just a tattoo i don't know it's called voice boy's tattoo you know from boys magazine so this guy comes in with the tattoos he fixes his hair which he definitely could have done that before he got rid of the glasses he could have done that before oh my goodness he's wearing a wanted shirt oh that is so bad but hey he looks cool and he steals the girls from that old washed up guy he wins this guy wishes he had a tattoo and he's patting him on the back i'll be right back and when i get back i'm going to be so freaking cool radical do i look like somebody who doesn't read books did i just draw all over myself with marker that i'm not sure is permanent um for this yes i did i also put on a toque for a full effect i kind of want sleeves now but i don't feel any cooler this last one is the creme de la creme okay nerdy boy nerd face is riding his bike to school trying to wave to everybody everyone's like get the heck out of the way nobody likes you get out of the way for the coolest girl here she rides a motorbike that's already parked which is very strange but yeah she's taken off her helmet having the classic typical moment but you know what she worked hard for this motorcycle and she kind of feels bad for the nerdy guy that everybody's laughing at so she comes up with an idea she whispers in his ear and goes listen next time you have to go to school why don't you sit in my little back seat you'll look really really tough there honestly if this happened at my school i feel like the mean kids would be like this girl just totally feels bad for him and that's why she's doing this and it would make it worse if only people were as stupid as the idiots and like that or mean at this school oh when they're walking in together yeah the intentions are good but at the same time she's doing it solely because she feels bad for him and that's kind of sad i really feel like one time somebody did something like that for me like a sympathy move and it kind of made me feel just as bad as everything else because it was a pity move like it wasn't a genuine move and i don't see how that's a hack to make people like you like run into somebody who has a motorcycle who feels sorry for you that just doesn't happen to most people i digress i'm not feeling too cool i don't know i feel like i need like more piercings i feel like i need more boy magazine but it was fun to try these hacks nonetheless let me know what you guys think of my tattoo this one's creepy and look how dark they are compared to like my tattoo right kind of makes mine look like super rusty i hope that you guys enjoyed this video though if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 3,600,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloomykassie, clothing hacks, 123 go, 5-minute crafts, do it yourself, life hacks, diy projects, 5 minute crafts, diy activities, life hacks for kids, i tried crazy life hacks, see if they actually work, gloom, gloomgames, testing hacks, troom, pranks, gloom tries, trying diwhys, awful life hacks, trying lifehacks, dumbest life hacks, parody, satire, how to, 2020, clothes hacks, hacks to be cool, cool, cool hacks, how to be popular, popular hacks
Id: WGqU-85Dink
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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