I tried embarrassing DIY clothing hacks by 123 Go

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happy damn and from the people who brought you help my bras fallen off and now I can finally dance and I keep dropping my phone in the tub and ilish is what I need this is clothing hacks by one two three oh-kay this thumbnails too intriguing I need to see what's going on here wallet eat NATPE i want to see every wrinkle so the teachers like and that my friends is chemistry and this girl's like but i have a question what is photo said this wait biology I need to know I'm gonna stand up cuz I need to know oh crap my bra fell off again and the boys are seeing it and the teachers giving me a creepy look where she's kind of flirting I don't know about you but like that face right there okay that's not the face you make when you're freaked out the old this teacher was later arrested the guy behind her is just completely shocked how scandalous how is she ever going to live this down she's cancelled you can't do these kinds of things in school what do you think you are okay so she takes her strap from her bra flings it in there dings it in there whoo-hoo and now it's gonna hold her up that's great perfect why not just buy a strapless bra that fits this is what I do cuz I have a better hat you buy a strapless bra with like wait how does this thing hold a sofa it's got like this adhesive like kind of glue here that sticks to your skin so it can't go down we've been knew that a lot of strapless bras have that we know it's not anything new however so I'm a 34 waist but I buy a 30 because I want it to be so tight that it gives me the worst anxiety I've ever had in my entire life but my bra isn't going anywhere so every time I'm wearing anything strapless you rest assured I look like I'm gonna have a heart attack and very stressed but none of that is because my bra is gonna fall off this thing expects my back to be this big girl like this is like two arms actually maybe it's promote for because even if I did that stupid bra thing that they showed me if it wants to fall down it's gonna fall down you need the adhesive and you need it to be way too tight so tight that it hurts oh my goodness is that Jackson over there Jackson Hey oh no this again yeah I get it it's cold in here oh but wait I have a hack you're ready for a quick fix that'll blow your mind bro that's way too tight Titus setting if you have a boyfriend tell him good luck getting this baby off okay I can't breathe hey Jackson I can't talk to you outta I can't cuz wearing my shirt back it's a clothing hack to fix it you know spin it the right way all right so this girl right here she's got a cardigan as a gift from her boyfriend who is way too supportive and she doesn't believe him like if you're way too supportive as a boyfriend like they're not gonna believe it you got to save it okay you got to make him a little bit insecure than be like you a guy today no I'm just kidding don't do that please do not do that I'll die she got this cardigan as a gift but she's the most ungrateful idiot in the entire world so she's like you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take this brand-new cardigan lay it out here in true hacks fashion cut her in half cuz why not like we're not sewing this after so it's just it's gonna do that thing that rolling up thing that things do when you cut them and now can you believe she has a cute adorable new outfit now in her defense she did take an old school you know like a 2006 kind of cardigan and she made it very cute 20:19 not 2020 let's not get way too ahead of ourselves my issue is I used to have a ton of these but I hate them now so I don't really have a cardigan like this however I have something a little bit so like we're gonna try and see if this hack would work for any old cardigan this is basically any old cardigan like it does button up but it's kind of a guy cardigan but we'll see if it works as a tube top the buttons are really cute filling cute I'm gonna cut it and then regret it instead of like think about it and not cut it the cardigan has been laid down so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna take the doggie bag out of the pocket because this cardigan has seen some somewheres it's lived a good life and I'm just realizing right now that my chest is gonna have two pockets on it which is like kind of awkward but not really feeling to belong show us that day I can put like socks in each goodness is hard that's my favorite cardigan yeah but like we're not really cardigan people are we plus summer is coming up that means no cardies except for the B variety yeah I guess you really want to make sure that it's the type of material that can survive being cut or you have to buy really expensive scissors when I got into sewing for a while like I realize that I have to spend like $80 on like fabric scissors otherwise they just wouldn't cut it flutter all right hey this is almost a cut Megan Fox is clean there we go now okay so I can tell by looking at it that this isn't my size I'm gonna have to like tie in the back I'll be right back with my new outfit ladies and [Music] okay sorry you can see my strap but like I want to be able to breathe this video so I tucked it I I flipped it upside down because this part just looks like not good it kind of reminds me of a tube top to like have the bottom part of here but the failing factor that this tube top suffers from is similar to what the girls in the video suffers from and that is these little holes here like I feel like it looks very cheap and like it doesn't fit if it looks like it's like stretched too tight I also have a camel hump from tying it you know I could sew it if I really liked it I mean it's kind of cute like I'm kind of looking for it actually what do you think in the comments you like it like should I actually like invest some time into this also the pockets are upside down so the pockets don't work anymore this is how be waiting in line my ears are gold me right now yeah yeah you can like see through it like if you're standing beside me you can see in my shirt yeah keep everybody on your right when I meet people hey friends on this side beauties on that side it's kind of cute though let's see what's up next basically her boyfriend is showering so she goes in steals one of his purple t-shirts and goes oh that's so cute I think I just had an idea did you love having a dance so she sneaks away with her little idea oh the shirt is way too big for her and she's just not really a loose shirt kind of girl she's more like me like she needs to be kind of like it in something revealing to feel good so she talks in the front a nice cute French talk very becoming this is like an episode of queer I like yes but then she takes her bra strap and rolls that up as if this looks better this does not look better what is she no girl you look like a gym rat you look like you're about to like bench 200 pounds it looks so much cuter with the sleeves I don't like no even with a necklace I just can't I can't with that there's something so caring about it this is the shirt equivalent of a visor like you know visors that like Karen's wear in the Sun like it's like their head showing but like the visors just like you're walking around and they're like hey I have rights and privileges like no I just can't with that but I'm gonna try it okay so this is one of Terry's cute t-shirts as you can tell he has like way better style than me and just way more freedom like if I was a guy a dress so cool like you'd have to watch out lazy okay so I'm gonna do a little French stuff hey it doesn't work with like the pink on the bottom no but seriously though if I was a guy like oh my goodness you guys would be lining up laughs no no I'm just cool my problem with if I was a guy is in order to have like the look that I wanted I have to be really tall really skinny and like kind of like just a little bit muscular like that takes a lot of work no one's got that kind of time yeah got the rights and privileges sleep perfect this definitely looks like it's only an issue if it inconveniences me personally yeah that's what that looks like I look like a building block I look like Pandora's box but you open it it's just a fart look at her she's just here for the summer she feels the earth move this girl asks for a fork at Asian restaurants and then gets really upset when they don't have one and uses her hands this way the girl who wears this brings her kid to restaurants and lets the kid throw up everywhere she goes all you need to puke here the bowl from another table use this I don't know I just think it like first of all it's really uncomfortable my bras not doing what it's supposed to holding my shirt and my chest up I just don't like it let's have like an honest conversation what looks more ridiculous like I just feel like this is you and this is like oh she's trying I don't like it and there's no way I'm accessorizing that garbage okay so this is really interesting because it's a shoe hack haven't seen a shoe hack in a while I have shoes I don't know a few shoes but I have shoes so this guy's like tying his shoe and he's like you know what this whole bunny ears thing like I'm so sick of that I want something cool I want to look edge I want my Air Force Ones to be like bedazzled but I'm not artistic so I want my laces to be bedazzled it's okay so this is what you do you take a shoelace and then you wrap it around like so and then you put it through and then I mean that looks easy I can do that I mean you're gonna look like you're ten years old yeah for sure but the end makes it look a little bit less like you're ten years old because you put it through again on each side to connect them and then you have like this cute little thing that you can pull back and forth I still think it looks very like elementary though but we can try it out these are my favorite shoes right now I really wanted to buy as some Yeezys but they were sold out so this is the closest thing I got and I hate them compared to the easiest I wanted whatever my socks doing that thing or like the heels look like old too and it's like please don't know we invited you oh there's a hair here too terry has inform you that this is a double fisherman's knot oh I need longer laces so these are Terry shoes these are like his little Nikes that he custom-made in that adorable guys in their shoes am i right can't stand them hate him he smells to me was okay go quick now me and the audience are bored Terry hurry up oh are you oh how cute you think these people I feel like you have to have liked those round laces yes I have for it to work look at the platform on the youth Oh like you're like I'm wearing runners and just a couple inches taller for the reason I lean quickly can they catch wink to things yeah to do loop-de-loops I'm in each other yeah and now you are officially tied six years old it works I just hate how it looks I don't really know fashion that well maybe hide it with this drab yeah I'd do it you can hide it perfect our girl here her boyfriend won't wake up throws a pair of sweats at her face and you know what happens when she gets wrong she takes scissors and she cuts everything apart she's not just making a cute pair of shorts with these sweats I mean she's sewing I don't have a sewing machine so I'm gonna have to see what I can do gonna have to do a DIY who has like big to top elastics laying around not me she is making a full-on bonafide gorgeous stunning perfectly appropriate outfit yeah perfect it seems like she's wearing her little strapless and it's tied up real tight I'm gonna try it all right so check out these sweats oh not again come on Cass you go back anyways these sweats are one of my favorite pairs of sweats actually these are by cloak so that's like markiplier and jacksepticeye brand very very comfortable however um a bit of a hole in the back what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sacrifice these to the gods and then I'm going to buy a new pair because cloak comfy thanks for sending me free stuff I'd really like some more please please message jack and mark and tell them I want more yeah they're great they fit perfect like they look cute do you think yeah are you gonna cut them up yeah yeah okay so this is a bit because these sweatpants are like absolutely stunning like they keep their shape like they're just they're so freakin nice but here we go oh and this is definitely the type of material that is easy to cut and then I'm gonna make the pant legs into a table yeah yeah this is actually really sad because like even though there's a big hole in the butt I wear these pants quite often I wear them when people are over and there has been a time where I was like getting ready like facing my back to everybody and Terry had to like come up and whisper in my ear that people could see my butt crack it's kind of funny I mean it was funny after it wasn't funny at the time I was quite trauma these are my new shorts they kinda look like biker shorts hey but like a bit loose and then this is going to become what this even cover my shame cutting off the little ankle cuff because the video told me to and then I cut down this is sewing for idiots I considered actually buying a sewing machine for this video but then I didn't know if I'd ever use it again I didn't want to like piss money away now this is gonna take a series of tries where I'm trying it on and then gluing it and then trying it on and then gluing it and like hoping I have something cute in the end wow it's cute it's fresh she's just here for this summer because I don't have a sewing machine I had to tuck this into the bottom of my bra so yeah but other than that this is really comfy because of cloak I don't know I think the shorts are pre cute I don't know about all this but like this I feel this is something I'd take to a seamstress and be like yo will you like fix it up I kind of like it you like it yeah this is like something you'd pay like money for at fashion OVA you can just make it yourself with some sweats I smell on you this is my like at home uniform this right here this is cloak Attis I mean you could say at its best or at its worst either way works but hey it's comfy although like I glued this down because I thought that it'd look cute but I don't know if it looks cute or if it looks like an accident anyways I feel like that's enough hacks for one day I watched a few others and it was just like if your t-shirts lose tight and an elastic and then pull it up and we've been you like we've done that before I feel like all of us have done that without being taught that it was a hack you know I hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you get push notifications and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 4,286,180
Rating: 4.9405251 out of 5
Keywords: bra hacks, clothing diy, gloomykassie, 123 go, awful diys, clothing hacks, trying lifehacks, diwhy, trying diwhys, reddit, funny, silly, instagram life hacks, awful life hacks, dumbest life hacks, trying, gloom tries, gloom, gloomgames, kassie, troom troom, 2020, how to, Life hacks, awful hacks
Id: sH7vRB_VmeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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